The beacon of youth

Chapter 203 Night Attack

Ten minutes after the second explosion, they went away.The stone is the original stone, and the original big tree root where the tree is covered, there is no movement. Li Yong said to Gao Xiang next to him: "Attention, each shot is two, and it is offset 50 meters to the left and right.

More than a dozen cannons were fired, but there was still no movement 200 meters ahead.Wang Huohu said to Li Yong and Wang Chengde a little embarrassedly: "Regimental Commander, Political Commissar, it seems that I made a mistake. I brought you all here for nothing, and wasted so many guns."

Li Yong: "Tiger, you can't say that. If the enemy doesn't move, it doesn't mean you feel wrong. Continue to observe. The enemy has been blocked by us for a whole day and night today. The chief sent us a telegram saying that the main force of our field army is leaving. It's not far from here. It's time for the enemy to fight desperately. Today is the most critical day. I want to tell the soldiers that they must raise their vigilance and not take it lightly.

Wang Huo: "Understood. Commander, political commissar, you all go back, you should go to bed and sleep. It's not a good idea to guard together. I won't sleep tonight, let's see what tricks this enemy can use

Li Yong took Gao Xiang, Li Yuming and several others and the political commissar Wang Chengde back to the back mountain to continue sleeping, but Wang Huhu couldn't fall asleep no matter what.Not only couldn't fall asleep, but he didn't feel sleepy at all, which made the head of the regiment and the political commissar bother him.In the end nothing was found.Will the enemy really be so honest?

Wang Huo is a very stubborn fighter, he thought to himself, since he didn't see anything, it doesn't matter, I'll spend time with you and see what can happen.The king tiger told the soldiers to strengthen their vigilance.He also asked the correspondent to transfer the troops whose base camp was on the back mountain to come over a little bit.

Li Yong, who was walking back with political commissar Wang Chengde, Gao Xiang, Li Yuming and others, was still thinking about it.I asked the soldiers to strengthen their vigilance, but how to strengthen this vigilance?It was so dark that I couldn't see anything, even with a telescope, let alone the naked eye.

Li Yong, who kept thinking about it, really thought of a way.Thinking of this, Li Yong turned around and walked back, Wang Chengde hurriedly asked what was going on.Li Yong asked them to go back first, because he still forgot to tell Wang Huhu about something.

Wang Chengde and Gao Xiang went back, and Li Yong and Li Yuming returned to Wang Huhu's fifth battalion. When they saw Wang Huhu, Li Yong expressed his impromptu idea. [

Isn't it very dark today, we can't see the enemy, but the enemy at the bottom of the mountain can't see us either, so send a few soldiers to climb down the hillside, and put empty cans left over 50 meters from the front , this thing looks useless.But in the big black sky, the movement when you encounter it is very loud, which is much better than staring at it with your eyes.

Wang Huo hurriedly patted his head and said that this method is good. He sent a squad of soldiers, each of whom brought a few empty cans and arranged them according to the method Li Yong said. Li Yuming went back to sleep.

It was getting darker and darker, and the soldiers in the Fifth Battalion were all drowsy, saying that they needed to be more vigilant.But how can this speed be improved?People have to sleep at night, Wang Huo went into a small anti-gun hole, lighted a small wax head, and wrote a summary of the battle for the past few days lying on the medicine box.

Wang Huo is a very scheming fighter. Ever since Li Yong called on the whole regiment to learn culture, Wang Huo has been one of the hardest learners among all the soldiers. His hard work pays off, and Wang Huo has made great progress. Simple You can write the letter by yourself, and for this Li Yong and Wang Chengde praised him a lot.

Wang Huhu smiled and told the group leader and political commissar that there was no other way.In the past, no matter whether you were a soldier or a squad leader or platoon leader, you didn't need to write anything.If there is an order from the higher-ups, just execute it yourself. You don’t have to worry about it. It doesn’t seem to be of much use whether you can read or not, but now it’s no longer possible. I’m a battalion-level commander. If you can't even write a battle summary well, what kind of commander can you call, and how can you lead troops?

There are a few mobile sentries on the ground standing guard outside, but they shouldn't be called mobile sentries anymore. Both sides have special shooters looking for targets, and it's no different from looking for death if they all lean out and wander around the position.

A soldier was squatting in the trench with his butt pouted and holding a telescope in his hand. Observing this thing doesn't seem to have much effect.

Time passed by little by little, and the night became darker. This soldier had been observing for a long time. Just as this careful soldier was paying attention, he suddenly heard "boom" coming from not too far from the front of the position. Yang. There was the sound of an empty can being bumped, and then the empty can tinkled and rolled all the way down the hill.

