The beacon of youth

Chapter 135 Fighting the Yulin Headquarters Again 2

Second, He Cuihua kept her head silent, and Li Yong continued talking! "It was you who completed the task many times. Don't think too easily. The task must be completed without causing too many casualties. You are the commander of your battalion in this battle. You must think carefully about how to do it. To complete the task, you can't keep thinking about hitting the enemy's headquarters."

Seeing that He Cuihua did not speak, Li Yong sighed and said, "You have seen the casualties of our regiment, and the enemy's warehouse is not without garrison troops. We must find a way to resolve the battle with the least casualties. Do you understand?"

Everyone has long been familiar with Li Yong's temper. It's no problem for this guy to command and fight, he is fine and smooth.But there is a bit of egotistical thinking, always thinking about eating more and taking more, but everyone can understand it. In Li Yong's words:

The main force, of course it must look like a main force, can eating more and occupying more points in normal times help to improve combat effectiveness?Although everyone didn't agree with his words, the fighting power of the independent regiment was indeed very powerful, which was obvious to all.

After completing He Cuihua's work, Li Yong took the heavy machine gun battalion of Wang Huo's Fifth Battalion Xiaoweiwang, Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance Rong, Gao Xiang's artillery battalion, and two guard platoons of the guard company to the headquarters of the enemy's 22nd Army.

After the independent regiment broke through the enemy's city defenses, the General Reserve of the Field Army attacked the enemy in depth.The troops that our army broke into the city fought street battles with the enemy's 22nd Army in most areas of the city.

In this way, the enemy's other defenders have no intention of sticking to it.They withdrew from the defensive area one after another, so our army's siege troops from other directions also broke through the enemy's outer positions one after another, and the whole Yulin fell into fierce street fighting.

In the hand-to-hand combat, the Northwest Field Army's numerical advantage gradually emerged. In street fighting, more guns and more people must have the advantage. Some soldiers of the 22nd Army of the Kuomintang were wiped out, some surrendered, and the rest were compressed to some Continue to resist in the big strongholds. The 22nd Army is indeed stubborn. At this level, it still does not give up and continues to defend and resist.

Li Yong led his troops and did not attack the small group of enemy troops. Under the leadership of several captives, they bypassed several enemy defensive strongholds and approached the enemy's 22nd Army's headquarters from behind.

At this time, the enemy's 22nd Army headquarters was in chaos.The soldiers and officers didn't know what they were talking about like a revolving lantern, and they were all dizzy.The enemy grows like ants on a hot pan.Take the radio and yell.There is no need for confidentiality.To call in plain language:

Mr. Hu, why is our army's support force not yet available?Now the communist army has broken through my city defense workers, did you hear that?The communist army has broken through my city defenses, and our army is engaged in street fighting with the communist army.If the reinforcements do not arrive within half a day, Yulin will be finished.

What?Want to send the air force to support?I said, sir, we are now engaged in street fighting with the communist army. It is street fighting. What is the use of the air force?Besides, even if there is no street fighting, the air force is useless. After two planes were shot down, those pilots peed in their pants?

What we need now are ground troops, ground troops, Mr. Hu, if Yulin is lost, you can't get away with it, and the chairman will not give you good fruit to eat.

What?Still stick to it?I said sir, there are more than 8 people in the Northwest Army of the Communist Army, and my 22nd Army has less than 2 people. How can you let me stick to it?What should I use to hold on, my troops are going to be wiped out, this catty, where is the support corps led by Liu Kan?I can't get in touch with him, please, Chief Hu, tell them to hurry up and march, if they can arrive within half a day.There is still a glimmer of hope for my Yulin, otherwise we will either die in battle or be captured.

The headquarters of the 22nd Army consists of a four-story main building.In addition to some scattered buildings, tall walls were built around, and the guards of the military department built fortifications around and in the yard. Firepower points were arranged for every window on the four floors, and countless shooting guns were also drawn on the walls. hole.

Deng and other senior military officers had illusions and fluke mentality, trying to rely on solid fortifications to hold their ground and engage in street fighting with our army.Buy time for the reinforcements of the Kuomintang.

The enemy's security forces are really not simple, small and well-equipped.Sufficient ammunition and loyal to Deng Mo and others.As soon as the independent regiment's troop network emerged, it was beaten back by fierce firepower.

Li Yong's current troops are Wang Huo's fifth battalion and Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance battalion as the main attack force, and Wei Wang's machine gun battalion as the main cover force.

Gao Xiang's artillery battalion had run out of shells.The old gunner stayed behind and did not come.Only less than 200 people were brought here, and the weapons were of different sizes and lengths, mainly some rifles and shell guns previously equipped.They are certainly not the main force.As long as the two platoons of the guard company can keep the head of the group safe from accidents, the task will be completed.

