The beacon of youth

Chapter 20 Equipment

After listening to Li Yong's formation plan, these veterans were very excited. Such a company is a very powerful force. As long as it is used reasonably, it will explode with strong combat effectiveness. Is our 19-year-old company commander really born with the ability to fight? war?It is such a powerful figure who is just a private soldier with the Kuomintang. Do you think the Kuomintang can be undefeated?

Next, Li Yong made a plan for the arrangement of weapons and equipment. Sun Quanhou, the leader of the platoon, reported to Li Yong: Our company has made a fortune this time. In addition to twelve heavy machine guns and twelve small cannons, we also brought back light machine guns. One hundred and four, eight submachine guns 620, 390 boxes of shells, 600 boxes of bullets, and more than [-] boxes of hand grenades, some of which are American-style melon-style hand grenades. In addition to weapons, there are also clothes, military blankets, and water bottles. , helmets, shoes, khaki cloth, and food, and by the way, there are a lot of tarpaulins covering the weapons. I asked Ma Changsheng what he did with those tarpaulins?The kid Ma Changsheng told me, anyway, the company commander asked me to move.

Sun Quanhou's last sentence made everyone laugh.After listening to Sun Quanhou's report, Li Yong made specific arrangements for weapons and equipment:

1 Infantry platoon, each infantry squad is equipped with two Czech light machine guns, each with [-] ammunition, and you can bring as many as possible in the future depending on the situation, ten American Tom submachine guns, each with [-] ammunition, that is to say A single soldier needs to carry [-] bullets. Didn’t you, Li Jiangguo, always complain about the lack of bullets?

When Li Yong said that the soldiers all laughed, Li Jiangguo scratched his head and said, "Oh, that's great. I used to feel good when I had a dozen or so bullets in wars. The least I ever did was four bullets. If there were two hundred bullets, I would be more courageous than Japanese melons, but I really can’t back one thousand.” Everyone was amused by Li Jiangguo again, and Li Yong went on to say that each soldier had four grenades, all Counting the platoon leader and deputy platoon leader, there are eight light machine guns and 42 submachine guns.

Hearing this, these old soldiers stopped talking, good guy, the firepower of one platoon is so powerful, but this is five platoons, how powerful is the firepower if they fire together?When did we become so rich when we were poor?Li Yong has his own considerations for assigning two-stop light machine guns to an infantry squad.

The Czech light machine gun is a classic infantry light weapon developed by the Czech state-owned arsenal in the 20s. Its working principle is a long-stroke air-guided type. It can choose single or continuous shooting. The caliber is 7.92 mm. Type light machine gun is simple in structure, reliable in action, not easy to damage in the natural environment, easy to maintain, and accurate in shooting. There is an old saying in the squadron that veterans are afraid of machine guns.This sentence is actually aimed at the Czech light machine gun. For the precise two or three long and short bursts of the Czech light machine gun, as long as it is aimed and fired, it cannot be dodged.When attacking, the light machine gun can quickly advance with the infantry and continuously provide timely fire support.In actual combat, the machine gun can also be held flat by the shooter while charging and shooting.In addition, the Czech light machine gun can use ordinary rifle bullets, and ammunition is not a problem.The Czech light machine gun is a rare weapon for infantry offense and defense.

Of course, the Czech style is not without its shortcomings. First, its magazine capacity is small, with only [-] bullets. In fierce battles, the magazine must be replaced every six to eight bursts. This provides experienced fighters with The chance to deal with it is that the barrel needs to be replaced every [-] bullets. Although ten seconds is enough for experienced fighters to change the barrel, this is also one of its shortcomings.

The soldiers we see in movies or TV works keep shooting with a Czech-style light machine gun. This is actually very false. Think about how long it will take six to eight short bursts?This is still an experienced shooter. If you are a new fighter or a fighter with low technical and tactical skills, you only need to relax your fingers, and the [-] will be shot in a few seconds. At this time, if the magazine is not replaced in time, it will be a dead end. There is one.

Although this light machine gun has shortcomings of one kind or another, it was the best infantry squad light machine gun known in the world at that time, and its performance on the battlefield in our country is better than that of the little devil. The crooked handle is much stronger. The People's Liberation Army seized a large number of this kind of machine gun during the war years. At the founding ceremony in [-], our soldiers held this light machine gun in their hands. Later, it was also used in large quantities on the Korean battlefield.

After the founding of New China, our army added [-] large-capacity magazines to this weapon according to its characteristics, which solved the problem of low ammunition capacity. It was not until five or six years that our army developed a new generation of light machine guns for infantry squads After the success, this light machine gun was gradually withdrawn from active service.

2. Each person in the reconnaissance platoon has a submachine gun and four grenades. The reconnaissance platoon is not equipped with machine guns. If there is suitable equipment in the future, it will be arranged in detail. There are 42 submachine guns in total.

3. Each squad of the machine gun platoon is equipped with a Maxim heavy machine gun with [-] ammunition. In the future, it will be necessary to bring as many as possible according to the situation. Other weapons will not be equipped, and the soldiers have no way to carry other equipment. One heavy machine gun The machine gun weighs nearly [-] kilograms. When marching, four soldiers have to carry it away, and the other three carry the bullets. This is why there are four squads of machine guns, each with seven people.

