The beacon of youth

Chapter 205 Terrible Firepower

...The fierce fighting continued, and the attacking troops of the people retreated one by one and rushed up again, and Wei Gang's machine gun position was covered with a thick layer of quilt.

He Cuihua and the soldiers of the heavy-lifting battalion sent boxes of medicines at intervals, and carried the wounded back by the way. Maxim's power is very powerful, but the consumption of medicine is also a big burden. Fortunately, The Independent Regiment has a heavy-lifting battalion, which is quite convenient to replenish.

The heavy machine guns were still firing, and from time to time some shooters were knocked down by the enemy's covering fire and carried down. The heavy machine gun position caused huge casualties to the enemy, but it was also the target of the Kuomintang's covering fire. Therefore, Wei Gang's machine gun battalion and Wang Huo The Fifth Battalion also suffered heavy casualties.

The Fifth Battalion at the forefront now has nothing to say about officers and soldiers, and there is no distinction between logistics and front-line troops. All personnel, including communications, guards, and cooking squads, have all gone into battle. As long as it is convenient, there is only one purpose, to beat down the enemy no matter what, only the battalion commander Wang Huhu and the trainer are left in the busy battalion command post, except for the wounded.

This so-called battalion command post is nothing more than a hideout twenty meters behind the front line of the big trench, and the traffic trench is used to connect with the front of the big trench.

The difference is that Xiaocheng's engineering company built a cover for the front battalion command post. Although it cannot withstand the bombardment of large-caliber artillery, small artillery such as mortars can still resist. At that time, besides Tiger Wang and the trainers, the battalion command post was also full of wounded soldiers who hadn't had time to lift them down.

The instructor looked at the wounded all over the ground and said to Wang Huo: "Tiger, should the regiment leader send some troops over? There are still many troops in the dough behind the mountain that have not moved. It should be no problem to send some people over."

The battle has now become intense, and the very calm Wang Huo became angry: "How many people to send is a matter for our regiment leader and the political commissar. I don't have the face to ask the regiment leader for reinforcements. Our mission is to There is a way to repel the attacking enemy, as for how many people to send over, it is not our concern."

After saying this, Wang Huo walked out with a submachine gun in his hand. The soldiers in the trenches in front were shooting non-stop. When they saw Wang Huo walking by, they greeted their battalion commander excitedly. [

Wang Huo moved a box of grenades and put them under his feet.Then he opened the box and shot with the soldiers. This veteran of the Eighth Route Army who has been trained in the War of Resistance is admirable for his hard work.

Throwing grenades is not an easy task. If you throw more than ten grenades with all your strength, your arms will feel sore and numb. If you throw them further, you will not have such a long distance. This king tiger uses two hands to throw each grenade in turn. Both are more than 60 meters, and then stop along.Poe rolls down and explodes.

Blood and fire mingled together tens of meters in front of the position. Everyone was in danger of dying every second. Seeing the battalion commander with him, the soldiers were full of confidence and shouted to encourage each other, but the fifth battalion Casualties are also mounting.

The situation of the Fifth Battalion was seen by Li Yong, the head of the regiment, and Wang Chengde, the political commissar. The increasing casualties made Wang Chengde a little unskilled, so he discussed with Li Yong whether to send some more troops and let him take reinforcements there.

Gao Xiang stayed by Li Yong's side because all the mortars in their battalion had been fired, and there was nothing to do with him on the ground. , Beat down their arrogance, why do we always get bombed, our independent regiment is not without cannons.

Li Yong was nervously calculating the strength of his troops, and his eyes lit up when he heard Gao Xiang say that they used their cannons. The twenty or so howitzers of the Independence Regiment are the treasures of housekeeping, and they cannot be moved easily. Why don't they dare to use them easily? These artillery Li Yong mainly considered two problems.

One, it is easy to be destroyed by the counterattack force of the enemy's artillery. The Kuomintang's artillery at the foot of the mountain is much larger, and the independent regiment is not an opponent in the artillery battle.

Second, artillery positions are difficult to deal with air power. Although the Kuomintang has a small number of aircraft, it only takes a few sorties to bring a deadly threat to the artillery. If the enemy's large corps is trapped, it is very likely to call for air support, so Li Yong paid great attention to the concealment of artillery positions.

In addition to more than [-] artillery pieces on this artillery position, there are also five anti-aircraft machine guns from the machine gun battalion. These five anti-aircraft machine guns were prepared by Li Yong for the possible air power of the Kuomintang.

The five machine guns are a little less, and they alone are not enough. Li Yong asked the soldiers to hide each gun tightly. The artillery was covered with a camouflage net, and it was covered with branches and grass. It was difficult to get close. It was discovered that Li Yong's order to the instructor who led the team was to prevent the artillery positions from being discovered by enemy aircraft, and not to fire without an order.

