Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 426 Miranda's Feelings of a Little Woman

Hearing Miranda's words, Pete involuntarily took a deep breath, then pursed his mouth, looked at the group of Orientals in front of him seriously, and then sighed again, "What a god."

"What?" Miranda was stunned for a moment, thinking that she had heard it wrong, she hurriedly asked again.

"Man of God," Pete pursed his lips, shook his head with a wry smile, "I finally understand why Big Sister gave us such an order when she was on a mission in Latin America."

"We want us to fully cooperate with your actions and fully obey your arrangements. It turns out that you are planning to do something big."

"To tell you the truth," Pete shrugged his shoulders, and then said with a smile, "I always thought that the task this time was very simple, after all, the strength of you people, our eldest sister has often told us about it. "

"Especially the two little brothers Xiaobai and Xiaohei." Pete smiled and said, "Our eldest sister really thinks highly of you two."

"But let's, no matter how we think about it, no matter how exaggerated it is, we think that when you come this time, who is going to find trouble with that family in the country of America, or that force."

"But," Pete smiled awkwardly, and then said, "I really didn't expect that your opponents would be the U.S. government and the FBI."

"I really want to know now, are you really the only seven people here?"

Miranda smiled, then nodded, "That's right, it's seven of us who entered the territory of the United States this time, and the others are inseparable. After all, in China, our identities are still very sensitive, so There have to be very heavyweights to help us get people's attention."

"Oh, so it looks like this," Pete said suddenly, "So that's how it is. When we first met, I was still guessing, which one of you is Mr. Prince."

"But after hearing what you said now, I understand that the very important person you are talking about should be Mr. Prince."

Miranda nodded, then smiled with the corners of her lips pursed, "Although Mr. Prince didn't come, our fighting power this time is not weak at all."

"Of course, in terms of the number of people, no matter how many people we come, it will not give the fbi any advantage in the United States. Moreover, if there are a large number of people, not only will the military and police of the United States intervene early, but it will also cause China and China. The kind of big troubles that the two countries of the United States have in diplomacy."

"After all, diplomacy is nothing small."

Pete nodded, "Yes, since you are all elites and are very confident, that's enough. After all, our Scarlet Angels can provide personnel and weapons."

"No matter how many people come from your Huaxia country, how many can there be? Can we have more people in the US mainland than the FBI and combat troops in the US?"

Xiaobai smiled, and patted Pete on the shoulder, "Well, we have checked all the terrain very carefully, and now it's the situation in the poor, can you handle it?"

Pete shrugged his shoulders, "Theoretically speaking, there is nothing we cannot do in the United States."

"But, right now, I haven't even seen where you are, or what kind of building it looks like, or I don't know, so I really can't promise you rashly."

Xiaobai nodded, "United States, Alaska, Union Hospital."

"All the gates over there are already being watched by the spies of the FBI. If we frequently appear at the gate of Xiehe Hospital, we will definitely be noticed."

Pete smacked his mouth, then nodded, "Since it's Xiehe Hospital, it's not that troublesome."

"Well, I'll go back and make arrangements first. You will temporarily stay at this foothold. The environment here is very quiet. If this is the case, the chances of you being discovered will not be great."

Xiaobai nodded, "Then I will trouble you with this matter."

After seeing Pete turn and leave, Miranda looked at Xiaobai cautiously, "Should we change our hiding place?"

Xiaobai was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at the two of Pete who were drifting away, then paused, hesitated and said, "Let's forget it, I believe they should have no problems."

"After all, this evil Pete, we have met Xiaobai and the boss a few times before, and he is indeed the right arm of the head of the head of the Scarlet Angel."

"One more thing," Xiao Hei said nonchalantly, "We have already let the two of them go far away, and it will definitely be too late to chase them."

"If the two of them really have a problem, and they came here to see us, it means that they already knew our identity before they came, and at the same time, they knew that we had already arrived in the United States."

"Well, to take a step back, even if they didn't know it was us before they came, after seeing us, they actually already understood our origin in their hearts."

"So, at this time, let them go back, then they will definitely tell us."

"We are now in the United States, in Alaska, no matter where we go to hide, we will not escape the pursuit of the FBI, so we can only choose to believe."

Xiaobai also nodded in agreement, "Don't worry, Miranda, this time, there won't be any problems."

Miranda nodded, "If that's the case, it's best, but we still have to be more vigilant, after all, I don't really trust the Americans."

In fact, Miranda was really wrong in saying this sentence. At least in Scarlet Angel, there really was no such traitor.

