Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 291 Ye Xiaoman's Request

Hearing Ye Xiaoman's squeeze, Tokugawa Sakura smiled awkwardly, "Ahem, that, Sister Manman, what I said just now was just a joke, a joke, a joke, don't take it seriously."

"Really?" Ye Xiaoman glanced coldly at Tokugawa Sakurako, paused, and then said after thinking for a while, "Miss Tokugawa Sakurako, do you know that what you said just now is against the villa? It's a very irony of the group of women here, it's really hard for us to get along as friendly as before."

Tokugawa Sakura was stunned for a moment, then firmly held the prince's arm behind the prince, then shook it slightly, and at the same time looked at Ye Xiaoman with a cute and pitiful look.

"Sister Manman, I really didn't mean it before. Really, I just wanted to increase my points in front of the prince. Although I know you are very angry, I still want to say that I really want to say something to the prince. There is still a good feeling.”

Ye Xiaoman glanced at the prince, then turned her mouth slightly, and said to Tokugawa Sakura with a smile, "Miss Sakura, although on behalf of the women in the villa, I am very grateful for what you have done for us before."

"But you also know that at best, those things are some of the help you have done for our Huaxia Group. Ordinarily speaking, it is just a nomination certificate you made for our upcoming cooperation. Although This nomination certificate is something we very much hope for.”

"Of course, to put it in a bad way, it's just a way of crossing the river and tearing down bridges after you have chosen a more powerful ally."

The prince was taken aback, although Ye Xiaoman's words were very explicit, but he felt a hint of conspiracy from Ye Xiaoman's tone.

Sakurako Tokugawa frowned tightly, and hid behind the prince for a long time, then smiled, stroked the hem of her pajamas lightly, and then calmly walked in front of the prince, facing the prince opposite. Ye Xiaoman.

"Sister Manman, although the things you just said are true. But from an objective point of view, I did help you a very big favor and solved a very big trouble, didn't I?"

"If Sister Manman thinks that is busy, subjectively, I, Tokugawa Sakurako, may have some other ideas, and I don't deny it, but Sister Manman, does it depend on the final ideal? In the end, how about giving my sister another chance, a chance to make up for it?"

The prince was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Sakurako Tokugawa in surprise.

According to the change in the prince's attitude towards Ye Xiaoman, it is not too much to be able to see Ye Xiaoman's true thoughts.But Tokugawa Sakurako, who had never met a few times at all, was able to understand Ye Xiaoman's very hidden thoughts, which really made the prince really unable to understand.

Ye Xiaoman didn't panic in the slightest, she just glanced at Tokugawa Sakura lightly, and then said calmly, "Since Miss Tokugawa really cares about our collaborator, then Manman By the way, there are really some unfeeling requests, and I hope Ms. Tokugawa Sakurako will not mind."

"Ahem!" The prince frowned slightly, then looked at Ye Xiaoman with a very embarrassed face, then at Tokugawa Sakurako with a smile on his face, smiled embarrassingly, and said, "Well, if you If the two of you have anything else to talk about, it’s getting late here, and the temperature is a bit chilly, Miss Yingzi’s transmission is relatively cool, if you catch a cold, it won’t be too good.”

Tokugawa Sakura snorted coldly, squinted her eyes, turned her head and gave the prince a hard look, and said in a low voice, "It's rare that Ye Xiaoman can think of Fang'er and beg me once, if you dare to mess up, I will definitely take you nice!"

Then she turned her head and looked at Ye Xiaoman with a smile, "Sister Manman, if you don't think it's too late, Yingzi thinks it's very cool here."

The prince swallowed hard, then pouted his mouth, and looked helplessly at the two women who were facing each other. He really didn't know how to deal with this seemingly harmonious situation, but the real situation was indeed undercurrent. .

"You go back first." Ye Xiaoman also saw the embarrassing situation of the prince, and then she pursed her lips and smiled, "You go back first, Xiaojing seems to be discussing with Xiaobai and Xiaohei. Go find Qin Yabin tomorrow."

"Really?" The prince was taken aback. Although he said that he was very happy to have such a very good opportunity to leave this inhuman place, but when he heard that it was about going to Qin Yabin tomorrow, he immediately became serious. .

After all, he knew very well in his heart how important it was to talk to Qin Yabin tomorrow.

Afterwards, the prince nodded and said in a deep voice, "Alright, since they are talking about this matter, I'll go back and have a look. After all, this is a very urgent matter for us so far."

