Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 416 The Prince's Disdain

Everyone at the scene was stunned when they heard the prince's bold words to pry the corner of the military area so much.

Especially for those who met the prince for the first time, they were confused by the prince flirting with two young girls on such a solemn occasion.

Now that he is uttering such wild words again, all the bigwigs in the military region are frowning, almost covering their mouths and laughing.Especially the politicians headed by Mr. Xiao, they were old military friends who looked at them with a smile on their faces.

The Huaxia Kingdom has a long history. Since ancient times, soldiers and politicians have been at odds with each other, and they seldom join forces.Of course, only when the eunuch is in power and needs the side of the Qing emperor, will they join forces for such a short period of time.

Therefore, when those old politicians who have been in politics for many years saw the prince saying such words that made the soldiers feel embarrassed, they were all happy in their hearts, but on their faces, they looked so indignant and righteous indignation.

"Ahem!" Tang Shan coughed lightly, and then glared at Huangfu Liancheng, "What's the situation? Are you used to prying the corner of your wall? Now you're on my site to pry the foot of the wall?"

Huangfu Liancheng glanced at Tang Shan, then took a deep breath and looked at the prince.

"What the hell did you say?"

The prince was stunned for a moment, then blinked his eyes in confusion, and then scratched his head, "I said, Mr. Huangfu, what's going on?"

"Is your military region planning to support these soldiers for the rest of their lives? Could it be that when they are 50 years old, if they have no relationship, no money, and no promotion, they are just ordinary privates? Are you still going to keep raising it?"

"You!" Huangfu Liancheng frowned deeply.

Originally, what the prince said just now was said in the North China Military Region, so when Tang Shan couldn't hold back, Huangfu Liancheng didn't think it was a big deal.

But what the prince said now made Huangfu Liancheng, who had pretended to be nonchalant before, deeply angry, and of course, also had that deep sense of powerlessness.

Seeing Huangfu Liancheng's choking expression, the prince smiled softly, and then brushed across the faces of those high-level officials in the North China Military Region, and said coldly, "Many years ago, I was also a A soldier, and a soldier who has the courage to sacrifice his life for the country and the people."

"Today, many years later, when I am no longer a soldier, I still have two older brothers who are still going through the hail of bullets abroad for the country."

Speaking of this, most people who know the inside story have already begun to breathe unsteadily.And some of them are already frowning.

Of course, according to the kind-hearted person of the prince, he certainly wouldn't think that he was the one behind the scenes just because he frowned.

But in the prince's heart, these people have been firmly remembered in his heart.After all, these frowning people are either those who know the inside story and who is behind the scenes, or they think that those behind the scenes are doing the right thing.

That being the case, the prince will definitely not let it go, at least it is a way to get meaningful news from them.


The prince continued, "Everyone in the North China Military Region should know about Dao Feng and Jian Mang."

Speaking of this, the prince smiled, and when Tangshan hadn't figured out how to organize the prince, the prince went on to say, "Many of you present should only know the result of the matter, but they don't know the whole process of the matter. .”

"Don't you guys want to know what's going on with this matter?"

After saying this, the prince paused for a while, the intention was very obvious, he just wanted to see who would stand up and stop him.

Judging from Mr. Xiao's reaction that time on the island, the senior management of Huaxia Kingdom didn't even know what happened.Since Mr. Xiao only knew about it at that time, it means that there should be many people who were kept in the dark like Mr. Xiao.

Those people, of course, will definitely know about this in the end, but the prince is still very sure that those people will not know the whole process, so the words of the prince are very attractive to them. The power is still very high.

Therefore, when the prince finished speaking, many smart people had already shut up, or in other words, swallowed back the words that were about to blurt out before.

Of course, some people did not disappoint the prince.

Just when the prince thought that no one would speak, a colonel officer in his 40s stood up.

"Prince, isn't it?" The colonel officer looked at the prince with a very unfriendly look and tone.

The prince smiled softly, "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

"Wang Qiang, North China Military Region, Colonel!"

The prince smiled again, "Colonel? From the staff department, or from the front-line operations department?"

"Ahem!" Wang Qiang coughed lightly, "It's from the Party Work Department."

"Oh!!!" Wang Zi pulled a very long high-pitched voice, and then smiled, "So it's from the Party and Labor Department, the kind of department that only knows about investigating people and punishing people?"

"And it's still the kind of department that only knows to investigate people who have contributed. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Wang Qiang's face changed suddenly, and then he looked at the prince with sharp eyes, "Mr. Prince, I want to tell you now that your current location is the territory of the North China Military Region. Please use your brain when you speak." .”

