"Is it safe for you to go alone?" Qin Yajing asked worriedly, "Why don't you let Miranda go with you? In this case, with Miranda here, I believe all of us will feel at ease."

The prince smiled, and gently stroked Qin Yajing's hair, "Miranda has a heavy task now, she must be by your side to protect you at all times, after all, you have to appear tonight, otherwise , but if Miranda and I show up, they'll really get suspicious."

"And we've been under their surveillance for so long now, God knows if they've become suspicious now, so Miranda can't be separated from you."

The prince paused for a moment, and then said, "Miranda will drive later, neither too fast nor too slow, as long as the speed is normal."

"At the corner in front, there is a place that they can't see. I'll get off from there. Xiao Jing, you'd better sit in a prominent place by the window, so that they can see you."

"And you are the place that attracts their attention, so I can get out of the car quietly and go to their headquarters."

Miranda hesitated for a moment, and frowned, "Are you sure you want to do this? Beidou hasn't told you how many people are in the headquarters yet."

"I have seen it," Beidou's voice sounded at this moment, "There is only one car outside the headquarters, and from the thermal imaging, the number of people is actually very high, there should be only three people."

"They are so courageous?" The prince was stunned for a moment, "That's the headquarters, aren't they afraid of being taken over by others?"

Ye Xiaoman smiled slightly, "This woman's psychology is really strong."

"This woman named De Chuan Yingzi has a really good psychological quality. She is confident that no one has seen her except Qin Yabin, so she sits in the headquarters with confidence."

"And she doesn't seem to realize that we already know the exact location of her headquarters, and she doesn't know that we already know their ambush in four directions, which is why he dares to get so close to you now. "

"I think it should be easy to deal with them if you go there now," Beidou continued at this time, "Looking carefully at the thermal imaging, I found that the three people in the headquarters should all be women."

"Woman?" The prince was taken aback for a moment, then smiled slightly, "Yes, for a woman like her, the waiter beside her should indeed be a woman."

"If it's a woman, it's easy to handle. No matter how strong a woman is, she can at most be at the level of Miranda. And even if Tokugawa Sakurako's strength is not bad, the strength of the two of them will not be too strong."

"Let's talk about it," the prince smiled slightly, "Mochizuki Ruoxiang's judgment is not accurate at all, don't think that she can be equal to Miranda with a broken knife."

Miranda pursed her lips and smiled slightly, "I thought you forgot."

"How could it be?" The prince smiled softly, "The two of us have fought with swords and guns several times, and we have all played out our cards, so I am sure that on the day you competed with her, there was no chance at all. You haven’t done your best yet.”

"Hmph!" Miranda snorted coldly, "If you hadn't stopped me that day, I was really going to do my best to let her know that a broken knife can't replace my lack of strength."

"Well said!" Xiaobai said with a smile on the call channel, "Miranda, we support you!"

"Get out!" Miranda scolded with a grin. "You four must be careful. I'm afraid they've discovered your previous actions."

"Don't forget, when you enter the mountain, you may have been spotted by their observation post. When you enter the mountain, it is impossible to be as cautious as you are now. Their telescopes may have seen you gone."

"So you'd better change positions quietly in the last hidden place. Otherwise, no matter how well you hide, as long as your position is exposed, it's time for your life to be in someone else's hands."

The prince nodded, "Miranda is right, you must be careful and change to a safe place immediately."

"And remember one thing, if you are really discovered, then Tokugawa Sakurako should know that we are prepared here, so in many cases you can only rely on your improvisation."

Ye Xiaoman nodded, and said in the call channel, "There is one more important point, you must pay attention to it."

"Xiaobai and Xiaohei found an ambush in their respective positions when they were investigating, but it is not certain that there is no ambush in the direction they did not investigate."

"The number of enemies is likely to be far more than this, you must be careful."

Just as the prince was about to tell Miranda to drive, his cell phone rang.

After looking at the number, the prince frowned slightly, "Hello, third uncle."

"Haha!" Liang Laosan laughed heartily on the other end of the phone.

And the prince's call channel is still open, so everyone can hear Liang Laosan's voice.

"Boy, I still remember your third uncle. It's really not easy." Liang Laosan smiled, "Are you busy now? I want to drink with you."

