Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 147 Qin Yuanyang

Under strong pressure, everyone basically has two reactions, one is to choose to give up, to give up resistance under the oppression of the opponent's strong momentum and aura.In that case, both mentally and physically will be sluggish before the pressure, so many previous ideas cannot be achieved.

Even many proposals that go against their own ideas will be forced to succumb under pressure.

The other is to use your own momentum and aura to fight against it.If it is really impossible to fight against it, the only way to do it is to rely on external forces.

This kind of external force is nothing more than some tools that can strengthen one's self-confidence in a short period of time, the most common ones are weapons.

In ancient times, on the battlefield, some soldiers could not bear the pressure brought by the opposing generals, so when their own commander did not give an order, the bows and arrows in their hands had already been shot. This is the reason.

At this time, the prince really felt a sense of powerlessness that he had never felt before.The number of times he met Huangfu Liancheng, the deputy commander of the Liaonan Military Region, was beyond count. Logically speaking, this kind of situation should not have happened, after all, Huangfu Liancheng and Qin Yuanyang had the same aura.

But after experiencing it many times, I have forgotten to consider the particularity of it.When Huangfu Liancheng was with him, he didn't deliberately release his fierce aura.After all, instead of resentment between the two, there is a lot of inexplicable and unclear family affection in it.

Every time they met, it was nothing more than that he didn't like old man Huangfu, and always felt that the old man had deceived him.But the old man has a feeling of liking and guilt, so there has never been any moment of tension, let alone exuding aura and momentum.

But Qin Yuanyang was different. He had just heard that his precious grandson was stabbed with a knife, and several big families in Jinghua were about to test the prince's adaptability, so there was the part where Xiao Zhanqiang was in trouble.

Even though he had spoken with the prince on the phone before, he already knew the background and background of the prince, as well as the strength he possessed, but he was a deputy commander after all, no matter how much he valued the prince, it was impossible to put his Face to weak.

So when they met, Qin Yuanyang completely released the fierce aura he had accumulated for many years.

He thought that the prince on the opposite side would not last long at all, but when he saw that the prince used the military thorn to forcibly resist his aura, his eyes really lit up, and suddenly he felt the big boy in front of him More general rumors.

After all, real life is not novels and film and television dramas. No matter how well-crafted a weapon is, it is just a dead object. It is impossible to have its own consciousness, so it is even more impossible to exude a fierce aura to help the holder.

And he felt a different feeling that he had never felt before on the military thorn in the prince's hand.It seems that due to drinking too much blood, it began to emit a faint bloody smell slowly.

The corners of Qin Yuanyang's eyes twitched, he took a deep look at the military thorn, and then cast his eyes on the prince, as if he didn't see the eastern sky that was looking forward to him at all.

Seeing Qin Yuanyang's undisguised aggressive gaze, the prince frowned and pouted, "Commander Qin?"

"It's the old man." Qin Yuanyang's thick and powerful voice said, "You are the prince?"

The prince nodded, "Now that you have my information, you should have seen my photos."

"Since both of us are here, I want to start talking about what happened today." The prince shrugged, and he had already recovered from the previous tension, but his back was already cold with cold sweat.

"No hurry, let's talk first," Qin Yuanyang said.

The prince shook his head, "It's fine to chat, but we must finish our business first."

"Business?" Qin Yuanyang asked puzzledly, "What business?"

The prince nunuzui, "Your dearest grandson molested my woman and made a move on her, and finally turned into a threat of violence. I want to know, as a parent, what do you think about this matter?"

Qin Yuanyang frowned instantly, and just about to speak, the secretary behind him gently tugged at his sleeve, and then said to the prince with a smile, "Mr. admit."

The prince looked at the secretary meaningfully, and then smiled shamelessly, "I guessed that you could say that, so I prepared this specially."

As he spoke, he pointed to a computer prepared beside him, and said to Xiao Hei, "For our Commander Qin, and the secretary whose name is Niu Cha, let them take a good look. Don't come up with anything." I don’t even know, and then I started pretending to be bullshit, which is too embarrassing.”

After speaking, he glanced at the secretary behind Qin Yuanyang with disdain.

Qin Yuanyang naturally understood what the prince was referring to, turned his head and gave the secretary a hard look, and then began to watch the video.The secretary, on the other hand, had cold sweat streaming down his face, and then shook his head very secretly and helplessly at the Eastern Sky beside him.

