Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 255 Ambition

Hearing the prince's words, Tokugawa Sakurako's head was hit head-on by a high-speed rhinoceros, and with a bang, she was completely stunned on the seat.

And everyone who was equally shocked was everyone except the prince.

Although they had vaguely guessed the prince's intention from what the prince said before, they were still greatly shocked when the prince said this intention.

Xiaobai frowned slightly, looked at Tokugawa Sakurako who was knocked away in shock, and then whispered to the prince, "Boss, isn't your powerful medicine too harsh?"

"Are you really planning to meddle in the internal affairs of the Tokugawa family?"

Ye Xiaoman also nodded, "If you intervene in this matter, you must first conceal it. Even after many years, you must not leak it out. Otherwise, it will definitely cause a high degree of backlash from other members of the Tokugawa family."

"Secondly, you must be able to succeed, otherwise you will definitely reveal your secrets. All conspiracies and tricks can only be hidden proudly if you succeed. I dare not say that you can hide them for a lifetime. If you fail, they will definitely be revealed to the world. of."

"In that case, your prince's reputation may become a situation where everyone shouts and beats you in the Plaster Country. In that case, the big families in the Plaster Country will be very careful about cooperating with you in the future, and it will bring you unbelievable results. Estimated adverse effects."

Xiao Hei shook his head slightly, "Actually, I am more in favor of the boss' plan."

"What you think is not wrong, and you are indeed starting from the perspective of the boss. But there is one thing, what you think about is what will happen after failure, and it is a negative situation."

"If we look at this matter from another angle, then we will find that this is also a very big opportunity."

The prince nodded, "Xiao Hei is right. Although the failures you mentioned before are very dangerous, I have already considered them."

"But I also thought about what would happen if it worked out."

"Think about it, according to our plan, it is certain that we will enter the plaster country for development in the future. And if we enter the plaster country for development, we must find an ally to cooperate with."

"The Sakura group Mochizuki Wakaka belongs to is of course a choice, but their Sakura group mainly has political appeals, and you all know political things very well."

"If they fail politically, or make political enemies, it will definitely affect our business. At least their enemies will definitely hit our business hard, and it is very likely that we will be unable to move forward in the plaster country .”

"Because they attack us, in addition to economics, terms, and even laws, they will have weapons at their disposal."

"But if we want to choose a big family from Plaster Country, according to our current cooperation with the Tokugawa family, then the Tokugawa family will be the most suitable partner."

"Because they rely on us for their business in China, this kind of alliance with entangled interests is the most ideal and strongest alliance."

"One more thing, because of the cooperation of the Tokugawa family, the possibility of other families coming to us is almost gone."

The prince looked at everyone who was lost in thought, and Tokugawa Sakurako who had raised his head and his eyes were shining brightly. The prince smiled, and then said, "Think about it, if during the cooperation period, the patriarch of the Tokugawa family suddenly Changing some ideas, or, because of some people’s words that are not good for us, caused the patriarch of the Tokugawa family to alienate us, and that definitely has an impact on our interests.”

"Then the best situation is that the patriarch of the Tokugawa family can be someone we really trust, that's all."

Sakurako Tokugawa swallowed hard, nodded with a wry smile, "Mr. Prince, to be honest, I really didn't expect that what happened after I came to Binhai, especially after seeing you, really meant something to me. A very big hit."

"Many of your views are issues that I have never thought of before, or I have never thought about it at all. Your thinking has taught me a lot, really."

"Really?" The prince smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "If it can really help, then I will be really happy."

Ye Xiaoman started a heated discussion with Jiang Menghan and the others after detailed weighing.But the prince and Tokugawa Sakurako began to drink wine with each other, and began to truly believe and understand each other.

After a while, Ye Xiaoman finally nodded, "We had some discussions just now. Although I think the matter you mentioned is very risky, if it succeeds, the benefits will be very obvious."

"That being the case, we must take a good look at Ms. Tokugawa Sakurako and see if Miss Tokugawa Sakurako is a candidate worthy of our trust."

Tokugawa Sakura was stunned, and looked at Ye Xiaoman puzzled, "Sister Slowly, oh no, it's Miss Ye, how do you want to investigate me?"

Qin Yajing stood up excitedly, then put her hands on the table, and looked at Tokugawa Sakura with big eyes with a smile, "Don't you understand the traditions of our Huaxia Kingdom very well?"

