It wasn't until the prince restrained his breath that the Jiang family sisters felt that their breathing was no longer so viscous, the surrounding air was no longer so condensed, and the temperature slowly returned to normal.

After slowly calming down, Jiang Mengqi didn't start to tell the situation obediently, but opened her big eyes and looked at the prince curiously. Jiang Menghan beside her was very helpless, why didn't this girl know the seriousness.

Seeing Jiang Mengqi looking at him curiously, the prince didn't know what to say and shook his head helplessly.

Jiang Mengqi pouted, "He's so fierce, he's obviously younger than others, so why do you have to scare them?"

The prince touched his nose silently, is it fierce?Was there something fierce just now?

Miranda and Jiang Menghan next to her smiled faintly.

Although Jiang Mengqi is already the chairman of Zhongtian Group, but because of her age and experience, she still can't get rid of her childishness, but why is the prince who is younger than her mature so precociously?Jiang Menghan thought puzzledly.

"The first time I went to the bidding office, I went by myself. I didn't see any of the deputy mayor or the deputy secretary. After waiting for a long time, I saw a director who talked nonsense." Jiang Mengqi calmed down. , After thinking about it, I started talking.

"The second time my sister and I went together, the deputy mayor and the deputy secretary met, but their attitude was completely different from my father's before. It was very flat, or business-like, and there was no clear answer."

"Then today, I didn't see anyone today, and my sister answered a phone call on the way, and we didn't know that Hengyuan Real Estate has come, and they have already been to the bidding office."

After speaking, Jiang Mengqi bit her lip and looked at the prince.

"I said, you are a chairman, you just talk like that?" The prince really didn't know what to say, "What I want is the specific content and progress, not the journals you mentioned, especially the second meeting, I don't care whether it's plain or business-like, what I want is content."

Seeing that the prince was angry again, Miranda glanced at Jiang Menghan, who nodded, "Let me tell you, don't scare Xiaoqi."

"Their attitude is very subtle, I feel that the two of them seem to have disagreements," Jiang Menghan continued.

"The deputy mayor's meaning is more inclined to the local real estate developers in Binhai, but the deputy secretary gives me the feeling that he should still prefer Hengyuan real estate."

"Why did this happen?" the prince asked, "Hengyuan Real Estate has been exposed like this, why is the deputy secretary still so persistent?"

"Obviously, that deputy secretary wants to embrace the thigh of the governor," Jiang Menghan analyzed, "If his deputy secretary can't take off the adverb, then it's meaningless in Binhai, so he can only go to the province. If you want to do idle work, the province is better than Binhai, besides, he is already over 50."

"The deputy mayor is less than [-] years old, and his foundation is still in Binhai. Of course, he needs the support of real estate developers in Binhai."

The prince walked up and down, listening and thinking.Sometimes they frowned and sometimes shook their heads, so that the three women didn't know what the prince was thinking.

"Can you fight for one and attack the other?" After a long time, the prince stopped and asked uncertainly.

"You want to win over the deputy mayor?" Miranda asked.

"That's right. Since he intends to apply to a local real estate developer in Binhai, why can't we try to get him to support Zhongtian Group?"

"Even if he wins over him, it will be very difficult. Zhongtian Group is now in Binhai, and its reputation is not as good as before." Jiang Mengqi said in a low voice.

"From now on, we will do everything related to bidding. You just need to cooperate with me and provide the manpower and material resources I need. Miss Jiang, what do you think?" After a long time of consideration, the prince asked Jiang Meng Han.

Jiang Menghan nodded, "No problem."

"Okay, now that it's settled, I'll mention two things now." The prince said in a calm manner, "First, provide me with the information on the number of real estate developers in Binhai City, and second, the 700 million yuan we mentioned earlier If you don’t have a share, don’t bargain any more, is there a problem?”

"No problem", upon hearing the prince's request, Jiang Menghan agreed without hesitation.

"So refreshing?"

"We are all proud."

The prince nodded, "wait for my call."

Then he left Zhongtian Group with Miranda and returned to the villa.

"Sister, haven't we already agreed on 500 million shares? Isn't he bullying?" Jiang Mengqi said aggrievedly.

"Silly girl, if you don't cooperate, this project Zhongtian will be completely out of the game, let alone the dream you told me about last night." Jiang Menghan rubbed her sister's head. Forgot all this?"

"I haven't forgotten, it's just that being taught such a lesson by him today will always make me feel uncomfortable." Jiang Mengqi's tears welled up in her eyes.

"Okay, keep your memory longer. You are indeed wrong in this matter. You are already the chairman of the board, not a child. You must focus on what you say and do."

Jiang Mengqi nodded, leaned her head gently on her sister's arms, and said softly, "Sister, I miss Dad."

Jiang Menghan patted his sister, "Be strong, Dad is watching us from the sky."

"Master, what do you want to do?" Miranda looked at the prince who was driving.

"Contact 'Big Dipper', I want all the information of those two people, I must make a plan tonight, a plan of coercion and temptation." The prince said coldly.

