Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 113 Infiltration

Hearing the prince's merciless questioning, Xiao Mengmeng could only nod in embarrassment, and really didn't know what to say.

On the surface, the prince glanced at Xiao Mengmeng very annoyed, expressing his dissatisfaction strongly.But my heart is full of joy, whether it is true or not, in short, I have forgotten myself and Xiaobai and Xiaohei, the three important people who can completely reverse the situation.

And there was no mention of 'Sirius' at all, which meant that either Xiao Mengmeng didn't care about these people at all, and didn't send a master to find out.Or it means that the strength of the people sent to monitor is too weak, and they didn't see the extraordinary strength of 'Sirius' at all.

Regardless of the reason, it is absolutely good news for the prince.

"Then when will you trade?" the prince asked.

Xiao Mengmeng made a bitter face, "It was originally scheduled to be tonight, but my fourth brother is so busy that he has no time to help me. I just contacted you, and I will arrange some other personnel. I'm afraid it's really too late at night, or I can talk to the Qin family in Binhai and change it to tomorrow night."

The prince frowned.

Feng Yuehong also frowned at the side, hesitated and said, "Is this okay? The Xiao family is still a big family, so it should be something that can't be said? Is this not good?"

The prince looked at Feng Yuehong, then at Xiao Mengmeng, at this moment he really didn't know what to say.

Xiao Mengmeng sighed, "I can't help it, the current situation has to be like this. I just found out yesterday that the Lin family where Lin Qifeng you beat up last time is not sure what's going on. The domain will attack our Xiao family in an all-round way."

"Yesterday, Lin Zhiruo, the eldest lady of the Lin family, led someone to sweep all of my fourth brother's place. Now it's all right. Originally, my fourth brother could help me, but now he has no energy."

"I was puzzled. Originally, my second and fourth brothers were able to help me, but now it's all over, and they are all locked in by the Lin family. And my eldest brother and third brother, because of their positions, can't do anything at all. .Now I can only rely on you." Xiao Mengmeng looked at the prince pleadingly, and said aggrievedly.

The prince nodded, turned his eyes, and then asked, "By the way, if your Xiao family is completely unmanned, then rely on me. I'm afraid it's really impossible, right? Is there really no backup?"

Xiao Mengmeng shook her head slightly, "I don't know about that. By the way, don't you still have friends in Jinghua? Can you ask them to help?"

The prince shook his head decisively, "My number of friends is limited, it is impossible to have many people in Jinghua. According to what you said before, this transaction is very important to your Xiao family, so I believe that even if you are now The Lin family is entangled, but it's about this transaction, I believe your old man of the Xiao family should have already made arrangements in his heart."

"You can't have ### and the fourth child out of your Xiao family, so you don't have any other power."

Feng Yuehong nodded, glanced at the prince with approval, then turned to look at Xiao Mengmeng, "Mengmeng, the villain is right about this matter, you'd better talk to Grandpa Xiao first, and see his old man What is the opinion."

After hearing this, the prince almost killed himself by finding a piece of tofu.

"Sister Hong, why do you call me a big villain? Am I really bad? I don't seem to be bullying you?" The prince said with a bitter face.

Feng Yuehong almost didn't run away, and stared at the prince angrily, "What do you mean you didn't bully me? Did you forget everything you did that night?"

"Although my husband left unexpectedly just a few days after I registered, I am still a married woman at least. You are lucky to face me frivolously in front of so many people. You are simply pushing me into the fire pit ,Do you understand?"

"Fortunately, in today's society, if this was still in ancient times, I would have been paraded through the streets by now."

As soon as the prince thought about what happened that night, he felt Feng Yuehong's sweet lips, smirked and stuck out his tongue and licked his lips again, seeing that Feng Yuehong almost took off his high heels and smashed it on his head.

"Hush~" Xiao Mengmeng used her hands to measure a movement of silence, "I want to call grandpa, so don't talk yet."

The two signaled and fell silent.

"Hello, grandpa, I'm Mengmeng." Xiao Mengmeng said in a low voice and respectful, she couldn't see the domineering and domineering when she was with the prince at all.

"Oh, Mengmeng, what's the matter?" Mr. Xiao's voice came faintly.

Although it didn't sound very real, but with that rough and majestic voice, the prince could easily judge the character of the old man of the Xiao family.After all, after many years of being in the top position, some things will be slowly developed over time.

"Grandpa, it's like this," Xiao Mengmeng said cautiously, "The Qin family in Binhai called a few days ago and wanted to make a deal with me."

"I didn't know about these things that happened at home and at the Lin family, so I set the time on my own. When I contacted the fourth brother later, I found out that he is also being entangled by Lin Zhiruo now. And the second brother must also be entangled now. I put all my energy into the fight with the Lin family, so I want to ask you, what should I do?"

