Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 278 Compensation Plan

Seeing Qin Yajing's surprised expression, the prince frowned, "Do you know Liangli Beauty Salon?"

"Damn! You actually asked me if I know the beautiful beauty salon?" Qin Yajing glanced at Qin Yuanyong vigorously, and then snorted fiercely, "Let me just tell you this, the beautiful beauty salon before A high-end beauty chain store in Binhai City that my mother built before she was alive."

"After my mother passed away, it was supposed to be given to me, but I didn't want it, because my character is a man's character, and I don't like to play with those women's things at all."

"I don't know exactly who is taking care of it now." After finishing speaking, Qin Yajing glared at Qin Yuanyong angrily, and then said still puzzled, "Okay, use your real wife's things to compensate your illegitimate daughter. , Thank you for thinking of it."

"Ahem!" Qin Yuanyong smiled awkwardly, and then said embarrassingly, "Xiao Jing, I don't have any good ideas about this, if it weren't for this really more suitable, I couldn't just come up with this condition like this ah."

Qin Yajing squinted her eyes, looked at Qin Yuanyong coldly, and then said disdainfully, "Tell me about this beautiful beauty salon first."

"After my mother passed away, I didn't agree to take over, so who did you let take care of it?"

Qin Yuanyong smiled, "I originally planned to keep this beauty salon for you all the time, so I didn't give it to anyone. I just asked some people in my family to help take care of it."

Qin Yajing snorted coldly, and glanced at Qin Yuanyong, "How's the business? My mother took care of it at the time, and it was the most high-end beauty club in Binhai. At that time, the customers were either rich or expensive, and they could be described as people coming and going. what about now?"

"It's not bad now." Qin Yuanyong thought for a while and said, "Although there are more and more beauty salons in Binhai, and many of them are high-end, our beautiful beauty salon is still the best and largest chain in Binhai. clubhouse."

At this time, the prince almost understood a little bit. To put it bluntly, Qin Yuanyong planned to give the property originally inherited by his own daughter to his illegitimate daughter without any communication when his own daughter did not accept it.

But now the attitude of pro-daughter is very important.After all, just because she didn't want it, doesn't mean that this beautiful beauty salon is not hers.

Just because she didn't want it once, doesn't mean she won't want it in the future. Now it depends on Qin Yajing's attitude.

Qin Yajing glanced at Qin Yuanyong, and then sneered as the prince expected, "Old man, I really didn't want that beautiful beauty salon many years ago, but I want to ask you now, I didn't want it." Is it not mine?"

"This..." Qin Yuanyong's expression changed, he really didn't know how to answer Qin Yajing's question.

"Also," Qin Yajing pursed her lips, and continued, "Since you have already said that the Liangli Beauty Club is a high-end chain club, then, I want to know, are you giving her all the stores in the Beauty Club? Or just give her one of them?"

"You have to know, since the club's business is good now, will Qin Yabin agree to give away the fat in his mouth so easily?"

"To tell you the truth, if I want the clubhouse, then it is my thing, and he has no reason not to give it, and his backlash will not be great."

"But", Qin Yajing glanced at Qin Yuanyong, "If you want to give this thing to your illegitimate daughter, then guess what Qin Yabin's reaction will be?"

The prince also shook his head with a headache, and said with a wry smile, "I said, Mr. Qin, this is a very suitable compensation plan that you came up with after thinking about it all night?"

"I said, Mr. Qin, can you stop joking?" The prince said dissatisfied, "I think I have made it very clear to you."

"Of course, I can understand your eagerness to make up for your illegitimate daughter, but I still want you to focus on the overall situation. Can you replace this kind of compensation with a long stream of water?"

"After all, you must consider your successor, Qin Yabin's inner feelings."

Qin Yuanyong sighed deeply, "Actually, I understand what you said, but I really don't know what kind of compensation plan I should come up with."

"Tell me, what I can give her now is actually something that belongs to our Qin family, and if it's all belonging to the Qin family, then tell me, what things can Qin Yabin not care about, and what I can use To make up for it?"

The prince pursed his lips, smiled wryly and shook his head, "I said, Mr. Qin, actually, if you want me to help you think about this matter, it would be really nonsense, after all, it is your own business, and you I really don't know how much the Qin family has and how much they can offer as compensation. "

"But one thing I know very well is that if you must make up, you must not stimulate Qin Yabin's nerves. I believe I have already told you this sentence very clearly, right?"

