Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 373 Xiaobai and Xiaohei's Teacher

"Haha, Boss, I am really happy today."

After returning, Xiaobai and Xiaohei threw themselves into the sofa, lay comfortably on it, and laughed unscrupulously.

The prince and Miranda looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

"I said, you two, don't be so excited, it's just a small business negotiation, so excited?"

"Well," Xiaobai nodded, and then scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "Haha, to be honest, if Sister Manman brought people to Congo, she would definitely not Agreed to let the two of us go."

"And in this part of our life, when it's so easy that Sister Manman is not around, if you don't let the two of us go out to have a good time, then you are simply too sorry for the two of us, boss?"

The prince pursed his lips, and then glanced at Xiaobai angrily, "You two, you are really making trouble for me, you two will remember this matter for me, if Manman comes here, your mouth You better be strict with me."

"Originally, I gave you two a chance to have a good time. If you two leaked your words and let Manman find out, he will definitely not treat you two badly, but he will definitely complain to me."

Xiao Bai and Xiao Hei pursed their lips, and then smiled softly, "Don't worry, boss, the two of us know what we are, and we will definitely not sell ourselves out."

"Okay, then let's sit down and have a good chat about today's unique actual combat training."

The prince smiled, "First of all, Xiaobai, let's talk about it, you can say anything, you can say whatever you think of, but remember, you can only say something related to today's task, and don't talk too much about other messy things. explain."

Xiaobai pursed his lips at Xiaohei, and then said solemnly, "Today, the overall feeling is that something is missing."

"How to say?" The prince shrugged, "Tell me what you think of."

"It's very simple." Xiaobai paused, then thought for a while, and said, "First of all, the two of us have basically completed the task assigned by the boss today, so it can only be considered basically."

"The two of us did catch Wang Hao by surprise before. Although we don't know the specific reason, Xiao Hei and I simply touched each other."

"The reason is nothing more than that he underestimated the enemy, and he didn't realize at all that our Huaxia Group is fundamentally different from the business groups he encountered before who could only blindly obey the government's arrangements and say what they said. .”

"Not to mention anything else, when the two of us said that this matter is not considered a military mission, but only a business cooperation, I almost didn't laugh when I saw his iron blue face at that time."

Xiao Hei also nodded beside him, "That's right, Boss, I almost couldn't hold back my laughter at that time."

The prince nodded, "That's right, the two of you have seized a very good opportunity today. After all, not everyone has the guts to say something to his colonel that he can't even imagine."

After thinking for a while, Xiaobai continued, "This is a very successful start for the two of us, and it just stumped Wang Hao."

Xiao Hei continued from the side, "Then it's the middle game. In the first half of the middle game, the two of us actually have a very big advantage."

"Let's think about it carefully. The person who came here to discuss this matter with us is either Mr. Xiao or Mr. Huangfu. Which one is not a high-ranking one?"

"If the two of them think according to their ideas, then they will definitely tell Wang Hao in advance how difficult our Huaxia Group is, and from the subsequent conversations, I believe he should be clear about this."

"But the strange thing is that at the beginning of the middle game, he seemed to be completely out of shape. It felt like he was thinking about something else and talking to us at the same time. In this case , he has no chance of winning at all."

The prince nodded, "Yes, what you two said is very reasonable, especially after the initial greetings are over, he obviously has other thoughts and is not in the mood at all."

"Miranda and I also discovered this. At that time, the two of us had to discuss why this happened."

When Xiao Hei heard this, he looked at Miranda excitedly, "Milan, hurry up and talk to us brothers, why is this happening?"

"Although the two of us are very happy to win, this kind of ambiguous victory is not what the two of us want. After all, the two of us are not very old, but we are already considered true veterans who have experienced many battles. Rather It's much better to fight with real swords and guns and fail than to win for no reason like now."

Miranda smiled, and then said, "Actually, think about it, it's not a very complicated matter."

"First of all, just like what you said, that Wang Hao's superior must know Huaxia Group and your boss. Now that he knows your boss, he must know his character."

"After anyone knows your boss's personality, I believe that as long as he is a person with a normal IQ, he will definitely give Wang Hao a very detailed information, which is your boss's information."

