Flowers steal fragrance

Chapter 93 Feng Yuehong's First Kiss

The prince saw Xiao Mengmeng Yuefengyuehong still had a hesitant expression. When he was helpless, he found a vegetable market on the side of the road. The prince had a flash of inspiration, "Wait for me in the car, and I will take you to taste something delicious tonight." .”

After speaking, under Xiao Mengmeng's puzzled eyes, she opened the door and got off the car, and ran to the vegetable market.

Just when the second daughter also began to feel hungry, the prince came out of the vegetable market carrying a barbecue stove, a large plastic bag of freshly skewered mutton, a box of charcoal, and a pack of barbecue seasonings.

After the prince put these things in the trunk of the car and opened the door to get in the car, Xiao Mengmeng looked at the prince suspiciously, "Why did you buy those things?"

The prince was stunned, looked at the second daughter who was puzzled, and then pouted, "Of course I went to barbecue."

Xiao Mengmeng stared at the prince with wide eyes, "You mean, the three of us are going to have a barbecue now?"

The prince nodded vigorously, "Yes, what's the problem?"

Feng Yuehong frowned and looked at her watch, "It's getting dark now, how can you still barbecue?"

The prince rubbed his nose, "Beautiful sister, does it matter if the weather is barbecued? Who said that it must be daytime for barbecues?"

Xiao Mengmeng looked at the grilling things in the back again, and sniffled, "Grilling is fine, but are you sure you know how to grill?"

The prince looked at Xiao Mengmeng with great interest, "Big beauty, don't you know how to barbecue?"

Xiao Mengmeng shook her head, then nodded, "I only know how to grill, but I don't know how to play with the stove."

The prince looked at Feng Yuehong again, and nodded when he saw Feng Yuehong, which was also the same as Xiao Mengmeng's answer.

"Okay, I'll show you off today. Tonight, I'll do the surgery, and you can just eat." The prince patted his chest, "Big beauty, it shouldn't be difficult for you to find a quiet barbecue place, right?"

Xiao Mengmeng nodded, "It's okay to find a place to eat barbecue, but I'm afraid I might meet someone I know."

The prince smiled indifferently, "What are you afraid of? When you meet acquaintances, let's eat together. Drive."

Feng Yuehong looked at the prince's expression, then at Xiao Mengmeng who was sighing.Obviously, the big boy in front of him didn't understand how troublesome Xiao Mengmeng's so-called acquaintances would be.

Soon after, Xiao Mengmeng drove to a suburb.

Although the sky was dark at this time and the moonlight was just beginning to shine, the prince was still shocked by the surrounding scenery.

Jinghua City is the political and cultural center of the entire China, with a fairly large population density.Housing prices in Jinghua City are definitely among the top three in the country, which can be described as every inch of land.

People who have never been to Jinghua have no idea of ​​the prosperity of Jinghua City.

Even in the suburbs of Jinghua City, there are countless new buildings and development zones supported by the government.

And the suburb where the three princes are now, has completely preserved the most authentic side, without any traces of artificial carvings at all.

"It's so beautiful," the prince said with emotion, "I really never imagined that such a quiet, peaceful, and back-to-nature place can be left in such a place like Jinghua, where every inch of land is precious."

Xiao Mengmeng led them to walk forward again, turned a small hill, and saw a small river and a stone pavilion.

The prince squatted down beside the small river, and by the moonlight, watching the ripples in the small river, exhaled a trace of turbid air from his chest, "It's really strange."

Feng Yuehong saw the prince playing in the water like a child, pinching his waist with both hands, "I said brother, when are you going to let my sister eat your barbecue?"

The prince smiled, stood up, and wiped his hands casually on his body, "Start now, don't worry."

As he spoke, he took the things he had bought from the car.

The rest of the time is when the prince is performing barbecue kung fu alone, and the two daughters are watching the prince performing barbecue kung fu in surprise.

The prince first took out the alcohol block he had bought before, and after lighting it, he began to warm the charcoal.

After a while, when the charcoal starts to burn, slowly place it under the grill and carefully add charcoal to it.

A few minutes later, after the fire gradually ignited, the prince began to place all kinds of skewered meat on it.

The second daughter looked at the meat skewers in the prince's hands eagerly.

They were already so hungry that their stomachs were growling before, and now they smelled the delicious smell of barbecue. Of course, they couldn't resist this temptation.

Seeing the eager expressions of the two, the prince picked out a few large skewers that had been roasted until they were so oily, sprinkled them with chili powder, salt and cumin powder, and then handed them over under the glowing eyes of the two women.

Xiao Mengmeng bit off a piece of meat lightly, and slowly savored it in her mouth. After a long time, she nodded vigorously, "Not bad, very good, very good."

Feng Yuehong closed her eyes, recalling the feeling in her mouth.

The prince smiled, picked up a bunch himself, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

"I said, beautiful sister, you don't have to close your eyes to enjoy the delicious food, right? Your expression gives me the illusion that you are not eating, but a feeling of endless aftertaste on the bed." The prince saw Seeing that Feng Yuehong still had her eyes closed, she joked.

