The beacon of youth

Chapter 218 Liberation of Yichuan

Seeing a few Kuomintang soldiers throw away their guns, the two cooks immediately picked them up and held them in their hands. Once they had guns in their hands, they immediately felt confident.

I thought that these Kuomintang soldiers who ran out wanted to resist stubbornly, but they didn't expect to hand over their guns as soon as they were frightened.

The two cooks pointed at Zhang Hanchu and the guards and said to Zhang Hanchu and the guards, "What are you doing? Aren't your eyes intact? Have you seen those iron buckets and the steamed buns inside? Take the pole over there." , Pick up all the steamed buns and follow us, hurry up, don't dawdle."

Still with a gun in his hand, he was confident enough to speak, the tone of the two Eighth Route Army cooks immediately hardened, Zhang Hanchu and the others had nothing to do, there was nothing to say after handing over the guns, now they are prisoners of others, there are still prisoners What conditions can I talk about, besides, I know the gun I just took in my hand very well, but it is all loaded and loaded, it is too dangerous if one of these two eight-way people has a bad temper or the gun goes off.

There is no way, now I can only listen to the orders of the two cooks. Two of the three guards picked up the poles, and one person supported Zhang Hanchu to go to the PLA's garrison, while the two cooks held guns in their hands. Followed with a high spirit, who said that the people in our cooking class can only cook, did you see that the cooks also captured the Kuomintang prisoners, and there were several at a time.

When they arrived at the army station, the two cooks immediately handed over the prisoner to the army security department. Coincidentally, they met their brigade commander when they were handing over the prisoner to the security department personnel.

The two cooks immediately reported to their brigade commander, and said that these prisoners were not simple, and one of them was obviously much older, although he was wearing soldiers' clothes, but he didn't look like a soldier at all. No matter how you look at his thin skin and tender meat, he looks like an official.

The two cooks then reported Zhang Hanchu's tone and performance to their brigade commander, and emphasized that the young Kuomintang soldiers cared about the fat man's thoughts, and they all depended on the guy's face when they did anything. Handing over the gun is up to him.

The brigade commander said with great interest: "Really, listening to what you said, this guy may have some background, you two don't go back, let's go and interrogate these prisoners together to see if there are any other What did you find, if there is something you can't ask, please remind me." [

After a short time, the soldiers brought Zhang Hanchu, who was dressed in soldier clothes, to a temporary room. The brigade commander of the People's Liberation Army who was sitting behind the table was seriously observing the man in front of him, and from time to time he would cook with the two people around him. Members exchange views.

"Tell me, what do you guys do?" asked the brigade commander of the People's Liberation Army.

"Sir, we are all soldiers, so what else can we say? Seeing your army coming, we thought that Yichuan could not hold it anymore, so we ran out while the officials were not paying attention, and then I was captured by two comrades of yours. The two comrades of your army can testify that we followed back without any resistance. We have long understood your army's policy of preferential treatment of prisoners, and admire you very much. policies formulated by the military."

At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, there was one noble soldier at a time, and he didn't even think about how ordinary soldiers could say what he just said. This was obviously the tone of a KMT officer.

While answering this guy, he was still puzzled. The person sitting in the middle opposite him must be a senior officer of the Communist Army. Why did the two cooks of the Communist Army sit with him?It is said that there is no distinction between officers and soldiers in the Communist Army. Is this really the case?

It really made him guess right. It is very common for the brigade commander of the People's Liberation Army and two cooks to sit together to interrogate prisoners. It feels weird.

The officer of the People's Liberation Army on the opposite side is an old Red Army veteran who has experienced many battles. The old Red Army mentioned here is not old, but has been in the army for a long time and has experienced many battles. He is not easy to fool for nothing (the prototype is the three columns General Zhang Kaiji, commander of the Second Independent Brigade, I won’t go into details here)

He didn't have the time and patience to grind his teeth with Zhang Hanchu: "Listen, don't talk nonsense with me, you think our People's Liberation Army are all idiots? Come, bring those three younger ones here too."

When the three guards were brought over, the brigade commander of the People's Liberation Army said to the guards who were brought over: "Give me a good look at this man, and tell me one by one what he does. , Whoever made a mistake, or the last one who answered was pulled out and shot, do you understand?"

When Zhang Hanchu heard the words of the PLA officer, he immediately felt that it was over, it was over. He didn't expect the Communist Army to be so difficult to deal with. If he asked this question, who would dare not tell the truth? There is no way to keep his identity. Thinking of this, Zhang Hanchu He let out a long sigh: "Okay, this officer of the People's Liberation Army, you don't have to embarrass them anymore, I said it myself."

The big brigade commander paused for a moment, took another breath, and then said: "I am Zhang Hanchu, the brigade commander of the 24th Brigade of the National Army."

After Zhang Hanchu finished speaking, the eyes of the interrogators lit up, and the next few people laughed together, and the PLA brigade commander said: "Oh, Lao Zhang, Lao Li, you two are really good, our field army Two columns came, with tens of thousands of troops, but I didn't expect that Brigadier Zhang would fall into the hands of the two of you in the end, this is really God's will, God's will."

