Tian Hong had a very distant dream.

He dreamed that he went back to the Tang Dynasty, he saw his grandmother, his father, his mother, Li Jiancheng, Li Shimin, Li Yuanji...

He returned to the battlefield lingering in his dreams, the towering city walls, the burning beacon smoke, and the battlefield full of corpses.

He also dreamed of his BMW Wanliyun, the peerless golden hammer beating drums, and even the golden bucket drinking.

Time is turning back, he is sitting in the back garden, leaning on the rockery, holding a golden bucket to drink, the wine flows down the corner of his mouth, all the way to his neck, to his chest, it is extremely cold...

"Good wine!"

Tian Hong drank happily and laughed loudly.

"What good wine?"

A voice broke Tian Hong's sweet dream, Tian Hong's eyes opened abruptly, and the shining bald head and the delicate face came into view.

It turned out that the cold wine flowing on his body was the sixth brother who used a small handkerchief dipped in water to help him wipe his body.

Looking up, the sky is clear and blue.

The distance is lush and green, and the birds are jumping between the branches, which is peaceful and natural, just like the paradise.

Beside me, there is a pool of autumn water, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, and the water waves are rippling in the breeze, just like the fairyland on earth.

Looking at the sun in the sky, it should be noon, but unexpectedly, I was unconscious for three hours.

Looking up, Tian Hong realized that the place where he was lying now was the place where Sixth Brother was fishing and grilling last night. Not far from him, there was a bonfire burning, which was exactly where the bonfire was yesterday.

"Wake up." Seeing Tian Hong woke up, the sixth brother quickly took back the handkerchief in his hand, took it to the pond and washed it desperately, with an expression as if the handkerchief had revenge for her father's death.

Tian Hong didn't answer this naive and idiotic question, and sat up reluctantly, his bones all over his body seemed to be falling apart, and he grinned in pain.

"Thank you." Seeing that Tian Hong ignored her, the sixth brother pouted, touched his bald head and said, "Tian Hong, what happened yesterday? I seem to have dreamed that a monster wanted to eat me, by the way , how did you appear in this forest, and...and...and..."

"And what?" Tian Hong couldn't help asking when he saw Sixth Brother's flushed face and hesitant expression.

"It's nothing! Eat something."

Sixth Brother suddenly looked disgusted and wanted to vomit, stood up impressively, went to the campfire and squatted down, and used a twig to pick it up, with a look of bitterness and hatred.

Tian Hong didn't bother to talk much, and after asking a few words, he found out what happened afterwards. It turned out that after he was knocked out by the shock of the lightning, in the morning, Brother Six woke up first and carried him to this place. .

Looking at the thin body of Sixth Brother, Tian Hong secretly sighed, it is really difficult for her, there is still a distance from the place where the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon lives, and although Sixth Brother has the ability of Sanwei Zhenhuo, his physique is very Weak, it takes some effort to carry his 100-pound body on his back.

"Here!" The sixth brother didn't know why he was angry, and he didn't show Tian Hong, the lifesaver, a good face. He picked up a few black things from the fire and threw them to Tian Hong.

"What?" Tian Hong asked with a frown, looking at a few dark things in the grass.

"Yam egg, the scientific name is, English name is P. perennial herb, but it is cultivated as a year or two seasons a year. The underground tubers are round, egg, oval, etc., with bud eyes, and the skin is red, yellow, white or purple. The aboveground stems are ridged. Shaped, hairy. Odd-pinnate compound leaves. Cyme terminal, white, red or purple flowers. Berry spherical, green or purple-brown. Seed kidney-shaped, yellow. Multi-purpose tuber propagation. It can be used as medicine, commonly known as potato..."

Looking at the way the sixth brother was reciting textbooks in a serious manner, Tian Hong felt dizzy for a while, and said for a long time, that is, wild potatoes.

"Eat or not, this is something I know in field survival training, otherwise, you will starve to death." Sixth brother said angrily.

"I've never been a vegetarian." Tian Hong shook his head.

"Ah...cough cough...not a vegetarian..." Sixth Brother looked at Tian Hong in surprise.

"Aren't you a vegetarian alone? Have you seen that nine-clawed demon dragon?" Tian Hong asked.

"Nine-clawed demon dragon... what nine-clawed demon dragon?" Brother Six scratched his head and racked his brains.

"It's the nine-clawed demon dragon that swallowed you in one gulp."

"Ah... vomit..." Sixth Brother suddenly ran to the pond and vomited crazily, as if his face was about to vomit out gallbladder. By the fire.

"Wuwu... I thought it was a dream, no wonder there was an unpleasant smell on my body..." Brother Six said with a mournful face, "I'm obviously here to find a baby, but I actually met a monster dragon..."

"Hey, hey... Are you mistaken? There really are dragons in this world?" The sixth brother suddenly realized that he opened his big black and white eyes, blinking his long eyelashes, with an incredible expression on his face.

"Show me your parchment." Tian Hong asked, ignoring her.

"Oh..." Sixth Brother took out the sheepskin roll and handed it to Tian Hong. The moment Tian Hong was about to get the sheepskin roll, she backed up suddenly as if she had been electrocuted, looked at Tian Hong vigilantly and said, "How are you doing?" Know that I have a parchment?”

Feeling the scorching heat, Tian Hong was secretly startled. Now, this startled fake man must not know that he has been following her. For some reason, Tian Hong always has a feeling of insecurity by this woman's side. I feel that this woman is a bit weird and a bit nervous, as if she will turn against others at any time.

