The beacon of youth

Chapter 231 The Curious Commander Wang

Chapter 231 The Curious Commander Wang

In the following time, Wang Chengde continued to train his recruits as usual, but with Wang Chengde's support, Li Yong spent all his time in Sanniu's repair company, refitting the cars with the soldiers, sometimes at night Living there, the daily management of the army is handed over to Chief of Staff Fang Xinlai.

Gradually Li Yong's actions attracted more people to watch, and even Hu Xiaolian came over once. Hu Xiaolian wondered, what has Dayong been doing these days?Why don't you go to the health team to see yourself?

This woman's heart is really a needle in the sea. Since the battle of Yichuan, the column has always used the independent regiment as a reserve team. Basically, it has not given any specific tasks. It is said that it is a reserve team. The main force of the column has no battles to fight, so what's the point of having a reserve team.

During this period, Li Yongxian felt uncomfortable, and whenever he had time, he went to join Hu Xiaolian's health team. At first, Hu Xiaolian was a little embarrassed, but she gradually got used to it.

Dayong is just too annoying. As long as there are only two people present, his hands will not be broken. When he was still on his chest, he was seen by the soldiers who came in to report.

But this is because she thinks too much. Seeing the head of the team coming, the people in the health team looked at each other tacitly, and then slipped away quietly with grinning teeth. Who would ask the team leader to report to work? Go report at this time Isn't it short-sighted? Looking for love?

The team members who hid out were still talking to each other: Hurry up, don’t be a light bulb for others, it’s hard to deal with the two leaders, the captain is a woman, maybe he’s too embarrassed to teach you, but once the team leader gets angry, he might be able to do something. What's the matter, maybe he will be locked up for a day?Our regiment leader is different from the old Eighth Route Army. He has no sense of discipline. Hearing from the wounded old soldiers, the regiment leader is notoriously ruthless to the enemy, even though he is friendly with his own people. .

The soldiers of the health team went out very knowledgeably. Li Yong enjoyed this feeling very much. He did not let go after capturing Hu Xiaolian. Holding this former little daughter-in-law in my arms and rubbing it hard feels great, her big eyes are watery, who stipulates that our Eighth Route Army is not allowed to have women, our Eighth Route Army is also human, Confucius said: Since you are not a fairy, you will inevitably have distracting thoughts .

But no matter what Li Yong said and what he thought, now he just came to Hu Xiaolian to relax, and he didn't dare to do other things blatantly.

The male soldiers are fine, they came earlier, knowing about the commander and their own captain, those female soldiers who were captured in the Yulin Battle felt a little different, hum, no wonder we asked how old the regiment leader was Well, the team leader didn't want to have a wife, and he trained us angrily and exhausted us to death. It turned out that the problem was here, and he had already gotten along with the team leader.

There were also female soldiers who were more courageous and half-jokingly said to each other: "So what, the captain and the head of the regiment are so good, as long as we are not official wives, we also have hope. In the PLA, we allow ourselves to have sex. Maybe the head of the regiment will Perhaps you have taken a fancy to yourself?"

A girl in her 20s is in Huaichun, so it is normal to have a good impression of Li Yong, a young, handsome, and good-tempered leader.

Acting Fifth Battalion Commander He Cuihua has been very busy these days. Although she didn't go to Sanniu's repair company to see Li Yong, she would quietly ask Hu Xiaolian when she was sleeping at night, what has Li Yong been doing lately?

Hu Xiaolian told her with a bit of sourness that Dayong had a lot of stuff in his stomach, who knew what he was going to do, even Lao Li couldn't understand it, let alone us, I asked him and didn't say anything.

"Sister Xiaolian asked him, can he not tell? Don't lie to me, I know that he likes to sneak into your health team when he has nothing to do. Do you two have any secrets?

He Cuihua is a very cheerful girl, but she is also a woman after all. If a woman is a woman, she likes to guess wildly, and this girl is no exception. Hu Xiaolian didn't say anything, just twisted her waist and rolled over to sleep. "

Hu Xiaolian, Li Jia and He Cuihua lived together all the time. Li Jia just lay there and listened to the two women talking, while she was thinking quietly. As for what she was thinking, no one knew.

More than ten days passed in a row, and more and more cars were produced by Li Yong and San Niu. At first, one car was produced a day, and the more dry it became, the more familiar it became, and then two cars a day, until When more than 40 cars were modified, there was a problem.

Some of the thin steel plates that Sun Quanhou and the others brought back from their camp in the first few days were all used up. Seeing the rows of cars full of cars, Li Yong also felt a sense of accomplishment. Although our things are not tanks and armored vehicles, there are As the saying goes, what is useful is good. These cars are such weapons. Regardless of their appearance, they can still play a big role.

On this day, in the column headquarters, Commander Wang was talking about the mountains with the soldiers. He had never fought so that Commander Wang had nothing to do all day long. Sometimes the commander would say: Tell me, this Pei Changhui Ah, we've spent so much effort and still can't attract him, isn't this guy less courageous than a sparrow?You all talk.

