Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 392 The Prince's Decision

"Master", Jianmang shouted at the prince from the battle map not far away, "The battle plan has been released, come and have a look."

The prince nodded, his expression immediately became very serious, "Everyone go over and have a look, and discuss it."

Seeing the prince's expression, Wang Hao was slightly taken aback.

Although living together for so many days, I have seen this expression on the prince several times.But to be honest, Wang Hao still couldn't quickly change his surprised state of mind when he saw the prince's suddenly serious expression again.

Seeing that everyone was at the side of the map, Jianmang paused and said, "According to the influence of the tactical satellite, the main force of the Congolese armed forces is still near the original gold mine, confronting the government forces. .”

"Besides, due to our previous brilliant achievements, the armed forces of the Communist Party are now a little unstable, and they have begun to show signs of retreating."

The prince carefully looked at the satellite images, and did not jump to conclusions, but looked at Ye Xiaoman and others. "You all tell me what you think."

"Today's issue is what we want to discuss. Before discussing our action plan, we must understand the opponent's thoughts and mental state."

"Only by knowing the true deepest thoughts of the opponent can we formulate the most targeted and effective combat plan."

Miranda looked at the satellite image, "I think Jianmang's analysis is very reasonable if we only look at it from this image."

"What the armed forces are now facing is that if they want to attack, they really can't get in, but if they want to withdraw, there are so many people, and the opponent is clenching their teeth. It's really not a very good strategy. opportunity to withdraw troops.”

Ye Xiaoman nodded, "That's right, since the strength of the two sides is almost exactly the same, the government's armed forces have no way to put more pressure on the armed forces of the Communist Party."

The prince nodded, "If the main force of the armed forces retreats in a leisurely manner, as shown in the video now, then we have encountered something reassuring."

"Our current observation team hasn't come yet. If they retreat in a big way, we can only use these 300 troops to force some harassing small battles."

After Miranda and Ye Xiaoman looked at each other, they frowned tightly.At the same time, he glanced at the prince from time to time.

"Is there any problem?" Seeing everyone looking at him in puzzlement, the prince could only ask again, "What I just said, is there any problem?"

Ye Xiaoman nodded seriously, "I think what you said just now is not only problematic, but the problem is going to be serious."

"Tell me the truth, are you going to let the observation team of one hundred people also go to the battlefield?"

The prince frowned, and then nodded, "Could it be that the observation group can really sit on a chair next to the battlefield and watch the soldiers fight comfortably, and they are just judging?"

"Tell you," the prince stood up, pursed his mouth, squinted his eyes and looked at the sky, and said coldly, "As long as they dare to come to my place, don't use it as a training ground for the Huaxia Military Region."

"A battlefield is a battlefield. There is no life or death. Is it still called a battlefield? After they come, they don't feel the taste of death, and they don't experience the baptism of bullets. Are you ashamed to say that they are here to learn?"

Seeing that Wang Hao still opened his mouth to speak, the prince pursed his lips and smiled, "I know very well what you want to say" read the book)

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