Since we haven't seen the enemy's planes yet, and the artillery doesn't need them to fire for the time being, the few anti-aircraft machine guns that this independent regiment has are all for display."

The power of this anti-aircraft machine gun's flat fire is very great. Thinking of this, Li Yong used the walkie-talkie to notify the soldiers in the rear position to quickly bring Wei Gang's precious machine guns over.

In ten minutes, the soldiers got five anti-aircraft machine guns to Wei Gang's position. At this time, Wei Gang was angry that the firepower could not suppress the enemy. Since the independent regiment was established for more than a year, every battle of their machine gun battalion Whether it was a smooth fight, or the opponent suffered heavy casualties and was defeated, this was the first time that the firepower could not defeat the enemy.

Wei Gang’s machine gun battalion was already very powerful, but firstly, it was because the battle line was too long, and secondly, it was caused by the difference in the enemy’s artillery fire the day before, which caused certain casualties. Only 20 or so of the forty heavy machine guns were left. There were also a number of casualties.Therefore, the firepower density has dropped by about half, which makes Wei Gang somewhat powerless.

When they were in a hurry, the soldiers brought over the anti-aircraft machine guns that they had been reluctant to use. The regiment leader Li Yong, Li Yuming and several others also ran over with the soldiers. [

Seeing his regiment leader approaching, Wei Gang hurriedly greeted him along the trench: "Commander, why did you come here, it's too dangerous here, so hurry back.


Li Yong: "So what if it's dangerous? Could it be that if you Wei Gang dies, Li Yong can't die?" Wei Gang: "Head, that's not what it means, don't you believe in my command? .

Although this Wei Gang was young, he was a battle-tested veteran, an old bone in the People's Liberation Army, and he was really good at commanding such battles.

Li Yong: "You command yours, and I will give you suggestions, focusing on you and not interfering with you."

Seeing that Li Yong would not go down, Wei Gang had no choice but to drag him to his battalion command post. The battalion command post of the independent regiment is covered, so it is relatively safe here, as long as he is not directly hit by the artillery, there will be no problem.

Li Yong: "Wei Gang, I have dragged all five anti-aircraft machine guns of our regiment to you. You will command them to suppress the enemy's fierceness and relieve the pressure on the tigers.

Wei Gang said a little excitedly: "Don't worry, commander, don't go there, just observe in my command post."

Gao Xiang placed five anti-aircraft machine guns at the front of the position, spaced 20 meters apart.several.The soldier manipulated an anti-aircraft machine gun, and turned the raised machine gun barrel downwards. It was obviously three sizes larger than the other machine guns, and it was very conspicuous. Amidst the sound of several machine gun squad leaders getting ready to report.Gao Xiang swung his hand down violently, and shouted: "Start."

Five large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns with their muzzles flattened erupted immediately, and the red and blue flames burst out from the muzzles and strung out suddenly, more than two feet long. Appears extremely harsh.

Wei Gang commanded the five anti-aircraft machine guns to start from the front 50 meters and carry out a large-scale fire blockade all the way back. Not only did they attack the front of the position, but the ultra-long range directly disrupted the second echelon of the KMT waiting to attack.

A large-caliber machine gun hitting a human body is very terrifying. A continuous burst of machine guns can knock down a wall, not to mention a human body. In front of the anti-aircraft machine gun of the knife, it is completely useless. As long as the quilt is hit, the whole arm will be pulled off if it is hit on the arm, a thigh can be completely removed when it is hit on the leg, and it will be a big hole if it is hit on the shoulder. , whether it is a vital point or not, as long as the quilt hits a little life, it will be over.

Immediately, the soldiers attacking by the Kuomintang were full of flesh and blood, howling ghosts and howling wolves. Regardless of their disregard, even the machine guns of the supervisory team could not be controlled, and they were defeated in a crash.

An officer who was climbing up with his hands and feet by the roots of a tree that had been blasted out felt a heat wave whizzing past his head, and then the soldier who was climbing up next to him yelled "Aww, this The officer almost stared back when he looked back.

I saw that half of the shoulder and an arm of the soldier who was crawling with him just now were shot down by a large-caliber machine gun, and blood spurted out from the arterial vessel in the broken shoulder. The soldier in the middle opened his mouth wide, his eyes swelled, his body twisted and fell down with a sound, and at the same time, the blood spurted from his veins splashed all over the officer's face, and the blood on his face was still It was so hot, the officer almost vomited out, almost lost his courage, turned around and ran back.

Those who charged at the front were selected junior officers, die-hard members of the Kuomintang. These people did bring some trouble to the independent regiment, but it also depends on the degree of casualties. Once the casualties exceed their psychological capacity , They also scrambled and retreated like ordinary soldiers.Thank you everyone for your support all the time, I thought that to report, I can only write a little bit of my favorite stuff with my heart.

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