Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 214 Remedy

"Master," among the newcomers, a tall bald man shouted at the prince.

The prince nodded and smiled slightly, "If you have anything to say, just tell us, we are not in the military area, and there are not so many rules and regulations."

"Ahem", the man nodded, "We can know, why do you guys always want to get some high-level gangs, or elites?"

Xiaobai blinked, "Our goal in the future is to firmly control the underground forces in southern Liaoning Province, so we need manpower."

The prince nodded, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

The bald man thought for a while, and then said, "If we control the entire southern Liaoning Province, we will need too many people. Even if we include all these people from Binhai, we may not be able to."

"Besides, the young master also said just now that it is necessary to control, so there are many ways to control."

"Oh?" The prince smiled with interest, "Why don't you tell me."

The bald man looked at Xiao Bai and Xiao Hei, and nodded encouragingly when he saw them. The bald man paused, hesitated, and then continued.

"Master, there is actually a very serious problem, that is, our manpower is always insufficient. In this case, we might as well find another way. Instead of forming a gang, we set up an organization."

"Organization?" The prince blinked, "Aren't we an organization now?"

The bald man smiled, "The organization I'm talking about is not the kind that fights and kills in every city, but an organization that is behind the scenes and can control all gangs in southern Liaoning Province."

The prince frowned and looked at him puzzled, "Go on."

The bald head nodded, "If we go to any city to eliminate their local gangs, then we will easily be targeted by the local government."

"Moreover, if our gang grows bigger and bigger in the future, the country will definitely keep an eye on us."

The prince nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, what you said is very reasonable. If we grow bigger in the future, then the country must have ideas about us."

"After all, it is impossible for any country to allow an organization like ours to grow very large."

The bald man nodded, "Since that's the case, we might as well not go to the front of the stage. It's also okay for us to be behind the scenes."

"As long as we are strong enough to make all the gangs fear us, then we will be the overlord of all the gangs."

"And there hasn't been any direct evidence of our involvement in underworld activities."

Xiaobai nodded thoughtfully, "Then do you have any good ideas now? For example, what should we do as the first step?"

The bald head paused, "Our first step is to go out, go to every big city in southern Liaoning Province, find one or two most powerful gangs in each big city, and let them bow their heads to us."

"Well..." the prince shook his head slightly, and said with a wry smile, "It's not a matter of difficulty at all, but it's simply impossible for them to do so."

The bald man smiled, "That's right, they definitely wouldn't do that."

"Then it's our turn to play. One by one, we will take care of all the bosses of the gang who don't listen to us."

"In this way, not only did it act as a deterrent to those gangs, it also played a deterrent effect on some small gangs. And overnight, the reputation of our organization became very famous."

"Similarly, the Qin family who have received news from other cities may also be frightened by our Lei Ting's tactics."

"After all, if we just fight one city at a time, I'm afraid not only is it a waste of time, but more importantly, the battle line is too long, and it is easy for people to take advantage of the loopholes."

After Xiaobai and the others thought about it carefully, they nodded.

Xiao Hei pursed his lips, "Boss, what this brother said is right. At this stage, this method is indeed beneficial to us. Just like what he said, it can not only avoid the eyes of the government, but also make those gangs afraid , and finally listen to us obediently, and we can also achieve the plan of assisting Secretary Liang to enter the provincial capital."

The prince frowned, thought carefully for a long time, then looked at Ye Xiaoman and Jiang Menghan, "What do you two think about what this brother said?"

Ye Xiaoman pursed her lips and smiled slightly, looked up at the bald brother with a smile, "I don't know what to call this brother?"

"Hi, Ms. Ye, my name is Andy Lau." The bald man said in a deep voice with his head held high.

"Hello, Brother Liu." Ye Xiaoman nodded and smiled slightly, "I wonder what kind of work Brother Liu did in the military region before?"

"Although your appearance looks extremely fierce, it can be seen from your words that it doesn't seem that combat is the main task of your job?"

Andy Lau nodded, "Miss Ye said that I am in the military region, mainly in the special operations staff department, and mainly do some front-line staff work."

"Oh!" The prince and Xiaobai suddenly realized and nodded.

Frontline combat staff officers are not the same as those in the base camp staff department. They have very high requirements on the ability to grasp the rapidly changing situation on the front line.

