The beacon of youth

Chapter 169 Seize the Southeast Mountain

Things have been too busy for a while.Updates may be affected.Brethren see the mark. "I'd like to say a few words about the update. As soon as it was updated, the old bus felt that the number of typos increased, the sentences were not smooth, and the matching of the storyline was not reasonable. This may be related to the old bus's ability.

The Northwest Field Army used the tactics of encirclement and reinforcements to tightly surround the Liu Kan Corps of the Kuomintang in the Wazi Street area. However, the commander of the Corps, who was born in the Whampoa Military Academy, was not panicked. Attack on both sides of the army, trying to attack the Northwest Field Army.anti encirclement.

After listening to the chief's report, Boss Peng nodded: "This Liu Kan, is he more courageous than before? It seems that he was also scolded by his old classmate Hu Zongnan. Order all departments to attack across the board. Be sure to suppress the enemy Wazi Street area

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, the troops of both sides appear and disappear, and the two armies are jealous when they meet. Our army uses all the main forces of the Northwest Field Army, including five field infantry columns and the field division's direct team, to attack across the board.

Liu Kan's reorganized No.20 Ninth Army has two divisions, plus Yan Ming's reorganized No.90 Division, plus four divisions temporarily transferred by Hu Zongnan, a total of seven divisions, the total strength of which is only slightly larger than that of the Northwest Field Army. a little less.

In the past, our army emphasized concentrating superior forces to fight annihilation battles. The so-called injury of five fingers is not as good as cutting off one finger. This time the situation is a bit different. Great improvements have been made since the Battle of Yulin, but they are much worse than the enemy.

Most of the soldiers in the field army still use old-fashioned barrels and made in Hanyang, while the Kuomintang troops are basically American-style weapons with fast shooting and intensive firepower. Our soldiers rely on their tenacious fighting will, heroic dedication, and outstanding Tactics to compete with the enemy.

The old barrel and the Hanyang made are both rifles produced by the Hanyang Armory. In the year of the spider, Zhang Zhidong purchased machines and equipment from Germany. In the year of porridge, it began to produce imitations of Germany... Mauser rifles, referred to as gill-type Mauser rifles, because the guns used at that time The material of the barrel is not good, and the chamber often explodes during use. For safety reasons, a steel pipe is placed outside the original barrel. The barrel is double-layered, so it is called an old barrel.In the later stage, the gun barrel was modified, and the outer barrel was cancelled. Since Hanyang Armory is the main manufacturer of rifles, the gun is called Hanyang. In short, the old barrel and Hanyang are both rifles produced by Hanyang Armory. , the old barrel is its early model.

Nearly 20 people from both sides fought together in the area of ​​Wazi Street in the entire Huanglongshan District, with a melee of nearly [-] horses. Here, if our army wins, it will gain a great strategic initiative, otherwise it will fall into a great passive.

The Northwest Field Army's attack was extremely ferocious, and they pressed forward across the board. Before the Kuomintang's support corps was ready for combat deployment, our soldiers had already attacked. But as Liu Kan said, the Kuomintang's Central Army is not a soft persimmon. The corps is difficult to deal with, and its combat effectiveness is not weak. After the initial chaos, the enemy gradually stabilized its position by virtue of its dense firepower advantage.

Our army's initial combat intention was to take advantage of the enemy's unstable foothold, concentrate the main force to quickly divide and encircle the enemy, and then slowly eat them up one bite at a time. However, as the enemy's defense line shrank, our attacking troops failed. Divide the enemy as you wish.On the contrary, we are caught in a melee with the enemy. This is what our commanders did not want to see. Fighting with the enemy is not the goal of the Northwest Field Army, which is good at fighting skillfully.

A frontline commander walked into the headquarters of the Northwest Field Army in a hurry. He didn't know whether it was because he was in a hurry or because he ran too fast. The temperature was about twenty degrees below zero, but he was sweating all over his face.

The commander took off the hat on his head, wiped the sweat off his face with the hat in his hand as a towel, took a sip of the vat of boiled water handed over by the guards, and reported to the boss: "Boss, the enemy is too crowded. It is dense, like a block of iron, the troops have not been able to separate the enemy after rushing several times in a row, and our casualties are not high."

Boss Peng looked at him: "Did the reserve team take it?"

The commander replied: "I didn't keep a reserve team at all. My idea was to use all my strength to separate the enemy first. As long as I can separate the enemy, the battle will be easy to fight. Who would have thought that I still couldn't penetrate it?" , and now the troops are engaged in melee with the enemy."

Boss Peng nodded: "Understood, go back and control the troops immediately, and I will notify you if there is any situation."

