Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 126 The real test

This battle tonight, or for the two families, oh no, it should be the three families, although it is not about life and death, it is also about an important turning point for future revitalization.

After so many days of internal discussions within the family, although the third generation of the Xiao family and the Lin family are really not worthy of the task, there are still a few outstanding figures in the second generation.So everyone has vaguely guessed why the higher-ups have not made a statement after knowing about this matter.

Of course the other big families in Jinghua knew what was going on, but this thing really had nothing to do with them.After all, even if they robbed it horizontally, let's not talk about how the Xiao family and the Lin family will react, nor whether they can snatch it, but now only talk about what happened after they robbed it.

For something like a contract, there must always be a party A and a party B.Moreover, this time the contract has already been signed by Party A and Party B. If you say that a third party stepped in to get the things, it has no legal effect, after all, it has nothing to do with them.

The reason why the Lin family can step in openly is because the Qin family has reached an agreement with the Lin family. After the matter is completed, the two parties will jointly develop. Only in this way, the Lin family will have a chance to get a share.

So other families are just watching the show, or waiting for it.After all, when both sides can't bear it, that is, when they come forward to sell favors, then they will naturally be able to make such a fortune.

In short, these big families do these things not once or twice, nor for a year or two, and they are very familiar with the road.

Watching a play is easy, but it doesn't mean that the actor is easy.At least if the main character and the supporting role compete for the show, it must be very difficult.

Xiao Mengmeng and 'Jianmang' really did not expect that people from the Lin family would appear suddenly.According to their previous information, they have already made a general judgment on the number of people from the Qin family who came to Jinghua, and now in Jinghua, basically no family will come forward to help. It will take a long time.

This is their loophole this time, and probably the only loophole.Who the hell would have thought that there would be such a perverted character as Prince among the crowd, and on the first day after getting off the plane, he had hooked up with the old man of the Lin family by accident.

Recalling afterwards, both 'Jianmang' and Xiao Mengmeng looked at the prince with hatred and hatred, wishing to rush up and eat him alive.

As for the matter tonight, the prince also used a trick, but also lost a trick.Just like Brother Da Fei scaring off Cao Boss's army on the Changban slope in Dangyang, it seems to be a very clever move, but there are always some back moves that have not been seen.

When the prince told Xiaobai that the radio band in this valley was blocked, Xiao Mengmeng and others were indeed unable to contact the Xiao family, but there was another important issue, which was ignored by the prince and the others. up.

That is, it is already impossible for the Xiao family to contact Xiao Mengmeng.In this case, what would the Xiao family do?

When Xiaobai and Xiaohe finally caught up with Qin Yajing's group, they were already entangled by the ambush arranged by the Xiao family on the way.

Although Miranda's skill is very good, Ye Xiaoman is also stronger than ordinary hooligans, and the so-called elites of the Qin family have also fought fiercely in society with large knives and water pipes for many years.But it must also be admitted that the people who can be sent here by the Xiao family on this occasion are also close dogs of the Xiao family, and their combat effectiveness is at least a super hooligan who has experienced a turn.

So, in a word, Qin Yajing's situation is quite bad.

The two of Xiaobai looked at each other, and then looked at the "cougar" who was blocking the other three members of the Lightning Commando, and found that his side was also in danger.After all, it is not easy for a one-on-three to last for such a long time, and it is very likely that the opponent will rush past the defense line in the next second.

So after meeting their eyes, the two rushed out from both sides at the same time, joining Qin Yajing's battle circle.He tried his best to protect Qin Yajing and rush out of the path before the people behind rushed over.

But at this time in the audience, the most relaxed people are undoubtedly only two people.One is Xiao Mengmeng. After all, no one would attack her foolishly. There are not enough manpower now, and it would take a lot of effort to stop others. Moreover, a real little princess of the Xiao family would be fine if she didn't bring bricks to make trouble for herself. , who would dare to take the initiative to provoke her.

The other one who is free is the prince who temporarily cameo as Xiao Mengmeng's bodyguard.In this crowded and chaotic scene, if I rush out and work hard, once someone who is not open-eyed really hurts Princess Xiao, not to mention how angry Mr. Xiao will be, even Mr. Lin will definitely scold him.

Moreover, there is still such a little room for maneuver, and it will inevitably be blocked.At that time, I didn't know if the Xiao family would never stop killing the Lin family, but they would definitely kill themselves and the Qin family.

Anyway, the prince has already gone all out now, and the matter has already become a big one, so let's just make it a big one.