Seeing a group of women smiling at her meaningfully, Tokugawa Sakurako suddenly remembered the reason why she came here today, and smiled unnaturally, "This, it's not because I'm going to start drinking, right? "

"Oh yes!" Qin Yajing smiled, "Miss Tokugawa Sakurako, you are right, I announce that the welcoming ceremony tonight will officially start now!"

"Waiter, open the wine!"

Tokugawa Sakurako looked at the bottles of liquor and swallowed hard, really not knowing what to say.

In the next two hours, not only was there a strong smell of wine in the private room, but it was also mixed with Qin Yajing's excited persuasion.

Prince, Xiaobai, Xiaohei, and among his group of women, there are not a few who can drink, but after they compete with Qin Yajing, there is no one who does not admire.

So after they knew Qin Yajing's true strength, they just silently looked at Tokugawa Yingzi who was constantly persuaded by Qin Yajing to drink with pitiful eyes.

Seeing Tokugawa Sakura lying on the table without any image, Ye Xiaoman pursed her lips and smiled softly, "Tonight, take Miss Yingzi back to the villa."

Qin Yajing pouted in puzzlement, "Sister Manman, this is not good, if you take it back to the villa, what should you do if you don't leave after waking up?"

"It's very simple," Ye Xiaoman said with a smile, "You can ask her to have another drink at that time. I don't believe that people who have had a drink with you dare to have a second drink with you."

Qin Yajing smiled embarrassingly, and then looked at the prince, "Big villain, you have to be honest tonight, and don't run into his room in the middle of the night while he's drunk."

The prince rubbed his nose with a wry smile, "I said, what I really value is Tokugawa Sakurako's wisdom. If it's just about her appearance, you women are enough for me. Women, whether they are good-looking or not, are already aesthetically fatigued."

"Hmph!" Qin Yajing pouted her lips and snorted coldly, "We sisters, if anyone believes what you just said, they are really fools."

After returning to the villa and settling down Tokugawa Sakurako, the prince and the others lay comfortably on the sofa in the lobby, each of them was thinking, without saying a word.

After a long time, Xiao Hei frowned. "Let me tell you, sisters-in-law, I'm not used to you being so silent. If you have anything to say, just say it. Although Xiao Hei's IQ is not [-], it's not very low. He should be able to help some little ones." busy."

Xiao Mengmeng was wearing pajamas, her smooth calf was swaying, and she pursed her mouth, "Big villain, there is something I want to ask you."

"Tell me," the prince stretched, "I think you guys are a little too depressed now, so just ask me if you have anything."

Xiao Mengmeng snorted coldly, and looked at the prince seriously, "Are you really going to do business in the plaster country? And is it a legitimate business?"

The prince was stunned for a moment, and looked at Xiao Mengmeng puzzled, "What do you mean by that? Why can't I go to the plaster country to do business?"

Xiao Mengmeng pursed her lips, "The background of our Huaxia Group is not just a simple group. I believe that anyone in any country can easily come to this conclusion as long as they do a little research. "

"If you want to develop the plaster country's market, you will definitely be resisted by the plaster country, and there will be opposition from the Huaxia government."

After thinking about it quietly, the prince said, "I don't think so. After all, it is an economic society. If it can make money and help the country send some special people to the plaster country, maybe the country may not be able to object."

"And making money is two-sided. After all, the current cooperation is all about win-win, so at least the Tokugawa family in Plaster Country still has business in China."

"In this way, the plaster country actually has a reason. There are channels to send some people in the Huaxia country, and it is not completely uninteresting to them, so they will not agree."

Ye Xiaoman nodded, "Actually, we all think too much about this matter."

"If you consider it purely from a commercial point of view, no one person or any country can choose not to agree. After all, this is definitely a profitable project. Of course, first of all, the details of the cooperation project must be within the country's legal norms. .”

"Secondly, the countries of both sides can make some small moves, but it depends on who not only does the small moves well, but also takes better precautions against the other party's small moves."

"The last point, even if they stop us from cooperating because of the other side's small actions, it is meaningless. After all, if a country wants to make some small actions, there are many ways and methods, and there will be many opportunities. It’s not like stopping our cooperation with the Tokugawa family can be completely stopped.”

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