Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 49 Very Pure and Ambiguous

After the prince cleared away all the difficulties faced in the bidding process, the bidding has become very simple.

When all procedures are handled in accordance with the prescribed procedures, Zhongtian Group can handle it completely.If someone has been to Zhongtian Group in the past few days, they will find that all the employees of the entire group are in a very good mood and are very interested.

Of course, this is not because Zhongtian Group's bidding was successful, but because their chairman is in a good mood, it's as simple as that.

"It's rare, Sister Meng and I are dating alone," the prince joked when he saw Jiang Menghan who had already arrived at the beach.

Jiang Menghan gave the prince a flattering look, "You must be poor, you are not young, and you have a lot of thoughts."

The prince didn't care, "It's so elegant, come to the beach at this time."

"If you don't come to the beach to see it, it will be cold after the [-]th holiday." Jiang Menghan shook her head along with the sea breeze, straightened her hair, and covered her neckline. "The sun is too hot during the day, and the sea breeze makes my skin uncomfortable."

"September in Binhai is like this. During the day it's as hot as July, and at night it's as cold as the end of October." The prince took off his coat and put it on Jiang Menghan's body.

Jiang Menghan watched the prince's movements, but did not refuse, and accepted it with a smile.

"Except for my father and husband, no man has ever been so kind to me," Jiang Menghan looked at the setting sun that was about to disappear, "Most men are blocked by my identity, and a small part is blocked by my father. "

"Oh? The old man is very strict with you?" the prince asked with great interest.

"My husband has been my father's apprentice since he was a child. At that time, my father hadn't grown so big, and even the Zhongtian Group hadn't been established yet," Jiang Menghan recalled, "The family conditions are actually very average, but at that time my husband treated me My father is very respectful and takes good care of us and my sisters."

"My mother left early, and he was the only one to take care of us when my father was busy. Later, as my father's business became bigger and bigger, his position became higher and higher."

"I don't know when I fell in love with him. He doesn't have an outstanding appearance, a tall figure, or broad shoulders, but feelings are really strange."

"When my father found out, he didn't stop me, but agreed with my pursuit of this relationship. But we have an insurmountable obstacle, which is his origin."

The prince unknowingly lit a cigarette and thought of his sister again.Jiang Menghan's feelings are very similar to her sister's, but her sister didn't get the same result as them.

"He was an orphan since he was a child, and he got everything after following his father. But when we got married, he took out a very expensive dowry. You know, it was what he had been saving for so many years, for That's what married me when I was growing up."

"I thought I was the happiest woman in the world, father, husband, daughter, career."

"Just like the stories in the book, happiness is always short-lived, and misfortune always comes when you are the happiest." Jiang Menghan said in a crying voice.

The prince silently handed over a tissue and listened to Jiang Menghan's past in silence.

"Are you wondering why the chairman of Zhongtian Group is my sister now? Why didn't I take over?" Jiang Menghan asked, looking at the prince with her head tilted.

"Of course it's strange. I think anyone who knows your sister's character will have such questions." The prince nodded.

"Because of my personality, I am not a proud person. I am not a person with big ideals and pursuits. I just want to protect my daughter and my family and live a warm and happy life. My sister is different. , she had high aspirations since she was a child, and she was determined to become a person like her father."

"But it's a pity that she is still too young and her personality is not smooth enough, which is a big disadvantage in the mall."

"Well, it's indeed a big flaw, and it's easy to be exploited by someone with a heart." When the prince thought of the little tigress, he agreed very much in his heart.

"So, please help my sister more in the future." Jiang Menghan looked at the prince expectantly.

"What are you talking about? She has a sister like you who hides everything behind her, so she doesn't need me, a financial idiot." The prince said disapprovingly.

"I'm always her older sister, so I can't give her a kind of manly support." Jiang Menghan reminded with a little deep meaning.

The prince turned his head to look at Jiang Menghan, looked at Jiang Menghan very seriously, and looked at Jiang Menghan without any dodging eyes.

"You don't want to be a matchmaker, do you?" the prince asked cautiously.

Jiang Menghan smiled, blinked her big eyes, and nodded again.

"My God," the prince slapped his forehead, "Sister Meng, do you think me and your sister are suitable? Are you afraid that we will fight?"

"The two of you can change each other, who can tell the truth about the relationship?"

"She knows?" asked the prince.

"I don't know, I came to ask for your opinion first," Jiang Menghan replied.

"I knew it was like this." The prince weakly grabbed a handful of sand and threw it forward, "Besides, she's not my type."

"Which type do you like?" This one Jiang Menghan asked curiously.

The prince thought for a while, then smiled wryly, "Oh, it's not your sister's type anyway."

Jiang Menghan rolled her eyes, and asked tentatively, "Could it be Miss Ye Xiaoman's type?"

