The beacon of youth

Chapter 227 Fighting Luochuan

After the meeting of the second column, the independent regiment entered intense pre-war preparations, and Li Yong let the slightly wounded who had almost recovered to return to the team as soon as possible.

As a result, the total number of independent regiments exceeded 3000 again, and their combat effectiveness improved somewhat, and Li Yong's heart became a little more stable.

Then Li Yong did another thing that people don't quite understand. He asked Li Yuming and Lao Sun from the supply camp to get thin steel plates everywhere.

The soldiers asked us what we wanted this thing for, but Li Yong didn't explain it, but just told Lao Sun and Li Yuming to get it, as much as we could get back, no matter whether it was to grab or buy.

Although the two of them didn't understand very well, the orders of the group leader Li Yong must be strictly followed. The people in the independent group are also used to these things. Sometimes the group leader asks people to do things that are difficult to understand, but they are definitely useful , you just do it.

The last time I went to the [-]th Brigade in the first column, I learned how to educate new soldiers. Up to now, no one knows how the head of the regiment knew the political commissar Yu Qiuli. Wang Chengde also asked about this. Knowing each other is just hearing about it, and Wang Chengde can only be skeptical.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and I don't know what method Sun Quanhou and Li Yuming used. Anyway, they got back some thin steel plates that were more than ten centimeters thick. Things like the era are very scarce resources, and you may not be able to sell them even if you have money.

Li Yong didn't ask how the two of them got it back. Li Datuan's point of view is that I, the regiment leader, gave the order, and how to complete it is up to you. It's up to you to worry about everything, so don't exhaust me. , Is the head of the regiment still looking for Hu Xiaolian to stay for a while if he has time?

Recently, He Cuihua is still the same as before, busy feet do not touch the ground, the Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huhu was seriously injured, and the instructor was also injured, so most of the work was on her alone, but Hu Xiaolian was much better. The soldiers with some injuries are basically healed, and her health team is much more relaxed than before. [

Hu Xiaolian is so smart, seeing Li Yong's eagerness, of course she understands what Li Yong is thinking, in fact, Hu Xiaolian also wants to be with her man very much, she is a very healthy young woman, she likes it as much as Li Yong .

Is it just a woman? Be a bit reserved, or maybe it’s because of the environment and conditions that you can’t be too intimate with Li Yong. Dayong is a very capable guy, and every time he makes her look in a trance, I don’t know what’s going on , but I quite like this feeling.

Sometimes Hu Xiaolian wondered, where did this villain know such things, and how could he use such tricks?

During this period, the entire second column was also under the leadership of Li Yong to carry out combat preparations. The commanders at all levels are all human beings. , less bloodshed in wartime, this simple truth is understood.

The attack of the field army also began after more than ten days of preparation. Boss Peng still used the usual method, using three or six columns to besiege the city, and using the first, second, and fourth columns, as well as the team directly under the field division, to defend Pei Changhui's corps. Stretching a big bag, all the troops of the entire field army acted urgently again after the Yichuan Battle.

Luochuan is located at the junction of northern Shaanxi and Guanzhong, with an altitude of more than 1000 meters. The plateau blends with the distant sky, which looks very vast, and the surface is cracked like ravines.

When our army attacked Luochuan, the deep and vertical ravines were the biggest obstacle. The movement of the troops and the launch of the attack were all affected, and the physical exertion of the soldiers was also very high.

Some troops passed through several big ditches in a row, and the soldiers were so exhausted that the commander had to let the soldiers rest for a while before launching an attack, otherwise they would not be able to run Now, how do you charge and send explosives up.

Hu Zongnan was guarding Luochuan with his famous ruthless man. Yang Yinhuan, commander of No. 60 Brigade, was reorganized. This 61st Brigade has four regiments. It is a strengthened brigade. Kilometers away, a large number of extremely strong field fortifications were built using these natural ravines.

After the Northwest Field Army surrounded Luochuan with all five of its main columns, the Kuomintang officers and soldiers in the city panicked and felt that it was over. The large troops of the Eighth Route Army had come, and we were not dead. Only the brigade commander Yang Yinhuan He didn't care, and gritted his teeth to prepare the army for war.

In Yang Yinhuan's words, isn't your People's Liberation Army very powerful?Don't you Eighth Route Army know how to fight?Then you can nibble bit by bit, and see when you can nibble to my Luochuan city, I will go all out.

This guy also established a four-level supervisory system in the army, brigade, regiment, battalion, company, and the supervisory team at the upper level can mercilessly shoot and kill the lower level without asking for instructions.

