Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 365 Battlefield Meeting

Miranda went on to say, "Judging from the fact that there is no fighting here, the Izreel government must have made some measures here, or taken some measures, which caused the two warring parties to withdraw from each other, or shift the place of the fighting. .”

The prince paused, and then said, "It may not be the measures taken by the Ezreel government. After all, our country's peacekeeping force may have taken certain actions."

"After all, before we came here, I have gone through many inquiries. Before our country, there was no peacekeeping force in Congo."

"And the peacekeeping force not far away from us has definitely just arrived here, and it will not take more than three months."

Seeing that the prince had recognized his relationship, Miranda went on to say, "Jianmang has already said before that the purpose of the government's armed forces and the Communist armed forces' fighting is not only to take away the ruling power of the entire country, but also One is to seize mineral resources that can be exchanged for rice gold."

"Then, in the competition for these three gold mines, no one can benefit from the two parties. After they can't offend Izreel and the Huaxia Kingdom, they must look for the available mineral resources."

The prince shook his head, "I think it's not that they can't take these three gold mines, but that the Izreel government didn't know what benefits they promised to the government's armed forces, so they can voluntarily give up these three gold mines."

"Think about it, although in terms of international status, Huaxia and Izreel are behemoths that the current Congo-Brazzaville must not be able to provoke, but now these two countries will definitely not brazenly send troops to Congo-Brazzaville."

"Another point is that no one in the Congo is actually the master, and they are all taking advantage of the opportunity, so there is no need to offend some big international forces."

"Maybe." Miranda nodded, then looked at where her finger was pointing, and said, "After all, their main purpose now is to get mineral resources."

"It is impossible for China and Izreel to seize all the mineral resources in the Congo cloth, so their choice is relatively large."

"And I think that the current government armed forces and revolutionary armed forces are under the strong support of supporters behind the scenes. In addition to funds, there are many advanced weapons that are now mainstream."

"And why do those behind-the-scenes support them?" The prince paused and said with a smile, "I guess they must also want those mineral resources."

Miranda nodded, "Yes, that's what I think."

"Think about it, now that the government forces and the anti-government forces have all the resources in their hands, so there is little possibility of a fight. After all, it is impossible for the opponent to go deep behind the enemy lines to snatch it."

"Even if it is snatched, it is impossible to keep it. After all, it is not their territory. And now the two sides are fighting each other for the mineral resources in the war zone."

"If you follow their way of thinking, then the place where they are fighting the most concentrated fire should not be in the city, but in the mining area."

The prince nodded, then looked at the position of Miranda's fingers, pursed his lips, "Yes, the position you chose is a very likely battle zone."

After everyone had seen it, Jianmang's brows slowly frowned.

"Master, if we are really fighting in that area, it won't be too good for our situation." Jianmang paused, "Although it's not too close to us over there, there is one troublesome thing. , the location over there is too bad.”

"Of course, this is too bad, from our point of view."

The prince nodded, "That's right, if what Miranda said is true, if the two sides chose to exchange fire there, it would be a very big hidden danger. After all, our gold mining area is leading to that place." It is in the middle of the two main areas of the mining area, and the distance is not far."

"Although the main road of the government armed forces is behind us, after all, our relationship with the government armed forces is not bad, and they will not attack us behind the scenes."

Miranda also nodded, "After all, our country's peacekeeping force is behind us, and it is unlikely that they will attack us."

"But on the other hand, the armed forces on the opposite side may not be so friendly to us."

Daofeng looked at the map, and then said, "Then what are your thoughts on our current defense force?"

The prince smiled, then shook his head, "I don't intend to interfere with everything here, it's up to the two of you to figure it out."

"I don't know if there are two of you now, is there any good way?"

Jianmang looked at the prince, and he already knew what the prince really thought.

Then he looked at the map again and said, "The problem now is very simple. Due to our current manpower problem and the main purpose of our mission, the possibility of taking the initiative to attack is almost zero."

"Then the only option we have now is active defense."

The prince nodded, then smiled at Jianmang, "Very well said, continue."

Jianmang also nodded, and then said, "What we have to do now is to obtain all the information of the government and anti-government forces as soon as the personnel are in place."

"According to the current distribution of forces in the Congo and the report on the strength of the government armed forces and the armed forces, I think that in a short period of time, the most necessary information is the deployment of their main forces."