The prince looked at Jiang Menghan speechlessly, touched his nose, "Actually, I still like Sister Yu, just like Sister Meng."

Jiang Menghan reached out and pinched the prince's face, "If you talk nonsense again, I'll throw you into the sea and feed you to the crabs."

"Really, really," cried the prince beggingly, "don't you know your virtue?"

Hearing the prince's words, Jiang Menghan stopped the movement of his hands, and looked at the prince seriously, "Tell me what advantages I have now, if you make a deal, you can really prepare to feed the crabs."

"A woman of your age now has the face of a 20-year-old woman and the wisdom of a 40-year-old woman. This is the most beautiful moment in a woman's life." The prince held Jiang Menghan's hand that was pinching her face, and said affectionately to Jiang Menghan Said.

Jiang Menghan smiled unnaturally, and wanted to withdraw her hand, but was still held tightly by the prince.

"Don't make trouble," Jiang Menghan blushed, lowered her head and whispered.

Hearing the words, the prince slowly let go of his clenched little hand resentfully, but in the end he squeezed it a little harder, causing Jiang Menghan to roll his eyes.

"I invite you to eat whatever you want," the prince said awkwardly.

"Go to the bar," Jiang Menghan suggested in a low voice, "It feels like I haven't been this happy for a long time, so relax with me."

"Is there a place you often go to?"

"No, I can do it anywhere. With you here, I should be safe, right?" Jiang Menghan looked at the prince with interest.

"No problem," the prince smiled, "unless I die."

Marina, Blue Nest Bar.

The noisy air was filled with the smell of tobacco and alcohol, and the music was turned up to the maximum, almost deafening people's ears.

Both men and women were frantically twisting their waists and hips on the dance floor, and the coquettishly dressed women mixed with the men alluringly, using frivolous words to tease those men who couldn't hold back their lust.

The woman curled up charmingly in the man's arms and chirped me, and the man fooled around with the woman while drinking.

The loneliness of the night invaded this somewhat blurred night, with intertwined glass cups, swaying dance skirts, and eyes that gradually became crazy.Under the dim light, the bartender danced his body gently, mixing glasses of colorful blended wine extremely elegantly; the flickering and rushing neon lights attracted hungry and needy souls one after another.

"You can't drink?" Prince asked looking at Jiang Menghan who started to feel a little dizzy after drinking less than three bottles of beer. "Why can't you come to the bar for a drink?"

"Who says you can't come to the bar if you can't drink?" Jiang Menghan said stubbornly with a flushed face.

"Are you awake now? If you are awake, I will go to the bathroom and take you back." the prince asked.

Jiang Menghan waved his hand, and drank again on his own.

The prince looked at it for a week and felt that there was nothing idle, so he asked the bartender and went to the bathroom.

"Girl, did you come here by yourself?" As soon as the prince left, a few gangsters dressed up approached Jiang Menghan's table and looked at Jiang Menghan flirtatiously.

"My man will be back soon", even the slightly drunk Jiang Menghan is still extremely calm Jiang Menghan.Although there was a little worry, but thinking of the prince's words before, he smiled knowingly again.

Jiang Menghan has been acting very cold for a long time, only occasionally showing the emotions of a little woman in front of the prince.

After she was drunk, she inadvertently revealed sweetness, and the little gangsters were stunned.They are facing those dancers and wine girls from morning to night every day, how can they see this kind of pure sweetness.

Just when the little gangster was obsessed with sex and reached out to touch Jiang Menghan's face, Jiang Menghan didn't hesitate, swung the full wine bottle and threw it at the little gangster's head.

The bursting sound of full wine bottles and the sudden wailing sound like killing a pig immediately attracted the attention of most people in the bar, and at the same time, Qin Yuanbiao who was checking accounts on the third floor of the bar.

"What's going on?" Qin Yuanbiao looked at the lobby on the first floor from the railing, and asked the younger brother next to him.

"Master Biao, it's possible that his younger brother harassed that female guest."

"The other party is alone?" Qin Yuanbiao raised his eyebrows, "Do you dare to get drunk in a place like this?"

"There seems to be another man." The subordinate replied, "Do you see?"

"Give the guest a free order and send her out. Take those little bastards to the back, you know what to do with it," Qin Yuanbiao said angrily, "Don't affect the guests."

"Yes", the subordinate replied, then turned and went downstairs.

At this time, there were several sounds of slaughtering pigs and wailing from the lobby downstairs, causing Qin Yuanbiao to frown.

When the prince came back, he happened to see those gangsters slapping the table and threatening Jiang Menghan loudly.

The prince sighed secretly, coming to the bar with a woman is trouble, and coming to the bar with a beautiful woman is simply no trouble looking for trouble.

The prince didn't say anything, and rushed directly to the three of them from behind without using any martial arts moves. Just like what Jiang Menghan did before, he picked up a full wine bottle and greeted the three of them on the head.

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