The beacon of youth

Chapter 214 Boss Peng's Commendation Telegram

Seeing that the Kuomintang soldiers had no will to resist, Li Yong ordered the troops not to deal with these disorderly soldiers, and seized the time to collect weapons, medicines and various urgently needed supplies. Of course, prisoners were also needed, and they had to be in good health and young.

At that time, there were many soldiers in their thirties. Ordinary people had no choice but to be soldiers when they had no way to survive. The Bing Independent Regiment is not needed for the simple reason that they are too old and have no potential for development.

The soldiers are also very accustomed to the character of their regiment leader. Knowing that if they can't get anything back, they will definitely be scolded. They immediately disperse and wander around in squads. When they see good things, they go back. Soldiers who don't know strange things will take them together, don't look at them, anyway, the leader likes such things.

I worked until midnight, and I don’t know how many things I got back. No one can check the black light and the fire, but there is no need to check the number. All the brains are handed over to the supply camp. Anyway, the meat is rotten in the pot. There is plenty of time after that.

There are too many things brought back, and Lao Sun and the soldiers in the supply camp are very busy. They keep counting and checking the numbers, and they have to sort them out. I wish one person could be used as two, but there is one person in the supply camp Except, no matter how busy others are, she is not busy at all.

Who is this person, everyone will know at a glance, deputy battalion commander He Cuihua, this deputy battalion commander has not recovered from the battle, since He Cuihua was acting as the battalion commander after Wang Huo was injured, this girl led the combat troops Fighting is a bit addictive. After rushing down the mountain, I led the soldiers forward regardless of their care.

According to what she meant, she wanted to arrest a high-ranking military officer of the Kuomintang, and it was best to arrest Liu Kan, lest the head of the regiment, Li Yong, always say that she would beat all the officers to death when she saw him, so he had to change his image in Dayong's mind. Yes, later I heard that Liu Kan was killed by a cannonball, the girl turned around angrily, and the soldiers who knew her mind advised her, let's catch others after Liu Kan is dead, isn't there a big one and a small one? Wouldn't it be enough to catch a few more?

When He Cuihua heard the truth, she didn't know how far she could go with the soldiers. Hard work pays off. After such a lot of trouble, she really caught a division commander, and several regiment and brigade commanders were also arrested. , He Cuihua finally breathed a sigh of relief, well, what else did Dayong say this time?

At this time, a figure ran over from not far away, and this person shouted as he ran: "Leader, leader, I am Li Jiangguo, we are all back." [

Seeing this guy Li Jiangguo running over, Li Yong gave him a fist in the past, and then hurriedly asked: "How is it? I thought you died there, why did you come back? Are the soldiers okay? Why don't you come back with us?" connect?"

A series of questions from Li Yong made Li Jiangguo open his mouth and didn't know how to answer. Finally, after thinking about it, he said, "Leader, it's not that I don't want to contact you. I didn't come back in a hurry because I was afraid of being exposed. We caught a good thing. We caught a big fish. We caught a supply regiment of the 29th Army. Commander, it’s a whole supply regiment. There are more than 100 cars, materials, medicine and food. What do you want? have what."

What Li Jiangguo said made Li Yong feel a little better because of the casualties of the troops. The casualties were very heavy, and it would be even worse if he couldn't get anything back. The entire Chakou area was in chaos all night. It was time to finally calm down.

The brigade of the Northwest Field Army led rows and rows of captives to gather together. It was a good time to clean up the battlefield at dawn, and all columns and brigades collected and seized everywhere.

The weapons and medicines of the Northwest Field Army mainly come from the front lines. This point did not change much until the end of the Liberation War. This is also determined by the weak industrial capabilities of the Northwest. They cannot produce them by themselves, so they have to rely on the battlefield. That is to say, everything depends on robbing.

In this way, a problem arises. The prisoners of other troops are all handed over to the superiors for management. The three major disciplines, the eight items, should you pay attention to the first one? Everything captured must be returned to the Communist Party, but what about the prisoners of the independent regiment?In the past, I had the final say, but at that time, I was not with the main force, so what should I do now?

It’s not sweet to hand them over like other troops. The prisoners captured by the Independence Regiment are all young people who have made great efforts to pick them out. As long as you are well educated in the army, you are a good soldier, and everyone can be a hero.

What if several commanders came to ask Li Yong and Wang Chengde for instructions?At this time, the political commissar Wang Chengde also lost his mind, and everyone turned their attention to the head of the regiment, Li Yong.

Li Yong: "It's no big deal. It's their problem that they hand it over. We don't hand it over. No matter how many are caught, our regiment will train it ourselves, and we don't need to hand it over to our superiors."

