Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 27 The Unsung Hero

After getting off the high-speed rail, the prince followed the crowd out of the provincial capital railway station.

Looking at the bustling crowd and the commercial district with a strong festive atmosphere, the prince couldn't help feeling emotional.

Just a few days after leaving the provincial capital, he came back again.

This life is a constant struggle.

After getting through the number given by Huangfu Feng, the prince casually found a small street shop, ordered a bowl of green onion noodles, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Although the status of the prince is different now, what I miss most is the scallion noodles made by my sister.

Life is like this, nostalgia is the most tender.Once the person starts to miss the past, no matter how old they are, it represents a retreat.

Of course the prince did not back down, but he still had no confidence.

For how to make money, until now, the prince has seriously lacked confidence.

However, he is full of confidence in the trip to the provincial capital. He always thinks that this trip has nothing to do with making money.He always said it was a commercial activity with others, but he always thought it was a military operation in his bones, and in the end he had no second choice.

Since the day the prince went to the Middle East, he has never worried about such military operations.He's already died once, what else should he care about.

When I came out of the small shop and arrived at the agreed place, I saw a very ordinary Santana.He glanced at the license plate, looked around, and leaned over.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Wang?" asked the man smoking next to Santana, and handed the prince a cigarette.

"It's me," said the prince, taking the cigarette.

Looking at the cigarettes he received, the prince smiled, "From the military region?"

"Mr. Wang has good eyesight," the man said in a daze.

"What a good eye, you gave me such a white cigarette, except for the special supply of the head of the military region, there is no sale outside," the prince said with a curl of his lips.

"Oh, I made a mistake." The man scratched his head embarrassingly. "Let's get to know each other formally. My name is Tang Jie, the deputy captain of the special brigade of the military region."


"Prince?" Tang Jie frowned.

"It's a funny name," the prince laughed at himself.

But Tang Jie didn't hear the prince's self-mockery at all, he just thought about it blankly.

"Missions in the Middle East a few years ago?" Tang Jie asked quietly after thinking about it for a long time.

"You know about this?" asked the prince in surprise.

Tang Jie looked the prince up and down several times, "Of course I know, I picked out all the other children except you, how can you say I don't know."

"Did you choose?" the prince wondered.

"Nonsense, only you are the special recruit of the head of the military region, and I selected the others. I didn't expect to be able to complete the task smoothly thanks to you."

"Is it going well?" The prince took a deep puff of the cigarette, "It's only three people coming back, is it also called smooth?"

"Are you resigned to your fate?" Tang Jie also took a puff of cigarette, "I do, all soldiers do. When you go to the battlefield, you can only resign yourself to your fate. Do you think I feel better? I picked those children."

The prince was speechless, just smoking quietly.

After a long time, Tang Jie recovered his emotions, "I'll take you to a place, which is a mysterious place in the entire military region."

"The military areas are all mysterious? No way? I'm not a soldier now, so I won't go to such a mysterious place, as long as I don't cause any trouble." The prince quickly refused.

Dealing with that old fox, if you are not careful, you can really sell yourself.

"Don't worry, there won't be any trouble. The people there don't have military registration." Tang Jie smiled.

"Why?" the prince was puzzled.How could the military region allow a group of people without military membership to exist?

"Every year, some people in the special brigade will leave the army early, I think you should know what to do," Tang Jie said.

"Now it seems to be a peaceful age, but no one has made any small moves in private. Small African countries have nothing but gold mines, silver mines, diamond mines, and oil fields. Which powerful country is not supporting it? Even if it can't support the government army, then At least you have to support a revolutionary army. The government of a small country can only provide mining rights for minerals without payment in US dollars."

"As for the support of a powerful country, in addition to dollars, weapons, and of course military power. But this kind of military power must have nothing to do with the country and exist entirely in the form of mercenaries."

"Do you think ordinary people can be mercenaries?" Tang Jie explained sideways.

The prince nodded, he had experienced it before.

