The beacon of youth

Chapter 236: Fufeng County in the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 236: Fufeng County at the Battle of Xifu

The soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon managed to find a survivor from the pile of dead people, but this guy's legs were so weak that he couldn't even stand up, as if he had no bones on his body.

The second son Ning knew that this guy was frightened, but it was okay. He knew that calling Lord Balu to spare his life meant that the kid was still talking and his brain was not bad, so he hurriedly told a few soldiers to get this guy in the car and see if he could Stand up as long as your mouth still works.

A few soldiers went up and stretched their shoulders and dragged their legs like a dead dog, and threw the soldier onto a jeep. Seeing him in a mess, one soldier couldn't help telling him, don't be afraid, as long as you speak well , Tell our chief everything you can know, and you will definitely not die.

After listening to the soldiers' explanations, the captured guy finally got better, and kept saying, "Master Eighth Route, Master Eighth Route, I say, I can say anything, I will say it now."

The soldiers were annoyed and told him a little funnyly that it is useless for you to tell us now, and it will be fine after seeing our chief and explaining everything you know.

A jeep pulled the captured soldier back quickly, while the rest of the people and vehicles stayed put, waiting for orders from their superiors.

Zhang Jinsong told Ning Erzi on the walkie-talkie that the search area can be expanded, but it can't go any further. Being too close to the enemy's county will easily expose our army's goals and intentions.

The march of the independent regiment that left the main force was still led by the reconnaissance battalion, followed by the first, second, and third battalions, the regiment headquarters, the supply battalion, the heavy machine gun battalion, and the artillery battalion, and then the fourth battalion, and the fifth battalion. The rules are at the end, but the leader of the team is not Wang Huhu who is lying in the hospital, but He Cuihua, the acting battalion commander.

Hearing that Ning Erzi and the others had caught a living one, the head of the regiment, Li Yong, ordered the troops to stop advancing, and then led Li Yuming and several guard soldiers, quickly passed by the brigade and arrived at the headquarters of the reconnaissance battalion.

The so-called battalion headquarters is a space surrounded by several cars, with a few stones and stools placed in the middle for people to sit down, and a map outside.

When he arrived at the battalion, Zhang Jinsong told Li Yong that the captured boy was frightened by the second son Ning, and his legs were still shaking. Please be gentle during the interrogation, and don't be frightened.

Li Yong was amused, and couldn't help asking: "Is it that serious? Anyway, he was a soldier, so that's not the case."

Zhang Jinsong said in a loud voice: "Commander, don't you believe it. The Kuomintang search team that came out of Fufeng is a local armed force. They have never seen anything in the world, and they have never fought any battles. When Ning Erzi and the others lined up at the fork, they suffered a lot of casualties. , in order to supplement their firepower, I gave them three heavy machine guns that you gave to our battalion. I heard from a few soldiers who came back that they drove straight up and fired a heavy machine gun. The search team was killed, and the enemy's corpse was beaten to pieces by Ma Keqin. The guy who was captured was not killed because he was crushed on several dead people. When he was caught, he couldn't speak. It was the second son who gave him a few big mouths to slow down."

Li Yong: "Okay, I get it, okay, the interrogation has to be softer, and I, the commander of the People's Liberation Army, have to coax him, what is this called?"

Zhang Jinsong muttered: "Leader, I've told you everything, just don't blame me when the time comes, you can try whatever you like, I'll watch the fun."

When the captured soldier of the security regiment was brought over, the soldiers told him in a low voice, this is our regiment leader, you will be fine if you tell everything you know, our regiment leader is very kind.

This is also why the soldiers deliberately gave this kid a peace of mind. No one knows Li Yong's temper. If you are honest, you can do anything. If you still pretend to be tough, he doesn't even bother to ask you, just drag it out, our team The chief is different from the political commissar, so it doesn't matter whether you are a prisoner or not, but you can't tell this kid, otherwise you won't have to pee your pants.

The soldier came in and took a look. Is the commander of the Eighth Route Army a young man? Looks like he is only in his 20s?Such a small Balu can also be the team leader?Well, like us, there must be hard people on top.

Li Yong asked the soldier to light a cigarette for this guy, and told him, don’t worry, although the Eighth Route Army fought fiercely, you are captured if you are caught. You should also know the Eighth Route Army’s captive policy. The family will pay the travel expenses, don't be afraid, it's all right.

Hearing the explanation from Li Yong, the head of the Eighth Route Army, the captured soldier of the security regiment calmed down a little at this moment, took two deep puffs of the cigarette in his hand, nodded and bowed and said, "Report sir, if you know something, you must say it. you ask."

Li Yong slowed down his tone as much as possible: "Name, troop number, and the garrison situation of the troop, the setting of defensive positions in and around the county, and the firepower equipment. Tell us as much as you can. As long as the situation is true, our People's Liberation Army will still make meritorious service for you. of."