"One threat, one temptation?"

"It's best like this, but you have to be prepared to threaten both. As for the people in the government, what I hate the most is not corruption and bribery, nor bullying, but crossing rivers and destroying bridges, ungrateful. And they are best at That's exactly what it is."

Miranda shrugged, and began to contact 'Big Dipper', asking her to prepare the information in advance.

"How are you doing?" the prince called Ye Xiaoman and asked.

It took a while for Ye Xiaoman to reply, her voice was very low, "It's not very convenient now, I can only say that I have gained a lot, and I can go back soon."

"Well, come back early, the matter is not as smooth as expected, we need to solve it." The prince said simply.

"Okay, I got it, I'll go back right away." Ye Xiaoman felt the ruthlessness in the prince's tone, and knew that the bidding progress of Zhongtian Group was really not smooth, and it was not smooth.

In the evening, when the prince entered, Ye Xiaoman and the others came back one after another.

"The person from Hengyuan Group is the son of Yan Guoliang, chairman of Hengyuan Group, Yan Feng, and also the second grandson of the old man of the Yan family." Ye Xiaoman took a sip of water.

"I arrived at Binhai early this morning, I went to the bidding office early in the morning, I met the deputy secretary at the office, and I met the deputy mayor at the hotel."

"And through Liang Fengyi, I feel that Yan Feng's expression today is a little problematic. There is always a kind of worry when he is relaxing, and when he saw Hu Lai, the two talked alone for a long time."

Upon hearing this, the prince looked at Miranda, "I think I can guess the reason for his worry."

Then Miranda told everyone what he heard and analyzed in Zhongtian Group today.

"No wonder Yan Fengfeng is worried. It turns out that the deputy mayor is not interested in them." Ye Xiaoman said clearly.

"Have you found out about that Yan Feng's situation?"

"Almost," Ye Xiaoman opened the notebook, "Yan Feng, male, 32 years old, only son, hobbies: drinking, racing, boxing, women."

"Punch?" The prince was stunned for a moment and asked repeatedly.

"Well, punching, Liang Fengyi said that this Yan Feng also graduated from the police academy, but in the end he didn't go to the police station, but went to Hengyuan Group." Ye Xiaoman pushed his glasses.

After hearing Ye Xiaoman's words, the prince raised his mouth slightly, "Very good, drinking, racing, women, boxing, very good, he has everything that a second-generation official should have."

"You still want to target him?" Ye Xiaoman asked uncertainly.

"Of course, since he's here, he should be ready, shouldn't he?" The prince said coldly, "Since you dare to come, then prepare to pay my sister some interest first."

"Have you figured out a solution?" Hua Yiran asked excitedly when he saw that the prince had a plan in mind.

"Of course, it's actually very simple to deal with a second-generation ancestor like him. Then you can just watch a good show." The prince smiled.

"Tch, this is still a secret," Hua Yiran muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Discuss how to coerce and lure those two people. I really don't have much experience in dealing with officials like them. I'll just carry out your plan." The prince didn't care about Hua Yiran's dissatisfaction.

"I said, young master, it's unreasonable for you to be lazy at this time, but we are all making plans." Hua Yiran didn't hear the prince's plan, and said unwillingly.

"I really have something to do, do you think we're going to play?" the prince knocked Hua Yiran on the head, "I'll pick up two people at the station, and I'll be with us in the future."

"Could it be Xiaobai and Xiaohei?" Liu Yun asked from the side.


"Who is Xiao Hei Xiao Bai?" Hua Yiran asked with interest.

Ye Xiaoman also looked at the prince puzzled.

"Liu Yun and the others know, let them tell you," the prince smiled and went out, "I really have to go to the station, otherwise it will be late, and the two of them will be so noisy again, and I will definitely not be able to sleep tonight."

"I'm dizzy, are you talking about the two children?" Hua Yiran shouted towards the Prince's back.

Miranda smiled and said, "It's almost the same."

Reflecting the neon lights all over the city, the prince stopped outside the train station.

Watching the pedestrians coming and going, the prince lit a cigarette.

Of the seventeen people at the beginning, now only the three of them are left. I thought it would be difficult to see each other after they were separated, but who knows that they are now together again. Destiny is really a wonderful thing.

Faintly heard the sound of the train entering the station, and then a large group of passengers flocked to the exit. At this time, it is even more difficult to find two people, which is almost as difficult as picking up one by one from school.

The prince gave up the idea of ​​finding someone in the vast crowd and went back to the car directly.

Not long after, there was a sound from behind, and then two young people sat up.

They all wore peaked caps with long brims covering their slightly thin faces.

"Master, you can drive now." A young male voice sounded.

"I'm a special person, the fare has to be paid in advance," the prince smiled slightly.

"I'm sorry, some people are too careless, right? I haven't asked for wages in advance, but I still ask my brothers to ask for the fare in advance?" Another person said.

The prince laughed, started the car and roared out.

"Not only will I pay you wages, but I will also pay you to marry wives and raise children. How about that?"

"Pay attention!"

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