The sound of the empty cans coming from the front of the silent position was very strange, this;He yelled!But after the soldier shouted, there was still no sound.

Damn, I still don't believe it, this can can still roll down by itself?It was obvious that something had been knocked down. After several days of fighting and repeated artillery fire, people from the independent regiment were removed from the mountain.There is no other living thing left.Even the rats were killed.

Thinking of this, the soldier dared not neglect Xiao Sui Sui pulled out a hand vertebra from behind and threw it over. The grenade for position defense and combat is one of the best weapons.The grenade exploded tens of meters away.

The soldier's eyes were almost rounded by the flash of the explosion, just tens of meters away from the trench.Hei Yaya lay on the ground with a group of people whose heads were too small to see how many people there were.

The soldier's heart was about to tighten, and he shouted suddenly: "Battle Commander, the enemy has touched it. Then he pointed the submachine gun in his hand at the bottom and swept

Wang Huo, who was fiddling with the small notebook in his hand in the bomb hole, heard the shouts of soldiers outside and the explosion of the grenade. Yes, fight."

Wang Huo, who was lying in the trench, opened a box in the dark, and threw out several ones without even looking.At this time, the soldiers of the Fifth Battalion also arrived in the trenches. [

Seeing that their whereabouts were exposed, the Kuomintang soldiers who went up in the dark had no scruples, shouting and rushing up.While rushing upwards, use the short-term firepower in your hand to open the way.

The first group of Kuomintang soldiers who came up were all junior officers selected from various units. They could be regarded as the backbone and elite of the Kuomintang. Before setting off, these people were equipped with submachine guns suitable for assault. , They all straightened up and shot at the independent regiment's position tens of meters away with the weapons in their hands.

The soldiers of Wang Huo's Fifth Battalion lined up and fought back with the weapons in their hands, and the battle broke out suddenly. Wang Huo, a soldier who usually doesn't like to talk very much, also cursed at this time: "Damn it, it's really a shame!" coming."

In fact, Wang Huhu and Gao Xiang guessed it right. These attacking Kuomintang troops had already entered within 200 meters, in order to make a surprise attack on the Eighth Route Army on the mountain in the middle of the night when people were most sleepy.

In order to achieve the suddenness of the battle, these Kuomintang soldiers also emphasized battlefield discipline before setting off, and no matter what happens, they must not be exposed.The two attacks of the independent regiment's mortars were very accurate.It caused a lot of casualties to the lurking soldiers, but these Kuomintang soldiers really gritted their teeth and held on. No matter whether they were dead or injured, they didn't make any movement. If it wasn't for the empty cans on the battlefield, maybe Wuying really suffered a big loss.

Gunshots erupted, and Wang Huo yelled: "Get ready for the grenades." After a few seconds, Wang Huo shouted again: "There are all of them, throw one by one."

Hundreds of grenades were thrown out fiercely.A few tens of meters in front of the trench suddenly flew across, and the Kuomintang soldiers who rushed up were blown down.

The soldiers are all shooting.Tommy-type submachine guns, Czech-style light machine guns, and a small number of rifles, bunches of fire snakes lined up in the trenches, and the small bullets fired can see the shining tracks at night, and the hot bullets are intertwined into pieces fire net.

The Kuomintang soldiers climbing up and the covering firepower below the mountain also opened fire at the same time, and the guns on both sides poured down like rain.

Suddenly, a rain hit the trench, and several soldiers fell down. Blood kept pouring out from their bodies. The soldier coughed uncontrollably, coughing up a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

Wang Huo took a closer look, and saw several machine guns on the opposite hillside firing at the position of the fifth battalion. He was a very accurate guy, and he kept firing bursts at the position of the fifth battalion with the machine guns in his hand. Knocked down several.

Wang Huo commanded the Czech light machine guns of the soldiers around him to suppress the enemy's firepower.However, after several long and short shots, there was still no effect. It was difficult to shoot accurately in the dark.

Wang Huo saw that the suppression of the machine gun had no effect, so he asked for a [-]-type rifle from the soldier, and after pressing five rounds, he moved back and forth along the trench with the gun.

Taking advantage of the flashing flames of the enemy's guns, Wang Huo, who had chosen a position to shoot, suddenly stretched out his gun from the trench. A shooter is a shot.The gunshots sounded, and the machine gun that spewed out flames stopped suddenly. Wang Huo knocked down all the substitute shooters with several consecutive shots, and solved the machine gun position. ! ~!

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