Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 6 Legal Persons Are Not Persons

When the prince hugged Yiyi who was about to fall asleep and followed Ye Xiaoman out of McDonald's, seeing Ye Xiaoman naturally put Yiyi's new clothes into a Hummer, the prince was not calm.

"I said Staff Officer Ye," the prince said.

"You can just call me Xiaoman from now on." Ye Xiaoman continued to put things on the car, without looking back, she said naturally.

"That...Xiaoman, are we going to drive this car from now on?" The prince touched the masculine Hummer and asked enviously.

"Yeah," Ye Xiaoman responded casually, seeing the prince's expression of Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

"I said, can we change cars? Brother Feng's Audi is fine." The prince muttered.

"Why?" Ye Xiaoman thought that the prince had never ridden in such a good car, so he would be extremely rare, but Ye Xiaoman was very surprised when he said that in a blink of an eye.

How could she know that the prince had performed missions in the Middle East desert. Those countries in the Middle East, no matter how poor they are, are not too bad. It should be said that there are no poor countries at all.

If people want to divide the rich and the poor, it's not like Huaxia, which depends on whether they have a car or a house.It depends on how many cars and houses the family has. If there are so many trees planted in the house, it will definitely be a rich family.Over there, what the rich people show off is not a sports car plus a beauty, but a helicopter plus a beast.People in the country keep a series of Tibetan mastiffs as pets, and they have to be frightened. They either raise horses, leopards, or lions. Can they compare?

So it's not that our protagonist has never seen the world, but that he has changed from poor people to financial tycoons all of a sudden, and it's just a little uncomfortable.

"This car is quite safe, but I can't afford it. The daily expenses are more than our father and daughter combined. If it takes a little bit of high speed, I will go bankrupt."

Puchi, hearing the prince's words, Ye Xiaoman, who had always been indifferent, finally laughed.

"Your daily expenses are included in the transaction, so these expenses don't need to be considered by you."

"Oh, is that so? That's too flamboyant. Mercedes-Benz and BMW are almost the same, and you don't need a Hummer." The prince looked at his clothes, and then at the big Hummer beside him. ah.

"Just get used to it. Mercedes-Benz and BMW are for those high-level white-collar workers, and most of the real big bosses started their business illegally. According to China's tax policy, they have a net worth of hundreds of millions in just a dozen years. Tens of millions, stop joking." Ye Xiaoman said disdainfully.

Looking at the community Ye Xiaoman drove into, the prince smiled slightly. It seems that the old man has invested a lot of capital for this business war.

Qianda Mansion, a high-end community built on the mountain and sea in the south of Binhai City, the people who live there are rich or expensive.According to Chinese living habits, a house with water in front of the house and mountains behind the house is a good house, so the price of Qianda Mansion is a natural watershed for home buyers.

When the next day was bright, the prince, who had developed the habit of getting up early, had already changed into his sportswear and went out for morning exercises.Before going out, he glanced at Ye Xiaoman's door, a second-level staff officer probably wouldn't sleep in.He naturally ignored the little princess, that girl is indeed a princess, she looks like a princess, and princesses always sleep late.

When the prince opened the door cautiously with soy milk and deep-fried dough sticks, the aerobics music of "one two three four, two two three four, do it with me every day, 5 minutes a day" came.

Staff Officer Ye, who got up in the morning, of course didn't wear those black-rimmed glasses, nor did he wear that professional suit.A set of tight-fitting pale pink sportswear reveals a healthy vitality, very sunny, and there are still a few drops of water on the short hair that has just been washed.

In the spacious living room, two beauties, one big and one small, are doing gymnastics in front of the phone.

Once the prince put the breakfast on the table, he was not in a hurry and just watched the scene in the living room.The rising sun slanted into the house, warm and loving.But at this time, the prince's thoughts had already drifted to the days when he was with his sister when he was a teenager. The white dress brought the warmest memories in the prince's life.

"Does it look good?" Yiyi climbed onto the prince's lap, playing with his hands while pulling the prince's face.

The prince, who woke up from the memory, hugged Yiyi, and kissed Yiyi's fat baby face hard, "My daughter is the prettiest, let's go, let's have dinner."

"Well, okay", Yi Yi also kissed the prince hard on the face.

At the dining table, Ye Xiaoman divided the breakfast and tableware, "I will prepare breakfast in the future. The fried dough sticks and soy milk are not nutritious for children. They are developing now, and nutrition is very important."

"Oh, well, thank you," said the prince, who is really a layman when it comes to taking care of children.

"Don't be so polite, I'm a special assistant, and that's what I do," Ye Xiaoman shrugged, "By the way, have you ever been a soldier?"

"Didn't the old man tell you?" The prince took a sip of the soy milk, took a deep-fried dough stick in his mouth, and replied casually.

"No, but I think you should have served in the army. In your file, there is a blank between the age of 13. Even if you went to jail, there should be a record, but there is no record." Ye Xiaoman said casually, "It stands to reason , There should be a record of going to be a soldier, but if there is no record, then it must be going to be a soldier.”

"Continue", the prince listened indifferently.

Hearing the words continue, Ye Xiaoman knew that her guess was close to ten.

