The beacon of youth

Chapter 125 Another Battle in Yulin: Digging Trenches

Second, mobilize the enthusiasm of the Ten Soldiers, so Deng Yiyi wants Hu Zongnan to come to Yuhang!The speech of the officers and men awarding the medal was conveyed to the soldiers.

Immediately, the officers and soldiers of the 22nd Army seemed to have been given a booster, and they all clamored for a bloody battle with the Communist Army to the end, and let the Communist Army lay dead bodies all over the city of Yulin like last time.

Since Liu Zhidan's Northern Shaanxi Red Army attacked the local tyrants to divide their fields, most of the landlords, local tyrants, and bullies in the Northwest have fled to Yulin City. their everything.

To vilify the Communist Party of China and the People's Liberation Army, and to publicize that Communists are communists and wives. In the eyes of the Communists, everything is common, property is common, houses are common, and land is common.Even wives and children are common.

Under the propaganda of these people, some ordinary people in Yulin have a kind of incomprehension and fear of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Expand the number of troops.

In a short period of time, more than 5000 recruits were recruited in Yulin City alone, and training was stepped up.These situations were sent by our party's underground personnel in Yulin City, and they were also a new situation that our army had not considered before deciding to attack Yulin.

Although the newly recruited more than 5000 people are all recruits and have no combat experience, there are a large number of descendants of landlords, bullies, and local tyrants who are extremely hostile to our party and the army. Therefore, once the battle starts, these people will have certain combat effectiveness of.

The Kuomintang local armed forces composed of descendants of landlords and bullies have a big name called the Home Returning Corps. Commonly known in the north as Red Eyes, it means that because the land and property have been divided, the eyes are red. There is an old movie with red stars.There is such a plot in it. After the land and property of an old landlord were divided, he ran away, and later fought back with the Kuomintang troops. He had a very classic saying to the local people: "Whoever eats my chaff is still alive." I’m Xiaomi, that’s what I mean, ha.

Deng Chi also vowed to Hu Zongnan in the telegram that he must stick to Yulin City to ensure the north gate of the Northwest Region, and fight bloody battles with the Communist Army to the end.Hope the reinforcements arrive soon.

Both the enemy and the enemy are preparing nervously. The battle is imminent. The independent regiment is the main attack force of the second column, and it is placed at the forefront of the entire column. Li Yong ordered the soldiers to make good use of every minute before the general attack to dig traffic trenches. .

Within a few hundred meters of Yulin City, there is open land. In order to defend Yulin City, after the first battle, the Kuomintang defenders cleared away the houses, trees and other obstacles outside the city that affected the shooting range. A great trouble came, how to pass through this open land with the least casualties.

Li Yong's method was to dig a trench.Earthwork is one of the housekeeping skills of the People's Liberation Army. Since its establishment, the independent regiment has always emphasized the need to train soldiers' ability in earthwork.Now is the time to use it.

The first battalion and the second battalion of the first echelon each dug a zigzag traffic trench with a width of more than one meter and a depth of less than two meters. .Although such a zigzag trench increases the workload of the soldiers, it can prevent direct fire from the enemy and is an effective way to deal with enemy fire. In the two trenches, the soldiers work in shifts regardless of time.

Li Yong told the soldiers to dig the trench as far forward as possible.The closer the trench was to the enemy, the less distance we had to run across open ground when we broke through.The more casualties there are, this is a very simple reason. The soldiers understand it very well and work very seriously, so the progress of the trenches is very fast.

It didn't take long for the soil work of our soldiers to be discovered by the enemy. This time, the Kuomintang soldiers on the city wall were even more terrified, and fired at the trenches dug by our soldiers with various firepower.Suddenly there was a loud gunshot, and bullets flew over in bursts.

Because the trenches dug by our soldiers are zigzag and relatively deep, the enemy's rifles and machine guns pose no threat to the trench digging soldiers.The soldiers didn't even look at it, you hit yours and I dug mines, and they did it right. The enemies who shot randomly for a while also found this problem, and the gunfire gradually faded away.

The soldiers wondered to each other why the enemy stopped shooting?Throwing in the towel so soon?Won't?Of course, the enemy will not give up willingly. They saw that the firepower of machine guns and rifles could not threaten our soldiers, so they thought of a new method. They did not know how to get a few mortars from Shiyou to bombard our soldiers who were digging trenches. .

The mortar is a curved-fire gun, and its strong arc trajectory can theoretically destroy our soldiers in the trenches, but Li Yong had long thought that the enemy would use this method to let the soldiers dig the trenches on both sides of the trenches at the same time. A blast hole is dug about ten meters away from each wheel.

Such anti-bunker holes can only accommodate one soldier to hide, and the big one can fit more than a dozen people. It doesn't work.

The soldiers who dig holes are mainly veterans.The soldiers listened to the sound of the shells while digging. As long as they heard the piercing screams of the shells, it meant that the impact of the shells was very close.In this way, the enemy's mortars did not cause any casualties to the soldiers, but although the enemy's mortars did not cause casualties to the soldiers digging trenches.But it's not without any impact, because you have to avoid artillery fire from time to time.The speed at which the soldiers dug trenches under the enemy's artillery fire slowed down significantly.

Seeing this situation, Li Yong immediately called Gao Xiang, the battalion commander of the artillery battalion, through a walkie-talkie, and asked Gao Xiang to send a mortar platoon to drag a few mortars to engage in artillery battle with the enemy. place, the purpose is to delay the enemy or destroy the enemy's mortars, and create conditions for our army's soldiers to carry out soil work.

As a result, a strange scene appeared on the battlefield. Before the war broke out, and the attack had not yet begun, a small-scale artillery battle occurred at the front of the independent regiment's attack.

An artillery platoon of the Independent Regiment carried six mortars. As soon as the enemy's small cannons fired on the city wall, they would immediately shoot at them and then move immediately.

Come and go like this.There have been more than a dozen rounds.Although the enemy's small artillery has not been wiped out, it has also been held back by our army's artillery fire. The two sides have to engage in artillery battles with each other. There is still time and energy to deal with the eight roads digging trenches.

Pass on a small chapter, and pass on the rest tomorrow morning, and the water will flow forever. How is life going?At any rate, there are two chapters today. Everyone supports and supports me. Those who read the book are very relaxed, but we are tired all day.There is still a catty, the question, how can a book friend with a tail number of fierce add essence to himself?I really don't understand, can you tell me?

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