The beacon of youth

Chapter 153 1 Recruit

The pride of Commander Erxiaogui.Boss Xi Zheng Zanzhang, sitting in the middle of the stage, said, "Boss, look at Wang Huzi's appearance. He hasn't stopped smiling since the meeting. This time, their second column is out of the big picture." The limelight" small

Boss Peng followed up with Political Commissar Xi's words and said, "You and I don't know Huzi's character? Who told him to have such a powerful independent group? To be honest, I was in a cold sweat when I beat Yulin this time. If it is like that, we will be passive. Remember the first time we failed to defeat Yulin and were chased by the 36th division? In this battle, even the general reserve team of our field army came from others. It went in behind the butt, do you think Wang Beard can be unhappy?"

Political Commissar Xi said with a smile: "That's true. Their column performed really well in this battle. It's a bit of pride, but their casualties are not too many. Give them some more personnel." Boss Zhang didn't say anything, just nodded gently nodded.

After the meeting, Commander Wang and the political commissar returned to the headquarters of their second column excitedly.Commander Wang called a staff officer over this morning and asked, "How many prisoners have our column captured in this battle? How many of the soldiers added are new local militiamen?"

The staff officer reported all kinds of situations carefully, and finally said happily to Commander Wang: "Little this time, besides being able to replenish a large number of captives, our column also has more than 1000 new local farmers who joined the army. Most of these people are The local militia. There are also a considerable number of party members and regiment members who have basically fought in local battles. Their ideological and military qualities are very strong, and they can become the backbone of the army after a period of training.”

Commander Wang happily patted the staff officer on the shoulder and walked around the table a few times.Circle: "Notify the Political Department and the Logistics Department of the column. Just say that I said, distribute the thousand newly joined militiamen to the independent regiment, and let them report for duty in a few days

When the staff officer heard that more than 1000 militiamen were going to be assigned to the independent regiment, the tendons in his head were all bulging, and he hurriedly said: "Commander, I don't agree with you doing this. If you want to say that the prisoners should be distributed more to the independent regiment Fortunately, these more than 1000 militiamen are the treasures of our column. Other brigades have long been thinking about them. If you give them all to the independent regiment and don’t leave them some, the eyes of these brigade leaders will not be red. I guess I have to be impatient with you. Don't blame me for not reminding you. I won't show up anyway, so as not to be scolded by everyone. No one dares to scold you, and they are not polite to me. "

Commander Wang scratched his head and said, "If you are in a hurry, don't be afraid. If they come to make trouble, you should hide. If their eyes are red, I will take care of them. All the more than 1000 people will be assigned to the independent regiment. That's it. I'll discuss it with the political commissar and leave after Commander Wang patted his ass.

The staff officer looked at Commander Wang's back and muttered, "Why are you discussing with the political commissar after you've made an appointment? If all the brigade heads come to make trouble with you, what do you think you will do?"

Not to mention how the staff officer muttered and was dissatisfied.He still responsibly notified Li Yong and Wang Chengde of the independent group of the news immediately.There is nothing you can do if you are dissatisfied. Since the commander decides, it can only be resolutely implemented.When Li Yong and Wang Chengde heard that the commander was going to give over 1000 new militiamen to their independent regiment, they were almost jumping for joy.Code.The commander is almost like a living Bodhisattva, how did he know our difficulties?

The total strength of the independent regiment reached more than 3000 people, most of whom were captured soldiers.Although it is said that our army has powerful political and ideological weapons, it still needs to eat every bite, and the proportion of captives is too high. This is indeed a heart problem for Li Yong and Wang Chengde.

When I was in Longdong, it was for this reason that I asked the headquarters for a hundred veterans.If there are more than 1000 veteran militiamen, it will be of great help to the troops.

The two hurriedly carried Sun Quanhou, the battalion commander of the heavy battalion.He Cuihua, the deputy battalion commander, and Li Yuming, the company commander of the guard company, came to arrange the welcome ceremony and various preparations for the next day. These people were overjoyed when they heard that more than 1000 militiamen would be assigned, and immediately arranged for someone to do it. It’s good to receive preparations. The entire independent group is busy now. More than 1000 people are not a small number. Food, clothing, housing and housing must be prepared, and special personnel must be prepared for scraping and training.

The next morning, the more than 1000 people came to the Independence Group's base accompanied by people from the Political Department of the column. The fact that they came so quickly was the result of discussions between Li Yong and Wang Chengde.

No one is stupid, and they all know that this group of people must be a group of good soldiers after training, so many brigade chiefs have already set their eyes on it, and they all want to get more places from the column.No more, no less, even one more is fine.