In Liu Kan's corps command post, officers, big and small, were busy in a group. The phone rang from time to time. An officer shouted hoarsely with a microphone: "Order all the troops to seize the commanding heights as close as possible, and quickly seize the commanding heights as close as possible. want his brain

The officer turned around after making the phone call: "Army seat. The Communist army's attack is too fierce. We have lost more than a dozen positions." KMT officers can only be called what seat if they are above the regiment, and below the regiment. common title

Liu Kan: "Notify the supervising team that whoever loses the position will be responsible for getting it back. If anyone flinches, he will be executed immediately, and he will never be soft. Where is the highest mountain in this area?"

An officer looked at the map and replied: "Small report to the military seat, it is Southeast Mountain

Liu Kan: "Order the troops to seize the Southeast Mountain at all costs, occupy the commanding heights, and tell the soldiers that the first officer to climb the Southeast Mountain will be promoted to the third rank."

The southeast mountain of Wazi Street is as high as a thousand meters, with complex terrain, controlling the southward road, and a group of enemies screamed and rushed over.

A battalion of the second column had just arrived at the position. As soon as the soldiers stepped up to the top of the mountain, they found that the enemy had already reached the halfway up the mountain. The battalion commander who led the team shouted secretly.If there is no car, it will break down.No matter how fast you walk with your feet, it is not as fast as a car. This independent group really did a great job.

The soldiers had no time to build the fortifications, rowed, and used the terrain and features around them at close range. When the enemy climbed to only a few tens of meters from the top of the mountain, the commander who led the team shouted and opened fire.

Following the shout of the commander, the rifles, machine guns, and submachine guns in the hands of our soldiers rang out violently, followed by swarms of grenades. The enemy didn't realize that there were our soldiers on the mountain, and they were caught off guard all of a sudden. He was hit in a large area, and the rest of them crawled and ran down.

The enemy commander under him yelled: "***. Since when is there a communist army on this mountain? Charge me, I don't believe it, this communist army fell from the sky

The defeated enemies rearranged their ranks in disorder, and it seemed that they were preparing for a second attack. He Cuihua, the deputy battalion commander of the independent regiment, also lay on the top of the mountain like the soldiers. She carefully observed the enemies down the mountain with the binoculars in her hand. Hei Yaya Huang suddenly couldn't see how many people there were.

He Cuihua looked a little heartless on the surface, but in fact, this girl had a lot of eyes, seeing the density of enemy troops down the mountain, she couldn't help but make a calculation: it seems that there is at least one regiment of enemies down the mountain, and It is still increasing. It is really dangerous whether the strength of a battalion of our army can stop the enemy.

I only have 40 people in my hand, even if I add them all, it will not be of much use, and these people are the best car drivers in the regiment, so it is a pity to waste them like this. Take all these people back, if there is one missing, you have to ask yourself, don't look at the hooligan Xixi when the leader and himself were doing that under the covers, but it's really scary when you call it out.

Thinking of this, He Cuihua discussed with the battalion commander who led the team: "We take our own people down, meet the main force of the column on the way, and then use a car to quickly transport a battalion up, so we can be sure."

The battalion commander at the top of the mountain is an old soldier of the worm brigade. He has seen a lot of big scenes and has command experience. This is a small commanding height. I have no idea whether I can complete the task with my own people. It doesn't matter if I sacrifice myself. If the enemy runs away from here, it will affect the overall situation of the whole battle. Go back and pick up the troops.

After discussing with the battalion commander, He Cuihua immediately led dozens of soldiers down the mountain, and commanded twenty vehicles to retreat quickly to meet the main force of the column.

The Kuomintang soldiers at the bottom of the mountain rushed up the mountain again. An officer in the Kuomintang corps headquarters was talking with the front-line commander on the phone. The troops of the communist army were defeated, and the brothers' several charges were repelled

Liu Kan: "What? The communist army is also present in the Dongnanshan area. Inform the frontline troops that Dongnanshan is the commanding height of the entire battlefield. It must be taken down. My corps headquarters will be located in Dongnanshan. A small regiment can't use two One regiment, two regiments are not enough, four regiments are not enough, four regiments are not enough, eight. Regiments, if they can’t take the Southeast Mountain before dark, all officers above the regiment will be shot, and the artillery will be ordered to blow up the positions of the Communist Army. draw."

The enemy's attack on our southeast mountain position became even crazier. Each reorganized division of the Kuomintang's Central Army had a large-caliber howitzer regiment. Large-caliber shells roared towards the position on the top of the mountain. Immediately after the position was a sea of ​​flames, shrapnel And the stones that were broken up by the shells shot all over the sky, and then fell from the sky and fell on the heads and bodies of the soldiers. , if you want to know what will happen next, please log on to 6 Muscle, there are more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!

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