Ye Xiaoman nodded, "I think so too, so I suggest you, no matter when you finally decide to see Qin Yabin, I hope you can bring Miranda with you."

"Bring Miranda?" The prince was stunned, and looked at Ye Xiaoman puzzled, "Why did you take her? Going to Qin Yabin, it doesn't take such a big battle, does it?"

Tokugawa Sakura was behind the prince, pushed the prince gently, and smiled softly, "Okay, let me tell you, you are just a wooden fish head."

The prince scratched his head, then looked at Sakurako Tokugawa in embarrassment, "I think I'm pretty smart."

"Come on," Tokugawa Sakura pursed her lips, "Sister Manman must have her own reasons for making such arrangements."

"You, Xiaobai, and Xiaohei, under some normal circumstances, are indeed competent for the job of negotiation, but you must know that since it is a negotiation, there must be some abnormal situations."

"For example?" The prince was taken aback, becoming more and more confused. Before, he and Tokugawa Sakurako, or Ye Xiaoman, and even Qin Yajing had already roughly figured out all Qin Yabin's reactions, but now what? What other abnormalities have arisen?

"For example," Tokugawa Sakura glanced at the prince vigorously, and then smiled helplessly, "I really remember now that Sister Manman and Sister Meng said that your wisdom at certain times is really true. It’s not a very bright thing.”

"For example, if Qin Yabin got the news before you went to find Qin Yabin this time, what should we do?"

"If Qin Yabin didn't get the news before you went to find Qin Yabin, and someone from the outside world started to spread the news, what would be the result?"

Ye Xiaoman nodded like Tokugawa Sakura at this time, "I have thought about this question too, after all, the Qin family has been in Binhai for so many years, there must be a lot of people who study the Qin family, if someone knows the news, then you say , what should I do?"

The prince swallowed hard, then pursed his mouth, "Okay, since you both mean the same thing, and it really makes sense, then I'll listen to you, if you decide when to meet Qin Yabin , I will definitely call Miranda."

"Ahem!" After the prince finished speaking, he felt very embarrassed when he saw the two women looking at him with smiles, and smiled embarrassingly, "Then you two still have things to do now, then I I'm going back first. You chat slowly, but it's not too late."

Seeing Tokugawa Sakurako and Ye Xiaoman staring at him with extremely disdainful eyes at the same time, the prince's expression changed slightly, and then he hurried back to the villa as if fleeing.

Seeing the prince left, Sakurako Tokugawa smiled deeply, pursing her lips, "There are only two of us left now, can we have a good chat?"

Ye Xiaoman nodded, looking at Tokugawa Sakurako with a serious expression.

"Ahem!" Seeing Ye Xiaoman's expression, Sakurako Tokugawa became nervous.After all, after such a long time of contact, in the eyes of Tokugawa Sakurako, Ye Xiaoman, the former second-level staff officer of the military region, is even more thoughtful than Jiang Menghan, a shopping mall wizard.

But this solemn expression tonight made even Sakurako Tokugawa feel a heavy burden.

"I said Sister Manman, if you have something to say, just talk about it directly. If you keep this expression, I really can't stand it."

After Ye Xiaoman looked around, she went to the stone chair that Tokugawa Sakurako made before, and waved her hand to Tokugawa Sakurako.

Tokugawa Sakurako walked over wondering.

Ye Xiaoman smiled, "Sit."

Tokugawa Sakurako blinked and sat down.Swallowing hard, he said with a wry smile, "Sister Manman, if you have anything to say, just tell me, otherwise, I will feel very uncomfortable."

Ye Xiaoman sighed hard, then turned her head to look at Tokugawa Sakura very seriously.

"Miss Yingzi, it's okay for me to call you that?"

"Of course not." Sakurako Tokugawa was stunned for a moment, and then she pursed her lips and smiled, "Don't really say that, you've never called me that, so you really didn't get used to it at first."

Ye Xiaoman smiled, "If you say, I want you to help me find out all the projects that Jiang Daqi has done in Binhai City, will you help me?"

"What?!" Sakurako Tokugawa thought of many requests that Ye Xiaoman would make, such as asking him to leave the prince, or asking the Tokugawa family to find another contact person to replace her.

But she really didn't expect that Ye Xiaoman would ask herself to do such a favor.

"Sister Manman, I really can't help you with this favor."

Tokugawa Sakura frowned in embarrassment, "I think you should also know that the political bottom line of our Tokugawa family is not to have an alliance with any political party, and similarly, we will not do anything against a certain political party. things."

"And the matter you asked me to help with is already targeting the Liberal Democratic Party."

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