Qin Yuanyong nodded discouragedly, "I really understand this."

"Understood?" Qin Yajing shouted loudly from the side, "I don't think I understand at all, and I still don't understand the serious consequences of the matter at all."

"Liangli Beauty Salon, this high-end chain beauty salon, either no one will give it to anyone and count it as the Qin family's property, or it can only be given to me, otherwise, Qin Yabin will definitely go crazy."

"I want you to know that a high-end beauty club can not only help Qin Yabin earn a lot of money, after all, we all understand the principle of high profit and low risk in the beauty industry."

"If it's what I want, Qin Yabin can't say anything, but if you give it to her, do you think it's really a very simple thing?"

The prince smiled at the side, and added, "And there is another very important point, that is, apart from money, this high-end beauty salon can also be the best way for Qin Yabin to get in touch with those rich businessmen and high-ranking women."

"Women of rich businessmen and high-ranking officials, besides shopping and drinking tea, they do beauty treatment all day long. For a high-end beauty club, not only can they do beauty treatment, but they can also drink tea."

"After they go to spend for a long time, Qin Yabin will naturally have the opportunity to chat with those women and get to know them quickly."

The prince shrugged, "I believe Mr. Qin should be able to understand what I said better than me, right?"

Qin Yuanyong nodded, "Naturally, they are all people who have been in Taoism for so many years. Of course, this matter will be very clear."

The prince spread his hands, "That's it, do you think, after I say this, would Qin Yabin agree to give up such a good wife's social platform to your illegitimate daughter?"

Qin Yuanyong leaned hard on the back of the sofa, then looked at the prince dejectedly, "Then tell me, what should I do?"

The prince hesitated for a moment and said, "In this way, I can also reveal the truth to you in advance. Although you have never met your illegitimate daughter, I can tell you clearly that she is not a powerful person. He is not a person who has an eye for money, but a very self-reliant and very strong person."

"So, I think that after you meet, the possibility that she can come up with something to make you compensate is very small, very little."

"Of course, I may be mistaken." The prince pursed his lips and smiled embarrassingly, "After all, even if she asks for an explanation for her own part, she must at least ask for an explanation for her mother. I believe this is for sure. "

Qin Yuanyong pursed his lips, "To tell you the truth, if she doesn't ask for anything, my heart will feel even more uncomfortable. It's better to ask something, and I will feel better."

"Pervert," Qin Yajing muttered softly.

Qin Yuanyong glanced at the prince in embarrassment, then smiled self-deprecatingly.

The prince smiled understandingly, "Actually, I think you can take two steps."

"First, be prepared for her not to ask. If she doesn't ask, then of course everyone is happy. You can also make a gesture and show it a little bit."

"If you really feel sorry deep in your conscience, you can also take the initiative to express the compensation you want."

Seeing that neither Qin Yajing nor Qin Yuanyong had anything to say, the prince continued, "Secondly, she made a request."

"Of course, she made a request. We still have to consider it. After all, we still have to make a reasonable judgment on the rationality of the request."

"Regardless of whether her request is reasonable or not, I think you should procrastinate, and you should bargain if you need to bargain."

Qin Yuanyong looked at the prince with a wry smile, "Isn't that good?"

"Why not?" Qin Yajing said from the side, "I think this method is very good. After all, compensation is compensation, but it can't make her talk like a lion."

The prince nodded, "That's right, what Xiao Jing said is completely reasonable. After all, these things don't have to be done in one day, but can be done slowly and compensated slowly."

"Actually, I already have a very good compensation plan in my heart. I wonder if Mr. Qin is interested in listening to my ideas?"

Qin Yuanyong was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile gradually appeared on his face, "Actually, I guessed that you would come up with a good idea, and I have been waiting for your words for a long time."

"Do you have an idea?" Qin Yajing looked at the prince puzzled, "Okay, tell me what you think, let me listen to it, and see if you, the chairman, are more resourceful than my father, the boss of the gang. How much stronger is it?"

Qin Yuanyong swallowed hard, then looked at Qin Yajing resentfully.

The prince smiled slightly, "Her university tuition fee, if she wants to study in graduate school in the future, or if she wants to study abroad, you will pay for this fee."

Qin Yuanyong blinked vigorously, and then he and Qin Yajing looked at each other for a long time, and then they both said at the same time, "That's it."

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