The beacon of youth

Chapter 222 The Sudden Visit of Brigadier Liu

The Independence Regiment captured a large number of prisoners during the Yichuan Battle. The final count was more than 500 people, a large group of densely packed people, all of whom were deliberately selected for their young age and good health.

There are more than 7 people in the Liu Kan Corps of the Kuomintang. Although it is said that there were heavy casualties, there were still a small number of people who died. Most of the soldiers were dispersed. Grabbing and scratching, until the end I was timid, why?The reason is simple, if you catch too many, you may not be able to serve them.

No matter how powerful your independent regiment is, it is only a regiment-level unit. Although captives are a good thing, it is not a good thing if there are too many more than you can bear.

Later, only the remaining 2000 people were selected and frugal, and the rest were handed over to the superiors. With the consent of Commander Wang of the column, these prisoners were trained by the independent regiment itself.

The independent regiment suffered huge casualties, and there were many shortages of personnel. There were plenty of weapons in the battalion, but there were few people. Originally, the independent regiment had no shortage of weapons. It has completely changed from the situation when the army was first established. Now there are more weapons and fewer people.

Both Li Yong and Wang Chengde wanted to train this part of the personnel to become soldiers of the People's Liberation Army earlier so as to supplement the troops, but they couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry. People's thinking can change so easily. The captives captured and the local militiamen who have been tested are Incomparable.

Looking at Wang Chengde who was very anxious, Li Yong gave him an idea to go to the [-]th Brigade to learn from political commissar Yu Qiuli and see what valuable experience they have.

In the independent group, everyone knows that sometimes what the group leader Li Yong says has no basis, but it is very accurate, and everyone can't figure out why. Anyway, you just listen to it, and it is basically true.

Political commissar Wang Chengde was the same as the soldiers. Although he couldn't figure out how Li Yong came up with it, he just knew that he should do it. Doing what the regiment leader said would surely bring unexpected gains. [

Fortunately, the troops are all living together at this stage, not too far from each other. The distance between the first vertical and the second vertical is less than ten kilometers. In addition, some of the independent regiments have small jeeps, so it is very convenient to go out on the road.

Wang Chengde took a few soldiers in a car and went there. When he arrived at the [-]th Brigade of Yizong, Wang Chengde was left behind by the enthusiastic political commissar Yu Qiuli and stayed for two full days.

When he came back, Wang Chengde didn't say a word, he first gave Li Yong a thumbs up: "Dayong, you are still the best, and political commissar Yu really has nothing to say about ideological work, that method is one thing after another, I was dumbfounded , I was really inspired, look, I have recorded a lot of these notes, I said Dayong, how do you know Political Commissar Yu so well? When did you know him? Why didn’t I know that you knew Political Commissar Yu? , Commissar Yu doesn’t know you either, so hurry up and tell me, there’s something weird about this.”

When did you meet him?Li Yong thought, that would be a long story. How can I say that this one-armed general will be the first oil minister of new China?Said that he met after 60 years?

One is that they cannot and dare not say it, and the other is that no one will believe it when they say it, and everyone will think that the head of the group is dreaming or drinking too much.

Wang Chengde continued the topic just now and said: "Commander Yu was also surprised to see me looking for him. He asked me how I knew to come to him. I told him that it was our regiment leader. Commissar Yu was very interested and said that there was a chance. To get to know you, the regiment commander who is very famous in the whole field army, and see why your little regiment commander is so powerful."

As soon as Li Yong heard Wang Chengde say that Yu Qiuli's political commissar wanted to find a chance to meet him, Li Yong immediately felt a little overwhelmed, and didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing for him to ask Wang Chengde to go to Yu Qiuli's political commissar to learn from him.

Who is Political Commissar Yu Qiuli?The best of the best, the veterans of the veterans, and those with more thoughts can be put in a basket. This is the senior leader of the army, but it is different from ordinary soldiers.

The soldiers don't understand and won't come to ask you, who is fine and always suspects that there is something wrong in the head of his regiment leader, isn't he looking for someone to clean up?

Occasionally, a mischievous person like Li Jiangguo would ask if he could handle it. Is it not easy for superiors to deal with subordinates?

But what should political commissar Yu Qiuli do?How can we justify ourselves then?It's really a headache. I don't want to think about it. Anyway, I can't figure it out. I'll talk about it at that time. Is there a way for the car to reach the mountain?

At this time, the soldiers were distributing weapons and medicines. Everyone felt that in terms of being able to pull things back, it must be said that Li Jiangguo's first battalion had brought back more than 100 vehicles in a whole logistics regiment, which was a huge waste. The independent group provided very great help.

But the things brought back by the first battalion are handed over to the Communist Party. Unlike Gao Xiang and the others, the captured cannons are kept for their own use. Gao Xiang said with a shy face: "Who made us an artillery battalion? We don't have to return the cannons we got back. Can it be used by your infantry?"

