Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 358 Large-Scale Training Plan

Seeing Dao Feng and Jianmang's extremely excited expressions, the prince randomly smiled softly, and then said softly, "Although the two of you have no military status and have left the military area."

"But I know the kind of iron-blood complex in the two of you, so this time I fought with the old man Huangfu, and finally won a lot of things for you that can let you relive the iron-blood complex."

"First, in view of the great importance of the defense work of the three gold mines, and the urgent need for special operations elites in the Southern Liaoning Military Region, so, after my consultation with the old man Huangfu, the number of the first batch of trainees is temporarily limited. Set at 200 people."

"Moreover, the Southern Liaoning Military Region is responsible for all training costs, including logistical support and weaponry."

"We are only responsible for the entry and exit procedures, as well as specific training plans and defense plans."

Hearing what the prince said, everyone was stunned, especially Daofeng and Jianmang.

Daofeng and Jianmang used to be in the North China Military Region, and one of their priorities was to train combat elites.But in their impression, even the North China Military Region has never had a training mission of 200 people.

After all, the training course the two of them set up is not a simple recruit training, nor is it a selection training for special forces, but a real elite training.

First of all, when they entered the training camp of the two of them, they were already the elites of various combat operations in the military region, but what they lacked was the experience of fighting behind enemy lines abroad.

After all, since Huaxia Kingdom fought the Patriotic War with Plaster Kingdom decades ago, there has been no large-scale military battle in the world.

Even if there are traceable troop missions, most of them are carried out in the form of peacekeeping troops, and it is rare to say that there is an active attack by leading troops.

So even the elite among the elites is nothing more than acting, the title obtained in the cement training ground.Therefore, when a group of elite bastards who are usually defiant, boss, and my second child appear on the training ground of the two of them, they still remember the expressions of seven dissatisfied and eight dissatisfied.

Since it is business training, no matter where it is, the number of elites will not be particularly large.Therefore, for the elite training class, about sixty people each time is already the limit.

But this time, the prince unexpectedly got 200 training quotas at once.The meaning of this really makes people ponder deeply.

If it is said that all the 200 people participated in the elite training this time, no one would believe it.

After all, China's foreign policy basically does not involve large-scale overseas military operations, or in other words, on the bright side, such a situation will not occur.Therefore, the training scale of 200 people at a time is indeed too large.

But from another point of view, leaving aside the training and just talking about the guarding mission of the gold mine, it shouldn't really be too much, at least it can only be regarded as about enough.

So when the prince said the number of 200 people, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, it became clear in their hearts.

For the prince, guarding the gold mine is the most important thing, and training the elite is just a incidental thing, not a big deal.

The prince looked at everyone, and after everyone calmed down, he continued, "I will lead the team to the gold mine this time, and when everything is settled there, the blade and sword glow will stay. what is the problem?"

Ye Xiaoman paused, "There is nothing wrong with the candidates for Daofeng and Jianmang, but I want to know, who are you going to bring?"

The prince paused, then slid across the faces of everyone present, and then said, "Xiaobai, Xiaohei, Miranda, the four of us plus the blade and the sword light."

"Among them, Manman, you, the white crane, and the hummingbird, the three of you are waiting for our news at home, and when we have settled everything in the Congo, you can just take the 200 people and set off. "

"The matter of entry and exit from the Huaxia Kingdom and the Congo cloth side, the Southern Liaoning Military Region and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Huaxia Kingdom, and the joint Ezreel side have all been settled, and you will not have any obstructions at that time."

"Is there any question?" The prince looked at the crowd again and asked in a deep voice.

Seeing that no one asked another question, the prince nodded, "Everyone, let's rest. Things may happen one after another in the future. It's hard to have such a leisurely leisure time like now."

"Beidou, arrange your route map and give it to me. About the day after tomorrow, we will set off for Congo. You should arrange the itinerary first."

"Okay," Beidou nodded.

Back in his room, Ye Xiaoman and Jiang Menghan sat on the sofa together.

The prince looked at the two women in front of him, his heart warmed, and he sat between the two of them, holding them with each arm.

"Thank you," said the prince in a hoarse voice, "now you have been helping me since I started."

"I used to have no self-confidence at all. Even if I agreed to old man Huangfu, it was largely out of anger, because of my sister's affairs."

"It's not that I think about it now and feel emotional. After all, I haven't achieved any success now, but I really want to thank you two."

Both Ye Xiaoman and Jiang Menghan smiled slightly, didn't say much, just looked at the prince quietly, their eyes were full of love and affection.

