The beacon of youth

Chapter 138 He Cuihua's Problem

Li Yong looked at Zhang Jinsong's arm and let him hurry to the health team. Xu Shi came over and reported that the phone in the 22nd Army headquarters building kept ringing, and the calls were full of enemy officers at all levels asking for support from the military headquarters. , how did he answer?

"How else can you answer? You go back and tell them on the phone that their headquarters has been captured by our People's Liberation Army, and the commander has been killed by us. Hurry up and surrender and there is still a way to survive, otherwise they will all be wiped out."

Li Yong asked Li Yuming to contact Li Jia with a walkie-talkie, and asked Li Jia to bring their platoon over as soon as possible, and reported to the column headquarters by radio: The independent regiment has captured the enemy's 22nd army headquarters, and the enemy's commander Mo and others were killed by our army. , please show me the next task.

At the headquarters of the Second Column of the Northwest Field Army, Commander Wang Zhen took a telegram and said to the people around him with a smile: "What I said, I saw it, the independent regiment is right, Li Yong is really good, not only opened the breakthrough but also I have taken down the enemy's command post, and I am already asking for their next mission, this time you guys will not say that I am too bold in employing people?"

A man who looked like an officer said to Commander Wang: "Commander, the independent regiment did a good job, but they also suffered a lot of casualties. When I went to watch the battle, I was at the position of their regiment. I saw it through the telescope. It is very clear that when they passed the moat, and when they blasted the enemy's wall to fight the enemy's counterattack, the casualties were not small, and the stretchers of the sacrificed and wounded soldiers were carried one by one." I don't have their specific casualties, but it is estimated Their casualties are at least over five hundred. The independent regiment has never suffered such a big loss since its establishment. This battle has broken its front teeth. The commander nodded his fork: "You are right, this is a real fight In the tough battle, their casualties were not due to their ability to open the breakthrough, otherwise it is hard to say how far this battle will go. I called President Peng to tell us that when the second column broke through successfully, the boss was very happy. You can feel it on the phone, Boss Zhang is under too much pressure, and the next big battle will be nothing, this time we won’t assign missions to their independent regiment.”

Then he said to a confidential person: "Report to them. The telegram is as follows: Li Yong and Wang Chengde of the Independent Regiment, your troops have completed their missions in the campaign excellently. In view of the large casualties of your troops, the next move is to Don't participate, just hold on to the existing position. Wang.

At this time, the third communication platoon of the Independent Regiment, under the leadership of the platoon leader Li Jia, had arrived at the headquarters of the 22nd Army occupied by the Independent Regiment. Li Jia handed over the column's telegram directly to Li Yong.

After reading the telegram, Li Yong gently folded the telegram and put it in his pocket, and then asked Li Jia to use the walkie-talkie to contact He Cuihua, who carried the heavy battalion, and asked them if they had gained anything from lifting the heavy battalion. I have to think for myself.

He Cuihua in the walkie-talkie excitedly reported to Li Yong that they had occupied a large warehouse with food, clothing and everything in it. There were still a lot of cars in the yard, and there was a company defending the enemy, which had been taken care of by them. That's right, this group of enemies is a logistics garrison that specializes in guarding the warehouse. They have no combat effectiveness and no intention to resist. It didn't take long for the heavy battalion to take down the big warehouse. The soldiers only injured a dozen and did not sacrifice. of.

Li Yong heaved a sigh of relief when He Cuihua said that the soldiers only injured a dozen or so soldiers who did not die. It's different, like Wang Chengde, Li Jiangguo and his wife Tiger, they also know that the troops have suffered heavy casualties, but their psychological reactions are normal and small, which is stronger than that of the regiment leader Li Ji. Veterans have not experienced such scenes once or twice.

He Cuihua asked the enemy about the location of this warehouse in detail and the general manager of the house, He Cuihua, asked how many people could live in the large warehouse they occupied, and whether it would be able to accommodate the whole regiment if they were pulled there.

He Cuihua's answer was: "If the whole regiment is dragged there, it will definitely not be able to live there, but there are many houses outside this warehouse, which are all civilian houses. The troops can live in some of the people's homes outside, and just pay the villagers.

At this time, Wei Gang stood beside Li Yong and muttered: "Commander, we are not going there anymore, we are staying at the headquarters of the 22nd Army. How nice is this place? How many people can live in this four-story building? Let us You can pull the whole group over here, whether it’s the things inside or the room, there are many things that are ready-made, why go away? .