Everything in the world is the same, if you cause a little trouble, everyone will stand up and blame you, and then make you feel ashamed, wishing to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, and live a life worse than a mouse from then on.

But if you turn a small trouble into a big trouble, that kind of big trouble, if it's the kind of trouble that pierces the sky, then everyone will stand up and help you fill the hole together.Therefore, in this world, it is still the kind of bold and cautious people who will win the last person.

That mountain road, whether it is long or not, is not short.

It's long, because if you really want to ambush hundreds of people on both sides, it's more than enough, and it's the kind of ambush that you can't see at all.

To put it short, it is because of the urgent situation now, and the appearance of Xiaobai and Xiaohei, two super red flower double stick fighters, made this Huarong Road, which was not easy to walk, immediately become much smoother.

The two were one in front and one behind, the one in front was responsible for opening the way, the one behind was responsible for backing up, and they had to always pay attention to the three Lightning Commandos who would break through the defense line of the 'Puma' at any time.

Just when the two of Xiaobai protected Qin Yajing and the others finally went through all kinds of dangers, crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and finally passed the entrance of the mountain road, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

It should be said that even the thugs of the Xiao family who were chasing after him were instantly stunned.

Just when the prince had been leisurely, kicking this or that, Xiaobai's voice came from the communication channel, and the prince's face changed instantly, becoming very unexpected and unsightly.

The prince didn't have much time to react, and when he didn't think of a good response plan, a team of field troops armed to the teeth ran in from the mountain road, or it would be more appropriate to say that special operations troops.

The two sides fighting in the valley are actually not focusing on their opponents at this time, but are staring at the mountain road all the time. After all, no matter how hard they fight here, the most important thing is to snatch it. on the mountain road.A tacit understanding between the two parties is enough, after all, there is no need to work hard.

But when they saw that the group of people who came in was a special operations force, they all felt an inexplicable palpitation.What's the situation?

And when the prince saw the person leading the team at the front, he was obviously taken aback, why did he come?

"Haven't you fought enough?" 'Blade' looked at the two sides with a smile, and there was a hint of teasing in his eyes.

When 'Jianmang' saw the appearance of 'Blade', he frowned instantly, "Why are you here? Aren't you on vacation now?"

'Blade' glanced around Gu Nei lightly, "Vacation? I don't know where the two groups of wild dogs came from. The quarrel turned Jinghua upside down. The group of bosses on the head really couldn't stand it anymore. It's over."

Just when 'Jianmang' opened his mouth to say back, 'Blade' laughed again. "Hey, these three are also Lightning's brothers, right? They're good at it. Three-on-one, that's good. It's good that you didn't lose."

Then a group of members of the Thunder Commando behind the 'Blade' burst out laughing.

In the North China Military Region, the Benlei Commando and the Lightning Commando are definitely a pair of competent opponents.When anyone evaluates one party, he will inevitably bring up the other party for comparison.

This is like selling vegetables. Without comparison, who can know how good your vegetables are?

But the comparison doesn't matter. The most important thing is that after every comparison, no one is better than the other. This is a very troublesome thing.

As the saying goes, there is no first in literature, and there is no second in martial arts.Those who play lip service all day long cannot tell who is strong and who is weak.But if you play the real game, you always have that kind of competitive spirit, otherwise you wouldn't be in the army.

Now I see that the three members of the Lightning Commando can't break through the line of defense of one person, this can make the people of the Benlei Commando grab a big handle, if they don't make good use of it, I'm really sorry, God, I'm sorry I'm sorry for the earth, and I'm sorry for the air in the middle.

However, the members of the Ben Lei commando were also very interested in scanning the 'Puma' and 'Sirius' back and forth.

The strength of 'Jianmang' is obvious to all. It is extremely rare for a person to fight alone with 'Jianmang' for such a long time, not only without defeat, but also evenly matched.

And the other person, although it is a defensive battle, does not seek victory, but only undefeated.Even so, it is unbelievable that one-on-three can last for such a long time.

The people of Ben Lei and Lightning have almost the same strength.It is impossible for any of them to pull out the three of them for so long, but the person in front of them actually did it, of course they were surprised.

Where did these two people come from? It seems that they are really real people who don't show their faces.

However, the eyes of 'Blade' fell on the prince beside Xiao Mengmeng.

Because the prince had been standing relatively far back, others did not see the prince shaking his head slightly towards 'Blade'.

'Blade' is also a sensible person, when he saw the prince's hint, he didn't show any expression, and just swept it away naturally. "Go outside, a group of bosses are waiting for you."

Amidst the puzzled expressions of others, the prince knew that the real test had only begun now.

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