Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 412 The impressive result

Ye Xiaoman was speechless when he saw the prince and other eight small captains, leading those masters in close combat, using cold and sharp military thorns, in the camp of the main force of the Congolese Burgundy Army, as if entering a no-man's land. With a deflated mouth, "You guys are too fast."

The prince smiled softly, "Leave the opening in the northeast, 100 people, and none of the others."

"You're not afraid that some of them can understand your Huaxia language," Miranda pursed her lips, "Don't think that because they are African people, they can't understand your Huaxia Binhai Mandarin, okay?"

"That's right, that's right," Xiaobai laughed loudly, "Once there is that legendary schoolmaster in the army, one of the foreign languages ​​he understands is Huaxia, I see if you cry or not .”

The prince pursed his lips, "Forget it, the people here have spent every day in the rain of guns and bullets in order to live since they were young. How do you think they have the time to learn foreign languages, and what they learn is not rice, but Huaxia .”

"If there is such a person, I can only say that they are not academic masters at all, but real academic idiots, okay?"

While the few of them were chatting easily, the killing around them didn't end.And this kind of killing, the better it is, the more tragic it is.

By the time the 100-member army fled in a panic from the entrance in the northeast, all the Chinese soldiers were already stained red with blood.

The prince pursed his lips, and then sent out a security team and a security post to the surrounding area before he waved his hand. Everyone leaned against the tree root and sat down to rest in embarrassment.

"Xiao Hei, check the number of people and see how it goes?"

Xiao Hei pursed his lips, sat down beside the prince, leaned against him, and lit a cigarette, "If you let you finish talking about this matter before doing it, then it's not me, Xiao Hei. "

"Just now, as soon as the battle ended, Xiaobai took people to the periphery to arrange security, and I will check the casualties here."

The prince smiled softly, "I saw it, but I always feel that sometimes I am too sorry for the two of you. You have suffered so much with me, but you can't relax leisurely for a few days."

"I really wanted to forget about it just now, so that you can take a good rest."

Xiao Hei smiled, "It's okay, the two of us are young and in good health. Besides, it's not like you don't know our physical strength."

"When we were in the Middle East, the three of us crossed the entire desert. Only in this way can we finally survive and get rid of the pursuers behind us."

"This is less than three days of pursuit, and at night, you can rest for a while, which is nothing at all."

The prince smiled, "Yeah, this is really nothing compared to our previous experience. But you have to know, these 100 fighters have never experienced this kind of battle."

"Let's talk about the casualties. I have expectations in my heart, and there is nothing I can't accept."

Xiao Hei looked into the prince's eyes, and looked at them very seriously. After hesitating for a while, he nodded, "Our casualties in this battle are mainly concentrated in the second half. We had very few casualties."

The prince nodded, then closed his eyes, and sighed softly, "I understand what you mean very well."

"To be honest, in the following battles, I originally planned to continue to consume the opponent, but unfortunately, the border between the Congo-Brazzaville and the DRC is not far ahead."

"If this drags on, God knows whether the DRC will directly cross the border to provide support. In that case, we will be too passive."

Xiao Hei also nodded, "That's right, in the later stage, I found that the pursuit speed of Congo cloth's guns is almost giving up."

"If they gather together and then turn around and retreat, they will [-]% collide with Sister Manman and their large army."

"At that time, if the two sides fought with each other, we were afraid that our casualties would be even greater. After all, the fight at that time was to rely on firepower in the forest and shoot at each other from a long distance."

"This kind of shooting, the distance between the two sides is not far or close, but it is really difficult to lean on the upper body. Who knows when the bullet will be shot from an unknown place."

The prince nodded, "That's right, I just took this into consideration, so I decided to stop directly and then engage in hand-to-hand combat. Do you know what the benefits are?"

Xiao Hei blinked, then shook his head, "Is there anything else besides what I just said?"

The prince smiled, "Of course it must be."

"Think about it, if the people on both sides are entangled, would the other peripheral people dare to shoot casually?"

Xiao Hei shook his head, "Of course not, and the biggest possibility is to rely on the advantage of numbers and rush forward to fight hand-to-hand."

The prince nodded, "That's right, that's it. It is for this reason that the scattered jungle fronts of the Revolutionary Army quickly gathered together."

"Only in this way, I will ask Manman's people to come and surround them, otherwise, they will not be able to surround them at all."

Speaking of this, the prince sighed softly again, "Now we can say, let's talk about the extent of casualties among our hundred people."

Xiao Hei nodded, then swallowed hard, "In this battle, 93 people were killed and [-] people were injured."