"If you really value your boss, not only will there be your boss's information, but even the information of your boss's other women in the villa, especially the background information, will be written very clearly."

"If that's the case, then Wang Hao should have known how difficult today's business negotiations will be from the very beginning, but unfortunately, he didn't know."

"Even at the beginning, he was still self-righteous and put him in a very high position, so there was a result of falling very hard in the beginning."

Xiao Bai and Xiao Hei still looked at Miranda with some doubts.

Miranda went on to say, "The main result is that Colonel Wang Hao, even though he got the file of your boss, he didn't read it at all, or in other words, he didn't read it carefully at all."

Xiao Bai and Xiao Hei suddenly realized, especially combined with Wang Hao's live performance, at this time, all the doubts of the two of them have basically been solved.

The prince smiled, "You know now? That's why Wang Hao lost his mind in the first half of the midfield."

"Because at that time, Wang Hao was thinking, or recalling would be more appropriate. He was recalling my materials, and because he hardly read them, it would be very troublesome to recall."

Xiaobai pursed his lips, and then sighed, "Well, to be honest, it was during that time, after waiting for Wang Hao to recover later, it was really difficult."

"The two of us actually don't know anything about the rules of business negotiations, or some professional strategies. We can only barely cope with the experience we have learned from the battlefield."

The prince nodded, "Actually, if you use one word to describe the second half of your life, it would be embarrassment."

Xiaobai smiled wryly and nodded, "The two of us are really embarrassed enough. Fortunately, the two of us are relatively thick-skinned, so even in such an embarrassing environment, we can still calm down."

"Forget it." Miranda really couldn't stand Xiaobai's narcissism, and said after she had no other choice, "The performance of the two of you in the back is simply far from the performance in the front."

"Ahem!" The prince pursed his lips, smiled lightly, and said, "Let's sum it up."

"Today's performance is not bad, at least we have successfully completed the tasks we set before. Although in the second half, it was not very satisfactory, but fortunately we have given us what we want to know in the first half. nailed it."

"Overall, the early stage is much better than the late stage. After all, the two of you are elites on the battlefield. It is very easy to catch Wang Hao's mistakes in the early stage and catch him off guard. This is very good."

"The second half is because the two of you really lack the necessary business knowledge, and the skills you use can only rely on the experience you have learned on the battlefield."

Xiaobai nodded, "Boss, after today's incident, the two of us are going to find a good teacher and learn business knowledge after we go back."

The prince nodded, "I've already thought that the two of you can talk to me about this matter after you come back. After all, we are brothers. I will definitely know what you are thinking."

"So, even if you don't tell me, I have already selected teachers for both of you."

Miranda looked at the prince in disbelief, "So fast?"

The prince nodded, "Yes, what's the problem?"

"Who did you choose?" Xiaobai also asked in surprise at this time.

"In our villa, there are quite a few women with business minds, but if it comes to who is the most comprehensive in the business field, it can only be Jiang Mengqi."

"Qiqi?" Miranda nodded thoughtfully. "Actually, Qiqi is a very good candidate. It takes longer than most people."

"Sister Meng probably doesn't have time, Mengmeng, I'm afraid she can't really teach the two of you with her joking personality, so there's only Qiqi, and she's the chairman of Zhongtian Group anyway."

The prince nodded, "I also considered this, so I chose Qiqi to be their teacher."

"Qiqi", Xiaobai swallowed hard, then turned to look at Xiaohei.

Xiao Hei pursed his mouth, shrugged his shoulders, and shook his head slowly.

Seeing Xiaobai and Xiaohe's small movements, the prince shook his head amusedly, "I said, can you explain the small movements of the two of you just now, whether you are satisfied with my arrangement or not? "

Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, then smiled embarrassingly, "Well, boss, tell me, can you change someone else?"

The prince looked at Xiaobai with great interest, then swept Xiaohei, and said, "Tell me why first?"


Xiaobai swallowed hard, and then smiled at the prince embarrassingly, "Boss, it's like this, can you find someone who is slightly older than the two of us, so that we can feel a little bit older?" face."

"Just this reason?" The prince thought of many reasons, some reasonable and some unreasonable, but he really didn't expect that the two of them could find such a reason.

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