Of course, Li Yong has his own reasons for doing this. The capture of the prisoners and training by himself was approved by Boss Peng and Commander Wang. Don't look at Li Yong's easy answer, as if it's no big deal. I dare not do this.

At about eight o'clock in the morning, the sky was already bright, and the independent regiment finally joined up with his second column. From a long distance, Li Yong saw his chest puffed up in front of a large group of people, and the hat on his head was tilted to one side. Commander Wang.

The commander was so happy that he couldn't even close his mouth. He pointed east and west as he walked, and he seemed to be telling the people around him that he should fish more when he saw good things, and don't let that kid Li Yong beat him. go down.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde trotted to Commander Wang, and they raised their hands in salute: "Report to Comrade Commander, the Second Column Independent Regiment has completed the task assigned by the superior, please give instructions from the commander."

Commander Wang is happy, look at my soldiers, these are my soldiers with Wang Huzi, all of them are heroes.

The commander moved Li Yong and Wang Chengde's hands down: "Good job, you didn't embarrass me Wang Huzi, tell the soldiers, your job now is to rest, eat and drink well, and then go to sleep, and don't do the rest. You take care of it, I will go to the headquarters when I have time, and ask Boss Peng and Political Commissar Xi to give you credit." [

Taking advantage of the commander's joy, Li Yong hurriedly reported: "Commander, we have captured a lot of prisoners this time, and I still want to keep myself for training. What do you think?"

Commander Wang: "Don't worry, I've already told Boss Peng about your regiment's affairs. Be brave enough to do it. We all want to see what kind of troops you can create. Let's talk about your regiment fighting this time." The losses are huge, and capturing more prisoners will also benefit your replenishment."

With the consent of Commander Wang, a major concern between Li Yong and Wang Chengde finally came to fruition. Anyway, this matter must be approved by the superior.

After arduous efforts, the Northwest Field Army won another unprecedented victory after the Battle of Yulin. They wiped out Liu Kan's heavy army group of the Kuomintang, seized a large amount of supplies and medicine, and obtained a large number of personnel. Of course, the prisoners still need to be educated. It took a while to get down to the army, and this part of the people could not form combat effectiveness for the time being.

This is like sending charcoal in a timely manner to the field army, which is short of supplies. The whole army is filled with victorious emotions. Every time the cadres and soldiers meet each other, they have smiles on their faces, but the senior leaders of the field army are not dazzled by the victory. mind.

At the headquarters of the Northwest Field Army, Boss Peng was still standing in front of the map as seriously as before, and the joyous laughter in the room did not seem to have infected the God of War of the People's Liberation Army.

It was Political Commissar Xi who came over and said, "Boss, you should be happy. Did we win the battle? Don't let the comrades below see you scared."

Boss Peng, who was standing in front of the map, scratched his head: "Okay, my political commissar, I will listen to you, and I will go happily with my comrades in a while. Let's make some delicious food at noon today. Isn't there a lot of food?" Canned food, let the people in the cooking class work harder. By the way, I said political commissar, how about our independent regiment? They have made great achievements in this battle."

Political commissar Xi: "The credit is not small, but their casualties are also very heavy. I just received a report from the second column that the casualties of the independent regiment have exceeded one-third. There are more than 500 soldiers who were lightly or seriously injured and sacrificed. People, they paid a huge price to complete the task assigned by Ye Si, it was not easy."

Boss Peng: "Yes, our victory was bought with the blood and lives of the soldiers. Tell Wang Huzi of Erzong to find a way to let his independent regiment rest for a while, and don't let them dispatch without major tasks. , Let the soldiers rest more."

Political Commissar Xi: "Boss, you don't need to think about this matter. I've already done it. Even if I didn't talk about it, I guess Wang Huzi would do the same. He is very good at this independent group treasure."

Boss Peng smiled: "That's right, Wang Huzi's temper is like a donkey's head. In his eyes, the soldiers under his hands are all treasures, and no one can touch them. This time, I didn't say that I was too good at commanding, so I got a high fever." It's fragrant, well, send a commendation telegram to their second column, and then inform the whole army."

Boss Peng dictated, and a staff officer took paper and pen and began to record:

The second column, Li Yong's independent regiment, marched for [-] kilometers regardless of fatigue, and blocked the enemy's large army for four days and nights with one regiment. The spirit and bravery set an example for the whole army. In this battle, the heroic Second Column Independent Regiment contributed a lot.

Peng Xi of the Northwest Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

At the headquarters of the second column, Commander Wang grinned and said to the people around him with the telegram: "See, it has to be our second column, and the main force is the main force. The telegram is sent to the independent group. They signed it personally, making them happy too." v! ~!

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