After the video was played, the prince smiled, "Thanks to the monitoring in this water bar, otherwise I would have knocked out my teeth and swallowed them in my stomach. I can't explain why."

"That's not all of it, it's just part of it, and the part where he stabbed me with a knife was left behind," Dongfang Changkong shouted loudly from the side.

He had already seen his grandfather's disdainful gaze before, and having received an elite education since he was a child, he certainly knew what that gaze meant.

In the third generation Dongfang family full of talents, if it wasn't for his natal family's solid strength, I'm afraid he really wouldn't be able to stand out at such a young age.And if he loses his grandfather's favor, I'm afraid his status in the family will also plummet.

And over the years, because of his self-importance, he has offended many people inside and outside the family either openly or secretly. If he loses power, let alone the Dongfang family, I am afraid that he will no longer have a foothold in Shenhai. landed.

For his own future, face is of course nothing, and of course he doesn't need to care about what Lin Zhiruo thinks of him anymore.

Seeing that Dongfang Changkong was so disregarding his face, the prince smiled shamelessly, and it was a very happy smile, "Master Dongfang, I didn't say there will be no more, why are you so excited?"

"Besides, no matter how excited you are, your grandfather will definitely see what you are doing very clearly. I want to know now, as the future successor of Shen Hai's leader, how do you treat the woman you love? , just resort to such means? Besides, she is still my woman."

Then he still kept smiling and looked at Qin Yuanyang, "Excuse me, Commander Qin, if this video gets out, how much impact will it have on your Qin family? What about the Dongfang family?"

"Although you all cover the sky in Shen Hai, I also know a few media friends more or less. I think they will be happy to put this information on their headlines."

Qin Yuanyang's face was gloomy, he didn't say a word, he just kept looking at the prince and at the eastern sky.

After the secretary swallowed nervously, he mustered up his courage again, "Then what do you think, Mr. Wang, about our young master's stabbing?"

The prince blinked and smiled slightly, "Have you answered it for me before?"

"What?" The secretary looked at the prince in confusion, "I answered it already?"

The prince nodded, "Yes, you have already answered it for me. But I can answer you again."

"You just said that I stabbed your young master, right?"

The secretary nodded, thought about it seriously, and then said, "Not bad."

The prince spread his hands, "Do you have evidence? If there is no evidence, I don't think I will admit it."


Xiao Mengmeng and Qin Yajing thought of being together very rarely, and then they looked at each other, then covered their mouths and laughed.

Seeing the two people laughing so tacitly and happily, Ye Xiaoman shook her head helplessly.But in this way, the conflict between the two of them will be much smaller, which is very good news for the prince.


Qin Yuanyang saw that the secretary was going to continue to say something, so he interrupted him with a roar, and glanced at him coldly, "It seems that you have been in the office for too long, and you have forgotten how to deal with people Okay, let’s go to the grassroots when we go back, and let’s talk about it after a few years of training.”

After saying that, I didn't care what the secretary thought, just looked up at the prince, "I understand what you mean, have you thrown out all the trump cards that should be thrown?"

"If there are any more, just keep throwing them away. If it's almost the same, let's have a quiet chat."

The prince scratched his head in embarrassment very rarely, "Why don't we talk?"

Qin Yuanyang glanced at him with contempt, then looked around, chose a private room at random, and walked first.

The secretary still stopped where she was, but the guard followed closely.

The prince shrugged his shoulders and sent a 'don't be nervous' look to his group of women one by one, then took Xiaobai and Xiaohe to the private room.


Miranda made a disdainful gesture towards his back, pursed her mouth, and said unwillingly, "You really think of me as his woman too, it's too beautiful to think."

When Ye Xiaoman and Jiang Menghan heard the words, they looked at each other meaningfully, and then they each secretly smiled, but neither of them said anything more.

Lin Zhiruo asked in surprise, "Aren't you his woman?"

Miranda was startled when she heard the words, and was stunned for a long time, then asked weakly, "Should I be his woman?"

"That's not true, it's just that a beauty like you, who is with him every day, can he let him go?" Lin Zhiruo said seriously.

Miranda was choked when she heard the words, and then she looked at the glass in the distance, pursed her mouth, and only said in a voice she could hear, "Maybe sometimes, he really regards me as a man?"

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