Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 154 Ruthless

Jiang Wencai's heart tightened, and he murmured inwardly, could it be that the matter of instigating the sky in the east was discovered by the prince?If he knew, what about the Eastern Sky?Jiang Wencai thought of many things in an instant.

The prince's doubts about himself, if he insisted on killing him, would be at best a guess, and there would be no evidence to prove it.But if Dongfang Changkong starts to doubt, then his good move will turn into a bad move in an instant.Or a dead end, maybe.

Seeing the prince's meaningful smile, Jiang Wencai's heart trembled slightly, and then he said with a smile, "Master Wang, I can't think that the person who tipped off Mr. Dongfang this time is just because I have pursued Miss Lin before. Me?"

"No, no," the prince shook his head, stretched out his fingers and shook, "I hope you can hear what I said clearly. It's not a tip-off, but an instigation behind the scenes."

"This, is there any difference?" Jiang Wencai's face changed slightly.

The prince nodded, "There must be a difference."

"Information, then it means that this person is not the mastermind, but just a soy sauce runner. But if he instigates behind the scenes, then this person is the mastermind. These are two completely different things."

Jiang Wencai stifled, looked nervously at the sky in the east, and then said to the prince, "My lord, you can't suspect that I did it just because I met Mr. Dongfang, right?"

The prince shook his head, "Of course I don't doubt it, but I'm sure it's you.

The chattering and chattering voices of the surrounding people suddenly fell silent, and a moment later, louder discussions than before rang out in the entire gathering hall.

None of us are fools, and in this situation, Dongfang Tiankong still keeps silent, which is already the best answer.

The Jiang family has been in Jinghua for many years and has not fallen down. Although they have made few achievements in the political circle, their status in business is the real leader of Jinghua.

Just because of their family's wealth and good relationship with the big international consortia, other big families in Jinghua treat them well. On this very important occasion.

Jiang Wencai's complexion changed, his brows loosened slightly, he let out a sigh of relief, calmed down, and smiled slightly, "My lord, because of the three big families behind you, I, Jiang Wencai, have always given you face. But You have been aggressive now, isn't it a little unreasonable?"

"This is Jinghua, not a rural place like Binhai, and it's not a place where you can dominate. Let me remind you kindly that the water in Jinghua is deep."

The prince narrowed his eyes slightly, and then sneered a few times, "Do you think I dare not touch you in Jinghua? Or do you think I can't touch you in this current party hall?"

Jiang Wencai's face changed again, but this time it became very pale, because he suddenly remembered everything the prince had done during the few days when he came to Jinghua.

"My lord, now is a society ruled by law, and our identities are different from most ordinary people. Everything must be considered for the family behind us."

The prince shook his head, and sneered contemptuously, "What's the matter? You spoke aggressively just now, but within a minute, you started to be cowardly? Didn't you just now be awesome?"

"Don't tell me about your family, and don't tell me about your responsibility. I only know one thing. If my woman is bullied, I dare not do anything. If my family is bullied, what can this person do?"

"And those old men, it is precisely because of this that they will entrust me with the important responsibility of the family. So I don't have many advantages, but I know one thing, and that is to protect my own people."

"Now I'll ask you one last question," the prince snapped, pointing at the eastern sky, "Is it you who encouraged him behind his back?"

Following his fingers, everyone focused their attention on Dongfang Changkong.

According to the etiquette of Huaxia Kingdom, no matter when, pointing at a person with your hand is not a very polite thing for that person.

Therefore, when the prince pointed to the sky in the east, most people would think that the sky in the east would definitely show great dissatisfaction with the prince's actions.

But to everyone's surprise, just as the prince pointed at him, Dongfang Changkong smiled slightly and turned to look at Jiang Wencai, "Brother Jiang, how is your relationship with me?"

Jiang Wencai suddenly felt that Dongfang Changkong seemed to have known about this from the beginning, and his face became paler in an instant, his hands were tightly clenched together, and the veins were exposed, showing the extreme anxiety in his heart.

"We have been friends for many years," Jiang Wencai said nervously.

Dongfang Changkong sighed, "Yes, we have been friends for many years. Then I want to know, after so many years of friendship, why do you still want to harm me?"

"Gulu!" Jiang Wencai swallowed nervously, "Brother Dongfang, do you know?"