Miranda nodded, "That's right. According to the information provided by Izreel and the peacekeeping force, the main force of the government armed forces and the anti-Japanese armed forces are almost 1000 people."

"In addition to their weapons and equipment, if they want to divide their troops, they will not be enough to resist the opponent's attack. Of course, if they want to divide their troops, they will not be enough to tear apart our 200-man gold mine defense force."

Jianmang nodded, "So what we have to do now is to find out the movements of the main forces of these two forces, and then closely monitor them."

"As long as they don't make an attack on our gold mines, we can let them do any activities outside our defense zone."

The prince smiled, "Then how do you plan to set up our defense zone? After all, we only have 200 people here."

Jianmang is very confident about this point, and said with a smile, "First of all, modern warfare is not the kind of barbaric fighting that requires numbers on the battlefield in ancient times."

"According to the information obtained before, these two armed forces do not have any heavy firepower, nor do they have the kind of armored infantry vehicles with heavy defense."

"Although there are not many people on our side, the good thing is that we have very powerful equipment supporting us."

"The more important point is that although the 200 people here are here for training, they are not recruits. Instead, they are the elites of the elites of the Southern Liaoning Military Region."

"According to our on-the-spot observation of the mining area, coupled with the deterrent force of the peacekeeping forces behind us, there is no need to deploy a large defensive force behind us."

"As long as a conventional defense force of [-] people is allocated, all-round surveillance can be completely carried out, but one thing to note is that the weapons and equipment must be fully guaranteed, especially in terms of intelligence."

The prince nodded, "Go on."

Jianmang looked at the map again, and said, "Then there is the defense force in front of our gold mine."

"Only about [-] people are needed to defend the front. After all, we will never let the armed forces approach the gold mining area."

The prince smiled, and then said with a smile, "To be honest, I'm only interested in it from now on. After all, the previous deployments are some routine deployments. Now can you tell us how you kept the other party from approaching us?" From the goldfields?"

"Of course," Jianmang smiled, "The current situation is that [-] kilometers ahead of us is the main route used by the armed forces."

"Then let's analyze their battle zone first, and then talk about our side."

"In the battle zone over there, regardless of the outcome of the battle, there will only be the following situations."

"First, if the government's armed forces fail, then the government armed forces will definitely occupy the mining area over there. Then after the occupation, since they are in the war zone, they must maintain sufficient strength, so they will not have many Troops can come back from ahead of us."

"At the same time, the result above is that they choose to develop it themselves. If the forces behind them come in to mine it, then there are two situations."

"Either the armed forces of the Communist Party stayed behind to guard, and they would not return, or the forces behind them were not guarded, just like what we are doing now, then they would choose to withdraw their forces."

"In this case, our situation is more complicated. The first thing is to pay attention to the people behind them guarding our side, coveting our side, and whether they will attack our side after withdrawing their troops."

The prince, Miranda and others all nodded.

Jianmang looked at the expressions of everyone, and then continued to analyze, "The second situation is that the two sides are stalemate in the mining area, and neither of them wants to give up, but they are in a state of evenly matched power."

"In this case, it is very difficult for both of them to obtain the actual control of the mining area. The final direction is not very clear. will withdraw troops."

"Then there is another situation, that is, the government armed forces win, and then the anti-Japanese armed forces have to withdraw their troops. Then this is similar to the first situation."

The prince nodded, "If that's the case, then let's conclude that whether the armed forces retreat or increase their troops, they are a threat to our side, right?"

Jianmang nodded, "That's right, that's what it means."

"Then, in order to minimize this threat, we need to seriously consider the plan."

"No matter which aspect you look at, the main source of their threat to us lies in the main road."

"If we can force them to not take that road, or the section closest to us, whether it is increasing troops or withdrawing troops, then the level of threat will be reduced a lot."

The prince nodded, "Yes, this method is very good. After all, it can control the threat from the source. But have you thought about how to do it?"

"Destroy the road!" Jianmang narrowed his eyes, glanced across the map, and said, "After our people arrive, we will start destroying the two ends of the section of the road closest to our mining area!"

"Then start from both ends, and use heavy firepower to forcibly open an arc-shaped road with a width of six meters to the forest away from us. I believe that they will know how to go by then."

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