Seeing the prince's lonely expression and gloomy eyes, Xiao Hei took a deep breath and said softly, "Of the 93 people killed in battle, 73 of them were from our team of 100 people."

"And it only appeared in the later stage of hand-to-hand combat."

The prince closed his eyes gently, and his Adam's apple twitched vigorously a few times, but he didn't say anything.But the tears in the corners of his eyes had already flowed down.

Seeing the prince's expression, Xiao Hei didn't say anything more.

"Little black."

"Sister Manman", Xiao Hei looked in the direction of the voice and found that it was Ye Xiaoman calling him in a low voice.

"Let the young master take a good rest and don't disturb him," Ye Xiaoman said softly. "In this battle, the casualties mainly occurred after he ordered the hand-to-hand combat. He thinks it is entirely his responsibility."

Xiao Hei frowned suddenly, "Didn't the boss just say that he had to order hand-to-hand combat, otherwise, your 300 people would be in danger, and the Japanese army may stop chasing at any time , if you withdraw your troops against you after the assembly, you will be really in danger."

Ye Xiaoman nodded, "I understand what you said, and none of us said it was his fault. But it's not like you don't know what kind of character your boss is."

"Although his reasons are very good, you have to give him enough time to let him pass his own test and come out on his own. That's the only way to do it."

Xiao Hei nodded, "Yeah, the boss' character, when he gets stubborn, he can only figure it out on his own, and others will definitely not be able to pull it out."

"Well, that's it." Ye Xiaoman nodded, "So, don't disturb him yet, let him be quiet for a while."

"Almost all the remains of the soldiers who died this time are here. You arrange manpower, organize them properly, and bring them back to the country together."

Xiao Hei was taken aback for a moment, then nodded solemnly, "Thank you, Sister Manman."

Ye Xiaoman pursed her mouth, "Okay, you can arrange the next thing, I'll go and see your boss."

While the people resting here had different and solemn expressions, there was no sound at all in the headquarters and command hall at Jinghua.Even if a needle falls on the ground at this time, it will break the only silence.

Silence does not mean silence.And sometimes, sound is even better than silence or silence.

But now, the heavy panting in the arena was even more silent than silence.

In Jinghua's headquarters, after a long silence, Mr. Xiao took a deep breath, "Let people pay attention to the children over there, and don't spread that heavy emotion."

"Although there were casualties in the later stage of this battle. But we still need to know that this battle is a victorious battle and a very exciting battle."

Huangfu Liancheng also nodded, "That's right, although we paid the price of 93 people, our opponents are outlaws with 100 people."

"Ninety-three against one thousand, we not only won, but also a big victory!"

Tang Shan smiled, "This matter, no matter how you look at it, is obviously a big victory. But our children, they are still too young, and have never experienced this kind of thing, so I am afraid they will not be able to accept it. cruelty on the battlefield."

"On the big screen in front of them, their robes are waving their military thorns. Compared with 100 people versus 400 people, they are fighting hand-to-hand without any fear."

"I'm really worried about their mentality and can't bear this kind of mental shock to them."

Huangfu Liancheng pursed his lips, "They are just watching, and as soldiers, they have to go to the battlefield as a benchmark."

"If you can't accept it just by looking at it, or if you don't think that you are likely to face this kind of situation in the future, then they are not qualified soldiers, let alone whether they are qualified Commander."

"To be honest, the arrangement and command of the prince's battle tactics this time really made me admire him again."

"100 people dare to lure 100 enemies. This kind of courage is meaningless without superb tactical arrangements."

"Although in the final stage, 93 people were killed in battle, but what they eliminated in the whole process was 1000 people. Moreover, in the end they had to face 400 people and boldly chose hand-to-hand combat."

"Annihilated 300 people, but they paid the price of 93 people, one to three. In hand-to-hand combat, it is not a big casualty."

"I am very proud and saddened by the soldiers who died in this battle, but I am also very relieved and excited by the result of this battle."

"At least through this battle, let the eyes of the whole world know that the young elite fighters of our Huaxia Kingdom are not new to the world, nor are they flowers growing in a greenhouse, but are truly proficient in actual combat. , and can adapt to actual combat in a short period of time, and has a very superb command ability of the new era of Huaxia soldiers."

Mr. Xiao smiled wryly and shook his head, "Okay, you, how can I not know your little thoughts?"

"Don't worry, I have the same opinion as you about the results of this battle. After all, there will be casualties in wars. What the prince did this time is really good."

"Go and see the children in the command hall, appease them, and encourage them by the way, don't let their psychology have any negative impact."

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