Mr. Lin was silent for a while, "You mean, you have already set the time yourself?"

"En", Xiao Mengmeng replied in a low voice.

"Hey", Mr. Xiao's long sigh came from the phone, "Mengmeng, what should I say about you? Why don't you ask your family about such a big matter?"

Xiao Mengmeng was very aggrieved, and the tears in her eyes kept rolling, but she tried her best not to shed them. "Grandpa, I really don't know about the Lin family's affairs, and the family never tells me about such things. I thought that there was no big problem at home, and the second and fourth brothers could help me with all their strength, so I did this. If If I had known about that earlier, I would definitely not have made a claim."

There was silence on the phone, and it was a long time before Mr. Xiao's voice came, "What time did you set?"

"It was originally scheduled for tonight, but considering the situation at home, I changed it to tomorrow night." Xiao Mengmeng said worriedly.

"Hey, the people of the Xiao family have to do what they say, and change what they say. Wouldn't it make others laugh? I thought our Xiao family was already afraid when we encountered some small things now, and we no longer have the strength." Xiao The old man said in a deep voice.

"But since you have changed the time on your own initiative, then follow the time after you changed it. Tomorrow night is tomorrow night. This matter should end sooner."

Xiao Mengmeng glanced at the prince opposite, hesitated for a moment, "Oh, Grandpa, I'm afraid that the second brother and the fourth brother won't be able to spare manpower, so I just..."

At this moment, the prince shook his head slightly, signaling Xiao Mengmeng not to speak out.

"Just kidding, our Xiao family, apart from ### and the fourth child, don't we have any power? Is it just a paper tiger? It's really interesting, you can think of this aspect." Mr. Xiao was all overwhelmed. What Xiao Mengmeng said was amused.

"But what did you want to say just now?"

Xiao Mengmeng hurriedly said, "Oh, no, I didn't want to say anything. I just wanted to ask Grandpa about the personnel arrangement for tomorrow night."

"Well, if you still know how to ask me, you have grown up if you didn't go there foolishly."

Xiao Mengmeng rolled her eyes and almost fainted.Although I am a little inexperienced, I am not stupid.I go there by myself?Anyway, that contract is still in Xiao's house. I didn't take the contract in the past, so what's the point?

But Feng Yuehong and Wang Zi on the side covered their mouths and almost didn't laugh out loud.

Xiao Mengmeng gave the two of them a hard look, but she didn't dare to say anything.

"Grandpa, it's actually like this. For tomorrow's deal, I also asked a friend to help me. Can he come with you?" Xiao Mengmeng asked in a low voice.

For the first time, Mr. Xiao frowned.

After thinking for a long time, I slowly agreed.

"You agreed? That's great. By the way, Grandpa, when will the person you arranged contact me?" Xiao Mengmeng asked again.

"Don't worry, I will contact you tomorrow morning." After finishing speaking, Mr. Xiao hung up the phone.

Xiao Mengmeng let out a long breath at this time, and patted her majestic chest, "It's great, the phone call is finally over, and grandpa didn't scold me."

"I said, your request is too low, isn't it? If the old man doesn't scold you, it's your request standard?" The prince joked.

"Hmph, that's pretty good." Xiao Mengmeng curled her lips proudly, "If you don't believe me, ask Sister Hong, which one of my elder brothers is not frightened when they talk to my grandpa? Grandpa is pampering me, otherwise I don't dare to speak, every time I see the old man, I don't dare to make a sound."

Feng Yuehong nodded in agreement.

Xiao Mengmeng then pouted again, "You don't know, my grandpa has always felt that our Xiao family and our generation don't have any outstanding successors at all, so every time he sees us, he feels bad."

The prince smiled helplessly, why didn't any of the elders in Jinghua take good care of his grandson?This is the case with Mr. Lin, and it is the same with Mr. Xiao's family now.

Although I thought so in my heart, I couldn't say it out of my mouth, otherwise it would definitely be revealed.But thinking of this, it would be a pity if we didn't take the opportunity to inquire about the information.

"By the way, I heard that the four elder brothers of your Xiao family are all excellent. Why is there no suitable successor?" The prince began to ask.

Xiao Mengmeng sighed softly, "My elder brother is in the military area, but he rarely comes home. He is also an upright person, and rarely uses his authority to do things for the family. It is for the national interest to keep his mouth shut, and everyone in the family is training him for nothing. gone."

"Second brother, it is rumored that they are all business geniuses. But you have to know that everyone's foundation is different. The strong foundation of the Xiao family is here, and the connections are here. As long as you are not a fool, you can basically succeed. .”

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