The beacon of youth

Chapter 199 The Fierce 5th Infantry Battalion

As soon as it was dawn, the joint artillery group of the No.20 Ninth Army and the Ninth Division of the Kuomintang reorganization at the foot of the mountain began to prepare for artillery fire on the mountain. The fire from the cannons dyed half of the sky red. Liu Kan has issued a death order. Today Officers at all levels, regardless of their positions, must lead their troops to rush forward, and whoever dares to take a step back will be executed on the spot.

The troops participating in the attack at the foot of the mountain took the battalion as a unit, arranged combat teams, and charged in waves. One battalion was knocked down, and the other battalion went up. No matter what they said, they could not leave a chance for the communist army on the mountain to breathe. Kan's theory is that using wheel warfare and crowd tactics will consume all the communist army on the mountain. I don't believe that the communist army can have any main force on the mountain.

Thick smoke billowed from the position of the Independence Regiment on the mountain. Pieces and collapsed rocks flew around. Many trenches were blown down, and some single-person artillery holes and infantry bunkers were also destroyed. Li Yong and Wang Chengde commanded the machine guns. The battalion, the mortar battalion and the special shooters brought by Ning Jinshan used the nearby fortifications to shoot desperately at the attacking Kuomintang soldiers.

Heavy machine guns blocked the frontrunners. The veteran shooter’s three bursts made the charging soldiers frightened. Mortar guns kept falling on the charging soldiers, and each shot took away a few Ning Jinshan's super shooters accurately strike key targets.

However, due to the loss of part of the heavy machine guns and mortars on the first day, and the casualties of special shooters, the firepower on the mountain today is obviously not as good as the previous day.

At the foot of the mountain, Liu Kan deployed a company of supervisory teams, with more than a dozen heavy machine guns pointing at the backs of the charging soldiers. Liu Kan's order to the supervisory team was to kill anyone who dared to retreat.

In this way, some soldiers thought that they would die anyway if they retreated, so they might as well go out and fight the communist army on the mountain, maybe they could get a job if they won the fight, the so-called brave men must be rewarded , Liu Kan also spent a lot of money. Before the soldiers set off, he re-promised that the first thousand soldiers who rushed forward would be promoted to three levels in a row, one hundred oceans.

Under the firepower of heavy machine guns and mortars, the soldiers formed into skirmish lines approached little by little. Wang Huo and his fifth battalion of soldiers buried their heads under the trench.

It’s the third day of the Chakou blocking battle. Although the Fifth Battalion hasn’t fired a single shot, there are already dozens of casualties. The soldiers are extremely depressed, especially those wounded soldiers, who feel like crying It's too useless to be carried down without firing a single shot. [

Wang Huo was carrying a submachine gun, and kept running back and forth in the trenches, telling the soldiers to prepare more grenades, unscrew the covers, not to expose the target, not to shoot without orders, and to bring the enemy closer .

The soldiers attacked by the 29th Army of the Kuomintang were getting closer and closer. Under the fire of artillery and heavy machine guns, they gradually rushed from a distance of 500 meters to less than 100 meters from the first trench. Wang Huo watched the enemy nervously The stormtroopers go, let the communicator pass on his password from time to time, "Steady, put it up again, listen to the order and then fire."

50 meters, 30 meters, and at 30 meters, Wang Huo didn't give the order to fire. The soldiers in their battalion were sweating on their foreheads from the cold, and the joints of the hands holding the guns were tense and white. My God! Why didn't the battalion commander give the order to fire? .

Wait until the charging soldiers are 20 meters away from the first trench. What is the concept of 20 meters? They can rush up in a dozen or twenty steps.

In the second line of defense, the soldiers of the Machine Gun Battalion kept firing and muttering, why the Fifth Battalion didn't fire, what happened, they were about to rush up.

The firepower of the heavy machine guns is very fierce, but the defense line of the independent regiment is too long, and part of it was damaged by the bombing yesterday. Now the firepower of the machine gun battalion and the artillery battalion alone can't stop the enemy's charge. For the first time since the army, the enemy can withstand the firepower of heavy machine guns and still charge up in battle.

Wei Gang dropped his binoculars, watched the fifth battalion's position nervously, and shouted: "What are you talking about, beat them hard, there must be a reason why the fifth battalion didn't fire, did Tiger Wang give it for nothing?" ?”

Having said that, Wei Gang also quietly picked up a submachine gun. Although the machine gun battalion was the second line of defense, the Kuomintang soldiers were only less than 100 meters away from them, and the atmosphere on the battlefield was tense.

But the regiment leader Li Yong and political commissar Wang Chengde in the back were not in a hurry, because they believed that Wang Huhu, a veteran of many battles, and his fifth battalion soldiers would not let the enemy charge up.

At the most critical moment when the Kuomintang soldiers were about to rush up, the Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huhu leaned out of the trench and shouted: "Fire."

