Hearing what the prince said, all four members of the Qin family were taken aback, especially Qin Yajing.

Hate, when did I have a relationship with him?When did he need to be responsible?

"Don't be ashamed, think I'm relying on you to have sex with you." Qin Yajing opened her big eyes and gave the prince a hard look.

"Ahem, Mr. Wang, go on," Qin Yabin also smiled meaningfully.

"If I say that I just changed my job before coming to Binhai, do you believe it or not?" The prince pondered for a moment, then continued.

"Change jobs?" Qin Yuanbiao glanced at the prince questioningly, then at Qin Yuanyong. "Brother was a member of the military region before?"

The prince nodded.

"Brother's age this year, if the old man is not wrong, he should be at the age of enlisting in the army. Why can he change jobs?" Qin Yuanyong thought for a while, and then asked.

"At that time, there was a mission in the military region that needed children to perform, so I went to the military region, and then I was going to school, so I came back." The prince said calmly.

For a moment, the four members of the Qin family all frowned, thinking about what the prince said.

After a long time, Qin Yuanyong squinted his eyes and looked at the prince meaningfully. "I don't know, what does Mr. Wang think of the underground forces in Binhai City?"


The prince was startled, and pondered for a while, "Is Mr. Qin thinking about the military region or the government's thoughts on the Binhai underworld?"

"Isn't it?" Qin Yajing asked angrily.

The prince smiled wryly, "Beautiful girl, I really changed my job and went to college. I don't have any thoughts about the underworld in Binhai, let alone get involved with the military area, okay?"

"Mr. Wang, you don't have to be nervous." Qin Yuanyong smiled, "Actually, I just ask you what you mean, and I have no other ideas. After all, Mr. Wang always wants to carry out business cooperation in Binhai, and he will more or less cooperate with the underworld. It’s not a bad thing to deal with it and think about it in advance.”

The prince nodded, "The old man said so."

"I haven't been back in Binhai for a long time, and there are only two gangsters I have come into contact with. One is Brother Gu, and the other is your Qin family."

"You're talking about Linfeng." Qin Yuanbiao smiled on the sidelines, "He has a good relationship with me, he can be regarded as an old friend. But his influence is not that great, he can be regarded as a second-rate influence in Binhai."

The prince drank his saliva, "Actually, I don't know much about the underworld in Binhai. I came today, and I just want to ask the old man to tell me about it."

Qin Yuanyong smiled, "Just let Xiaobin talk to you about it. He knows more about people in society than I do."

Qin Yabin heard his father speak, and thought for a while, "The first-class forces in Binhai's underworld are roughly divided into three families. Zhongshan District basically belongs to the most prosperous area of ​​Binhai, and is firmly controlled by our Qin family. At the same time, our Qin family is also from Binhai. Everyone first."

"There are many residential areas in Shagang District, which are controlled by the Sea Breeze Gang."

"Then there is the Gannan district, which is controlled by the tigers."

"However, the two of them are quite respectful to our Qin family, and there won't be any major conflicts. After all, our Qin family's background is here, and we have always maintained a good relationship with the high-level government in Binhai."

"There are also some suburban forces in Binhai. They may have a large number of people, but due to financial problems, their strength has not been put on the table. They just collect protection fees and bully the common people."

The prince nodded. During Qin Yabin's introduction, his right hand was gently clasped on the table, and his brows were furrowed.

After listening to the introduction, the prince thought for a while, "What do the Qin family think of the current underground situation?"

Qin Yuanyong thought about it for a long time, and then said slowly, "The Sea Breeze Gang and the Tigers have developed relatively fast in recent years, so they are a bit more thoughtful."

After hearing his words, the other three members of the Qin family were shocked, because Mr. Qin had never said these words in front of them.

But today he suddenly told the prince, leaving the three of them unprepared.After all, if these words are really spread outside, it will definitely cause a big impact.

The prince nodded, "I think the current position of the Qin family is very embarrassing."

Qin Yuanyong smiled and nodded, motioning for the prince to continue.

"Your Qin family is indeed the leader of Binhai's underground forces now, but you are actually in a lot of trouble now. You have a good relationship with Binhai's high-level officials. This is just one reason why you can continue to stay in Binhai. Another reason The reason is that you are very gentle, at least on the surface, the social stability in Binhai is very good, so the government does not need to move you."

"However, the power of the Sea Breeze Gang and the Tigers is slowly growing. When their power grows to a certain extent, their ambitions will also expand. At that time, their target will definitely be your Qin family."

"If the two or three parties go to war, the two of them will join forces to get rid of the Qin family first. And if there is a riot in the Binhai society, the government will definitely suppress it forcefully. At that time, the leader of the Qin family will definitely be the main force." Target."

The prince smiled, "That's why I said that the current situation of the Qin family is very embarrassing. It seems that the leader is the leader and has a lot of glory, but there should be a lot of troubles behind it."

