Seeing that everyone had returned, the prince breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aren't you going to sum it up?" Ye Xiaoman said with a smile from the side, "It's over, it's time to relax."

The prince shook his head slightly, "Wait a minute, it's not time to relax yet, is there any news from the Qin family?"

Ye Xiaoman shook her head, "You just came back here, so they shouldn't be able to get it done so quickly, right?"

The prince looked at Qin Yajing, "I hope your Qin family can gather together quickly, otherwise, it will be really troublesome if the police intervene."

"Although the police are all incompetent, at least the police in Huaxia are relatively professional. I'm afraid that after a long time, it will not have a good impact on your Qin family."

Qin Yajing nodded, "Why don't I contact you again to see how the family is doing now."

After saying that, Qin Yajing turned and went out.

Everyone else sat or lay down on the sofa relaxedly, without any worried expressions.

"Boss, I don't think you need to worry at all," Xiaobai said, "After all, the Qin family can be regarded as a veteran landlord who has been operating in Binhai for many years. There shouldn't be any problems with Wanli's relationship."

Xiao Hei also said beside him, "Boss, I think so too. After all, the Qin family is a well-established family, and they are already familiar with handling such matters. They are not like some big families in shopping malls. I don’t know how to solve anything.”

The prince nodded and smiled, "I know what you said, but I'm still a little bit worried, after all, this time the matter is really big, and although there is no problem with our side's aftermath, but their side There will be more people's names appearing, I am afraid that they will handle it wrongly."

Just when the prince was anxiously waiting, Qin Yajing opened the door and came in.And the other people, who seemed to be indifferent, focused their eyes on her at the same time.

The prince then smiled slightly, "It seems that you don't care as much as you seem."

"That's what we have to care about." Xiaobai sniffled, "Whether we care or not, we should always know what the final result is like on our side. If we really did some useless work, wouldn't it be It's going to be pissing off."

After listening to Xiaobai's words, Qin Yajing immediately realized what they were worried about, and immediately smiled with her lips pursed, "Don't worry, my father and my brother have already dealt with it, and there is nothing wrong with it."

The prince nodded, "Actually, I only care about what happened to the group of people led by the two acting gang leaders today, and other people don't care much."

"After all, those who can be brought by the two of them can be regarded as the backbone members of the two gangs, or they can be said to be the diehards of the two gangs. Such people must not stay, otherwise, for For us, it is a disaster."

"As for the others, they are nothing but young men. They are mothers if they have milk. As long as they are recruited, they will do whatever they want, and they won't care."

Qin Yajing nodded, "My father also said the same, so for the main force of the two gangs today, my father did not leave any alive. Under his personal supervision, everything was settled."

The prince rubbed his temples and nodded, "I'm not worried about this. What I'm worried about is whether the high-level police or the government have troubled your Qin family?"

"Of course not." Qin Yajing smiled slightly, "My father and the others dealt with it very cleanly. At least when the police came in, they had already cleaned it up completely. There was no evidence at all to prove that there was a A big fight."

The prince let out a long breath, "This is very good, Xiaobai, you go to the police station and bring Miss Tokugawa Sakura over here, and tell her that we can have a good talk about the content of the cooperation."

Xiaobai smiled, turned and went out the door.

The prince then said to Qin Yajing, "When did your father say that there are no other gangsters from those two gangs? I don't want to let some small fish and shrimps get into trouble when all the big fish are already done. "

"Don't worry," Qin Yajing pursed her lips, and took a few breaths after sitting down, "Of course my father will also think about your worries. He has sent all the confidantes of the Qin family out, about Before tonight, the other members of the two gangs can be brought in."

Xiao Hei smiled at this time, "If you can recruit all the other members of the two gangs tonight, then your Qin family's efficiency is fast enough, don't tell us that you prepared a little before You didn’t do any work, so you should have placed your own people among them, right?”

Qin Yajing loosened her shoulders, and then smiled, "Who can say clearly about this kind of thing, but since the other party has already attacked first, wouldn't it seem too abnormal if we don't do something."

The prince waved his hand, "Okay, you two don't argue about this matter, after all, any kind of fight is always accompanied by various schemes."

