The beacon of youth

Chapter 224 Target - Luo Chuan

Boss Peng and Political Commissar Xi, who came out of the door, saw that the column commanders and political commissars who came to the meeting were driving newly seized jeeps and wanted to ask them for one. Are these guys rich?

The leaders of the various columns who came to the meeting didn't care either. They made a lot of money in the Yichuan battle. Now the jeep is not a rare thing in the Northwest Field Army. Most of the commanders above the brigade have got this foreign The gadgets are new and fresh, but they are not equipped with the equipment that is common to soldiers like the Independent Regiment.

At the meeting, Boss Peng pointed to the map on the wall and said to everyone: "Comrades, why did we move to the Northwest? It was to regain our Yan'an. Only by recovering Yan'an can we declare the complete bankruptcy of Chiang Kai-shek's key offensive. Although Yan'an is now isolated but After more than a year of operation by Hu Zongnan, the fortifications are complete, and the terrain is already very dangerous. Only by completely isolating Yan'an."

After Boss Peng finished speaking, there was a buzz in the venue. Where is Yan'an?It is the place where Chairman Mao of the Party Central Committee lives. Who among these people has never eaten millet from Yan'an?Who hasn't drank Yanhe water?The Communists dream of regaining Yan'an, but things are not as simple as imagined.

Everyone was discussing gains and losses with each other. The heads of the various columns who came to the meeting were all people who had experienced wars for a long time and knew the seriousness of the problem.

This is what Boss Peng wants. He wants everyone to participate in the discussion. After all, one person's wisdom is limited, so is it better for everyone to pick up talents?

Another idea is to attack Boss Peng Luochuan. He wants to use the method of encircling the points to attract reinforcements from Hu Zongnan's main force, and use the same method as the attack on Yichuan to dig a large part of the KMT's mobile forces in the northwest. If Hu Zongnan's mobile force is eliminated by another 6 or [-] people, the entire battle situation in northern Shaanxi will be completely in the hands of the People's Liberation Army.

Luochuan is a material supply base re-established by Hu Zongnan after he lost Panlong. It is located above the Xianyu Highway, connected to Yan'an in the north, and connected to Xianyang and Xi'an in the south. Its strategic position is extremely important. Northwest life supply line.

But it’s easier said than done. Not only the Communists but also the Kuomintang army generals know the tactics of besieging spots to fight for aid, but why do they fall into traps so often?This is the use of tactics, knowing that the People's Liberation Army is fishing, you still have to drill. [

After the battle of Yichuan ended, Hu Zongnan, who had learned from the pain, was scolded by his principal Jiang, and almost cut Xiaojiu up. However, considering his usual loyalty, he had been working for the principal since his twenties , followed him for decades, until 51, [-]-year-old Hu Zongnan led the troops to take Yan'an before getting married, and he was given another chance to let Hu Zongnan stay in his current position for inspection.

This prestigious king of the Northwest got married after the Anti-Japanese War. His wife was a military command agent, the leader of the military command, Hu Zongnan's junior, and Dai Li from the sixth phase of Whampoa.

It is said that this military special agent surnamed Ye is very beautiful (Ye Zhaixia). Hu Zongnan once visited this young junior in Dai Li's mansion. When he suddenly saw this woman, he was shocked to heaven. Introduced to Hu Zongnan as a big gift, under Dai Li's deliberate arrangement, the relationship between the two quickly heated up.

Hu Zongnan and Dai Li are life-and-death friends, the relationship between the two has reached the point where there is no distinction between each other, hey, they both share the same woman. They really have friendship. The KMT always slanders the Communist Party as a red beard and a communist wife. Dai Li is the real co-wife.

It’s not that the proud student of President Jiang has no one to give Zhang Luo a partner. In the past, someone introduced Hu Zongnan to a famous celebrity in the Republic of China, the Kong family, Song Meiling’s precious niece, Jiang Jingguo’s cousin, and Kong Xiangxi’s second daughter. The famous Miss Kong Er.

It is said that Miss Kong Er is also very happy, but Hu Zongnan is afraid, he is afraid that this bohemian Miss Kong Er will cuckold him everywhere, and he doesn't dare to take care of it, so he gave up this opportunity to become a dragon and a phoenix, and the marriage will fail It's over.

The life-and-death friendship between Dai Li and Hu Zongnan also indirectly helped a communist. This communist was Hu Zongnan's most trusted confidential secretary, Xiong Xianghui, who was called the red dark sword by the Communist Party.

After Hu Zongnan lost several battles in the Northwest (Qinghuabian, Yangmahe, and Panlong Town), he also doubted whether there was an intelligence problem. The most advanced information is only known to a few limited people, and the scope of the investigation is not large), but in the end Xiong Xianghui was safe under the guarantee of Hu Zongnan.

You must know that the KMT's military command is very powerful, and they are very familiar with the method of investigating spies. Thousands of Communists died at their hands. Without Hu Zongnan's guarantee, Xiong Xianghui's situation is indeed very dangerous.