The prince swallowed helplessly, "Third Uncle, I have some things to deal with here, so I really don't have time now. What's the matter?"

"You don't have time?" Mr. Liang pursed his lips, "Is your phone safe?"

"Is it safe?" The prince's nerves immediately tensed up. He looked at Miranda and Qin Yajing who were confused at the same time, and then asked suspiciously, "Third Uncle, there will be no problem with my phone. What happened to you?" thing?"

"It's not me!" Mr. Liang pursed his lips, "It's your cheap old father-in-law who has an accident."

"Cheap old man?" The prince blinked blankly, "Third Uncle, stop joking, can we talk about something?"

"Nonsense, do you think I'm joking with you when I ask you about phone security?" Liang Laosan said angrily, "Let me ask you, is your relationship with the Qin family good?"

The prince gave Qin Yajing a puzzled look, and then said, "Of course it's very good."

"That's right, Mr. Qin has a problem now."

The prince was taken aback, and waved to Qin Yajing, signaling her not to get too excited.

"Third Uncle, can you explain more clearly?"

Liang Laosan continued, "Didn't I tell you before that the other two gangs in Binhai City are under our control?"

The prince nodded, "I remember this incident."

"There is a problem now. According to the eyeliner I planted in the middle-level cadres of those two gangs, those two gangs have been controlled by a mysterious organization recently, and it seems that they want to collectively deal with the Qin family."

"Mysterious organization?" The prince was stunned, "Any news?"

"I don't have any useful news. Anyway, there is only one thing. It seems to be an organization from the plaster country. The boss seems to be a woman." Mr. Liang pouted. Now, it seems that Binhai's underground world is going to be messed up."

"If you want to continue with your great plan, just aim at those little bastards in the plaster country. Third uncle, I will definitely help you."

The prince nodded thoughtfully, "The nephew is here to thank you now. When I finish my work here, I must treat my third uncle to have a good drink."

"Haha!" Boss Liang laughed, "You said that, just don't deny it when the time comes."

"Don't worry, I won't," the prince smiled slightly.

After hanging up the phone, the prince sneered, "How can I say that Tokugawa Sakurako has so many subordinates, so they are all from those two gangs."

Ye Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled easily, "If it is said that those two gangs are ambushing in four directions on the mountain, then I believe that Xiaobai and the other four have not been exposed."

"That group of people are typically local hooligans. It is not easy to stay on the mountain under orders. It is simply impossible for them to be vigilant at all times and use binoculars to investigate."

"However, we still can't relax our vigilance. The four of you should transfer what should be transferred."

"I know", Xiaobai smiled, "Don't say it, you really hit the spot, Sister Manman, my side has already been transferred to the top of that group of people, guess what they are doing ?”

Xiao Hei asked curiously, "What are they doing? Are they sleeping?"

"Bullshit!" Xiaobai pouted, "No matter how irresponsible they are, no one will sleep at this time, they are playing cards."

The prince smiled, "So, Xiao Hei, Sirius, and Puma, you three also try to get above them, and then monitor them."

"Maybe we can end this battle early."

Ye Xiaoman nodded, "It's very possible that there are only those two women in the plaster country that Tokugawa Sakurako brought to Binhai, so you control the headquarters, and that's about it."

"But Miranda still wants to protect Xiaojing from entering the Qin family. After all, we don't know whether people from the Qin family have been bribed."

Miranda nodded, "I understand this, don't worry, as soon as we enter the Qin family, Xiaojing will find a way to put the old man, uncle, and Qin Yabin into a room, and then close the door, I will be responsible Just guard."

"As long as you stay in one room, and I guard it, if you meet some local hooligans, I'm afraid they really have no chance. In this case, the young master and the others can solve the problem with peace of mind outside."

"Also," Qin Yajing pursed her lips, and said reluctantly, "Big villain, if you have a chance, you'd better snatch all those photos of Qin Yabin, and don't reveal them to the outside world."

The prince smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, this matter is the top priority, I will pay attention to it."

"Okay, the mission begins!"

Following the prince's words, Miranda started the car slowly and drove towards Qin's house at a normal speed.

"Master, from the thermal image, the three figures began to nervously observe with the binoculars as soon as your car started."

The prince smiled slightly, and sure enough he was still staring at himself.

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