"Reporting sir, the villain's name is Liu Desheng. He is a sergeant of the third security regiment in Fufeng County. There is only one security regiment in Fufeng County, and there are no other troops. The whole regiment has more than 1000 personnel, and the whole regiment has three battalions and nine battalions. The infantry company, plus the guard company of the regiment headquarters, is a total of ten companies. I don’t know how many heavy weapons there are. Anyway, our company only has three light machine guns. We don’t have any heavy machine guns like yours. There are no cannons and small mortars. There are a few guns, but not many shells."

Although this guy is very afraid of death, he is quite sharp-tongued, and then he talked about the defense situation around Fufeng and in the city. Of course, Li Yong couldn't finish believing what he said. This prisoner was just a soldier. He knew the situation limited.

Combining all kinds of situations that he could grasp, Li Yong concluded that the defense forces in Fufeng County were empty, and there was only one local security regiment with weak combat effectiveness. Solve the problem in a short time.

Thinking of this, Li Yong stood up excitedly, and immediately asked the soldiers to use the walkie-talkie to call political commissar Wang Chengde, chief of staff Fang Xin, battalion commanders and instructors of each battalion, and held a pre-war preparation meeting in the reconnaissance battalion.

Several other regiment-level commanders of the independent regiment were training new liberation fighters in the Yulin area. They did not follow this time, so now there are only three of them in the regiment headquarters.

Not long after, Wang Chengde, Fang Xin, and the commanders of each battalion drove over in their jeeps. According to Wang Chengde's intention, a car would be enough for the regiment leader, political commissar, and chief of staff. three cars.

Li Yong told Wang Chengde that one person needs a car. This is not a show off, but for combat needs. What if three people are sitting in a car and it happens to be hit by a landmine or a shell? ?It's not the end together, the three cars are necessary, Wang Chengde knew that he couldn't say it, so he let him go, but it was true after thinking about it.

More than 1000 people held a brief combat meeting at the headquarters of the reconnaissance battalion surrounded by vehicles. What Li Yong meant was that the defense forces in Fufeng County were empty, and there were more than [-] security regiments in one of the guards. It can be taken down completely, so the whole regiment should move forward quickly, without waiting for the main force of the column, use the strength of the independent regiment itself to capture Fufeng County, and open the way for the follow-up large force attack.

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, immediately stood up: "I agree with the opinion of the regiment commander. Our regiment has more than 3000 people, and the firepower is even stronger. It is superior in every aspect. The only thing the enemy can use is the city wall. The city walls of Fufeng are no match for Yulin, and our first battalion applied to the regiment party committee as an assault assault battalion, and we must break through his city defenses in the shortest possible time and enter."

Before Li Jiangguo's words fell, He Cuihua also stood up: "Why do you have to be a battalion as an assault battalion, and you can come if you can't have any good things. You are an assault battalion when you hit Yulin, and you have made meritorious service by breaking the crossroads." , and now want to claim credit? No, our Fifth Battalion applied to be the assault battalion, and I will lead the team, and I will definitely be able to break through the enemy's fortifications."

What Li Jiangguo and He Cuihua said made one person so angry, who is this person?The worst temper in the independent regiment is Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion. Ma Changsheng just thought about it. In the Battle of Yulin, the first and second battalions were assault battalions, and the fifth battalion was the main force to attack the headquarters of the 22nd Army. Although Ying did not make less effort, he followed others in after all, and he didn't even have the confidence to compare his credit with others.

In the battle of Yichuan, I and the soldiers of the whole battalion wanted to perform well, but things did not change quickly. My third battalion was left by the regiment leader as a reserve team, and the reconnaissance battalion and the first battalion were in the belly of the enemy's large army Going to the event, there are still a lot of seizures, which must be meritorious service.

The 100th Battalion and the Machine Gun Battalion stood firm and made great contributions without saying anything. The [-]th Battalion had more than [-] sharpshooters on the ground and made great contributions.

Even the supply battalion organized a commando to rush up, only my own third battalion did not use any strength, and stayed with the two guards in the regiment until the end of the battle. Hundreds of brothers in a battalion are no different from watching a big show, not to mention the credit, not even the side of the credit, even the regiment party committee will give credit for taking care of their own face, the soldiers of the whole battalion have no face to ask for it. The battalion commander is even more ashamed. His third battalion is the main infantry battalion, not the regiment's security force.

Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion, stood up suddenly: "I have already told you that our third battalion in Fufeng must be an assault battalion. If anyone of you robs me, I will be in a hurry, especially Lao Li. Let me tell you, if you rob me again, I will push you to the ground and beat you up after the head and political commissar have left."


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