Ma Keqin was born in Maine, USA in 184o. He experienced ups and downs in his early years. He used to be an apprentice in a factory and a worker in a flour mill. In the first half of his life, he basically never got involved in weapons and wars. He only participated in the local security forces during the American Civil War. , The turning point of fate appeared in 1882. With the help of friends, Maxim established the Maxim-Weston Company, thus embarking on the bright road of genius. The advent of the Maxim machine gun marked the end of an era. Since Napoleon The tactics used by the era are basically useless.

Maxim is an American, but it was the Germans who fully realized the importance of machine guns. In the Battle of the Somme in World War I, the Germans attacked the 100 British divisions with an average density of one Maxim per [-] meters. The crazy shooting caused [-] British people to die in front of the battle in one day.

You said that this British man is a bit stubborn, with a single-minded head, and charging at the machine gun positions indiscriminately, isn't that courting death?Later, some information introduced that most of the senior British military officers at that time were upper-class aristocrats. Of course, these people could eat, drink and have fun. After World War II ended in [-], a teacher said to her [-]-year-old students in class: Children, you are very sorry to catch up with the war, and only one tenth of you will be able to To get married, you must be mentally prepared.Of course, her students are all female students, and most of the boys went to the battlefield and fell there.

As the teacher said, after World War II, only one tenth of the British young women of the right age could find a partner, and the rest had to spend their entire lives on their own. They undertook most of the post-war reconstruction work but had a bleak end. This is also the pain that the British have always been reluctant to mention after World War II.

Of course, the Maxim heavy machine gun also has its own shortcomings, that is, its weight is relatively large, and it is more problematic for infantry to carry it on the march.

It's a bit too much to digress, let's come back to this chapter.

Li Yong went on to say: "In future battles, we must fully use the power of heavy weapons. We must carry more bullets. As in the past, we must not do battles where we get up and charge shortly after the battle starts. When troops charge, they also cause the most casualties. When you are not sure, don’t charge, our soldiers are treasures, we don’t do such stupid things.”

After listening to Li Yong's words, these veterans fell into deep thought. These twenty or so veterans, including the instructor Wang Chengde, all came out of blood and fire. They all experienced the scene of a large army charging as Li Yong said. , I also witnessed many good comrades in arms sacrificed under the enemy's firepower. If they hadn't sacrificed, what a fortune it would be! !Every veteran who has experienced many battles can lead a platoon, a company, or even a battalion. Thinking of this, the eyes of these veterans looking at Li Yong have changed. Maybe something will happen after following this young company commander, but It can't be a bad thing, for sure.

Li Yong saw that these veterans were thinking about things and didn't go on. Let them think more. The army will develop in the future, and their thoughts and concepts must also be changed. We must slowly instill in them a brand new combat thinking. and ideas, they are now the backbone of the army, and will be the grassroots commanders of the army in the future. No matter how capable they are, they are alone, and the expansion of the army depends on them. Continue to arrange down.

4. Each squad of the artillery platoon is equipped with a 160-point mortar, with [-] ammunition. In the future, we should bring as many shells as possible depending on the situation. The soldiers of the artillery platoon are not equipped with other weapons. Our current mortars can only be used by soldiers. They march with their backs on their backs. It is not the same as a heavy machine gun. It cannot be lifted, so it can only be disassembled. The gun barrel, gun plate, and tripod are the same on the back of each soldier. The gun barrel is more important. Choose a fighter with good physical strength. The remaining four soldiers in the squad carried ten shells each, and the whole platoon had a total of [-] mortars and four mortars with [-] shells.

Li Yong went on to introduce: In modern warfare, artillery is called the god of war. Why do you say that?It is because of its powerful long-range firepower. For example, in a war now, if the enemy is hundreds of meters away, we have nothing to do. With artillery, this problem can be solved. If the ammunition can be solved with sufficient ammunition, it must be solved with artillery fire. Solve, what can be solved with artillery fire does not need heavy machine guns, what can be solved with heavy machine guns does not need light machine guns, what can be solved with light machine guns does not need submachine guns, and what can be solved with submachine guns is never to use bayonets. It does not mean that we dare not fight with bayonets and bayonets It is one of our key training subjects, but don't do it unless necessary.In a word, we should try our best to use firepower to deal with the opponent, with only one purpose, that is to win the battle and reduce our own casualties.

After listening to Li Yong's words, these veterans were once again shocked. Li Yong also tried his best to use every opportunity to update the concepts of these veterans and let them gradually adapt to his modern warfare thinking.

The 5 people in the 38th platoon are only equipped with submachine guns, and they can carry less bullets, and no grenades. Their main task is to carry food. Each person can carry no less than [-] catties of food. They also have to bring their own things , so it will be very hard. Tell the soldiers in the logistics platoon not to have any ideas. Since ancient times, soldiers and horses have been fighting before food and grass. Whether an army can win a battle or not is very important. On the shoulders of soldiers.

Li Yong knew that three years later our army would suffer in the Korean battlefield because of logistical problems. To some extent, modern warfare is about logistics, and the strength of logistics can determine the success or failure of the entire battle.Li Yong also told these veterans the importance of logistical support.I dare not talk about it anymore, I am afraid that these soldiers will not be able to digest it if I talk too much, and I am afraid that the instructors Wang Chengde and Li Jiangguo will ask endlessly where they know these things.

The equipment of the 6 guard communication squad is the same as that of the reconnaissance platoon. Each person has a submachine gun and four grenades, a total of ten submachine guns. The cooking squad and the health team have no combat missions and are not equipped with weapons.

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