Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 117 Landscape Formation

Just when Tian Hong was thinking, the old man had already eaten up the roasted wild boar, leaving no bones left.

The old man who finished eating the wild pork ignored Tian Hong and Sixth Brother, as if he was drunk, touched his belly, smacked his lips, and left with a satisfied expression, even forgetting to take the bundle of firewood.

Seeing the old man staggering into the woods, Tian Hong and Sixth Brother looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Tian Hong vomits blood. Is he the nine-clawed demon dragon you mentioned? It doesn't look like..." Sixth Brother looked skeptical. In fact, she still doesn't believe that there is really a nine-clawed demon dragon. Even if she believed it, she only believed it in front of her. After all, she was once swallowed by a huge animal.

For the sixth brother, everything seemed a little unreal, and she followed Tian Hong boldly, but she just wanted to prove the truth.

"Isn't it?"

Tian Hong nodded. Compared with the huge and ferocious demon dragon last night, although this old man looked a bit weird, it was really unbelievable to have a relationship with that ferocious and huge nine-clawed demon dragon.

The two talked for a while, but they couldn't talk about the reason. The sixth brother may be a little tired from taking care of Tian Hong. He found a huge old tree near the pond, climbed on the branch, and fell asleep on his own. up.

Tian Hong thought for a while alone, but couldn't think of any clues. He avoided the sixth brother's sight, found a piece of woods opposite the sixth brother, and drew the sixth brother's parchment on the ground with his memory, and copied it through his soul. In the summoning banner, let Hei Wuchang see it.

Hei Wuchang is very pitiful now, and he dare not show his head at all.

Tian Hong didn't feel much in Wulei Mountain, but Heiwuchang was different. A mighty aura enveloped the entire Wulei Mountain. The strong qi that has just reached the yang will immediately tear him to pieces. At that time, even the Buddha will not be able to reshape the yin body for him.

"My lord, this is a landscape array. I don't understand it. However, although I don't understand it, I can still see some clues. This landscape array is majestic. It should not be man-made. It is impossible for ordinary people to arrange such a landscape. Array diagram... If the villain's guess is correct, the horizontal ridges of this landscape array diagram span at least hundreds of kilometers, and it is very likely that it belongs to the range of Wulei Xianshan..." Hei Wuchang is indeed well-informed, although he is not Knowing this landscape formation, one can tell at a glance that it has something to do with Wulei Xianshan.

"Well, judging from the layout, it is the Five Thunder Immortal Mountain. However, I don't understand that the nine-clawed demon dragon was suppressed in the Five Thunder Immortal Mountain when the chaos first opened. The landscape map I saw is shorter than the history of Wulei Xianshan." Tian Hong said with a puzzled face.

Tian Hong's doubts are not unreasonable. Since the nine-clawed demon dragon was suppressed before the chaos first opened, this landscape array should not have appeared, because at that time, there were no humans at all.

Besides, not to mention human beings, even ordinary immortals do not have the ability to move mountains and seas on such a large scale. Although Wulei Xianshan is only a hundred kilometers in radius, the mountains stretch for hundreds of miles. think.

What puzzled Tian Hong the most was that the history of the parchment was far lower than the history of Wulei Xianshan.

In other words, the sheepskin scrolls appeared later than Wulei Xianshan.

At the same time, it also shows that before the appearance of the sheepskin scroll, the nine-clawed demon dragon has been suppressed in Wulei Xianshan.

"My lord, there is no contradiction between the age of the array map and the time when the nine-clawed demon dragon was suppressed. Perhaps, many years ago, an outstanding human array map expert expressed the landscape array map that suppressed the nine-clawed demon dragon with pictures and words. Come out, let’s make a simple example, if a mortal like Zhuge Liang passed through Wulei Xianshan and saw a peerless monster like a nine-clawed demon dragon being suppressed in this huge landscape array, he would naturally meet his hunting heart. Be happy to crack the heart, if so, this landscape array will appear..." Hei Wuchang explained.