Immediately, they fired at the charging infantry with the submachine guns in their hands. The soldiers couldn't hold back for a long time. Like their battalion commander, they leaned out of the trench and opened fire with the weapons in their hands. Hundreds of submachine guns and Czech light machine guns Mixed with a small number of rifles firing at the same time, the guns swept away like a strong wind.

Why did Wang Huo have to get the enemy in front of him before he gave the order to fire?Of course not doing whatever you want, fighting a war is not a child's play, if you are careless, you will die.

Wang Huo considered that the position of the Fifth Battalion had never been discovered by the enemy, so putting the enemy in front of him could catch him off guard. In addition, most of the soldiers in the independent regiment were equipped with submachine guns, which were fast-firing and powerful. But it also has its own weakness, the range is short, and it is not accurate when it is far away.

That's why Wang Huo put the enemy close, so that he can give full play to the advantages of the independent regiment's weak firepower, kill the enemy as much as possible, and use his own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses. This is also an old soldier who has fought for many years Brilliant place.

As soon as Wang Huo's gun fired, the soldiers who had been suffocated for a long time all leaned out of the trench fiercely, and fired violently with the weapons in their hands. At a distance of about 20 meters, people faced people, eyes to eyes. Whatever you aim at, just shoot at the crowd. [

At the beginning, the soldiers were still firing bursts, tap-tap-tat, tap-tap-tap, three bursts, but later they didn’t distinguish between bursts and non-spots. The soldiers who rushed up from the Kuomintang were full of eyes and didn’t shoot at all. Hold the plane with your fingers and don't let it go.

A box is emptied in a few seconds, pulled out, thrown on the ground, reinstalled, and then hugged, it is emptied in a few seconds, and then replaced.

With the Czech type, five magazines and one hundred rounds at this speed will be exhausted in less than 3 minutes, and the barrel of the gun will also be red. The soldiers of the Kuomintang charge fall down one by one. The blood that burst from the ground was all over the ground, and the blood stained the hillside red.

The sudden eruption of the 29th Battalion made the officers and soldiers of the [-]th Army stupid. The officers at the foot of the mountain finally understood that the Eighth Route Army still had an ambush here after a long time of trouble. It was filled up, and those who were not dead lay on the ground and dared not move again.

In less than 10 minutes, the soldiers of the Fifth Battalion, whether they were light machine guns or submachine guns, basically had their barrels turned red. The Czech type can also replace the barrels, but the submachine guns cannot be replaced. The child is about to lose face.

At this time, Battalion Commander Wang Huhu roared: "Everyone has it, vote." After speaking, he threw out a grenade in his hand.

The hundreds of soldiers of the Fifth Battalion, like their battalion commander, threw away the guns in their hands and the grenades that had been unscrewed. At this time, they could see the difference between the old soldiers and the new soldiers. New fighters throw one at a time, while veteran fighters who have been through battles throw two at a time, and some throw with both hands, and they throw it far and accurately.

Several rounds of grenades were thrown out in succession, and exploding grenades flew all over the sky within a distance of tens of meters in front of the position. Some soldiers only threw them three to forty meters, while others threw them five to sixty meters. The Kuomintang came up The soldiers couldn't stand it anymore, and rolled down the hillside screaming, why didn't they straighten up and run?Whoever runs straight is a fool. Rolling down with such intensive firepower is considered a small life.

Wang Huo is a commander with rich combat experience, how could he not seize a good opportunity?Seeing that the enemy was defeated, he immediately ordered two platoons of soldiers to attack from both sides of the defended position. The soldiers of these two platoons immediately jumped out of the trenches and chased down the mountain with shouts of killing.

Ordinary people can do it by lying in the trenches and shooting, but it is not so easy to jump out of the trenches to attack. Everyone has only one life, and the risk of casualties is much greater if you jump out, but the soldiers of the Fifth Battalion None of them hesitated when they heard the battalion commander's order, and the soldiers of the two platoons jumped out in an instant.

The soldiers of these two platoons didn't realize until they were almost driven to the foot of the mountain that the battalion commander told them to retreat immediately after chasing them. They should not chase too hard, otherwise they would be easily killed by the enemy's artillery fire.

Li Yong, who was observing with a binoculars behind him, saw that the soldiers were chasing too far, so he asked Wang Huo to call all the soldiers back with his walkie-talkie: "Tiger, you can't chase too far, let the soldiers come back, and the enemy's artillery fire will react immediately." gone."

No need for Li Yong to say that Wang Huo knew that he had chased too far, but what could he do? The two infantry platoons that were chasing him were not equipped with walkie-talkies. Of course they couldn't hear their shouts. They even whistled amidst the sound of guns. It was useless on the battlefield, but the anxious Wang Huo slapped his thigh straight: "These two bastards, this is going to kill you, why don't you come back?"

By the time the soldiers who had managed to catch up reacted, it was already a bit late, and before they could withdraw, the artillery fire from the foot of the mountain began to fire.

The soldiers opened up the formation of skirmishers, widened the distance between each other, spread out and ran back along the hillside, and the enemy's artillery kept looking at them and greeting them. v! ~!

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