But Dai Li trusted Hu Zongnan, the big brother, so the investigation of Xiong Xianghui came to an end (in the end, he found a scapegoat and killed him. The person who was killed was really useless).

I don’t know what kind of expression Hu Zongnan, who later ran to Taiwan, knew that his confidential secretary was a member of the Communist Party, and he once tried his best to guarantee it. However, no matter what the expression was, it was too late. At that time, Xiong Xianghui was already a member of the new China. A very good diplomat.

Hu Zongnan never thought that the young officer he trusted so much was a Communist. He had known Xiong Xianghui for more than ten years and was very satisfied with his work ability. I don't feel used to it without him around.

Xiong Xianghui has been with Hu Zongnan for more than ten years. In the years before the Kuomintang attacked Yan'an in March [-], he did his best to serve Hu Zongnan. Otherwise, he would not have been able to gain his trust. It suddenly broke out and achieved great results in one fell swoop.

The top-secret information he continuously provided to Yan'an had a huge impact on China's revolution and the War of Liberation, although few people mentioned this past event later. Chairman Mao said that Xiong Xianghui alone can support several divisions.

According to the Kuomintang, promoting Xiong Xianghui from a young student to a senior military officer with core secrets is a kindness of knowledge. [

Xiong Xianghui's identity was not officially revealed until November [-], after the founding of New China, or it should be called revealing.

On that day, Premier Zhou hosted a banquet for senior officials from the Kuomintang uprising at the Qinzheng Hall in Zhongnanhai. At the banquet last week, Premier Zhou pointed to Xiong Xianghui and said to these former senior Kuomintang generals: "Look, everyone, do you know each other?"

The senior Kuomintang general who came from the uprising said in surprise: "Oh, isn't this Brother Xiong? When did you come from the uprising? Why don't we know anything about it?"

Premier Zhou laughed loudly: "You are all wrong. He is not an uprising, he is returning to the army. Regardless of his young age, he is an old Communist who joined the party in [-]. We sent him to Hu Zongnan. Yes, our Chairman Mao knew about the battle plan drawn up by Chiang Kai-shek and Hu Zongnan before his army and division commanders knew about it.”

The generals of the Kuomintang who came over from the uprising were secretly surprised, astonished by the long-term plans and plans of the communists. After more than ten years of being cold-hearted, Xiong Xianghui was not appointed until Hu Zongnan attacked Yan'an. cold sweat.

Xiong Xianghui is a confidential intelligence officer directly commanded by Premier Zhou. He had just experienced a risk before Hu Zongnan attacked Yan'an.

Premier Zhou, who was in charge of peace negotiations with the Kuomintang, left one of his notebooks on the plane when he took the special plane of Marshall, the mediator of the US peace talks, to Nanjing. This notebook had Xiong Xianghui's address on it, and there was a word "Xiong" next to it.

Marshall's adjutant quickly sent the notebook back in accordance with the requirements of the confidentiality manual, but the Prime Minister could not confirm whether the contents inside had been leaked.

The prime minister immediately notified Xiong Xianghui of this situation, and took several emergency measures to protect his safety, but after more than ten days of observation, he did not find any sign of Hu Zongnan's suspicion of him, so he was allowed to continue in Hu Zongnan's house. lurking around.

After the death of Liu Kan and Yan Ming, Hu Zongnan pieced together the strength of six divisions, reorganized a mobile force, and transferred the veteran general Pei Changhui to be the commander-in-chief to implement mobile and key defenses in the vast northwest region.

This is the tragedy of the Hu Zongnan Group of the Kuomintang. It is unimaginable that a large strategic group with tens of thousands of people was forced to such a degree by a very weak Communist Party army with only more than 10 people.

Boss Peng at the venue was a little excited, and pointed to a few points on the map with a small wooden stick: "Comrades, take a look, how big is this territory? But Hu Zongnan only guards a few larger key cities, and Huangling, Yijun, Baishui, Heyang, Chengcheng, Shibao and other large tracts of land are guarded by only a few security regiments and security police teams, which gives us ample opportunity. My opinion is to attack Luochuan first If you attack the enemy, you must save him, mobilize the Pei Changhui corps to help, and then eat him with a camera, what do you think? Tell us what you think, and we will study it carefully."

After Boss Peng finished speaking and waiting for everyone to express their opinions, a commander stood up and said: "Boss Peng, our idea is good, but the enemy may not be fooled. I know Pei Changhui. He is a veteran Kuomintang general from Baoding Military Academy. Graduates have a bit of strategy, and it's not easy for him to be fooled."

Thank you book friend "The rookie who is still struggling". Your opinion is very pertinent. Military reform is a new thing. How to maximize the combat effectiveness of an army is a topic that is being studied in various aspects. Do you guess what it is? Will deviate from the original thinking, the old bus will say, no, as for how to develop in the future, forgive the old bus for being a little tricky for the time being, I can’t say it yet, thank you everyone, these chapters are a bit dull, but the old bus is also a human being, always Stiff, I really can't bear it, do you have to have climaxes and dullness when reading novels, bow. v! ~!

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