Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 116 Lin Zhiruo

"Are you the prince my grandfather and my father spoke of?"

The visitor simply found a sofa by himself and lay down in the most comfortable position.The following beautiful attendants quickly took out a series of fruit plates from their backpacks and put them on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

The visitor casually picked up a grape and threw it into his mouth, spitting out the skin while asking questions vaguely.

The prince was at a loss and looked at the person opposite, or it would be more appropriate to say that it was a beautiful woman.It's just that the prince has never seen such a fierce beauty.

In his impression, Qin Yajing was already the most aggressive woman he had ever met, but he didn't expect to meet another woman today. If Qin Yajing was compared with this, she would be a child in kindergarten.

The prince glanced at Xiaobai and Xiaohe next to him through the gap, and found that the expressions of the two of them were also particularly ugly, as if they had eaten flies, and they were so green.

Immediately, a flash of light came to his mind, and he suddenly discovered a very important question, and then the prince's eyes narrowed slowly.

"When you ask someone something, out of politeness, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?" The prince slowly recovered, and slowly leaned back on the sofa.Then he lit a cigarette for himself and exhaled the smoke ring.

"You'd better answer my question first, are you that damned prince? If so, you'd better admit it sooner." The visitor said viciously, as if the prince had committed some heinous crime to the Lin family.

The prince frowned, "Yes, I am the prince, I wonder if you are satisfied now?"

After hearing what the prince said, the visitor raised his eyebrows and nodded, "It seems that I have found the right person. I am Lin Zhiruo."

"Lin Zhiruo?" the prince repeated, and then looked at Xiaobai and Xiaohei in a daze, "Who is Lin Zhiruo? I seem to have heard of it, but I can't remember it."

Lin Zhiruo sneered a few times, "I can't remember it so soon? Let me remind you, my father is Lin Youtian."

Hearing Lin Zhiruo's words, the prince was stunned for a moment, then Gao Er jumped up from the sofa, looked at Lin Zhiruo in shock, "You, you are Lin Zhiruo?"

Seeing the prince's expression and movements, Lin Zhiruo smiled with satisfaction, "It's true, my future husband."

The beauties behind Lin Zhiruo stared at the prince with cold faces, as if the prince was not Lin Zhiruo's future husband, but their future husband.

The prince scratched his head in embarrassment, "This, you know?"

Lin Zhiruo sneered, "If I don't know, can I still say what I just said?"

The prince really didn't know what to say, so he could only smile foolishly, "Miss Lin, you should know this, this idea has nothing to do with me, it was your grandfather's idea, and then your father even agreed, you should Got it, right?"

Lin Zhiruo nodded, and said crisply, "That's right, what you said is absolutely right. It was indeed my grandfather's idea and my father's approval, so I have already looked for them."

The prince asked inexplicably, "Have you looked for them?"

Lin Zhiruo threw another grape into her mouth, shrugged, "That's right, I've already looked for them."

"The old man and the old man have already admitted their mistakes like me, it's that simple." Lin Zhiruo said casually.

The prince almost choked.The two old foxes of the Lin family, who had dealt with each other in person, were forced to apologize by this pretty girl in front of them. They couldn't say that those two were too weak, but that the big beauty in front of them was too strong. up.

The prince thought about this cooperation, and asked tentatively, "The result is..."

"Don't worry, since you have reached a cooperation agreement with them, of course we will abide by it. Since our old man has already negotiated with you, then I have no reason to refuse now."

When the prince heard this, the stone hanging in his heart suddenly fell down.

"However, if I'm not very satisfied with you, I still hope that you can take the initiative to propose a marriage contract with my grandfather. In that case, it won't tear up the final face, will it?" Lin Zhiruo said in a very queenly manner.

The prince smiled, "The things you said are all for later. I think we should settle the matter in front of us first, and the rest will be easily solved."

Lin Zhiruo also nodded noncommittally to the prince's words.

"You are so courageous that you can even plot against the Xiao family."

The prince smiled wryly, "No way, this matter wasn't so complicated at all in the beginning, who would have known that the naked woman in front of me turned out to be the emperor's wife after taking off every piece of clothes, what nonsense I don't want to either."

After hearing the prince's analogy, even Lin Zhiruo was stunned for several seconds, not to mention the few followers she brought.

"Ahem," Lin Zhiruo expressed her dissatisfaction unnaturally, "I'm not talking about the Xiao family, the Xiao family is nothing in my eyes. If Mr. Xiao's current position is not very special, the Xiao family must not It will be to the extent it is now.”

