The beacon of youth

Chapter 234 Searching for the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 234 Searching for the Battle of Xifu

Let me correct a mistake first. The warlord Sun Dianying was not shot by Chairman Jiang. The old bus had a mistake in his memory. After being reminded by the book friend "On the Dongting", he checked the information and found that Sun Dianying died of illness after being captured by the People's Liberation Army. , the cause of death was the sequelae left by long-term opium smoking called "smoke dysentery." The old man apologized to everyone.

Regardless of what the soldiers in the fourth column were talking about, Li Yong, who was sitting in the jeep, was not in the same good mood as the soldiers.Calculate how to fight the next battle.

The Battle of Rongdong in Xifu, also known as the Battle of the Jingwei River Valley, was called the Great Victory of the Jingwei River Valley by the Kuomintang. Although the Northwest Field Army took Baoji in history, it was lost because of the enemy's quick reinforcements. had to be destroyed.

In the battle, he suffered a great loss because he was not familiar with the enemy's cavalry. The troops were surrounded by the enemy several times.

Unlike other field armies, if it is placed on Shino, it is very common to lose more than 5000 people in a battle. In a big battle, can there be no casualties?But for the Northwest Field Army, which had insufficient personnel and troops, 5000 people was a big loss, and it was also a loss that the Northwest Field Army at that time could hardly bear.

The battle of Xifu Rongdong and the two battles of attacking Yulin were one of the famous defeats in the military history of the People's Liberation Army. Not only did they fail to achieve their strategic intentions, but suffered heavy losses.

However, there is an essential difference between the defeat of the PLA and the defeat of the Kuomintang. The so-called defeat of the PLA is not the complete annihilation of the troops like the Kuomintang, but the failure to achieve its own strategic goal and the loss of the troops. The decisiveness and the bravery and tenacity of the soldiers saved the troops from danger. The defeat of the People's Liberation Army means that they paid the price but failed to achieve their goals.

Because of his arrival in history, the Northwest Field Army has undergone a small change, and because of this, the attack on Yulin has been successful. The army has an additional city to rely on, and the second column has an additional independent regiment that is very capable of fighting. , the wings of a small butterfly also played a role, can there be a miracle this time?

Li Yong, who couldn't stop thinking about things in his head, suddenly saw that his soldiers were still standing on the car with their chests upright, and each of them was posing in a cool pose that he thought was cool.

Seeing the appearance of the soldiers, Li Yong was a little amused. The independent regiment had already passed by the main force, and now it was just a regiment marching alone, not in a military parade. What are you doing so neatly?

Anyone who has served in the army knows that it is very tiring to stand still in the military posture, and those who are not physically fit after a long time may faint from exhaustion.

"Everyone is there, sit down, that's enough, the commander and comrades in the brother army can't see it anymore, let's stop pretending, don't show off, sit down and rest."

When Li Yong shouted, the soldiers remembered, yes, why are they posing after they have passed in front of the ranks of Chang He brothers?It's not bad that the leader said, it's a bit pretentious.

Hearing Li Yong's shout, the soldiers all smiled and sat in the car with their guns in their hands, and joked with each other: "Our leader is right, sitting is better than standing."

There are also rebuttals: "What do you call it? It's better to say that lying down is better than sitting."

Compared with other troops, the soldiers of the Independence Regiment are indeed enjoying the blessings. It is too difficult to walk and march for a long distance. Perseverance will support it, so the independent regiment marching in cars is particularly enviable. This is why Commander Wang wants to equip the entire column with cars.

The independent regiment that opened the way for the whole army placed a reconnaissance platoon on the left, right and front of the advancing direction, and searched and advanced about five kilometers away from the main force of the regiment.

Although the Yichuan Campaign Independent Regiment suffered a lot, it gained a lot. Not only weapons and ammunition, but also a large number of communication equipment that the troops were most in short supply.

After the leader Li Yong's words and deeds, every soldier in the independent regiment has long known that this guy is a good thing. In the common people's words, he is called Shunfeng Er. If such a precious thing can be snatched, it must be snatched back.

Now every platoon-level unit of the independent regiment can basically be equipped with a wireless communication walkie-talkie, which has also brought huge changes to the command of commanders at all levels, like the mistakes made by the Fifth Battalion in the battle at the fork. It can also be avoided. Now that the situation is not right, the commanders behind can call back the attacking troops at any time.

After actual testing, based on the local terrain conditions, the communication quality of the walkie-talkie is good within five kilometers, and it is not very easy to use after five kilometers. Therefore, Li Yong’s requirements for the several platoons extended by the reconnaissance battalion are the first. Don't be too fond of fighting if you go more than five kilometers away, and report the situation in time.