"Then there are all kinds of intelligence behind enemy lines, assassinations, and looting. Do you think there are still clean ones?" Tang Jie said.

"Robbery?" It was the first time the prince heard about it.

"Of course, if the supporters behind the enemy sent a batch of arms and supplies to the other party, what would you do if you found out?"

"It was robbed, why don't you ask?" the prince replied.

"Yes, this is robbing goods, but you have to put aside your relationship with yourself, right?"

"Understood, so they are the real unsung heroes." At this time, the prince was in awe of the group of people he was about to face.

"They are indeed worthy of the title of unsung heroes. Unless the mission is successful, the country will not recognize it, whether they are captured or killed. Even if they succeed, they can only be rewarded internally after returning to China." Tang Jie said depressingly.

The prince looked gloomy when he recalled those brothers who did not come back.

Seeing the prince's expression and thinking of the prince's actual age, Tang Jie patted the prince's shoulder, "Little brother, you are also an unsung hero."

Speaking of which, Tang Jie had already driven the car to a forest on the outskirts of the provincial capital.

"Isn't it in the military area?" the prince asked.

"Military area? The place where the barracks are built is the military area." Tang Jie said with a smile.

Following Tang Jie into the woods, he came to an open field.

What caught the prince's eyes was a series of gray and white barracks.The gray and white walls are falling irregularly, and the bright red slogans are painted on the walls, making the barracks as a whole depressed and solemn.

The training slogans that came out from the playground from time to time made the prince stunned, "They also need training?"

"That's natural. Except that they don't have military status, they strictly follow the instructions of the army and are always ready to go abroad to perform missions."

"It's different from ordinary soldiers. The current training is sweating, but it's really to save blood in the future. After all, they really have the opportunity to go to the battlefield, and they are all special battlefields, the kind you experienced." Tang Jay said in a low voice.

"I know that." The prince nodded, "The smaller the scale, the fewer the number of special operations, there is only one result, and that is that all parties are killed, otherwise the life-and-death struggle will continue."

When the prince and the prince came to the playground, the training scene with less than a hundred people suddenly made the prince feel excited. The long-lost feeling of releasing male hormones made the prince very familiar.

After the team stood up, Tang Jie led the prince to the front.

"This mission is quite special. First, it's not your self-recommendation, but the client's choice." After speaking, Tang Jie pointed to the prince, and the prince nodded.

The soldiers below are wondering, they serve the country all the time, do they still take on private jobs?

"Second, after accepting the task, you don't need to come back here. After the task is over, the client will make arrangements for you."

"Now I have questions to ask," Tang Jie said.

"Captain, aren't we serving the country? Are we still doing private work?"

"Just remember your confidentiality regulations. Ask what you should ask, and don't ask what you shouldn't. Also, the state supports you, not to let you do private work." Tang Jie said coldly.

Seeing that no one had any questions, Tang Jie asked the prince to start selecting candidates.

Before starting to select candidates, the prince hesitated, "Did the old man say the number?"

"Five people, male or female."

"Men and women are not limited? There are women here?" The prince was surprised.

"Nonsense, in special operations, especially special operations, women have a greater advantage than men," Tang Jie replied.

"Then two men and three women." After thinking about Ye Xiaoman's safety in the future, the prince said.

"Okay, let's pick the male ones first, and I'll take you to pick the female ones later."

The prince looked at the soldiers in front of him, "My requirements are very simple. First, you must be willing to join. Second, you must be good at driving vehicles. Third, you must be good at urban combat. Fourth, you must be proficient in cold weapon fighting and assassination."

Tang Jie continued, "Think about it for yourself. If you think it's okay, report it to me later."

Then he took the prince and walked towards the female soldiers' camp.

The prince was quite excited, this is the real Overlord Flower, not Ye Xiaoman's kind of female soldier who can be justified when fighting a hooligan, but the real Overlord Flower.

Bloody overlord flower.

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