Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 198 Promise

Hearing the prince's opening remarks in a different style, all the iron-blooded elites in the factory froze for a few seconds.

During their New Year's training in the military region, what they heard most was brainwashing speeches like Prince's.Either it is before each task, or it is a summary after the task, or the leader comes over to say a few words when there is nothing to do.

Accustomed to that style of speech, everyone was stunned when they suddenly heard the prince's down-to-earth words.

Ye Xiaoman and Jiang Menghan were also a little dizzy. Who said the prince can't give a speech?

Judging from their current identities, they are pure businessmen just like the prince.The most touching thing about a businessman is not the kind of illusory or unattainable big ambitions, big goals, and big hopes.

It's this kind of obvious benefit that may be obtained in a real way.Obviously, at this point, at least in the speech just now, the prince has done it, and he has done it very successfully.

At least, in the eyes of those people, they have noticed something completely different from before.

Xiaobai and Xiaohei are already used to the prince's speech, and feel that it should be like this.So there was no accident, leaning against the wall on one side, smiling and looking at this group of their former colleagues, or seniors.

To be honest, this feeling of being knocked out by money is really cool.

One of the middle-aged men hesitated, raised his right hand, and shouted loudly, "Report!"

The prince smiled slightly and waved his hands, "In my place, you don't need to raise your hand or make a report when you speak. As long as we have nothing to say, you can speak directly."

"Oh", the man smiled shyly, "Leader...leader, my name is..."

The prince shook his head, interrupted the man again, and smiled slightly, "You can call me boss, young master, whatever you want."

"Oh," the man scratched his head, "Boss, you should already know the identities of us."

The prince nodded, "Of course, the old man's subordinates are the iron-blooded elites of the military region."

"Ahem," the man smiled, "Since the boss knows our identities, you should have read our information, so I'll just say it straight."

"Yes," the prince shrugged. "In the future, what can we tell us directly? Although there are superiors and subordinates here, they are all based on trust."

"Maybe it doesn't have the same rules and regulations as the military area, but I believe that you will like it here."

The man nodded, "Boss, my name is Wang Wei. We brothers, including the six girls behind, are all from rural areas."

The prince nodded, "I know all of this, it's in the information."

"Although we have received top-level training, including various social etiquettes such as high-end receptions, and many people have participated in such tasks."

"But to be honest, none of us would have imagined that we would end up living this kind of life ourselves, really."

The prince nodded with a smile, he seemed to have understood what this man named Wang Wei was going to say now.

"No matter how good our performance is in the military region, our wage subsidies will always be those, neither more nor less."

"This is also the reason why the old chief can arrange us here with you. After all, we have been with the old chief for many years, through life and death, and many brothers will never come back."

The prince did not speak, nor did he make any statement, but just listened quietly.What is on his mind is his brothers who will always stay in the Middle East.

"The old chief once told us that after letting us come, we must obey your arrangements and make less demands, because you will definitely not treat us badly."

The prince nodded, "Go on."

Wang Wei felt the prince's mood was a bit depressed, he glanced at him in surprise, then cleared his throat, and then said, "I'm older for those of us, so before they came, they recommended me to be our The leader of these people."

"I just want to tell you and Staff Officer Ye that we people will not make any excessive demands, and we will even obey the old chief's orders and will not make any demands."

"However, can you ask the boss to assure us that you can let the brothers behind me live a good life?"

The prince was taken aback, and looked at Ye Xiaoman suspiciously.

Ye Xiaoman also stared at Wang Wei in a daze, and then asked in puzzlement, "Brother Wang, how are you doing?"

"Hehe", the prince smiled with difficulty, "We are iron-blooded elites in the military region, that's right, at least judging from our technical and tactical capabilities, and the results of past missions, none of us will underestimate ourselves , reject the title."

"But, in fact, we are all poor soldiers."

"I'm almost forty, and I'm not married yet. My parents are already sick with anxiety. Although the brothers behind me are younger than me, few of them are married, and even few of them are in love. There are very few of them."

"Why? It's because we are all poor soldiers. No one will look down on us when we leave the military area."