Xiao Mengmeng covered her mouth and laughed loudly, but she didn't mind the prince's dirty jokes at all.

Feng Yuehong opened her eyes, glanced at the prince coquettishly, then puffed out her chest on purpose, making the already proud Shuangfeng stand up even more, then leaned in front of the prince, and said seductively, "My sister's memorable expression on the bed is really not like this, do you want to know?"

"Cough cough", the prince was choked up by Feng Yuehong's words, and coughed a lot.Seeing Xiao Mengmeng next to him laughed again.

"Beautiful sister, do you really want to take advantage of your younger brother, or are you fooling him?" The prince took advantage of Feng Yuehong's words and climbed up the pole.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yuehong didn't care about the prince's hooligan aura.

Feng Yuehong stretched out her light white hand, and slowly slid it over the prince's chest, her eyes were blurred, and her mouth was fragrant, "My brother was so majestic in the afternoon, and my sister likes you like this, with a mighty figure and a world-class air."

Feeling the electric shock-like sensation from Fengyuehong's fingertips, the prince's whole body went numb.Then his right hand suddenly clenched the hand on her chest, exerting force instantly.

In Xiao Mengmeng's low cry, Feng Yuehong yelled and fell into the arms of the prince.

The prince hugged Feng Yuehong, who was about to get up, firmly to his chest.

Feng Yuehong turned pale with shock, looked up at the prince, her eyes were full of panic.

The corner of the prince's mouth curled up, and he smiled evilly. Under the surprised eyes of the two girls, he lowered his head and kissed Feng Yuehong's small mouth fiercely.

Feng Yuehong kept twisting in the prince's arms, trying to break free.But the more she twisted, the more the prince's desire to conquer was aroused.

The prince inserted his hands under Feng Yuehong's waist, and exerted all his strength at the same time. Feng Yuehong was originally held by the prince, but now he was hugged by the prince across his lap in an instant.

Although both mouths were kissed fiercely by the prince, the big eyes stared at the prince vigorously, and both legs kicked vigorously at the same time.

Holding the big string in her hand, Xiao Mengmeng stared blankly at the prince and Feng Yuehong in front of her, the situation must have changed too quickly.

After a long time, when Feng Yuehong was about to suffocate, the prince let go of the tightly pressed lips, then stretched out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth exaggeratedly, and said with a smile, "It smells so sweet, so sweet."

Feng Yuehong broke free from the prince's arms, then tidied up her clothes, forced herself to sit beside Xiao Mengmeng calmly, then picked up a big skewer, and ate it, it didn't look like she was kissed forcibly just now.

Xiao Mengmeng looked at Feng Yuehong carefully, "Sister Hong, are you alright?"

Feng Yuehong squinted her eyes, glanced at the prince mistyly, then lowered her head and ate the big skewers, "It's nothing, just touched by a fly, it's nothing serious."

The prince was not embarrassed at all, pretending not to hear, holding a big skewer in one hand, chewing the meat in his mouth, and looking up for flies with a realistic expression, "Where is it? Where is it?"

Looking at the innocent face of the prince, Feng Yuehong gritted her teeth with hatred.

While looking for the fly, the prince licked the corner of his mouth exaggeratedly, "Hey, it's really fragrant, sweet and silky."

Xiao Mengmeng was taken aback, "Silky? What silky?"

Feng Yuehong also looked at the prince puzzled.

The prince smiled meaningfully, then smacked his mouth, "It was a tongue kiss just now, that little tongue is so silky."

Feng Yuehong let out a loud roar, and threw herself on the prince directly. The prince didn't expect Feng Yuehong to move so fast and get so close. If she didn't pay attention, she was thrown to the ground by Feng Yuehong.

Feng Yuehong sat on the prince's waist, and was grabbed by the prince with both hands.

The prince glanced at Xiao Mengmeng, who was watching the movie next to him, "I said big beauty, the next thing is a love action movie that is not suitable for children, don't you want to continue watching it?"

"It's okay if you want to watch it, but you have to charge some entrance fee."

"Hmph", Xiao Mengmeng turned her head, but she still secretly looked at the two of them out of the corner of her eyes.

At this time, Feng Yuehong was lying on the prince's body, and the twin peaks on her chest pressed tightly on the prince's chest.This sudden action made the prince startled, and he stopped what he was about to say later.

"I'm still a big girl, how do you want me to marry in the future?" Feng Yuehong whispered in the prince's ear.

The prince blinked vigorously, "Ahem, this..."

Feng Yuehong squinted her eyes, "It's best not to say anything that was not intentional." At the same time, she grabbed the little brother who was standing up under the prince, "If you dare to say that, I will definitely drag your brother down .”

The prince swallowed hard, and whispered without any momentum, "Then, what are you going to do?"

Feng Yuehong straightened up, and brushed her messy hair that had been moved too much just now, making her look even more charming.

"You'd better introduce yourself completely and in detail first." Xiao Mengmeng next to her looked at the prince very seriously.

The prince frowned, thought for a long time, and finally made up his mind to tell the whole story.

"I come from......"

"Hey, big brother, there are people playing wild games here, it's still a threesome." A man's voice sounded not far away, and at the same time there was a burst of footsteps.

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