"But under normal circumstances, 13 years old is not the age to serve as a soldier, but I am at the level of the staff department, and I just know that the military region has specially recruited a group of child soldiers under the age of 15 a few years ago."

The prince didn't speak, didn't object or agree, just drank soy milk by himself.

Yiyi is very energetic, looking at the prince for a while, and Ye Xiaoman for a while, and seems to be very interested in the riddle between the two of them.

Seeing that the prince didn't speak, Ye Xiaoman's temper grew, and she had to reason it out.

"Among the more than 300 child soldiers, only seventeen were selected, and the others were sent back to their places. Those seventeen were specially trained to carry out a top-secret mission, right?" Ye Xiaoman looked proudly Looking at the prince, like a king who wins a cockfight, looking down at the prince.

"Since you know about this and that it is a top-secret mission, then remember, it's not a secret, it's not a top secret, it's a top secret!" The prince lowered his head and continued to eat, but his tone made people start from the bottom of his heart. chills.

Ye Xiaoman suddenly realized that she seemed to be too arrogant. In order to gain the upper hand in tone, she was so hot-headed that she even talked about the top-secret files.

"Seventeen people went, and three people went back. I was only 16 years old at that time." As if it was someone else's business, the prince said plainly, "Four of them died to cover me. From my personal point of view , it is not considered a success at all, it is just a narrow escape. So I am not proud of this matter at all, and I will not mention it in the future, and according to the state's secrecy regulations, I am not allowed to mention it gone."

"Understood, not in the future," Ye Xiaoman replied weakly.

Seeing that such a proud woman has become so well-behaved now, the prince was surprised to look at her twice more.

"Can you tell me the real content of this transaction?" The prince thought for a while, and finally asked the question that had been on his mind for the past few days.

"Domestic politics has been stable for so many years. Since the reform and opening up, the economy has developed too fast, and it has maintained a double-digit growth year-on-year. Compared with the rapid economic growth, the policy and the psychological preparation of the upper levels have not. Synchronously keeping up, coupled with foreign forces using their economic experience and advantages to continuously attack and suppress the international market, so the domestic side urgently needs its own powerful economic group. And if the existing large domestic enterprises are supported, then It is easy to be said by foreign forces that the market is not completely open and there are monopolistic behaviors, so there is no choice but to have an independent legal person that can put aside the government in the background to control the domestic economy and hold the power of the domestic economy in its own hands.”

"If it can't be done, there will be another Huaxia Petroleum in an extraordinary period. In order to keep foreign funds locked in the country, we have to pull the domestic economy into a trough. The cost will be too high, and it will be difficult to afford it " Ye Xiaoman explained to the prince.

"Let me ask a few questions. First, what is a year-on-year comparison?" The prince asked humbly, facing an unfamiliar field that he had never been in contact with.

"Take the economic data in September as an example. The simplest analogy is that comparing the data in September this year with the data in September last year is called year-on-year."

"Compared to the year-on-year comparison, there is another term called chain ratio, which refers to the comparison between the data in September this year and the data in August this year." Ye Xiaoman answered carefully. After all, the chief executive in front of me is indeed a financial idiot. .

"Understood." The prince thought for a while, and finally figured out the meaning of the two words commonly used in the media.

"Second question, what is a legal person?"

"A legal person is not a person," Ye Xiaoman answered succinctly.

"What? A legal person isn't a person? Doesn't the country need an independent legal person? Doesn't it need a person?" The prince was very surprised.

"A legal person is a legal term. It refers to a collective organization that has its own rights and obligations, so it is not a person. Most of the time it refers to some companies, groups, social groups, etc. For example, The chairman, the general manager, etc., can only be said to be legal representatives, not legal persons."

"The third question, what does the international market mean?" Prince continued to be a good student.

"There are two types, the virtual economy market and the real economy market. The virtual economy mainly refers to the currency market, which is regulated through fluctuations in the exchange rates between currencies; the real economy mainly refers to the price fluctuations of commodity futures and spot goods. There are also It’s a bilateral or multilateral trade tug-of-war. One day it’s most-favored-nation treatment, the next it’s economic sanctions, and it goes back and forth. Politics is just playing tricks. One day you’ll condemn those downstairs with the ones above, and you’ll talk to the ones below you tomorrow. Not upstairs."

"Oh, now I understand. What do I mean, in the year of the Olympics, Huaxia Petroleum went public, and when it came up, a river of spring water flowed eastward. So there was such a reason."

"I thought you could keep asking me what is futures and what is spot."

"Don't worry, just learn these three questions, take your time. But the two you mentioned just now, tell me when you come back tonight, I have to study hard with you. I haven't graduated from elementary school yet, and suddenly Advanced, a little dizzy, a little dizzy."

"These are just superficial, and I'm not very clear about the deep financial knowledge, so I have to go to class with you, and make a video record, so I can study it when I come back."

"You want to go to class with me too?" the prince raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, the special assistant is also an assistant, and has changed from a combat staff officer to a financial assistant, so I have to learn." Ye Xiaoman replied naturally.

"What about one by one? Who will take care of her during the day?"

"You are a father, it's simple, your daughter starts school today, parents!" Ye Xiaoman stroked her forehead speechless.

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