Pete's mobility is very strong. After returning, after a brief arrangement, the three of them got into a fight in the bar because they were drunk, and all of them were sent to the emergency department of Xiehe Hospital by ambulance.

Some of the young faces of the Scarlet Angels who went with the car naturally started to stroll in the corridors of the hospital after entering the billion yuan, after careful observation, and no one was found to be following and monitoring.

Finally, after a long period of investigation, the young woman in the mobile phone photo was finally found in a small building behind the main hospital building.

After repeated confirmation by several people, he turned and left.

On the second day, the American residents in Alaska suddenly discovered a very abnormal thing, that is, in the neighborhood where they lived, there were suddenly many expressionless faces and hurried movements, as if they were always looking for something It looks like a man in black.

In the abandoned factory building on the outskirts, everyone in Miranda gathered together and formed a circle, quietly looking at the woman sitting in the middle.

"Ahem!" Xiaobai pursed his lips, "Well, big sister, I'm Xiaobai."

Wang Meijun followed Xiaobai's voice and looked over, a sense of déjà vu slowly emerged in her clever eyes.After a long time of recalling and identifying, Wang Meijun finally smiled slowly.

"I really didn't expect that my sister would be able to see my brother again, and Xiaobai has grown so big."

"Cough cough!"

Xiaobai smiled awkwardly, and then said, "Well, sister, actually, I was already a young man before, but my sister still treats me like a child."

Wang Meijun patted Xiaobai's head affectionately, and then looked at Xiaohei beside Xiaobai.

"Xiao Hei, right?"

Xiao Hei nodded vigorously excitedly, "Sister, it's me, Xiao Hei."

Wang Meijun smiled again, "You are still the same, you haven't changed much, and my sister can recognize you at a glance."

Miranda took a deep breath, then looked at Wang Meijun very nervously, "Ahem, sister, how far has your leg recovered?"

Hearing Miranda's voice, Wang Meijun looked at Miranda, then smiled, "Let me guess what identity you are."

"From the fact that you commanded so many people to fight, and then rescued me from such a tight security, and got rid of the FBI agents, and arrived here smoothly, it shows that you are not a simple person."

"At least, except for my younger brother, I have never seen Xiaobai and Xiaohei obey orders from one person so obediently."

"No." Miranda waved her hand hastily, and then smiled mischievously, "The main reason is that before we set off, the young master has made arrangements for everyone to follow my command."

Wang Meijun pursed her lips and smiled, "You silly girl, think about it, if you don't have the ability to command, do you think that my younger brother is the young master you are talking about, he would make such an arrangement ?"

"Besides, you were very nervous when you were talking to me. And this kind of nervousness is completely different from the calmness you had when you were conducting the command before. The contrast is very obvious."

"This can only show that you are really nervous in front of me."

"Then, the two of us don't know each other at all, and I'm not your creditor, so when you faced me, you were so nervous, then there is only one explanation, that is, you and I That younger brother of yours is very close, isn't that right?"

Miranda lowered her head every time Wang Meijun said a word.By the end, Miranda's waist was slightly arched.

Seeing that Miranda, who was usually very arrogant, showed such a shy expression like a little girl, everyone, including Sirius and Cougar, were all shocked.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen it?"

Miranda, who suddenly felt a bit awkward in the atmosphere of the scene, looked up and found that other people dared to look at her with that inconceivable gaze, so she straightened her face and said coldly.

"Well, Miranda, the way you looked just now is really special." Xiao Hei said carelessly, without thinking about whether it would irritate Miranda.

Xiaobai also nodded in agreement, and said, "I really didn't expect that Miranda, who was indifferent and expressionless, would have the shy look just now."

"Is it over yet?" Miranda pursed her lips, looked at the sky in the distance, and then looked at Wang Meijun.

"Sister, how are your legs recovering now?"

Wang Meijun smiled softly, then stood up, walked a few steps very fluently, and then ran a few steps.Miranda and the others were taken aback for a moment.

"Sister, have you recovered?" Xiao Bai asked in disbelief.

"Well," Wang Meijun said with a smile, "I was actually pretending all the time before."

"Although my actual combat ability is almost zero, I have one strong point, and that is observation."

"Near my hospital, so many suspicious-looking people suddenly appeared, walking around next to my small building every day, so someone must be trying to trick me."

"Although I don't know what they want to do, but to eradicate their behavioral rules, I know that as long as I am still in the hospital, they will not do anything."

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