The nationals who rushed out of Xiaochuan City took 24 Fang to beat Buwu desperately, and Ran Malei took advantage of the emptiness of the Eighth Route Army outside the city to rush out in one go. However, after more than a dozen group charges in a row, they were all defeated by a regiment of the People's Liberation Army who stood firm. The troops fought back, seeing the corpses all over the ground and the wounded who were still howling on the battlefield, Zhang Hanchu's confidence also decreased little by little.

Damn it, the communist army is too strong, and it seems impossible to fight with these thousands of people, so what should I do?Just when this brigadier Zhang was a little bit unable to turn his head around, another subordinate gave an idea.

The idea of ​​this subordinate is: to report to the big corps that came to support, and let Liu Kan find a way to draw out some troops to cooperate with them, and the front and rear flanking effects will be better.

Zhang Hanchu quickly adopted this subordinate's suggestion, and sent a telegram to Liu Kan in Wazi Street, asking Liu Kan to send some troops to flank the Communist army outside Yichuan City.

The situation here was quickly spread to the Northwest Field Army Command. Originally, this was just a brigade-level battle. If it was a normal battle, it would not attract much attention from the head of the headquarters, but now it is no longer possible. Now is the most critical moment in the entire battle. At the moment, the position and defense of the enemy's large corps showed signs of loosening. The main force of the field army was attacking with all its strength, and could not spare any time to deal with the problem here. It would be really uncomfortable if this group of enemies came from behind. The attempt would have to be aborted, but this small-scale battle has become the key to the entire battle situation.

Someone in the headquarters suggested to Boss Peng to reserve a little reserve for the regiment just in case, and the brigade commander also said that even a little more troops would do.If it was impossible, he would keep the reconnaissance and security personnel of the brigade headquarters, at least he could add a little strength to the regiment.

Boss Peng sternly ordered the temporarily transferred brigade that only one of Ran's troops could be left outside Yichuan City, and no more people would be allowed. All limited strength should be used on Wazi Street. Even if there is only one person left, block the 24th Brigade of the Kuomintang in "Yi", and order the remaining two infantry regiments of the brigade that were withdrawn to attack immediately without worrying about the problems behind them.

The commander of this brigade knew that at the most critical time of the battle, both the enemy and us were exhausted, and it was time to compete in courage and perseverance. The personnel directly under the Ministry were organized into the third echelon. Regardless of casualties, fatigue, and consequences, the troops attacked the Kuomintang support corps in waves.

At this time, the headquarters of the enemy support corps was in chaos, and people were panic-stricken. Yan Ming, the commander of the reorganized No. 90 Division, suggested to Liu Kan, the commander of the 29th Army, the highest commander of the corps: "Commander Liu, Commander Liu, withdraw, we are here in Yichuan. I can't control it anymore. If you don't leave, even you and I have to explain here. This communist army is clearly here to attack us. It is fake to attack Yichuan, but it is real to deal with us. We have already broken through many positions, and the rest They are also fighting fiercely with the communist army, the attack of the communist army is too fierce, and new troops have just entered the battle, and the brothers are about to be unable to withstand it."

Liu Kan: "Why did the communist army have new troops joining the battle? Where did they come from?" Yan Ming: "Mr. Liu, there is now scuffle fighting within dozens of kilometers in this area, and chaos is everywhere. Check it out. I don’t know where the new army of the Communist Army came from, make up your mind quickly, if the army is in chaos later, you and I will really not be able to get out of this Huanglong Mountain.”

Liu Kan: "Wait a little longer and see if the 24th Brigade in Yichuan can bring us any surprises. Didn't they send a telegram saying that they are fighting fiercely with the Communist Army?"

Yan Ming: "Commander Liu, brother Liu, my brother Liu, how can you expect people like Zhang Hanchu? If it weren't for their trash, why did you and my brothers end up in this field? Hurry up and take advantage of the fact that the communist army can't eat us now. Let’s go, as long as we return to Yan’an, the troops will be able to catch their breath after resting for a while, and then we will compete with these communists, and now we are fighting them in the area set up by the communists, we have committed a big taboo.”

Just then an officer came over to report: "Yi" telegram from the 24th Brigade. " Liu Kan seemed to have picked up a life-saving straw, and hurriedly asked the officer to read it out immediately.

The officer looked at Liu Kan, Yan Ming, and the senior officers in the room, looked at the telegram in his hand and read: "Commander Liu, our troops encountered a strong blockade by the communist army outside Yichuan City and suffered heavy casualties. Support, send some troops over to attack the communist army with us."

Yan Ming, commander of the reorganized [-]th Division: "Commander Liu, what I said, you believe this time, this man is unreliable, and we can't even put on our pants if we expect him to do great things, you should make up your mind early."