The result of Li Yong and Wang Chengde's research is to try to get these people back as soon as possible, and it's their business to wait for him to ""dissatisfy and complain about other units."It has nothing to do with us. If you want someone, you have to look at the faces of Li Yong and Wang Chengde. There is no way to spit out the meat after it is in the wolf's mouth.

So what Li Yong and Wang Chengde asked the political department of the column was to send the people here as soon as the column had decided, the sooner the better.People come one day earlier, so we put into training one day earlier, and also generate combat effectiveness one day earlier. In fact, the subconscious meaning is that we are afraid that Night Changmeng will be taken away by other troops.

If other brigades find out that this group of people have been given to the independent regiment, they will have to fry it. Even if there is a commander, it will be difficult. The people in the column headquarters are not fools. Of course, they understand the careful thinking of Li Yong and Wang Chengde. , but since it is decided by the commander, send it as soon as possible. Sending it earlier will save the people in the headquarters the trouble of explaining it to other units, and save them from being scolded.

It's not that Li Yong, Wang Chengde and the people in the headquarters sent them all over the next day as soon as they asked for it.These recruits had heard that the second column had a very powerful independent regiment as early as the column's logistics.I look forward to hearing that they will be assigned to the independent group.Soldiers, who wouldn't think of serving as a soldier in a majestic army, not only is it fun to fight, but it is also proud to mention it in front of the folks.

Entering the large courtyard of the Independent Regiment, I really feel that this army is a bit different from other troops. Why?Because these new fighters are not captives.They are all militiamen who have fought in the local area and have seen the world. When they were in the local area, they often cooperated with the main force to perform tasks, so they are very familiar with the affairs of the army.I also know that the family background of the army is not rich.

When I arrived at the independent group, I felt a little bit of a new look.Not to mention the weapons and equipment of this independent regiment, the clothes alone are better than those of other troops, and almost all of them wear leather shoes that only soldiers of the Kuomintang army have.There are many, many cars parked in the yard.

I have seen many Eighth Route Army units, but there are not many with cars, and even if there are, there are very few. Where did this army get so many cars?These newly recruited militiamen are still used to calling their troops the Eighth Route Army.

Not to mention what these recruits think, Li Yong and Wang Chengde led people to arrange these people to their respective garrisons, and then combined with more than 500 prisoners captured by the independent regiment themselves to form five recruits' training brigades. Sun Quanhou and He Cuihua from the heavy battalion led people to distribute new military uniforms to these people.

The excitement of these recruits is nothing to mention. The captives don’t know the situation, so they should feel normal about the new uniforms. Are they troops? Of course, new uniforms must be given to the new soldiers.Is this nothing?

But these newly joined militiamen feel differently. They all know that the main force is very difficult, and supplies and supplies are very difficult. Usually, they also spend a lot of effort to provide various supplies for the main force.

The soldiers who joined the army before introduced the situation of the army to them when they returned home. This time, it is a bit strange to see that not only each of them has two new military uniforms, but also a yellow woolen coat. Isn’t the main force very poor?Where did so many costumes come from.They also give each person a coat. I have never seen a soldier given a coat in the army. How much does this cost?Haven't seen these supplies in other troops?But it's strange, it's strange, no one thinks there are too many things, so just take it.

At noon, the entire independent regiment held a dinner meeting to welcome new comrades in arms.We couldn't fit so many tables in the house, so we put them in the yard, and there was nothing we could do if it was colder, so why did we have too many people?Although it is not a big fish and meat, it is also very luxurious compared with other troops.

The recruits were even more surprised. Most of the millet supplied by the army was transported by Boss He from Shanxi, and the rest were brought in by their militiamen from the local area. Therefore, everyone knew what was in the army and what they could eat. .

Surprised to see meat and cans on the table, what's going on?Can the main force who can't even eat enough to get meat?

Li Yong also saw everyone's expressions, and said with a smile: "Everyone, don't be surprised. Some of these things were bought by us, and some were seized. Let's just say these cans. They were all snatched from the Kuomintang troops. If we still imagine Now that we live a good life like this, we need to win more battles. The KMT doesn’t have a lot of supplies, so let’s rob it, everyone, okay?”

Seeing the unassuming regiment leader, the new fighters shouted excitedly, not only the new fighters, but even the old fighters like Li Jiangguo and Ma Quanyou also shouted hello.

Political commissar Wang Chengde hurriedly added: "Comrades, don't get me wrong. The head of the regiment means that we should destroy more enemies and win more battles. Then we should seize the enemy's weapons, equipment and supplies. Winning battles is the prerequisite. Don't just think about it." Grab something."

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