Seeing the prince's expression, Ye Xiaoman knew her guess. I'm afraid the prince's heart also exists.

"What do you think about this matter?" Ye Xiaoman looked at the prince solemnly.

The prince pursed his lips, "Actually, to be honest, I discovered the abnormality before, but I definitely didn't think about not being alone."

"Now after listening to you, I feel that this explanation is very reasonable."

Ye Xiaoman nodded, "That's right. If we apply this reason, then we can explain why Jiang Daqi did a lot of different things after returning to China."

"Moreover, in just a few years, he became a senior staff member of the Liberal Democratic Party of China. For a Chinese, do you think this is really not a fantasy?"

The prince shrugged his shoulders, and then smiled softly, "Actually, I think that the people in Plaster Country chose Jiang Daqi with a purpose."

"Think about it, why is Jiang Daqi's identity their target?" The prince pursed his lips, "You have to know that there are a lot of Chinese people in Plaster Country."

"No matter what age group or what industry they are in, there are many Chinese people in Plaster Country, but Jiang Daqi's identity is very special."

Ye Xiaoman frowned, and then carefully recalled Jiang Daqi's information.

After a long time, Ye Xiaoman nodded slowly, "After you reminded me, I thought of some information about Jiang Daqi."

"Tell me," the prince looked at Ye Xiaoman with a smile, "I'd like to see how powerful you are as a second-level staff officer in the military region."

Ye Xiaoman pursed her mouth and hammered the prince's chest vigorously, then glanced at him vigorously, pursed her lips, hesitated and said, "Tell me, will the Liberal Democratic Party in the plaster country find out His social relations in Binhai?"

"Actually, it's about getting to know Jiang Mengqi and Liang Fengyi?"

"That's right." The prince smiled meaningfully, "That's what I want to say. You must know that the relationship between Huaxia Kingdom and Plaster Kingdom, especially in Binhai, a very special place, is really hard to say. What kind of backhand does Bu have?"

"Maybe Jiang Daqi was already targeted by the Liberal Democratic Party when he was still in China."

Ye Xiaoman nodded thoughtfully, then shook her head with a wry smile, "To be honest, I really can't believe what we guessed is true."

The prince also swallowed hard, "To be honest, I can't believe it either. After all, I've watched too many TV movies. You can guess the ending after reading the beginning of the plot."

"But now, after all, in life, if there is such a person, you thought it should be the person you know, but in fact it is not at all, then the psychology is really broken."

"It's still wailing." Ye Xiaoman twisted the prince's ears vigorously, and then snorted coldly, "I can tell you, when you went to talk to Qin Yabin today, the communication channel was always on, so there are some things that need to be addressed at home. People still know about it.”

The prince swallowed hard again, then smiled awkwardly, and looked at Ye Xiaoman embarrassingly, "Manman, you know it too, didn't you already know it from the beginning."

"Of course I know!" Ye Xiaoman glanced at the prince, then sat on the edge of the bed, dangling her calves, and took a sip of water, "But, I also warned you, don't worry about what the Liang family thinks about your relationship with Liang Fengyi Yes, I just ask you to hold on to it."

"Right?" Ye Xiaoman looked at the prince coldly.

The prince nodded, then touched his nose in embarrassment, and murmured softly, "Yes, you did tell me that before."

"Hmph!" Ye Xiaoman snorted coldly, then squinted at the prince, "Then what? Then what did you do? Did you not hear what I said clearly, or did you just ignore my words?"

The prince swallowed hard again today, and then smiled obsequiously, "Well, Manman, you know, I just agreed on the scene, after all, we still have a very close cooperation with their Liang family .”

"You are a staff officer. You should have read more books than me. You also know that no matter in ancient times or in the present, the closest relationship between two families can be connected. In addition to the huge benefits, it is the two kinship relationship."

"And the huge interests are often maintained by the in-law relationship. So, this thing, both parties know it well, it's just verbal talk."

"Nonsense!" Ye Xiaoman stood up suddenly, stretched out her right leg, and kicked the prince's ass hard.

Then he looked at the prince with an atmosphere, and couldn't help but sneered, "Oh, I really didn't expect that, I thought you would seriously admit your mistake to me, and then tell me that you will never do it again next time."