"Well, it makes sense, any formation expert who comes to Wulei Xianshan will have a peeping heart. Although he doesn't want to solve the trap of the demon dragon seal, he can improve his knowledge by cracking this landscape formation... ...Slowly...Hei Wuchang, you mean that this landscape map is likely to be the solution to it?" Tian Hong suddenly asked.

"My lord, the villain thinks that this should be the case in theory. After cracking a profound formation, all masters will leave some clues, which can be regarded as leaving a little reputation for themselves. It's like some people collect calligraphy works. , will affix his own seal on the collection, so that future generations will know that this calligraphy work was once collected by him, not to mention, he has cracked the formation at the beginning of chaos without leaving any clues. I will not rest in peace." Hei Wuchang talked eloquently, he has lived for countless years, how can Tian Hong's understanding of human nature be compared.

"Well, that is to say, as long as this king deciphers the landscape array and finds the eye of the array, he can release the nine-clawed demon dragon?" Tian Hong said happily.

"Ah... my lord, my lord must not do so. This monster dragon has been suppressed for an unknown number of years. It has deep resentment and is extremely fierce. If my lord breaks the formation without authorization, it will definitely cause a heinous murder..." Hei Wuchang heard When Tian Hongzhi said, he was shocked and knelt on the ground, kowtowing again and again.

"Hehe, don't worry, the emissary, the monster dragon almost killed me, how could I let it go? The purpose of this king's search for that array is to strengthen the mana of the landscape array, so that the monster dragon can't move. When the time comes , to kill or scrape, to cramp and peel, all depends on the king's pleasure."

"High! High! The prince is really tall!"

Looking at Tian Hong's ferocious expression, Hei Wuchang felt a chill down his spine, imagining in his head that a giant dragon was trapped at the foot of the mountain, and Tian Hong was slowly peeling and cramping with a butcher's knife in his hand...

"By the way, just now there was an old man who disappeared after eating a wild boar that the king hunted. The king suspects that the nine-clawed demon dragon appeared because of the delicacies in the world. However, there is one thing that the king is puzzled about. , if the old man was really transformed by the nine-clawed demon dragon, why did it leave the place where the body was sealed, and, with the tyrannical character of the nine-clawed demon dragon, why didn't it snatch food, or simply kill us all?" Tian Hong asked.

"My lord, the villain doesn't know anything about how to fight. If I did, I wouldn't be trapped by my lord in this summoning banner." Hei Wuchang said with a wry smile.

"Well, this matter is very strange. I believe that the nine-clawed demon dragon is not a good thing, unless it has no ability to kill us, so it turned into an old man to cheat food and drink." Tian Hong thought for a while.

"What the lord said is very true. The villain has lived for many years, and has never heard of the good things this nine-clawed demon dragon has done. Countless ghosts and gods have been killed by it. Hearing the notoriety of Wulei Xianshan, ghosts and gods all shy away. It can be seen This fellow is not a kind person either. The villain suspects that the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon may be able to incarnate as a human and walk in the Five Thunder Immortal Mountain. However, after leaving the physical body, its mana may be greatly reduced, or it may have no mana at all. Therefore, he can only cheat food and drink, and dare not use force."

"This is reasonable, but it's just a guess. If you act rashly, if the magic power of the demon dragon does not disappear, the consequences will be unimaginable. This king should think carefully about this matter, otherwise, if you are swallowed by the demon dragon, then you will be killed." Wronged."

Thinking back to the head of the nine-clawed demon dragon and the huge claws of tens of square meters, Tian Hong felt lingering fear.

One person counts the short, two count the long, after communicating with Heiwuchang, an old Jianghu, Tian Hong already had an idea, and immediately hunted a wild boar weighing [-] kilograms in the mountains and dragged it to the pond for slaughter. Turned into a blood red color.

After washing it, it was already evening, and some oily trees were cut down, and a barbecue grill was set up by the pond.

After everything was ready, Tian Hong set up more than a dozen repelling formations around the pond. These repelling formations all left holes in them. When the time comes, as long as the holes are filled, the repelling formations will immediately take effect.

"Wow... Tian Hong, your appetite has increased again?" After Tian Hong finished the arrangement, the sixth brother climbed down from the tree sleepily and walked to the pond to wash. He was amazed when he saw the huge wild boar. road.


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