Although everyone wanted to refute, they didn't know what to say. Thinking about it again, forget it, just say what he likes, and if you argue with him, Gao Xiang will be pissed off.

Other battalion commanders and instructors also rushed to get equipment from their own hands. These people knew very well that they had to make more money in normal times, so that they could be effective at critical times, and they didn't worry about fighting. [

But things are not all the same, some battalion commanders and instructors are frowning again, who, the battalion commander Wei Gang of the machine gun battalion and the instructors of their battalion.

The two of them were determined to grab more and grab more when the charge horn sounded from the regiment, grab more, you must grab more, fuck, it's a big loss to get back some good things with such a large number of casualties.

The machine gun battalion has been in use all the time. The soldiers of the whole battalion have wiped out many enemies. They are the most important force when the independent regiment holds its ground, but they are also the key care objects of the Kuomintang attacking troops. The machine guns and artillery are constantly greeting them. Therefore, In this battle, the Machine Gun Battalion, like the Fifth Battalion, suffered heavy casualties.

Although Wei Gang's battalion did not lose more than half of its personnel like the Fifth Battalion, the casualties also exceeded one-third.

Things were different from what the two of them thought. From the beginning of the charge, the two of them brought the whole battalion of soldiers and did nothing else. , led dozens of people from the battalion to mess around.

After a whole night of looting, a lot of heavy machine guns were brought back, including the Maxim and Type [-], but Wei Gang didn’t even have a smile on his face. As the head of the group said, the heavy machine guns will be distributed to several infantry battalions in the future. , their machine gun battalion will use anti-aircraft machine guns as the main weapon, but where is this anti-aircraft machine gun?

Look for it, look for it, go out for tens of miles, only three feet away from digging the ground, and don't see any anti-aircraft machine guns, which makes Wei Gang very depressed. His temper was about to explode, he kicked whatever he saw with his leather shoes, and slashed the captives who came over for questioning one by one with the butt of his gun a few times.

When fighting, I still scolded, why don't you have so many teams of the Communist Party of China equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns?I can't even grab it now, huh?Why are you not equipped?

Wei Gang's gun butt beat the prisoners who had been arrested and questioned tremblingly. I don't know what's wrong with this PLA officer.

The prisoners thought about it, and heard over there that the Eighth Route Army was not allowed to beat prisoners. What happened?There is something wrong with the PLA officer I met today, so be more careful, a few hits are fine, and if one fails to be executed, it will be too wronged.

The soldiers in Wei Gang's battalion looked funny, but no one persuaded him, knowing that the battalion commander was unhappy, and he might be scolded if he tried to persuade him at this time. by your side.

The soldiers of the Independent Regiment all know that Li Yong, the head of the regiment, doesn't care about such things as beating and scolding captives and searching their pockets.

In Li Yong's words, it depends on how you understand it. You say it's wrong to search the pockets of prisoners, but what if he has weapons?How can you know without searching?Isn't that a threat to the personal safety of our soldiers?So, what should be searched has to be searched, and sometimes the benefits brought by body searches are called battlefield seizures.

Soldiers who are familiar with the commander's temper love to be with Li Yong, especially those veterans. They love to be together during the war, and love to be together after the war. Nothing else, no matter what they do with the commander, they are enjoyable. , one word, cool.

When it was dawn, the machine gun battalion that was chasing out had already met the brother troops of the Field Army. Wei Gang then walked back cursing, and kept muttering: "You said that such a big corps of the Kuomintang didn't equip Anti-aircraft machine gun?"

Fortunately, their battalion set off as a unit of platoons. Although they didn't gain much this night, they didn't go out in vain. The soldiers in the other platoons managed to get back two anti-aircraft machine guns, and there were some guns, but they had to fight with the machine gun battalion. The consumption of this battle is too small.

Back in the regiment, Wei Gang and the head of the regiment, Li Yong, spent a lot of time grinding and grinding, meaning that they wanted to not return the heavy machine guns to other infantry battalions, and let them equip them first, and then return them when they had enough weapons. people.

Li Yong didn't like how to take good care of him, so he scolded him back. When Wei Gang was trained from the regiment headquarters, he felt lucky in his heart.

Alas, it's a good thing Li Jiangguo, Zhang Jinsong, and Gao Xiang are not here, otherwise, this little thing about me would be enough for them to publicize for half a month.

In the morning of this day, Li Yong was busy with some messy things, when suddenly a soldier reported that a chief came to see him

Before Li Yong turned his head around, there was a burst of laughter from outside the door, and a hearty and somewhat familiar voice came in. Li Yong raised his eyes and saw, good guy, it was none other than his old man who came. An acquaintance, Brigadier Liu of the Third Vertical and Ninth Brigade who I met when I first debuted.The old bus thanked everyone for their tickets and bowed to everyone. v! ~!

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