He placed a heavy machine gun on the front gate of the city, and told the officers and soldiers that this is my position, without my order, anyone who dares to take a step back will be killed.

Sure enough, under the threat and intimidation of this guy, the Kuomintang soldiers of the 61st Brigade confronted our army crazily. fighting.

In order to deal with the enemy's large number of field fortifications, the soldiers gave full play to the role of explosives, blowing up bunkers one after another, fighting for one trench after another. [

Due to the constraints of the terrain, the men and horses in the third and sixth columns could not penetrate or turn around, so they could only attack from the front.

The front is not conducive to the display of military strength and firepower. The most taboo to attack a solidly defended position is to attack from the front.

The Northwest Field Army seized a large amount of weapons and medicines in the battles of Yulin and Yichuan. The era when each soldier had only a few bullets has long passed.

However, although the equipment of the troops has been improved, and the artillery fire is several times stronger than before, the terrain that the 61st Brigade is defending is very good, and the artillery fire of the field army does not pose much threat to the defending enemy.

After the artillery fire was prepared, the commandos of the vanguard brigade in the third and sixth columns began to charge. To deal with the concealed and low firepower points, direct artillery fire should be the best choice, but this is precisely the shortcoming of the army. Some are curved howitzers.

The soldiers of the commando were continuously knocked down by the fierce firepower, and the soldiers behind jumped over the corpses of their comrades and continued to pick up the explosive packs and rush up.

In this way, bit by bit, the vanguard brigades of the two columns fought for a whole day. Although they made some progress, the troops suffered heavy casualties.

Some firepower points used several blasting teams to solve the problem. The corpses of soldiers who died halfway were everywhere. Some of the enemy's fortifications and strongholds were taken down, but the price was too high.

The greater the casualties, the more anxious the troops were. Some grassroots commanders and soldiers rushed upward regardless of their bodies, but the more they did this, the greater the casualties.

Xu Guangda, the commander of the third column, and Luo Yuanfa, the commander of the sixth column, were both veteran commanders of the Red Army who had experienced many battles. Seeing this situation, they immediately called a halt to the fighting, reorganized the combat deployment, and continued the attack.

But the progress of the battle was still not much, and the two columns attacked for a whole day the next day. It was still a not-so-bad stalemate. The troops paid the price but had no effect.

At this time, Ye Si's phone call came, and Commander Xu Guangda who picked up the phone heard an angry voice coming from the microphone:

"What's going on? The troops have been attacking for two days, why hasn't there been any progress? Xu Guangda and Luo Yuanfa, are you two okay? If you can't, you can talk as soon as possible and pull them off for training so that I can go to another army."

The two commanders dared to say no, and they both said that they must continue to fight and beat the enemy so badly that Hu Zongnan sent Pei Changhui to support him.

Another two days passed, the third and sixth columns continued to intensify their attacks, and the number of troops invested gradually increased. The enemy's frontier positions showed some signs of loosening.

Seeing the Northwest Field Army soldiers approaching, some Kuomintang soldiers panicked, put down the weapons in their hands, turned around and ran back.

At this time, Yang Yinhuan, the brigade commander of the 61st Brigade, showed a fierce side. This guy pointed the heavy machine gun on the city gate at the soldiers who ran back, regardless of whether you were an officer or a soldier, he pulled the trigger It's just shooting.

The soldiers who ran back immediately were knocked down in pieces. This guy fired with a machine gun and cursed: "***, I let you run, I let you run, come back and kill one, run back and kill two One, run back and kill a few, see if you still run away."

At the meeting of the 61st Brigade of the Kuomintang in Luochuan City, Yang Yinhuan pulled his neck and yelled at his subordinates: "Listen to me, Luochuan is not Yichuan, and I am not Zhang Hanchu. If any of you are afraid of death and shrink back, I will kill you now."

Not to mention, Yang Yinhuan's viciousness really worked. The officers and soldiers of the 61st Brigade of the Kuomintang were shocked by this guy. Since they would be beaten to death by the brigade commander when they ran back, they should not run away at all. Let's fight.

The 61st Brigade of the Kuomintang once again showed its stubbornness. All the officers and soldiers of the brigade went to the front line, including the brigade commander.

To a certain extent, Yang Yinhuan who guards Luochuan is the same as Li Kungang who guarded Panlong in the past. They are both very capable fighters in the Kuomintang army, and they are indeed ruthless.

A whole week passed, not only did Luo Chuan fail to take it down, but even the other three columns that were planned to earn money for the Pei Changhui Corps also waited in vain for a week. I hope that the large army of the Kuomintang will come as soon as possible, but there is not even a trace of the large army that is waiting. e! ~!

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