"It's not bad here, but this is the enemy's army headquarters, the commanding body of the Kuomintang in the Yulin Campaign. If our regiment lives here and doesn't leave, where will the field army headquarters come to live? Even if the field army headquarters can't come, isn't there still us?" The column headquarters, where do the commanders come to live? It’s not possible that our regiment lives in the enemy’s headquarters and the people in the headquarters live in the warehouse? So this is not where we live, let’s go to He Cuihua and the others Go to the occupied warehouse, there are many things here,

Speaking of which, Li Yong asked the soldiers to leave behind phones, maps, and high-power radios. Comrades in the headquarters can use these things, and take away all useful things from the independent regiment. Does the enemy's command post have any safes or something like that? Doesn't the Kuomintang's military command post have no money at all?Money is a good thing, and the army will be of great use in the future.

The soldiers of the Independent Regiment had their own way of cleaning the battlefield, and it was difficult to follow Li Yong, the head of the regiment, to think otherwise. Without Li Yong's orders, they cleaned up the headquarters of the 22nd Army. The safe can't be opened for the time being, don't be afraid if it can't be opened, just lift it in the car and pull it away, and try to find a way later, the living can still be suffocated to death by urine.

All the cars in the yard had to be driven away. There were dozens of cars, large and small, in the 22nd Army yard. Li Yong asked Wang Huhu and his fifth battalion to leave some soldiers to look after the yard, and the rest got into the cars to go to the yard. Moving in the direction of the heavy lifting battalion, fortunately, most of the soldiers in the independent regiment can drive, which is really useful at this time, otherwise it would be very difficult to find someone who can drive.

At this time, most of Yulin City has been occupied by our army. Only a few strongholds are still in the hands of the stubborn enemy. In the car, under the guidance of the captives, he made seven turns and eight turns, bypassed the streets that were still fighting, and finally came to the warehouse occupied by the heavy lifting battalion. Li Yong couldn't accept the casualties of the independent regiment, and he didn't have the mind to participate in the remaining battles. up.

He Cuihua sent more than a dozen soldiers to greet him outside the gate. When he saw Li Yong, He Cuihua reported excitedly that the enemy had a lot of supplies. Although they were miscellaneous, they had a lot of supplies. The 22nd Army planned to stay in Yulin for a long time. The preparations are very thorough. I heard from the captives that there are still many warehouses like this. Shall we go grab some more?

Li Yong hurriedly told He Cuihua, it’s ok, the other warehouses are reserved for the brother troops, the main force of the field army is much poorer than ours, it’s good if our regiment can get one, no matter how greedy it is, it won’t work, maybe the superior knows I will ask you to come out, what should I do then?It's not like a blind man lighting a lamp in vain.

He Cuihua snorted and said: "What kind of thinking are you, serious selfish thinking, you also asked me to recite the three major disciplines and eight points of attention, now let me ask you, tell me about the third of the three major disciplines What is it? You don’t need me to teach you?” First, follow orders in all actions; second, don’t take needles from the masses;

When Li Yong heard it, good guy, this girl is going to test him, who is this Li Yong, he will not entangle this issue with He Cuihua, took Li Yuming and Xiao Cheng, and pretended not to hear what He Cuihua said, recited He started to say to He Cuihua: "Comrade Cuihua, show us the way, let's see what good things are in this warehouse you occupied."

Seeing that Li Yong didn't answer her question, He Cuihua sighed: "Hey, the first-level official will kill you, let's go, it's fine if you don't want to answer, let's go to the warehouse."

What He Cuihua and his battalion soldiers occupied was a military supplies depot of the 22nd Army. There were more than a dozen large and small rooms. They have everything they need to wear, and I don't know how long the KMT's 22nd Army has been preparing for, but Li Yong thought again, can the accumulation of decades be reduced? Defeating the Eighth Route Army in Yulin City is considered a bumpkin turnaround.

Before Li Yong calmed down and took a sip of water, Li Jia ran over to report to the political commissar that he wanted to talk to him, and Wang Chengde in the walkie-talkie shouted in his rare excited voice: "Dayong, this time we are going to talk to him again." Yes, we found an ammunition depot of the enemy. There are too many things in it. There are several weapons that we don’t know. They are all messed up in foreign language. We just wait for you to come and recognize them. You are not old and worry that we don’t have large calibers. This time it’s solved, there are many shells of this type in the ammunition depot, and they are full.” Hearing that Wang Chengde said that there were many large-caliber shells, Li Yong was also very happy. It is of great help to the troops. With these artillery, the firepower of the independent regiment will be able to reach a new level in the future, and the casualties of the troops will also be reduced.

Thinking about it, Li Yong suddenly felt that since there were so many shells, should he get a few more cannons?There are not too many good things. Thinking of this, Li Yong immediately told Wang Chengde to ask Ma Changsheng and Ning Jinshan to come and talk, and there was a task for the two battalions to carry out.

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