Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 164 Yan Zhong Is Dead?

"Boss, I thought Yokohama was much better than Huaxia, but it turned out to be nothing more than that."

After getting off the plane and leaving the airport, after the four of them opened the communication channel, Xiao Hei started to complain. "Before I came here, I heard that Plaster Country is clean and of high quality, but now seeing is believing, it's nothing more than that."

Xiaobai smashed his mouth, "What do you know, do you understand the psychology of these people who have been in the plaster country?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hei asked unclearly.

"You think, if you didn't study well in China, or because you didn't work well, or because of marital and relationship problems, you finally decided to change your environment and came to the plaster country."

"After a few years, when you return to China, what would you say?"

Xiaobai continued, "Of course you will say something, plaster country is good, plaster country is clean, plaster country is high, why? Of course it is to raise your own value, would you tell your relatives in the country, After you left the country, you just went to a rural corner and stayed there in disgrace for a few years?"


Xiao Hei drew a long tone, and said with a smile, "Brother Bai, you understand thoroughly. Let me tell you, I have been to a country of plasters, and after returning, I feel like I am awesome. So it's because of this mentality."

The prince's voice came, "Let me tell you, you two, can you be brighter and not be so dark?"

"Is there any problem, Boss?" Xiaobai asked incomprehensibly, "Did I get it wrong?"

Miranda said, "Actually, you are right. The mentality you mentioned does exist among Chinese people, and there are still many."

"But you can't put everyone's thinking into this pattern because of the possibility of this happening," Miranda continued, "I have stayed in the plaster country before, and I can have a few years time."

"If you get to know them well, you will find that they actually have many advantages."

"Like what?" Xiao Hei asked.

"It's very simple and the most intuitive point. People in Plaster Country have a deep-rooted idea of ​​procedural management, and they rarely play tricks."

"For example, two teams from the plaster country and the Huaxia country are going to research and manufacture a cup together."

"In fact, a cup is very simple, and the people in the plaster country will definitely manufacture it according to the first, second, third, and final procedures. Although it seems that the procedure is very strong, it is undeniable that the cost and time will cost a lot. of."

"As for Huaxia's team, after taking a look, they must have skipped from the first to the last, saving time and effort, and it can fully prove the ingenuity of the Huaxia people."

Xiaobai nodded, "That's right, that's right, the Huaxia people must have done it this way."

The prince smiled, "Actually, you didn't understand what Miranda really meant."

"Is there a deeper meaning?" Xiao Hei asked.

"It must be." Miranda smiled. "What I just said was about a cup. If the cup is replaced by a large-scale project such as a car, an airplane, or a ship, what do you think will happen?"

"Ahem", Xiaobai smiled awkwardly, "Okay, you two are waiting for our brothers here."

"Bah!" Miranda spat disdainfully, but what no one saw was that her face was very red.

Xiao Hei laughed straight, "I think, emotion is something that cannot be judged by reason, it should have that kind of feeling."

"When you already have that feeling, you have to go with it. Of course, if you want to use the relationship as a bargaining chip, that's a different story."

The prince pursed his lips, "Okay, let's not say a few words. If people don't know, they think you are already a lover, and you talk like you understand it very well. Who knows that you are still a little virgin? .”

"Who says I'm a virgin?" Xiao Hei snorted unhappily, "My young master has long since been ashamed to associate with a guy like Xiao Bai, and he has long since left the ranks of virgins."

"Damn, the boss said you, why did you bring me here?" Xiaobai said angrily, "Don't talk like a brother all day long, and then decisively betray your brother at a critical moment, you are so fucking mean .”


Miranda pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I said, can you two pay attention to your civilized language, I am a woman here."

"Okay, don't chat in the car. Once you meet the driver who understands Chinese, you will be in trouble. When you arrive at the hotel, it will be safer to say in the room." Prince said.

"Wow, is the education in Plaster Country so awesome? Does a taxi driver know foreign languages?" Xiaobai pouted.

When the four of them arrived at the hotel, Xiao Hei said with a bitter face, "Boss, it's not fair."

The prince was taken aback, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong with you? 'Big Dipper' doesn't pay attention," Xiao Hei continued to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Boss, you and Miranda are in a five-star hotel, Xiaobai is in a three-star standard room, and I'm in a small hotel, what are you kidding, just let me sleep on the street."