It is even said that they can change the combat plan of the staff headquarters at will during front-line operations, and their power has considerable flexibility.

Therefore, it is also very important in terms of their personal ability requirements.

The prince looked at Andy Lau with a smile, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and he said proudly, "I mean, I was able to come up with a strategy that made our staff Manman feel very good. It turns out that he is a well-known front-line combat staff officer."

Andy Lau smiled slightly, "Boss, don't underestimate me as a front-line combat staff officer. I, Old Liu, still have great confidence in my actual combat ability."

"Although compared to these other brothers, I should be at the bottom of the list, but if I put it in the city and compete with some local ruffians, I don't think there is any big problem."

The prince nodded, "I believe this, because my previous combat staff officer was not only a person with well-developed limbs, but also a well-developed mind."

Recalling the previous events a little bit, the prince's mood was a little gloomy.

Seeing this, Jiang Menghan helped Prince Fu's back, and said softly, "Don't mention the past, let's just keep looking forward."

"Of course, not mentioning it doesn't mean forgetting, but burying it deeply in my heart. If there is a chance in the future, our conditions will be better, and we can take the parents of the other thirteen brothers to Binhai."

After a pause, Jiang Menghan smiled and looked at the prince and Xiaobai who were already shocked by her words, "The three of you are their sons, and you three will be filial to their future lives."

The three princes looked at Jiang Menghan in disbelief, especially Xiaobai and Xiaohei.

Xiaobai swallowed hard, looked at Jiang Menghan in a daze, "Sister Meng, is what you said true?"

Jiang Menghan and Ye Xiaoman looked at each other, and smiled slightly with their mouths pursed, "Is there any problem? Don't you two want me to arrange this with Manman?"

"Of course not." Xiaobai stood up excitedly, scratched his head in embarrassment, and smiled embarrassingly, "The two of us really didn't expect that your two sisters-in-law would have such an idea of ​​understanding the three of us."

"Especially the boss. He was the captain of our operation. Although we sacrificed a lot, none of us complained about him, because he didn't do anything wrong at all, but the difference in strength between the enemy and us is too great."

"This time, the two of you can say that, the three of us really didn't expect it at all."

The prince closed his eyes tightly. After a long time, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. He swallowed hard and said with a sob, "Manman, Sister Meng, thank you both very much."

"For many years, whenever I think of them, I don't know what method to use to make up for it. Until today, after listening to the thoughts of the two of you, I realized that, in fact, for them, the best compensation is Let their surviving family members be able to live a good life."

Andy Lau and the others looked at Ye Xiaoman and Jiang Menghan in disbelief.

Prince, Xiaobai, Xiaohei, they all know about the Astro Boy team of the three of them. Although the details may not be disclosed, the entire team is composed of children, and there were many casualties during the mission. , but the fact that they successfully completed the task in the end still made them adults look at it with admiration.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xiaoman and Jiang Menghan, two women, could have such a big heart, which was beyond their expectation.

At the same time, it also gave them a more intuitive outlook on their future coastal life.Their old chief was right. The prince and his friends were indeed a group of people who really cared about their brothers.

"However," Ye Xiaoman smiled when everyone's shock subsided a little, and continued, "Now is not the best time."

"We are now at the initial stage, and it is impossible to devote all our energy and material resources to this matter."

Jiang Menghan also nodded slightly and said, "At least, when these families come to Binhai, the house is the most important thing, as well as their future life issues."

After hesitating for a while, Andy Lau raised his head and said, "Miss Ye is right. After all, there are many children whose parents are from the countryside and have lived in the countryside all their lives."

"If they are allowed to go to the city suddenly, life will be a big problem, and without any relatives and friends, their original life will be completely disrupted."

"What's more, although you are going to try your best to remedy it, I don't know if all the families and all the parents like your approach. After all, you suddenly went to an unfamiliar place, and some ideas are more conservative. People who are still very considerate and confused in their hearts.”

Xiaobai pouted, "Boss, Sister Manman and the others are right. Although this matter is the best thing we can think of, it is not suitable to do it right now."

The prince shrugged his shoulders and smiled softly, "I understand what you said, don't worry, although I have always wanted to do something, I will do what I can, and I will definitely respect their opinions."

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