The platoon at the front of the regiment is also the sharp knife for the entire column to advance. According to the old rules of the independent regiment, it is the most effective reconnaissance platoon in the reconnaissance battalion. The platoon leader is of course the clever Erzi Ning.

At this time, the reconnaissance battalion has already changed its guns. Most of the soldiers in the battalion are double guys with submachine guns and shell guns. Equipped with a certain number of heavy machine guns and mortars, of course, the number is less than other infantry battalions.

This allowed the firepower of the reconnaissance battalion to improve by leaps and bounds. Battalion commander Zhang Jinsong often showed off to other brothers for this.

Li Yong's approval to equip the reconnaissance battalion with a certain number of heavy machine guns and mortars was not because Zhang Jinsong's mushrooms could not stand for a while. Gave them battalion.

Now the entire battalion of the reconnaissance battalion is basically marching in jeeps. Only the battalion's supply platoon has large trucks, and the combat platoon is all American-style jeeps.

This brings conditions for the improvement of equipment. With a jeep that is very flexible and has strong off-road capabilities, larger weapons can be equipped in place. There is no way to carry a heavy machine gun.

Ning Erzi's platoon was equipped with a total of seven mid-size jeeps with the tarpaulins lifted, and there were five people in each vehicle. There were 35 people in the whole platoon including the platoon leader Ning Erzi.

Ning Erzi's platoon originally consisted of more than 50 people. During the Battle of Chakou, their reconnaissance battalion got into the belly of the enemy's large corps to move around. There were more than 20 casualties. For this, Erzi Ning was so distressed that he quietly shed tears by himself.

Battalion Commander Zhang Jinsong also knew that Erzi Ning was suffering, but this guy didn't shed tears like the second son. This old Balu had seen more cruel scenes than this. I don't know how many times.

However, Erzi Ning's tears were not in vain. Battalion Commander Zhang Jinsong specially gave them three heavy machine guns this time in order to supplement the lack of firepower caused by the lack of personnel.

This guy made the second son of Ning smile. Maxim, who was clean and clear, gave them three platoons. This firepower configuration made him very confident. Give him a volley, and I don't believe it can't be killed.

The seven jeeps in the reconnaissance row are divided into groups of three and search forward in a front triangle. The distance between each vehicle is about 20 meters, and the distance between the two groups of vehicles is strictly controlled at about 60 meters. In the middle of these two groups of cars.

This position and distance are conducive to marching and fighting. The soldiers on the first three vehicles are all submachine guns, and on the last three vehicles, each vehicle is equipped with a Maxim heavy machine gun.

The soldier carrying the walkie-talkie and the platoon leader Ning Erzi sat in the middle car. Ning Erzi, who was not yet 20 years old, had a binoculars hanging on his chest, and he raised the binoculars from time to time to look around.

A soldier familiar with the local area reminded: "Platoon leader, this place is not too far from Fufeng County, should we move forward so quickly?"

Ning Erzi: How far is it?The soldier replied: "There are still about [-] kilometers left. If you go further, you should be able to meet the search team from the enemy's county."

"Listen to my order, slow down the car, pay attention to search and move forward, and expand the range around." Ning Erzi's reconnaissance platoon used the excellent off-road function of the jeep to continuously expand the reconnaissance range around, marking all kinds of terrain and features within sight. In the book prepared in advance.

This kind of plotting skills of scouts was also learned by Ning Erzi in the class where Li Yong, the leader of the regiment, taught everyone. Ning Erzi, who has never read a book, not only knew a lot of characters in the independent regiment for more than a year, but also learned a few words. Scout Profession.

About two to ten minutes later, a soldier shouted: "Platoon leader, what do you see over there? Erzi Ning looked up in the direction of the soldier's finger, and saw a group of black spots swaying in the distance."

Ning Erzi raised the binoculars in his hand and took a closer look to understand. It really made the soldier just right. The figure swaying in the distance is a group of Kuomintang soldiers. They probably came out of Fufeng County. There are not many people there. , it seems that it is also a scale of about a row.

Erzi Ning immediately used his walkie-talkie to notify his battalion commander that he found an enemy skirmisher platoon, probably a search force from Fufeng County, and asked our department for instructions.

After the report, Erzi Ning asked his battalion commander if he would let them sort it out. It would be better to deal with this group of enemies. It is estimated that they have seen Erzi Ning and the others by now.

Zhang Jinsong immediately used the walkie-talkie to report the situation of the second son Ning to Li Yong, the head of the group. Due to the limitation of the talking distance of the walkie-talkie, the second son Ning had no way to report the situation directly to Li Yong, the head of the group. Zhang Jinsong could only answer. While reporting the situation, Zhang Jinsong also asked Li Yong for instructions that Erzi Ning and the others wanted to fight, and it was best to kill the enemy's search force.

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