The four members of the Qin family, except for the old man, all looked at the prince in shock.

"Brother, are you thinking of these things yourself?" Qin Yuanbiao looked at the prince in surprise, and then at his brother nervously.

Both Qin Yabin and Qin Yajing were taken aback, they glanced at each other, and then at their father.

Qin Yuanyong let out a long breath and nodded, "Yes, what you said makes sense."

"The old man must have a countermeasure in mind, right?" the prince said speculatively.

Qin Yuanyong looked at the prince, "To be honest, there is really no good way. The Qin family can't let the Qin family make an early move right now?"

"That's right, father has no problem thinking about it. If the Qin family makes a move ahead of time, then once Binhai messes up, the charges will be even more irresistible," Qin Yajing echoed beside her.

"That's right, if the Qin family strikes first, then the charge will be confirmed." Qin Yabin also nodded.

The prince smiled, glanced at the four of them, and said flatly, "What if the higher ups nodded?"

Qin Yuanyong suddenly squinted his eyes and stared at the prince closely. After a long time, "Are you sure?"

The prince smiled and said nothing, just nodded slightly.

Qin Yajing nervously sat next to the prince, "Are you sure you're not lying to us, you have to know that the truth of your news can completely turn the Qin family upside down in an instant."

The prince smiled, "After all, it is impossible to have black and white writing on this thing."

Qin Yabin thought for a while, "Did Secretary Liang tell you about the reception last night?"

The prince still nodded and smiled.

"Why did he do this?" Qin Yuanyong asked after thinking for a while.

"What he needs is political achievement." The prince replied simply.

"I don't understand", Qin Yajing pouted, thinking for a long time, but still didn't understand.

"I don't really understand, the law and order in Binhai is very good now," Qin Yabin also asked wonderingly.

Mr. Qin nodded thoughtfully, "Trouble is followed by order, killing two birds with one stone, a coup."

"Brother, you can say it bluntly, or I'm going to die of anxiety." Qin Yuanbiao, who was on the side, felt relieved when he saw that his brother understood.

"Secretary Liang should be serving as the secretary for the second time. This time, when his term of office expires, he should go to the provincial capital. However, his previous political achievements are in the past tense, and the provincial capital will only look at his current achievements. "

"If Binhai's society is in chaos, and then he takes action to rectify it, this is a political achievement. During this period, our Qin family can also wipe out the other two, and restore a stable and united atmosphere in Binhai. For our Qin family, for Liang Secretary, there are advantages and no disadvantages."

"Binhai is stable, and the Qin family is naturally Secretary Liang's people. Even if he leaves, the Qin family can still control Binhai, which is equivalent to him continuing to control Binhai. With Binhai's backing, he will naturally say that he is very active in the provincial capital. big."

Qin Yuanyong sighed, "It really is a good move."

The other three looked at the prince, hoping to get confirmation from the prince.

The prince smiled, "Ginger is really old and spicy."

"However, Secretary Liang said that at that time, if the Qin family has the ability, it is not impossible to develop in the provincial capital and other places in the province."

The members of the Qin family were overjoyed when they heard this, and Qin Yuanyong asked nervously, "Is this the original words of Secretary Liang?"

The prince nodded.

Qin Yuanyong let out a long breath, "It seems that the Qin family's opportunity has finally come."

"I wonder when Secretary Liang plans to do this?" Qin Yabin asked.

"Ahem, I hope you understand that this matter has nothing to do with Secretary Liang, it's entirely me and your Qin family who are doing it." The prince looked at the four of them seriously, and said slowly and clearly.

Several people nodded their heads in a good manner.

"When we finish the business in Jinghua and come back, we will start to do this." The prince thought for a while, "I never do unprepared battles, so when I go to Jinghua, I hope that the Qin family can prepare for me. A detailed information about the Sea Breeze Gang and the Tiger Gang."

"The specific location of the hall, the person involved, and detailed information about their related industries. I like to simplify complicated things, but I don't want anyone besides us to know about it."

Several people nodded, Qin Yuanyong thought for a while, and pointed to the top, "Did he mention the bottom line?"

The prince shook his head, "There is no bottom line, the more chaos there is, the greater the political achievements will be."

"Also, don't worry, my people are responsible for solving the high-level problems of the other party. Once the other party has no leader, you only need to take over."

"My people will focus on taking care of the other party's high-level. When you take over, you must appease the people below, so that no trouble will happen."

Qin Yajing looked at the prince with great interest, "It seems that you often do these things. It's really hard to imagine that you, a boy under 20 years old, can talk and act so cruelly."

"If I didn't know that you were my student, I would really have thought that you were in the military region to carry out missions behind the enemy's borders abroad. You were so cruel that you wouldn't leave anyone alive."

Hearing Qin Yajing's words, the prince frowned, narrowed his eyes, and returned to normal in an instant.

However, the members of the Qin family were shocked by the slight change in the prince's expression. Could it be that Qin Yajing's guess was correct?

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