Tian Hong didn't want to be turned into a roast pig by those three flavors.

However, the good news is that this woman's IQ is a bit frighteningly simple, even a simple-minded person like Tian Hong thinks this woman is easy to fool.

"When you were in a coma, you mentioned the parchment." Tian Hong seldom lied, and his face couldn't help but flush slightly, and Brother Six didn't pay attention at all.

"oh, I see."

With an expression of enlightenment on his face, the sixth brother handed the sheepskin scroll to Tian Hong from a distance, as if he was afraid of touching Tian Hong's body.

Spreading out the sheepskin picture, Tian Hong couldn't help being startled, this is actually a formation picture, judging from the characters on the sheepskin scroll, it should be some years old, at least earlier than the Sui and Tang dynasties.

Although he can see that it is a formation map, Tian Hong can't see why, because Tian Hong knows something about military formations, such as the army formation, such as the emperor's ghost-eating formation, etc., for the landscape on the sheepskin map There is nothing dabbled in array.

From the structure on the array, it can be inferred that the array is mainly composed of natural mountains, and then some artificial decorations are added, such as planting some trees and moving some rocks. In fact, this array is very similar to Zhuge Liang's eight arrays. similar places.

Arranging the eight formations requires a special geographical environment, and the formation on the parchment scroll obviously also requires a special geographical location.

"How did you understand this parchment?" Tian Hong was a little unbelievable that this woman was able to find the nine-clawed demon dragon with this parchment that looked like a heavenly book.

"Brother, it's very simple. Look, this line, this line, and this line...isn't it the route we are taking?" Sixth Brother said with a confident expression, pointing Jiang Shan.


Tian Hong couldn't help being stunned. It turned out that this woman was completely blind. No wonder she lost her way in the woods. She didn't understand the true meaning of the parchment. It was just an ordinary treasure hunting map. Looking for a way, I have to say that it is her luck to meet that nine-clawed demon dragon.

In the dark, there is God's will!

Tian Hong doesn't believe in fate, but now he has to believe that there are too many mysteries in the world. If he is allowed to hold this sheepskin scroll, he may never find a place to suppress the nine-clawed demon dragon in his life, because, Obviously, there seem to be many illusions that confuse mortals around the monster dragon.

However, vaguely, Tian Hong feels that this sheepskin figure does not seem to have any direct connection with the place where the nine-clawed demon dragon was suppressed.

Maybe, meeting the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon is just a coincidence!

"What are you looking for?" Tian Hong asked.

"I heard that there are treasures here. Our bureau's funds are a bit tight. I want to make some contributions to the bureau. Don't keep saying that I only know how to spend money, hum!" Sixth brother was a little embarrassed at first, but then he seemed to remember What bothering things, said indignantly.

Hearing this woman's words, Tian Hong inexplicably thought of the Hummer off-road vehicle with a punctured tire. From here, this woman should be the prodigal son of the Administration Bureau. Even those who did not drive Tian Hong knew that the Hummer was a "gas tiger" "Synonymous.

Tian Hong didn't expect that his guess was completely correct. Although the sixth brother is neither male nor female, his thinking is extremely simple, his temper is very irritable, and he must have what he wants. What annoys the leader the most is that she likes luxury cars. All kinds of famous cars are wanted, if they are not allowed to buy, they will kill and set fire to the leaders. Although the management has sufficient funds, they can't afford her torment. The leaders have nothing to do with her, and they can't kill her, so they have to Use the excuse of tight budget to shirk.

This method is easy to use. After knowing that the bureau's funds are tight, the sixth brother never bothered with the leader again.

However, what the leaders didn't expect was that the sixth brother was also loyal to the bureau. After knowing that the bureau's funds were tight, he immediately thought of ways to make money. After finding this parchment at a high price in the underground antique market, he wanted to Find the treasure, contribute to solving the problem, and find Wulei Xianshan along the way...

After thinking for a while, Tian Hong threw the parchment roll to Sixth Brother, stood up and took two steps, then turned around, picked up a few potatoes on the ground, and swallowed them whole.

"You... you... what are you doing?" Seeing several huge potatoes being swallowed by Tian Hong in a blink of an eye, the sixth brother opened his mouth wide, and he was stunned for a long time before he could react. At this time, Tian Hong had already left After more than 20 steps, he hurriedly chased after him.

"Look at that nine-clawed demon dragon."

"Can't you not go?" Brother Six asked with a disgusted expression on his face.


"That's great, hee hee, let's go back quickly, this place is too dirty...Hey, hey, you can't go..." Brother Six was overjoyed, but Tian Hong didn't stop.

"I said you don't have to go." Tian Hong didn't turn his head.

"Hmph, you're amazing, just go, what's so great... But, I'm afraid of snakes and caterpillars... What does the monster dragon look like?" Sixth Brother carefully hid behind Tian Hong, she Even though she was swallowed by the demon dragon, in fact, everything happened between lightning and flint. In her memory, there is no full picture of the demon dragon at all.

In fact, Tian Hong didn't see the whole picture of the nine-clawed monster dragon, he only saw the dragon's head and a dragon's claw. How huge is the size of the dragon.

So far, Tian Hong can't imagine how big the nine-clawed demon dragon is. After all, a demon dragon with great supernatural powers should be able to make people hallucinate. Maybe, the huge empty head and dragon claws are all powerful It's just an illusion.


p: Update in the middle of the night, brothers, can you be more violent with the red ticket?

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