The prince smiled helplessly, "Don't get emotional, this room is only temporary at best. Tonight, all of us will return the room and find a new place. The three of us are together, and Miranda is alone. Easy to move around."

Miranda suddenly said loudly, "Attention everyone, turn on the TV immediately and watch the news."

The three of them were taken aback, and immediately turned on the TV in the hotel to watch the latest real-time reports, and then all three of them fell silent.

After a long time, Xiaobai said hesitantly, "Boss, I think Yan Zhong's matter should be resolved immediately, and then go back quickly."

"Why?" Xiao Hei asked, "If we do this now, isn't it more risky? There are too many different opinions in the entire plaster country, and the underworld supporting both sides has already started to do it."

"At this time, if Yan Zhong is dead. Forced to hide, it will be even more difficult to find."

The prince thought for a long time, then sighed, "There is no need to change the place. Take a break tonight and act tomorrow morning. Miranda will investigate first. After finding the target, if the situation permits, we will attack directly. If not, the three of us will attack together." .”

"Isn't it? So urgent?" Miranda asked in surprise.

"Well," the prince rubbed his temple vigorously, "I tell you, the speed must be fast this time, and leave as soon as I'm done."

Miranda frowned, "Are you worried..."

"Well," the prince nodded, "The political situation in Plaster Country is not stable at all. Maybe the family will find us and ask us to do something here. At that time, it will be too late to leave."

"No way?" Xiaobai scratched his head, "So cruel?"

"It will definitely..." The prince shook his head and sighed helplessly.

Early the next morning, Xiao Hei got a car somewhere, and the three of them quietly approached the place where Yan Zhong lived in the data.

A short while later, Miranda appeared.

An exaggeratedly dressed prostitute directly caused the three princes to collapse.

"Who dressed her up?" Xiaobai wiped his nosebleed, "Isn't it too hot?"

Xiao Hei looked at Xiao Bai contemptuously, "Damn, boss, did you see, this is a virgin, nosebleeds too easily."

While walking gracefully, Miranda gritted her teeth and said, "If you two are so vicious again, do you believe that I will pull out your tongues after I go back?"

Xiao Hei stuck out his tongue and said with a smile, "Sister Mi, the general idea of ​​the two of us is that you are really beautiful. Whether it is in terms of figure or appearance, you are absolutely top-notch."

"That's right," Xiaobai quickly echoed, "Even among the group of women who are the boss, you are definitely among the top few."

The prince pursed his mouth helplessly, looking at the pair, he really didn't know what to say.

"Your boss's woman?" Miranda curled her lips, "I will seriously consider it when your boss wins me."

The prince shook his head and said with a wry smile, "What a stubborn woman, but I like it!"

Miranda, who was twisting and turning three times, almost stumbled and fell to the ground. After swearing, she walked into the alley where Yan Zhong lived.

Seeing that Miranda's figure disappeared, the three princes also recovered their nervous expressions, and checked the military thorns in their hands a little.Xiao Hei has also re-ignited the car and is always ready to rush out.

"How's the situation?" the prince asked nervously after a while.

"The situation is a bit messy. There should be people living here, but I haven't found it yet," Miranda said in a low voice. "I'll check again, and I feel that the situation is really not quite right."

"No way?" Xiao Hei frowned and said, "Such a simple task, won't there be supernatural events?"

Not long after, Miranda's voice finally came, "Damn!"

The prince and the three looked at each other blankly, "What's the situation? Girls can't swear."

"Okay, don't talk about it, come down and see for yourself, it's a big problem," Miranda sighed, "Also, don't let others see it, and bring a lighter by the way."

"What?" Xiaobai was taken aback, didn't he kill people, why did he turn into arson?

"Nonsense," Miranda said angrily, "Someone killed someone for us, and the clues left behind can be quickly found to belong to your boss. Do you think you have to set it on fire?"

"What!" The three of them frowned, hurriedly got out of the car, and touched it quietly.

When the three of them came to the target room, Yan Zhong was already lying in a pool of blood, with a naked woman beside him, and the two of them were not breathing.

"Has it been checked?" asked the Prince.

Miranda nodded, "I'm doing business, you should rest assured, I've done the comparison, and judging from the situation at the scene, I can definitely identify it as Yan Zhong himself."

"But I don't have any other equipment now. If I go through a deep plastic surgery, I can't do anything." Miranda spread her hands, expressing that she really tried her best.

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