The two cooks muttered: "Brigade Commander, you are talking nonsense, what is God's will? This shows that the cooks in our brigade are as good as the soldiers who fought in the front line, and it has nothing to do with God's will."

The brigade commander laughed again: "You two are right. It has nothing to do with God's will. It is the cooks in our brigade who are good. Two shoulder poles can also catch the brigade commander of the Kuomintang major general. This matter is considered a great achievement by the two of you." , As for what the credit is, we have to wait for the brigade party committee to discuss it before deciding.”

In the city of Yichuan, the 24th Brigade Headquarters was noisy and chaotic. The lights on the roof were flickered by the artillery fire. The personnel in the brigade headquartered in groups of two and three groups were biting their ears and talking together. The voice of the discussion was very small, and neither of them knew what they were talking about. [

The phone on the table rang from time to time, but none of the people who were discussing with each other was in the mood to answer the phone, and the phone just rang like that.

At this time, a few officers ran in from the outside like burning their buttocks. After running in, they asked the personnel of the brigade headquarters why they didn't answer the phone?Where is the Brigadier?We have an important briefing.

Several brigade staff looked at the officers who ran in: "You want to find the brigade commander? We also think that the brigade commander will disappear when it gets dark, and we don't know where the brigade commander is now."

The few officers who ran in faced each other, and the brigade commander disappeared as soon as it got dark?How is this going?Is it---------that one?No way, didn't the brigade commander want to defend the city with us during the meeting yesterday, and then take us back to Xi'an to break through? Can he run away so quickly?

One of the several officers said: "Don't panic, look for it again, I don't believe that this big living man can be captured by the Communist army, all of them are dispatched to find the brigade commander, and the mouse hole must be turned over to have a look."

While the Kuomintang soldiers in the city were looking for their brigade commander everywhere, the People's Liberation Army soldiers outside the city shouted with a loudspeaker made of iron: "Listen, officers and soldiers of the Jiang army in the city, your brigade commander Zhang Hanchu sneaked out of the city by himself, and now he is dead. We were captured by our People's Liberation Army and taken as prisoners. Who are you still working for? Hurry up and surrender your guns so that you can fight for leniency."

As soon as the loudspeaker under the city rang, the officers and soldiers of the 24th Brigade in the city panicked at that time. Those who were on the phone called, and those who had no phone to make a call asked each other together: "The People's Liberation Army said that our brigade commander ran away secretly and asked them to arrest him." I don’t know if it’s real or fake?”

A soldier said: "It's not easy to tell the truth, the brigade commander can come out and confirm it."

But no matter what the People's Liberation Army shouted, the big brigade commander just didn't show up, and the soldiers gradually became more and more panicked. What the People's Liberation Army said might be true, why didn't our brigade commander come out?

Just when the Kuomintang soldiers guarding the city were in doubt, the loudspeaker of the People's Liberation Army outside the city rang again: "Have you thought about it? If you think about it, come out and hand in your guns and surrender."

Seeing that the Kuomintang soldiers on the city did not answer, the PLA soldiers outside the city shouted again: "Do you not believe it a bit? It's easy to do if you don't believe it. We will bring your Brigadier Zhang over in a while and let him call for you. A few words should do it."

Not long after, before the Kuomintang soldiers in the city recovered, a familiar voice came from a loudspeaker outside the city: "Brothers, I am Zhang Hanchu. Tens of thousands of People's Liberation Army troops have come from outside the city. The city can't be defended anymore, it's useless for us to work hard, just hand over your guns and surrender, the People's Liberation Army treats prisoners preferentially."

The officers and soldiers of the 24th brigade in the city heard the voice of Han Chu, the chief outside the city, saying everything, and one said: "***, let us work hard, he is good, he found a chance to slip away, if this kid was not caught by the People's Liberation Army Stop, we are still kept in the dark by him."

The other said: "Okay, why are you guarding the police? Even the brigade commander has been arrested, what are we waiting for, open the city gate, and we will surrender too."

Another soldier said: "Slow down, slow down, hang out a white flag first, so as not to be accidentally injured by the Eighth Route Army. It would be too unfair to die at this time."

Not long after, a white flag was hoisted from the top of the city, and a soldier shouted loudly: "Master Balu, we hand over our guns, stop fighting, we will open the city gate immediately."

With the opening of the city gate of Yichuan, more than 3000 defenders put down their weapons, and Yichuan was officially occupied by the Northwest Field Army, and the strategic goals formulated before the battle were basically realized.

A friend asked Laoba to update faster. To be honest, Laoba also wanted to be faster, but soon I felt that the storyline was not very reasonable, and there were obviously many typos. This may be the reason why Laoba is not good. Everyone They all paid for subscriptions. Although the money was not much, it was not caused by the strong wind.

Finally, the old bus would like to say: Do you have any spare tickets?Ha, I said it cheekily. v! ~!

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