Hearing Lin Zhiruo's words, the prince was confused, blinked his eyes, and looked at Lin Zhiruo very puzzled.

Lin Zhiruo ate another grape leisurely, "Obviously, if Mr. Xiao hadn't sat in that position, how could the second generation of the Xiao family get along so well? But even so, the third generation of the Xiao family It's even worse."

"The boss is in the special forces of the military region, but he doesn't have the masculinity at all. For the family's struggle this time, I resolutely gave up my status as a marine in the military region, and brought a group of sisters back home to help. The boss of the Xiao family Well, he only knows that if he stays in the military region, the Xiao family will probably perish, so he won’t raise his eyebrows. Thanks to Mr. Xiao’s desperate rescue many years ago.”

"###, with so many resources of the Xiao family in your hands, isn't it that our Lin family suppressed it overnight in their best shopping mall?"

"The fourth one is a gangster, and our sisters wiped out all the venues in a day, and he still has the face to say that the underground world of Jinghua City is No. 1, I am!"

The prince was still a little shocked. Isn't the woman in front of him a little too tough?Behaving like a man is called a strong woman. If this speech is as tough as a man, is it called a female tyrannosaurus?

"However, when I said you were brave, I didn't mean the Xiao family. It was because you dared to plot against our Lin family. I really underestimated you." Lin Zhiruo squinted her eyes and closed the prince's eyes. .

The prince didn't care much about Lin Zhiruo's eyes, "Fortunately, after all, I had a conflict with Lin Qifeng at that time, so I had the opportunity to hit it off with Mr. Xiao, otherwise I'm afraid I would find another family."

"Don't mention that trash Lin Qifeng to me, he can do anything besides chasing women all day long."

The prince was taken aback, "Don't you like him very much? He is your brother."

"My brother?" Lin Zhiruo snorted and smiled, "Remember, I only have two brothers, and they are my two real brothers. You better not have anything to do with me for the rest of the Lin family."

The prince nodded indifferently, "Can we talk about tomorrow night?"

"It's nothing to talk about. As long as I'm here, no matter what kind of arrangements the Xiao family has made or what kind of ambushes they have carried out before, it won't work, so we'll talk about this matter later." Lin Zhiruo said the same, Also said indifferently.

The prince frowned, "This matter should be regarded as the basis of our cooperation, it's best not to be careless."

"Don't worry, I won't be careless. I just want to know why you agreed when my grandfather arranged this marriage?" Lin Zhiruo asked with great interest at this time.

"You haven't met me yet, so you're not afraid that I'm an ugly monster? A fat woman?"

"Although I understand what my grandfather means, I hope you can lead the Lin family to continue to be brilliant, but are you really so confident that you can shoulder such a huge burden?"

The prince squinted his eyes and examined the woman in front of him.

"There may be something that your grandfather and your father didn't tell you. I didn't agree to the marriage appointed by Mr. Lin. Of course, since it was a pie that fell from the sky, I didn't either. The obligation of refusal, I just turned this matter from certainty to uncertainty."

Tasting the prince's words, Lin Zhiruo's big eyes never left the prince's face. After a short silence, Lin Zhiruo finally asked, "Can you explain, what is the transformation of certainty into uncertainty?"

"Your grandfather and your father and I have made it very clear. After this matter is over, I will have an in-depth communication with them. At that time, I will tell them all my information. They can make an evaluation. If At that time, if they still insist on this opinion, I will consider it. If they can't accept it, then naturally this matter will not happen, after all, twisted melons are not sweet." The prince explained calmly.

This time, it was Lin Zhiruo who looked at the prince meaningfully and sneered a few times, "Your play hard to get is very good, a few simple words have already got my grandfather and father involved, and they still think your The product is very good, you are simply a hooligan!"

"Just you, it looks like you have some senior confidential information, and you have to talk about it, who do you think you are?" Lin Zhiruo said shamelessly.

The prince just smiled and didn't say anything more, "Well, when this matter is over, you can also be there when the conversation is over. After all, it has something to do with you, and you have the right to be there."

Lin Zhiruo nodded, "Thank you for being so magnanimous, but I hope you can persevere until the end."

Both Xiaobai and Xiaohe kept their mouths shut and didn't interrupt. After all, this was considered the boss's housework, and the boss had plenty of ideas, so they didn't need their help.

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