The beacon of youth

Chapter 184 Probing the attack

At the foot of Erxiao Mountain, more and more nationals lead a brigade.Li Yong told Xiang of the artillery camp! "Put it closer. When the distance reaches 500 meters, your battalion will fire first, and you will be beaten with a mortar first to see the reaction."

Gao Xiang nodded, turned around and shouted: "Attention all guns. The distance is set at 500 meters. Listen to my order and prepare to fight."

The mortars of the artillery battalion are all separated by about ten meters, and they are hidden in the trenches connecting the front, back, left, and right sides.There are also small anti-bunker holes and storage points for shells dug inside the trenches.

Each division of the enemy's support corps has a howitzer regiment or battalion, as well as an ominous number of infantry mountain artillery. Relying on the soldiers of a battalion, when digging the fortifications, Li Yong emphasized that each small cannon must have more than two anti-gun holes to ensure that it can preserve its vitality when the enemy's artillery bombards it.

The enemies marching along the road got closer and closer, and they were less than 500 meters away from Gao Xiang's defense line.Gao Xiang and his battalion still had two lines of defense in front of their battalion, less than 400 meters away from Wang Huhu's first battalion.

Gao Xiang shouted loudly: "Target, the enemy infantry group in the front left, shoot at angle four, charge number one, test fire with two guns. Get ready. Let go.

Gao Xiang's password just came down.The two benchmark mortars that had already been calibrated for various shooting elements came out neatly, with a bang, the shells in the soldiers' hands were already ready, and they were only waiting for the command of the battalion commander. As soon as Gao Xiang's voice fell, The shells that slid down the bottom of the barrel by their own weight flew out of Cannon under the push of the propellant package.

It only took a few seconds for the two shells to accurately hit the middle of the marching enemy group and then explode with a bang. With the explosion, a group of soldiers fell down, and it was impossible to be inaccurate.The distance and scale had been set long ago, and besides, it didn’t matter if they were uncertain. There were too many Kuomintang soldiers at the foot of the mountain, and it was estimated that they could hit the crowd with their eyes closed.

The two artillery shells were quite accurate, but the Kuomintang soldiers on the march didn't react too much, only the people around the bombing point were a little confused.Most people thought that it was still the same as before that the landmines planted by the Tuba Route guerrillas of the Communist Army were stepped on by some unlucky guy, and a few died.Those who are not dead still continue to move forward.

Li Yong and Gao Xiang lay down in the trenches and watched carefully with binoculars. Heh, what a guy, there was no reaction. It seems that we think that we have not fired enough shells, which is easy to handle, so let's send more.Gao Xiang shouted again: "Get ready, five shots per shot, fire quickly."

With the bang bang bang bang bang, the enemy's marching queue was in chaos, and this time they all understood.It's not the landmines buried by the guerrilla Tuba Road, but the artillery fire of the Communist Army on the mountain. They ran and died, and most of them lay on the ground and didn't move.

Sitting in the jeep that was shaking back and forth, Liu Kan, the commander of the corps with his eyes closed and meditating, was also awakened by the explosion. Not long after, someone came to report: "Report to the commander, our department was attacked by the Communist army on the mountain. The situation is ominous, and the means of attack is a long-range mortar bombardment."

Liu Kan opened his astringent eyes and asked, "Which unit was attacked?"

"Report sir, it is our vanguard regiment that was attacked."

Liu Kan: "Well, tell Yan Ming not to panic. The main force of the communist army is still behind us, and we can't catch up for the time being. There can't be any big communist army in front. It should be some so-called guerrillas of the communist army. They are harassing and delaying us, this is to buy time for the large forces of the communist army, let Yan Ming send troops to make a tentative attack, the main force of the division is ready to pass quickly, and don't get entangled with the communist army in this area." Reorganization No. Division, Division Commander Yan Ming is using a telescope to observe the main position of the independent regiment. After observing for a while, Yan Ming took a breath. The terrain here is too unfavorable for large troops to pass through. If there are really a large number of communist troops ambushing here Danger.

But can the communist army still have the ability to keep the main force in this area?Not likely, although the battle of Yichuan was defeated, but the communist army also used all the strength to feed, and used all the troops that should be used. What big troops can there be here?

Thinking of this, Yan Ming turned around and shouted to an officer under his opponent: "Order all the ministries to straighten out the troops, let the vanguard regiment send a battalion to attack, if it is a small group of guerrillas of the communist army, let them run away, and don't carry out any action after occupying the position." Pursue and cover the large troops to pass quickly."

After more than half an hour of chaos, the enemy gradually stabilized, and after another ten minutes or so, hundreds of people walked out of the enemy's large army, and walked towards the independent regiment's position slowly.

The officers in the line yelled: "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, everyone!" But these soldiers were still bowing their heads one by one.Holding the big gun in his hand, he pushed forward and then hugged forward, which meant that no one wanted to go ahead to attack the Eighth Route's position.