The Independence Regiment had reached a private house less than 100 meters away from the enemy's military headquarters, and there was no way to go any further.The houses near the wall of the 22nd Army's military headquarters in front were all

It is less than 22 meters away from the enemy's 100nd Army headquarters.But if the command is not good at a distance of less than 100 meters, it will bring unnecessary casualties to the soldiers?

This distance can be seen clearly without binoculars. Li Yong thought for a while and called Gao Xiang over: "Divide your battalion into three groups. Start a feint attack from three places and attract the enemy's firepower and attention. Two heavy machine guns. Be careful, even though it is a feint attack, you must put on a show and reduce unnecessary losses. Use the walkie-talkie to notify me when you are ready, can it be done?"

Li Yong had an idea in letting Gao Xiang be in charge of the feint attack. His artillery battalion only brought in less than 200 people, and the weapons were not good enough. The combat effectiveness was much lower than that of other battalions, although it was very reluctant to use them to attack.But a feint attack is just right, and it can also liberate other troops. The main force for attacking the 22nd Army headquarters must be Wang Huo's Fifth Battalion and Zhang Jinsong's Reconnaissance Battalion.

Gao Xiang said with a smile: "Don't worry, Captain, I've been following you for so long, and I've learned a little bit of twists and turns in my stomach, so I promise to complete the task."

The Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huohu was observing the enemy's shooting position and said without turning his head: "Gao Xiang, hurry up and prepare. Now is not the time to joke around. If you fail to complete the task, the regimental commander and political commissar will not let you go." , then I'll see how you can still laugh."

Wang Huhu is one of the most experienced battalion-level cadres of the Independence Regiment, and also the least talkative one." But once he said something, others were convinced.

Gao Xiang didn't say anything after hearing what Wang Huo said, and took the soldiers of his battalion and the six heavy machine guns assigned to them and walked around in another direction.

Li Yong called Wang Huhu, the commander of the fifth battalion, Zhang Jinsong, the commander of the reconnaissance battalion, Wei Wang, the commander of the machine gun battalion, and Li Yuming, the commander of the police communication company, to his side. He pointed to the enemy's fortifications and firepower points and said:

If our regiment can take away the headquarters of the 22nd Army, it will solve the big problem. The enemy in Yulin can be defeated by at least one-third. Remember the cavalry regiment we fought in the county in Longdong?Troops without command can't even display half of their combat effectiveness. This time we still have to kill the enemy's head first, and hit the snake to hit seven inches.We not only want to punch him seven inches, but also cut off his head

Wang Huo gave a few stings, and looked at Li Yong excitedly: "Commander, you just give the order, and we can fight as you command. Since this group of enemies has fallen into our hands, he is dead."

Li Yong nodded: "The enemy's headquarters must be removed, but we can't do it by force. Then let's not do the stupid thing of fighting the enemy for too many casualties.

Hearing this, Zhang Jinsong continued: "Commander, what should we do? To reduce casualties, digging tunnels is the best way, but it's too late to dig tunnels now."

Li Yong tapped Zhang Jinsong's head with his finger: "Who said we're going to dig tunnels? You can't be dead-headed when fighting. We dig tunnels outside the city to prevent being killed by the enemy's artillery fire. Now the military headquarters of the 22nd Army has Cannon?.

Zhang Jinsong scratched his head and said: "It seems that there is no such thing, he has no artillery fire, what are we doing digging tunnels? .

Zhang Jinsong said unconvinced: "Commander, the enemy doesn't have artillery fire, doesn't they still have machine gun fire? If we don't dig tunnels and we force it, the casualties will definitely be small. Didn't you always tell us that you can't do stupid things in war.

While observing the enemy's firepower, Li Yong said, "Who said we're going to attack hard? How long are you, can you be smart? You don't dig tunnels. You don't attack hard, so how can you attack?" Wei, who had never said a word Wang gave Zhang Jinsong a fist: "What are you arguing about? If the leader says it makes sense, it makes sense.

Li Yong kept calculating various attack methods and the price to be paid in his head, and suddenly Li Yong shouted: "Jin Song, you take some people to the fellow's house to borrow a few small carts, and you also need to bring some wooden boards and If things like nails and hammers are small, you need to borrow a few more quilts, and remember to send a receipt to the villagers. The damaged things will be sent to the local government to accompany us after the war.What do you want these things for?These rags can also fight? "

Wang Huhu said again at this time: "What's the matter with you, Jinsong? You can borrow it if the leader asks you to borrow it. Why are you talking so much nonsense? Go quickly?"

After waiting for a short time, Zhang Jinsong borrowed all the things back. Under the watchful eyes of the soldiers, Li Yong directed Li Yuming, San Niu and others to lead a few soldiers to the trolley and nailed several shelves with wooden boards.Then let the soldiers fill some broken bags with sand and put the bags on the car.Then let the soldiers soak the quilts with water and cover them on the car.

Batulu said a little embarrassedly: Piao, Piaopiao, Piaopiao, I said it eight times in a row, really, my mouth was foaming.

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