Liu Kan: "This Zhang Hanchu, the Communist Army must not have many people outside the city of Yichuan. I guess this new army of the Communist Army may come from Yichuan. It is an excellent opportunity. If he grasps it, he will be able to help us, and he will give us a lot of help. Now, he wants us to support him."

Yan Ming: "Commander Liu, should we make up our minds this time?"

Liu Kan: "Order the troops to break out in the direction of Yan'an in an hour, and let the 24th Brigade fend for itself."

"Yi" Zhang Hanchu never thought that one of his telegrams asking for help would make Liu Kan decide to abandon him. If he knew something, maybe this Zhang Hanchu would have to shoot the officer who gave him advice.

Liu Kan: "Who will take the lead when breaking through?"

Yan Ming, commander of the reorganized No.90 division, stepped forward: "Report to the commander in chief, you should have made up your mind long ago. My reorganized [-]th division is willing to take the lead in the breakout battle and open the way for the whole army to break through."

Liu Kan looked at Yan Ming who took a step forward, and said with a touch of emotion: "Then you have to work hard, brother. At the critical moment, you have to be your old brother. Don't worry, I will ask for credit for my brother after the battle."

At the headquarters of the Northwest Field Army, a staff officer actually handed Boss Zhang a telegram. After reading it, Boss Zhang happily said to the elders around him: "Liu Kan can't stand it anymore and wants to run." When he heard that Liu Kan was going to run, All the leaders in the room congratulated each other happily. The battle has reached this level, and both sides have already used their breastfeeding strength.The Northwest Field Army basically used all the forces it could use.

Boss Peng has even invested in the reconnaissance and security forces of the headquarters. Now it's up to who can grit their teeth and hold on. If Liu Kan really does not retreat, he doesn't know what the battle will be like if the melee continues. Even if the enemy can be defeated in the end, the price paid by the Northwest Field Army will be unbearable.

As long as Liu Kan runs away, at least half of the strategic goal of the Northwest Field Army has been achieved. Yichuan, which is known as the barrier in Guanzhong, will not be a problem. "Furthermore, by opening the passage to the south, the food problem of our army will be greatly improved in the future.

Boss Peng, who had a hard time seeing a smile, also smiled this time: "Which direction did Liu Kan choose to break through?"

A staff officer replied: "The four-column position, now the enemy is attacking our four-column defensive position. The front is the enemy's reorganized No.90 division. The enemy's artillery fire is very fierce. They are all large-caliber howitzers. They were all flattened by artillery fire, and there were not many casualties in our army."

Boss Peng: "This Yan Ming and Liu Kan have a good friendship. Did you work hard at the critical moment? What else did Zhang Dazhi from Sizong say? Is there any difficulty?"

A staff officer replied: "The four commanders also said in the telegram that please rest assured, no matter how difficult the situation is, they will never let go of an enemy."

Boss Peng, who lowered his head and walked back and forth for a few steps, raised his head: "The chiefs who ordered Zhang Dazhi and Jianjing's five sons were all surprised, but the surprise was nothing more than surprise. No one asked why. Boss Peng is always the most outstanding military strategist in our army. He The decision is of course justified. These chiefs are just surprised why such a decision was made, but no one doubts the correctness of the decision.

The ancients used the term "experienced in hundreds of battles" to describe how many battles a person has experienced, but this sentence may not be appropriate for Boss Peng. Boss Zhang has spent his whole life in constant battles. The vastness, the long journey, and the many difficulties he has experienced can be called the crown of the three armies. The battles he has experienced cannot be described as hundreds of battles, at least they must be described as thousands of battles. There is no one to come, but it is certain that there is no one before.

Boss Peng looked at everyone's expressions, then walked to the table, pointed to the map and said to everyone: "Come and take a look, this is the Huanglong Mountain area where we fought Liu Kan. The enemy has seven reorganized divisions, 5000 There are many people, and they are all American equipment, with sufficient ammunition. Compared with the enemy, our army has a slight advantage in numbers, but it is not an absolute advantage. The weapons and equipment are far inferior to the enemy, and the ammunition is not sufficient. After two days of hard fighting, we have already We have gained the initiative on the battlefield, but it is still very difficult to eat up the enemy's main army. If we continue to fight the enemy to death, our casualties will be too great, not to mention that we are running out of ammunition."

A leader continued: "Boss means to encircle three and release one?"

"Yes, that's what it means. Let Zhang Dazhi of Si Zong let go, so that the enemy will just run away, and the mentality of fighting our army will be greatly reduced. As long as the enemy runs away, it will be easy. Let's go from behind. Chasing and fighting, this way our army’s losses will be reduced a lot and greater results will be achieved.”


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