The prince sneered, "I see, I know that the North China Military Region is a military region, but I don't know, after hearing what you said, I thought your North China Military Region was a den of hooligans, a copycat."

"Also, even if it's the old nest or the cottage, the one who comes out to refute me should be your boss, the King of the Mountain, and it's not your turn to be a little guy who can't even manage logistics, right?"

Wang Qiang was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the prince blankly, really not knowing what kind of reaction he should make to be reasonable.

It stands to reason that the people who can work in the party and labor department of the military region are those who are more inclined to the political line. At least in terms of eloquence, they should not be forced to Nanshan by the prince with a few words.

But it is a pity that Wang Qiang never thought that someone, on the territory of the North China Military Region, would say such dissatisfaction in front of all the high-level officials of the North China Military Region, and even many top leaders of the Huaxia Kingdom. Be kind.

The prince pursed his lips, and then smiled coldly, "Why, Colonel Wang, are you dissatisfied with what I said?"

"Some people in your military region, in order to keep their positions, are afraid that Daofeng and Jianmang will be masters of high skill, but in private, they even used the excuse of disobedience to orders to quickly kill them. I was dismissed from the military, am I wrong?"

The prince narrowed his eyes and walked slowly towards Wang Qiang.

"The general is outside, and the military order is not accepted. This is the tradition of the Huaxia Kingdom for many years. After all, on the front line, the situation is often changing drastically. If you want to ask the command for everything, it will only delay the opportunity. And it will ruin the lives of soldiers in front.”

"What's more, in many cases, radio signals cannot be sent out at all, or in other words, in order not to expose oneself, it is impossible to contact the rear at all."

"Of course." The prince smiled, stood still in front of Wang Qiang, smiled, and then said, "The things I said above, you, a colonel, should not know at all, and you will not know clearly. , let alone understand.”

"After all, you are used to this kind of comfortable life in the rear. After all, your background is very strong, not only has connections, but also has money, so you will already have the rank of colonel when you are in your 40s. If If you guess correctly, when you are less than 50 years old and waiting for your superiors to retire, I am afraid you can become a senior colonel."

"However, I still want to remind you," said the prince coldly, "look back at the soldiers behind you."

"They were born and died in this battle, but you, what did you do?" The prince's cold voice resounded leisurely from above the entire venue.

"Think about it, you are just a civil servant, why can you continue to rise in rank like sitting on a rocket? And those people below, even if they were born and died on the battlefield, even if they ruined their precious lives, when they come back At that time, you didn't even take a look with your straight eyes?"

Wang Qiang seemed to have caught something, his eyes lit up, and then he said, "The one who didn't look at them just now, seems to be you?"

The prince smiled coldly, "I didn't look them in the eye? What a joke, you go back and ask them, ask them, have I disrespected any of them? You go and ask!"


As the prince's sharp words sounded, the iron-blooded soldiers who had experienced battle behind them roared in unison, shocking the entire playground.

This kind of shock is not only on the periosteum of the ears, but also in everyone's heart.

Mr. Xiao, Huangfu Liancheng, Tang Shan and others were still shocked by the unison shouting.

The prince pursed his lips, and glanced at Wang Qiang with that indifferent look, "Remember, I only despise people like you, not them!"

"Your military region has canceled the military registration of Daofeng and Jianmang by using your words. I won't comment on this. After all, there are rivers and lakes everywhere."

"But some of you even leaked the exact location of the two of them to the US special operations force, and let the 300-member special operations force of the United States conduct a long-term investigation on the two of them on the land of China. Fight for 10 minutes!"

"I just want to ask." The prince slowly glanced at everyone's faces, and then asked coldly, "I just want to ask, on the land of Huaxia Kingdom, who betrayed Huaxia Kingdom? ,what is this?!!!"


Everyone was shocked because of this amazing insider information suddenly thrown out by the prince.

But the prince's mood suddenly improved.Because of most of the shocks, the prince understood that the people who were doing tricks in the dark turned out to be only a small part of them, or it should be said, a very small part.

While watching everyone's reactions, the prince had already remembered a few of them, because they were not shocked, but frowning and worried.

Among them, the most shocking one was of course Wang Qiang in front of the prince.Although Wang Qiang stood up to refute the prince, it was a pity that he didn't know the real inside story of the matter, which turned out to be like this.

Of course, his kind of shock, among them is the kind of regret that he was annoyed after being shot by others.Wang Qiang is of course a smart man who got into the position of colonel in the party labor department.

Since he is a smart person, of course he understands his current embarrassing situation.

Therefore, after a brief shock, Wang Qiang could only nod to the prince, and after bowing, he didn't say a word, but just stood back to his original position.

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