"As long as the number of people is large, it is inevitable that this will not happen. It is normal."

Qin Yajing nodded, then looked at the prince, "Then what shall we do next?"

The prince thought for a while, and then said, "Well, let's set aside a week. This time is used to observe the achievements of your Qin family and see if there are any leaks."

Jiang Menghan also nodded, "I think we can still make use of this time."

The prince and Qin Yajing looked back at Jiang Menghan at the same time, and the prince asked, "Can you still use it? Tell me."

"Of course it can be used, and it still belongs to the kind of use that wants to not interfere with each other." Jiang Menghan smiled, "Well, because we are going to conduct some cooperative research with Tokugawa Sakurako on details, this will take time. of."

"Besides, you can also use this time to settle the Qin family's affairs."

"Family matters?" The prince was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile, "At this moment, I'm afraid Mr. Qin's thoughts are all on the situation in Binhai, and I'm afraid he doesn't have time to think about other things."

Qin Yajing shook her head at this time, and then smiled, "You are really wrong about this point. It was Sister Meng who was better at playing and spotted my father very accurately."

The prince blinked, then looked at Qin Yajing, and asked puzzledly, "What are you asking? Shouldn't your father be busy with what he just finished at this time? How come he has time to take care of other things?"

Qin Yajing pursed her lips, "When I called Qin Yabin before, he said that now the affairs of the Qin family are basically handled by him. After all, after this incident, it is time to test him and train him. "

The prince suddenly realized, "It's true, after all, the young eagle also needs to spread its wings and fly high, and also needs a vast sky."

"Well," Qin Yajing pursed her lips, "Now in the sky, let alone young eagles, even a group of young eagles are enough to fly. According to Qin Yabin, my father basically doesn't do anything now. It's just a chatterbox, anyway, it's just laughing for a while, and suffering for a while."

"If it weren't for the big and serious matter today, maybe he still doesn't care about anything." Qin Yajing glanced at the prince vigorously, "All of these are caused by the illegitimate daughter you made up. of."

The prince pursed his mouth helplessly, "I said Xiao Jing, you must be precise. I only have one child now, which is Yiyi. None of you have conceived me yet, let alone my illegitimate daughter."

"The matter of the illegitimate daughter was made by Mr. Qin, okay? If he hadn't made it up, I would be extremely capable, and I wouldn't be able to find an illegitimate daughter for your Qin family."

"I'm still worried now. Qin Yabin is in the limelight right now. If he finds out about this at this time, God knows how he will react."

Jiang Menghan was eating an apple at the side, pursed her lips and smiled, "I think it's a good time to talk to him at this time, after all, he should be in a very good mood now."

"I hope so." The prince shrugged and smiled helplessly. "Actually, I don't care when I talk to him about this matter. After all, it is your Qin family's business."

"But I have a bottom line, that is, Qin Yabin can make trouble no matter what, but it must be controlled to a certain extent, and the current very good situation in Binhai must not be brought back to the previous split situation."

"The Qin family likes the current Binhai situation very much, and we are also very happy to see it. Similarly, Liang Jinrong is also very happy."

The prince paused for a moment, and looked at Qin Yajing seriously, "If today's incident hadn't happened, and the situation in Binhai's underground world was still the same as before, then Liang Jinrong might not care much."

"But it's different now. He has seen a completely unified Binhai underground world, and the Qin family, him, and us are all inextricably linked. It's the best and most suitable situation."

"Besides, he is about to leave Binhai soon, and the most harmonious situation is very beneficial to his development. If Binhai is divided again, it will inevitably be accompanied by large-scale riots and turmoil."

"This kind of situation is definitely something he doesn't want to see. After all, it will have a great impact on his political performance and seriously affect his development after going to the provincial capital."

Qin Yajing nodded, "I understand what you mean, I have written down what you said, and after you have clarified the matter with him, if he is very calm, or if he is very calm, that is the best OK."

"If he gets hotheaded and does something irrational, I'll tell him exactly what you just said, hoping to calm him down."

The prince pursed his lips, "It's not that he wants to calm down, but that he must be calmed down. After all, the future development of the Qin family in Binhai depends on his performance."

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