"According to what I know about you, although I don't believe what you said, what I didn't expect is that you dare to talk to me like this this time. It's reasonable, right?"

"Of course not!" The prince said with a very serious expression, "Don't worry, as long as I meet Liang Jinrong next time, I will definitely explain this matter clearly, so that the Liang family will not have any other ideas to make trouble .”

Ye Xiaoman stared blankly at the prince, and after a long time she pursed her lips, "I really don't know how your brain grew."

"Also, although your education level is not high enough, I know that you only need to read it once, and you will have the ability to remember it with a photographic memory, so don't say anything in front of me that you are uneducated, it's too fake."

The prince smiled wryly and shook his head. Just as he was about to say something, Ye Xiaoman waved his hands and glanced at him vigorously, "Okay, don't talk to me anymore, it's boring, let's get down to business."

"When are you going to visit Jiang Daqi's company?"

The prince's expression tightened, he thought about it for a while, and then said, "Of course, the sooner the better, after all, we don't know how long our free time will really last."

"After all, people don't necessarily do what we think. If someone really has any ideas about the stable environment of Binhai, we need to get busy."

"At that time, we really didn't have time to deal with Jiang Daqi." After the prince finished speaking, he hesitated for a moment, and then said, "You have to know, maybe the next wave of forces stationed in Binhai will very likely There is the power of the Liberal Democratic Party in the plaster."

"Impossible?" Ye Xiaoman looked at the prince puzzled, "You have to know that although the war between the two countries has passed for a long time, the psychology between ordinary people is far from reaching the level where they want to shake hands with each other .”

The prince nodded, "Yes, I agree with what you said, that's why the Liberal Democratic Party will find some shell companies, so that you will never find out the real situation behind it."

"The current Jiang Daqi is just our breakthrough." The prince said seriously, "I finally know one thing now, that is, there is nothing impossible, only unexpected."

"What do you mean?" Ye Xiaoman asked puzzled.

The prince said, "Think about it, the ins and outs of the whole matter are not complicated. It's just that we didn't think about the problem of identity fraud before, so we never figured out what Jiang Daqi's identity is in the Liberal Democratic Party."

"But now there is no problem, we have thought of this, then we can really solve it."

Ye Xiaoman still looked at the prince incomprehensibly, then shook her head, "What's wrong with you today? Can you talk well? Do you have to say such things that ordinary people can't understand to be happy?"

The prince pursed his lips, "Before we didn't know that Jiang Daqi was a native of Plaster Country. Of course, we know it now."

"If we start with his identity now, if it is pointed out that he is not Jiang Daqi, then the contract signed before will naturally fail, right?"

Ye Xiaoman nodded, "Naturally, the contract he signed is not his real life, so it is already considered a fraud, so it will automatically become invalid."

The prince smiled and nodded, "That's right, so the excuse I thought was very legitimate. After all, it is for the sake of ensuring the highest quality of every project. I believe there is nothing wrong with this reason."

After thinking for a while, Ye Xiaoman nodded in the same way, "Yes, what you said is very good, and I believe the government of Binhai City will be very happy about this matter."

"Furthermore, our relationship with Liang Jinrong can be reported in the whole city to make major companies think that this is not only the behavior of our Huaxia Group, but also a kind of government censorship. In this case, it will be more appropriate. "

The prince pursed his lips, gave a thumbs up, and said with a smile, "That's right, and in order to relieve Jiang Daqi's doubts, when we notify the major contractors, we can tell them that we review by batch and by time. "

"In addition, we announced our review batch and time, as well as the construction unit on our Huaxia Group website, and even made it more realistic. It is absolutely possible to arrange Jiang Daqi's company to the second or third batch. In this way If so, they won't suspect our real purpose at all."

"What's more, when we were reviewing, we didn't completely pretend. Since we have already said it, and we also need to arrange manpower and material resources, in this case, we will fake the show and go through it carefully with all the contractors. .”

Ye Xiaoman nodded, "That's fine, take this opportunity to check all the details of our contractors. In this way, we can also make a file for these contractors, which will be helpful for future project bidding."

The prince stretched his waist in a relaxed manner, "In that case, let's arrange for the secretarial department of the Huaxia Group to start talking on the phone."

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