The prince paused, and said with a choked voice, "To be honest, both of you knew a lot of things back then."

"I was a soldier. Before that, I was living in a precarious life without enough food and clothing. Later, for my sister, I went to the military area and received that kind of inhuman training."

"What happened later, you all know by now. After going through the life and death parting of brothers, my heart has become numb, and I seldom show any emotions."

"Once again, for my sister's sake, I agreed to this deal with old man Huangfu, and that's why I was lucky enough to meet you."

"I am a soldier from the bottom of my heart. Regarding the business things you are doing now, if you say it nicely, it is called a layman, but if you say it poorly, it is bullshit."

"Of course, I'm still in this state now. Even though I have a teacher and want to be self-taught, I still don't understand anything. I just understand some technical terms, that's all."

"Without the help of the two of you, I'm afraid I really don't know what to do now. This is not only in the operation of the Huaxia Group, but more in the affairs of the women outside."

"I have been with my sister and the others since I was a child. You all know what happened to my sister, so their circle is full of women."

"If there are too many women together, it is really a headache, and I have been afraid of this headache since I was a child. Fortunately, you can help me solve a lot of troubles like this. I can't, no Understand the trouble."

Ye Xiaoman smiled, "It's really rare that you still have time to show a child's expression and tell us such heartfelt words."

The prince was stunned, and then smiled faintly, "Really, I didn't expect to be able to say so much today. It's just that I feel that a lot of recent things are all on me, and I can't breathe. "

"By the way, Sakurako Tokugawa approached me before and told me some things. It was originally agreed to keep secret and only the two of us would know, but now that she knows more about our group, Let me tell you two specifically."

"Oh?" Jiang Menghan looked at the prince with great interest, "I really didn't expect that there is a little secret between the two of you."

The prince pursed his lips and smiled, "Actually, this secret can't be mine, it should belong to Sakurako Tokugawa."

"Let's hear it," Ye Xiaoman said with a smile, "I really didn't expect that Yingzi has only been here for a few days, and already has a secret with you that belongs to the two of you."

The prince raised his hands, and said in surrender, "Actually, she has taken a lot of risks for our Huaxia Kingdom with this secret."

Seeing the puzzled looks in the eyes of Ye Xiaoman and Jiang Menghan, the prince smiled and said, "Didn't we analyze it before, saying that the construction company on Jiang Daqi's side should have problems?"

"Jiang Daqi?" Ye Xiaoman frowned, and then said, "You mean, that construction company that may have tampered with most of the projects in our prime location in Binhai City?"

Jiang Menghan nodded, "I have the impression that the Jiang Daqi you mentioned is the one who proposed to Qiqi and Liang Fengyi last time."

"Besides, aren't we going to review their company soon?"

The prince nodded, "Yes, I'm talking about him."

"After our careful analysis last time, the Liberal Democratic Party of Plaster Country should have done such a despicable trick in many large and medium-sized cities in China. If the situation requires it, maybe they can do anything."

"Just for this matter, I found Tokugawa Sakurako and had a brief chat with her. After all, this matter is very important, and I don't know what Mochizuki Wakaka in plaster country would think, so I didn't talk to her first. explain."

"After chatting with Sakurako Tokugawa, I'm now very clear that the Liberal Democratic Party in Plaster Country does have a database for storing important information."

"Besides, after chatting with Mr. Xiao, I now very much suspect that the information that Mr. Xiao wants, as well as the information on every project that has been manipulated by the Liberal Democratic Party, are also stored in that database."

"Mr. Xiao is looking for that database now, isn't he?" Ye Xiaoman asked puzzled.

The prince nodded, "Yes, Mr. Xiao is indeed looking for it now, but he hasn't found it after so many years of searching. Do you think he can still find it?"

Jiang Menghan suddenly realized at this time, "You mean, Tokugawa Sakura is helping you find the specific location of this database?"

The prince nodded, "That's right, Tokugawa Sakura has agreed to help find this database, but once this matter is leaked out, she and the Tokugawa family will be particularly passive in the plaster country, so I have to keep it a secret .”

"And I have already promised her that once I find this database, when the time comes to act, try not to be one of us, try not to let anyone have any excuses for this matter, involving Tokugawa Sakurako body."

Ye Xiaoman and Jiang Menghan both nodded in the same way, "Don't worry, since the two of you have let the two of us know about this matter with confidence, then the two of us will not let you down. Only the four of us will know."

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