Some soldiers in the headquarters said: "Commander, it's not that you are less courageous than a sparrow. Pei Changhui is afraid of being beaten by us and dare not come. He is a treacherous and cunning thing."

While Commander Wang was talking nonsense with the soldiers, a soldier said: "Commander, don't look at the enemy's body and movement, but the movement of our own people is not small."

Commander Wang hurriedly asked, don't play charades with me, boy, tell me what's going on.

The soldier replied that the other troops in our column went to set up positions every day, and only the independent regiment was free. For a while, Captain Li was leading people to tinker with cars, and I heard that they made a lot of strange things.

Hearing what the soldiers said, Commander Wang's curiosity was also aroused. He took a few people and went to the Independence Regiment's base. He had to go and have a look. Li Yong hasn't come to report to me for a long time. It's work, does this guy really have any big things to do?

It didn't take long for Commander Wang and several guards to arrive near the station of the Independent Regiment. As soon as they asked about the soldiers in the regiment, they walked towards the Sanniu Repair Company. When they arrived at the place, Commander Wang stopped For the soldier who wanted to report, he walked over silently.

At this time, Li Yong was poking his buttocks and drilling under the modified car. He wanted to see how much the modified car chassis and transmission system would be affected.

Just when Li Yong was about to get in, he suddenly felt his ass was kicked, what a guy, who is this?Dare to touch the leader's ass on the ground of the independent regiment, isn't it a bit too courageous?

When Li Yong got out from under the car, he immediately saw the smiling commander. Li Yong quickly raised his hand to salute: "Report to Comrade Commander, Li Yong, the head of the independent regiment, is repairing the car. Please give me instructions."

Commander Wang ignored Li Yong's salute and non-salute, and walked over to see the refitted cars, kicking them as he walked, "Dayong, what's the use of these things? Tell me immediately if you have any ideas, no ambush is allowed." .”

Telling Commander Wang about certain things is exactly what Li Yong thinks in his heart. Sometimes a regiment commander like Li Yong dare not say anything after knowing it, which is easy to attract suspicion, but Commander Wang is fine. The weight of the same thing coming out of his mouth is different.

Commander Wang took the initiative to ask and gave Li Yong a chance to speak: "Commander, I think so. Our field army has not fought for so long, which means that the enemy has clearly seen our campaign plan. If we continue to wait like this It’s not a solution either, the head of the wild division may have other strategic actions, and what we have to face now is a very urgent problem. The entire army has 10,000+ people, and the consumption is very high.

Although we won the Yichuan battle, most of the captured weapons and ammunition were not much food, so I guess the next step of the field army's action will be to really develop the replenishment of the troops. Hu Zongnan's supply base in our Northwest is in addition to Luochuan, Baoji is the easiest place for us to get started. This Baoji is an important material distribution center for the Longhai Railway. The materials in the city are piled up like a mountain. As long as Baoji is captured, it will not only solve the supply problem of the troops, but also mobilize the deployment of the enemy on the entire battlefield , It is easy to create a good opportunity for our army to wipe out the enemy in motion, and turn the attack into a field battle, which can maximize the advantages of our army. "

Li Yong said such a big thing, Commander Wang didn't say anything, just listened quietly, but the commander's heart was not calm: "Oh, this Li Yong, the head is too scary, Ye Si and Mr. Peng Did he guess what he thought about it?"

Seeing that Li Yong stopped talking, Commander Wang immediately encouraged him: "Say it, and keep talking. If there is anything in your stomach that you haven't said, pour it out."

Li Yong said a lot, but actually laid the foundation for the following few sentences, which are really the most important:

"Commander, there are not many enemies in Baoji, and the city's fortifications are not very strong. The ability of the defending general Xu Bao cannot be compared with that of Luochuan's Yang Yinhuan. It may not be very difficult for our army to conquer Baoji, but Baoji also has us. A place that is easy to overlook.

Baoji is closer to Ma Bufang, the Kuomintang warlord in Qinghai. Although the Kuomintang Central Army has conflicts with local miscellaneous brands, they have the same major political stance. We can join forces in critical times, especially when we are pressed for time. .

Therefore, I think our field army’s attack on Baoji may be flanked by the Kuomintang’s central army and local army. The Qinghai warlord Ma Bufang’s army is mostly cavalry, with strong maneuverability and combat effectiveness. The nemesis of the cavalry is armored tank soldiers. I don’t know if our column has any tanks. Anyway, our second column doesn’t have one, and our independent regiment can’t do anything about it. Who told us that we don’t have tanks, so we modified the car into such a strange appearance. no problem. "

The old bus has been very unstable recently, and there have been changes in work, whether it is good or bad, I can't tell, and I feel a little restless.In addition, there is a grade test, and there is no exact time. The update is not likely to be affected, but will definitely be affected. I am depressed.


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