Some soldiers murmured to each other: "F*ck. Shi Er doesn't care about our life or death. I froze in the snow last night. It's good that I didn't freeze to death. They are good. They have cars. There are tents, and you can have hot meals. Now that you see Eight Roads, you know that we should hurry up. Why don’t they officials hurry up to the front? .

Another soldier muttered: "You let the officials go to the front? What if you die? Our lives are worthless, but other people's lives are very valuable. Do you know how much our company commander gets paid every month? Let me tell you, if it is converted into the present Dayang, it is a full 80 yuan that has not been verified and fabricated, and this is still a small official like our company commander, who knows how much those high-ranking officials get.".Don't they get a lot? If they get a lot, they will be able to do more. Those who are capable will work harder. Let them and the Communist Army go to work hard. When the gun is fired, we brothers will lie on the ground. It is important to save our lives first. Yan'an is not too far away, it would be too wronged if he was killed by guerrillas on the way. "

Li Yong and Gao Xiang lay down together and smoked a cigarette vigorously: "Regimental Commander, it seems that a battalion is coming up, it seems to be a tentative attack, what do you think?"

Li Yong: "It's easy to handle. Tell Wang Huhu and his battalion not to make any moves and pay attention to concealment. Your battalion will use ten mortars to shoot suppressively, and see if they dare to climb up.

Now the total number of mortars in the entire independent regiment exceeds forty, and Li Yong does not want to expose all his strength because of the enemy of this battalion.Let Gao Xiang attack the enemy's battalion intermittently with artillery fire.

Under the command of Gao Xiang, the ten mortars fired steadily, and the distance and landmarks were determined early.So the small cannon is very accurate.Almost every shell fell into the crowd. After a burst of explosions, there was a sound of howling wolves and howling ghosts from the attacking enemy pile. This group of enemies were killed and injured a lot.The ones that didn’t explode were too frightened to lie on the ground and dare not raise their heads.The head of the enemy's avant-garde regiment ran up to the commander Yan Ming: "Master, the communist army is not like a guerrilla army, and the guerrilla army can't be equipped with so many mortars. I just took a closer look. The communist army's mortar There are more than a dozen mortars. One of my battalions suffered heavy casualties

Yan Ming: "It doesn't look like a guerrilla, so it's the main force of the Communist Army? Don't be alarmist. Where did the Communist Army get so many main forces? Didn't you fight the Communist Army hard in Yichuan? This group of communists only used small cannons to attack you, which means that they don’t have many people. A dozen small steel cannons scared you to pee your pants? Let me tell you, I am Yan Ming, the lieutenant general and division commander of the Communist Party, not from Yichuan Zhang Hanchu, I ordered your avant-garde regiment to attack immediately. I will eat lunch at the top of the mountain."

It's no wonder that Yan Ming didn't believe that there was a main force of the field army in the northwest here. The battle in Yichuan was so fierce that Boss Peng didn't use Li Yong's independent regiment, and even some leaders of the broken division didn't understand.Let alone the enemy.

The avant-garde regiment of the [-]th Division reorganized by the Kuomintang launched a group charge against the position of the independent regiment under the strict order of the division commander. Li Yong ordered Gao Xiang to carry out mobile attacks on the enemy with ten mortars. After firing a few shells, the position must be changed. The purpose of this is to prevent the fire from being killed by the cover attack while striking the enemy.

In this way, Gao Xiang was carrying ten small steel cannons all over the mountain, and the enemies of a charging regiment were bombed to death. An infantry regiment was close to 2000 people. Although there were many people, it made it impossible to use it under the peak. Many soldiers were crowded together, which gave the artillerymen of the high drop camp a great opportunity. Every shell fell into the crowd, and every explosion knocked down a piece.Those who were not bombed also crouched behind stones and various concealed objects with their necks curled up, not daring to come out.

It stands to reason that ten small cannons can't stop a regiment of enemies from attacking, but now none of these soldiers really wants to work hard. They all lie on the ground when they hear the explosion, no matter how far away the explosion point is anyway. Let's get down first, and no matter how much the officer yells from behind, he won't get up.

Seeing that the soldiers were lying on the ground and unable to get up, the lower-ranking officials of the Kuomintang kicked them with their leather shoes furiously, regardless of whether it was the head or the buttocks.Some officers shot the guns in their hands at the backs of soldiers lying on the ground, killing several of them in a row:.Oh shit.Give it all to me and I will rush up.Otherwise, you will all be killed. "The soldier had no choice but to get up from the ground again, holding a big gun, and slowly climbed up.

Climbing is climbing up, but the soldiers are itching for the ruthless teeth of these officials, fuck you, these **** officials have no human taste at all, and don't treat us as soldiers as human beings Look, you were not beaten to death by the Eighth Route Army, but you were beaten to death by these officials, so you beat them.I also have a guy in my hand, see how I hit your black gun when I saw it.

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