Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 237 Qin Yajing's Anger

Seeing Qin Yabin's denial, the prince had a clue and nodded, "Well, today's meeting, no matter what I want to do, you can't interfere."

"I want to see what this woman from the Plaster Country wants to do."

Qin Yabin nodded, "This will trouble you. In fact, if I come hard, it's not impossible, but I'm afraid that the other party's comer is not good, and there is no backup or backup. We are a quack gang. People Lots but not great."

The prince nodded, "Okay, I understand this, so I said, leave today's matter to me, and you don't have to worry about it."

After coming out from Qin Yabin's place, the prince called Xiaobai and Xiaohei again and asked them to bring Sirius and Puma to Qin's compound.

After all, what Qin Yabin said just now reminded the prince.Maybe the woman from the plaster country really has some backup or backup.

Whether it is a back-up or a backup, if there are too many people, it will have some very bad effects.

And the four of them, Xiaobai and Xiaohei, are in the dark, so they can be regarded as the prince's backup.

It wasn't until this time that the prince felt that there were too few people around him who were capable and trusted.

Take this temporary task as an example. As far as women are concerned, there are only three people who are capable and trusted by me. Miranda is already by my side, and the women at home can only Relying on Lin Zhiruo is far from enough.

Although there are nearly fifty military veterans in the nearby villa, those people, to be honest, really can't be trusted by the prince, so of course, my own woman can't be handed over to a man who doesn't even trust me .

Therefore, Bai He and Humming Bird will stay in the villa.After all, Lin Zhiruo's strength would not be a big problem against ordinary people, but if he faced real masters, Hummingbird and Baihe would have to fight.

As for men, there seemed to be only Xiaobai, Xiaohei, Sirius, and Puma.This number seems to be really small.

This time, Miranda was in the open, and there were many things that he couldn't come forward to. If only the four of them were in the dark, some small things would be fine. Once there was an emergency, I was really afraid that I wouldn't be able to handle it.

For the first time now, the prince began to worry about the number of personnel.

When the dinner was about to start, the prince saw Miranda and Qin Yajing coming, so he went up to greet him, and said in a low voice, "Don't talk to anyone, come with me."

Qin Yajing blinked her eyes vigorously, and was about to ask a question in bewilderment when Miranda pulled the skirt of her shirt, then followed the prince into the car in silence.

After the car drove out, the prince said in a deep voice, "It's not as simple as having a meal with the two of you this time."

After finishing speaking, he said to himself, "Beidou, is the call channel unblocked?"

"Smooth!" Beidou said in the call channel.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yajing suddenly heard a voice she had never heard before, and hurriedly called out.

The prince didn't care about her fuss. This kind of popularization of knowledge naturally fell to the help of Miranda next to Qin Yajing.

The prince continued, "Xiaobai, where are the four of you?"

"According to the previous agreement, the four of us have already arrived in four directions within one kilometer of Qin's house," Xiaobai said, "and have already begun to investigate the situation."

Qin Yajing heard Xiaobai's voice, opened her eyes wide, looked at the prince in disbelief, and asked suspiciously, "Are you going to attack my father? Attack our Qin family?"

"Nonsense!" The prince glanced at her fiercely, "I thought your thinking was very avant-garde, but I didn't expect you to be too avant-garde."

"Don't say that Qin Yuanyong is my father-in-law, even if I really wanted to attack him, I wouldn't bring you with me. Am I crazy or are you crazy?"

"Oh", Qin Yajing responded weakly, "Then what are you?"

The prince sighed deeply, "In your Qin family, there is now a woman of unknown origin, and she is a woman from the Plaster Country, and she also controls your elder brother Qin Yabin, intending to take away the control of the Qin family."

Qin Ya looked at the prince in a daze, then swallowed hard, her eyes narrowed slowly, showing a fierce look.

"***, I'll go to Qin Yabin to settle the score!" After finishing speaking, he opened the car door and angrily wanted to go to Qin Yabin.

"Oh, my aunt." The prince pursed his lips and held back the furious Qin Yajing.

"I said Miss, don't be so impulsive." The prince pursed his lips, "Since I told you about this, it means that I already know the process of the matter and have already figured out how to solve it. thing."

"You ran to look for Qin Yabin in such a huff, once that woman is there, tell me, aren't you showing off yourself?"