"Not to mention buying a car to get married, even buying a house is impossible. We people have shed blood and shed tears for the country, but we really don't know why. In the eyes of everyone, only money is the most important thing. The standard by which everything is measured."

"Look at the six younger sisters at the end. They are as young as flowers and jade, but because of years of training, although their appearance is still good, their skin, voice, and personality are all different from us men?"

"We gentlemen, it doesn't matter if we get married later, but what about them?"

The prince nodded, and looked at Wang Wei with wet eyes, "Brother Wang, don't worry, I can tell you the request you just said, and it will definitely let you live a good life."

Swallowing hard, the prince looked up at the sky and blinked, keeping the tears from falling down.

"Brother Wang, have you heard of me?"

Wang Wei shook his head.

"Where are Xiaobai and Xiaohei?"

Wang Wei glanced at Xiaobai and Xiaohe not far away, and nodded hesitantly, "These two brothers should have met in the military area, but I don't have a deep impression."

Xiaobai smiled, "It's okay if you don't have a deep impression, because we haven't been back to the military area a few times at all, and we are all outside."

Wang Wei was taken aback, and looked at him in surprise, "I didn't expect you to be there."

Xiaobai shook his head again, "The two of us are not from there, but have always belonged to free-range, haha, free-range."

Wang Wei nodded again after a long time, "I didn't expect the two of you to have so many tasks."

"It's okay, it's okay," Xiaobai said with a smile.

The prince smiled, "Then have you heard of 'Astro Boy'?"

Wang Wei's eyes tightened instantly, and the expressions of those behind him also became tense, staring at the prince closely, as if they wanted to find something on his face.

The prince raised the corner of his mouth and smiled slightly, "It seems that I have heard of it. I thought it was a top secret, but I didn't expect so many people to know it."

Ye Xiaoman smiled at the side, "Fortunately, after all, it was classified as a secret at that time, but now the Middle East can only be regarded as a region, so the level of secrecy has naturally come down."

"Oh, so it is like this", the prince shrugged, then looked at Wang Wei and the people behind him.

"To be honest with you, the three of us are the only three left in the 'Astro Boy'."

"Wow!" Everyone below began to whisper.Unbelievable eyes all focused on him, Xiaobai, and Xiaohei.

"Are you surprised?" The prince smiled. "When we went to the Middle East, the three of us were only 15 years old. Then we went to sixteen people, and only three of us came back."

"To be honest, when I heard what you said just now, I was always very touched."

"The three of us are not from good families. In other words, our entire team is from poor families, and I am the captain of this team."

"When we smuggled to the Middle East on a boat, I told them on the boat that when we came back, we must have a good life for them."

"Buy a house, buy a car, marry a beautiful wife, and have a big fat boy."

The prince shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly, "It's ridiculous to say that we were actually children at that time, not even big children. We didn't really understand some of the things we said."

"Then when we came back, there were only three of us. Tell me, how can I make them live a good life?"

The prince spread his hands, "After I came back, although I have been hanging in the military area, I also made some private money outside, and even did some mercenary work."

"You know, mercenaries are very profitable, but why did I live in such a mess before Manman found me? It's very simple, because all the money I earned bought cemeteries for those brothers who are no longer here. , and made a tomb for each of them."

"Every year, I go to see them, let them have a home, and let me have a place to talk."

"What?" Xiaobai and Xiaohei looked at each other, and they both saw disbelief in each other's eyes.

"Why don't we know?"

The prince nodded, "I just received a call about these things the day before yesterday, and I planned to ask you two to go and see them with me. The cemetery was also settled."

The two Xiaobai nodded, "Well, the two of us must go."

The prince turned to look at Wang Wei and the others, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "I came back later, let alone for them, because the three of us lived in poverty, and all those previous thoughts were laughed off."

"Until later, I had an opportunity." The prince looked at Ye Xiaoman with a smile, "With this opportunity, I will meet more friends and get more help."

"Therefore, I am absolutely confident enough now that I can tell you that I must do what I promised you this time, and I will definitely do it!"

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