Dongfang Changkong smiled helplessly, "Are you admitting it like this? We have been friends for many years, but I never expected to push me out as a gunman."

"I..." Jiang Wencai blushed, but he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

The prince smiled at the side, "How about I tell you the reason why you did this?"

"You?" Jiang Wen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "It's impossible for you to know."


The prince stretched out his middle finger, not hesitating whether there are more people watching now, "Is your Jiang family's business economy ready to reach out to Shen Hai?"

Dongfang Changkong's eyes lit up, and he fixed his brows tightly on Jiang Wencai.

Shenhai's economy can only be run by the local family of Shenhai. This has been an unwritten rule for many years.Therefore, it is also the reason why many powerful enterprises in other places have no way to enter Shenhai.

However, due to the expansion of the Dongfang family, the size and strength of other companies in Shenhai are not very strong.If Shen Hai did not have the Dongfang family, he might not be able to block the economic infiltration of outsiders.

After careful consideration in everyone's minds, they realized that Jiang Wencai's mind was indeed a business material.

Dongfang Changkong is the future heir of the Dongfang family, and the prince is the future speaker of the three major Jinghua families.If these two people pinch each other, what the result will be like is self-evident.

Although the economic strength of the Dongfang family is very strong, the three major families in the capital control a very favorable government system.Once the Dongfang family's economy is severely hit, and Shenhai's other economies do not have strong strength, the Jiang family's plan to enter Shenhai will go smoothly.

At this time, Jiang Wencai's reaction just proved the prince's deduction.

Jiang Wencai's spirit had been strong before the prince's speculation and Dongfang Sky's questioning, but after hearing the prince's words, his spirit finally couldn't bear it, and his state quickly became sluggish.

And those friends around him who were called brothers and sisters just now wisely took a few steps back and drew a clear boundary with him.

"How do you know?" Jiang Wencai asked unwillingly.

The prince dragged a chair and sat down, swirled his wine glass, and asked with a smile, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Facing the prince's inappropriate answers, Jiang Wencai really couldn't figure out what the prince was going to do.But he still shook his head, "Anyone who thinks you are a fool is really a fool. How can someone who can entrust the three families with heavy responsibilities and high hopes be a fool?"

"Besides, if I really think you are a fool, will I shoot you? Do you think my opponent can be done by a fool?"

The prince smiled awkwardly, and touched his nose unnaturally, "Okay, since we've already talked about this, let's have a good talk."

"After all, your Jiang family is also a big family, and the ultimate benefit of your instigation this time is to let your Jiang family enter Shenhai. So I have reason to believe that this incident is the collective idea of ​​your family, not Yours. So don’t force yourself to take it on yourself, because you can’t afford it.”

"So, don't play any bloody dramas like heroism with me."

Jiang Wencai didn't have any look in his eyes, and asked blankly, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Family behavior is like a war. Although you will think about what you can get after winning, you will also consider what you need to give up once you lose. Since you have carefully considered it before, I want to fight with you now." Talk to the two of you, what have you prepared as compensation in the event of failure?"

Jiang Wencai closed his eyes and sighed after a long time, "Can I take a step to speak?"

The prince nodded, "Of course", and waved towards the eastern sky. The three of them entered a small room next to the banquet hall under the eyes of everyone.

"Fourth brother, you are right. This prince really has two talents."

"That's right, I really didn't expect that there are young people in Jinghua who don't give the Jiang family any face in public. After all, they are rich and powerful."

Xiao Zhansheng didn't know that the prince's target was actually Jiang Wencai, he touched his nose helplessly, "This kid, even I don't know it, I'm afraid before this night, only he and Dongfang Changkong know about it."

"But have you ever thought about it? He injured Dongfang Changkong yesterday, and then Deputy Commander Qin arrived. Then he talked with Qin Deputy Commander for a long time. I didn't expect Dongfang Changkong to be willing to play such a play with him today as a supporting role. .And then sold Jiang Wencai."

"You said, in the small room, who won the game between him and Deputy Commander Qin?"

As soon as Xiao Zhansheng finished speaking, the others stared at each other for a long time, and finally stretched out their thumbs together, "Your family's old man is still capable, and he has a discerning eye to recognize talents. This is simply a ruthless person." ah."

"This guy, no one dares to provoke him in Jinghua now. If anyone provokes him, he will lose his skin. Today, the Jiang family may have to bleed profusely."

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