Miranda frowned, thought for a while, and said calmly, "Then, do Mr. Qin and Qin Yabin know about your actions tonight?"

"Of course!" the prince nodded, "Old Master Qin doesn't want to delay this matter any longer, and Qin Yabin has had enough, so of course I belong to the kind of action that has been formally authorized."

Qin Yajing shook her head vigorously, and looked at the prince angrily, "Okay, since my old man and my incompetent brother both agree, then I don't have any need to object."

"Now, while there is still time, I want to hear what happened to that woman."

The prince smiled wryly and shook his head, "I said yes, but when I say it, I still hope you can respect it and don't interrupt."

"Let's get started," Qin Yajing said calmly.

At the same time, the prince also noticed that Miranda was also looking at him curiously, and he couldn't help feeling helplessly that women were indeed a group of curious cats and cats.

"Boss, let's start, we are all in a hurry." Just as the prince was feeling sorry for the woman, Xiao Bai in the call channel also began to urge anxiously.

The prince sighed deeply, smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"The thing is like this," the prince rearranged his thoughts and began to talk about the cause and effect of the whole thing.

"Your brother once met a woman by chance. Of course, where did he meet, how did he meet, and what did they say? Your brother didn't tell me about this."

"Anyway, they went to the hotel to get a room together that night," the prince said with a wry smile, and looked at Qin Yajing's expression at the same time.

Sure enough, as the prince expected, Qin Yajing frowned when she heard this, and gritted her teeth fiercely, "It really is a group of animals."

"A group..." Xiao Bai was taken aback, he really didn't understand who was included in this group.

The corners of the prince's eyes also twitched slightly, and he shivered uncontrollably.

Miranda saw the prince's expression and Xiaobai's self-talk just now, pursing his lips and smiling meaningfully.

"Ahem!" the prince cleared his throat, "Anyway, they had a room that night, but that's not the point. The point is that your brother fell into a coma before he got to the point in the room."

"Uh, I should be fascinated." The prince saw Qin Yajing's expression getting darker and darker, so he had to add another explanation himself.

"Fascinated?" Miranda took over the topic and asked suspiciously, "Did someone drug you?"

"It should be," the prince nodded, "then, then, this, you know, then Qin Yabin was photographed, and then they started threatening him."

"Photographed!" Qin Yajing shouted loudly, then rolled her eyes, she really didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "I said, a big man, what is he afraid of being photographed, he is not a woman, what about it?"

The prince shook his head, "You don't understand, let me ask you, if your father and your uncle retire, who will the Qin family be handed over to?"

Qin Yajing was stunned for a moment, then blinked her eyes, "Is there a need to ask this? Of course it's my brother."

"First of all, he is my elder brother, and since he grew up, he has been helping my father and uncle manage the Qin family's business, so I know him well, and of course I will leave it to him."

"Besides, I'm not looking forward to the life of the head of the Qin family at all, so I'm not his competitor in this matter."

The prince nodded, "Of course I understand this, but you don't understand one thing."

"If the future head of the Qin family suddenly releases pictures one day, what kind of blow do you think this incident will have on the Qin family?"

"And for your brother, what kind of blow is it?"

"This..." Qin Yajing frowned, then shook her head slightly, "If you say that, I really don't know how to answer."

"After all, face is very important for those who work in the underworld."

The prince nodded, "Yes, this is what Qin Yabin is really worried about, and that is why he is willing to be controlled by him."

Qin Yajing pursed her lips, sighed deeply, folded her hands on her chest, and became silent.

Miranda at the side saw Qin Yajing's expression, patted her on the shoulder, then looked at the prince and asked, "Then can you tell me, what exactly is that woman trying to blackmail Qin Yabin?"

"This is the key point, and it's a very crucial point." The prince smiled, "Qin Yabin heard that woman calling by chance, using the language of the plaster country."

"Although Qin Yabin doesn't speak the plaster language, in places like Binhai, even if he doesn't speak it, he often hears it."

"Even if he doesn't understand what the language of the plaster country is saying, he still has some judgments about whether the accent is pure or not."

"So?" Miranda asked.

"So," the prince paused, "Qin Yabin can tell from the accent that it speaks a very pure plaster language, and that woman is a woman from the plaster country."

"Then, that woman threatened Gao Yabin with a photo, asking him to use the fastest time to get the Qin family's right to speak from your father."

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