The beacon of youth

Chapter 240 No Prisoners

Chapter 240 No Prisoners

In order to increase the independent combat capability of the basic infantry battalions of the independent regiment, Li Yong, the regiment leader, asked Wei Gang and Gao Xiang to return all the heavy machine guns and mortars seconded after the battle at Chakou.

According to Li Yong's thinking, battles can vary in size, and it is impossible for a regiment to be dispatched as a whole in every battle. If a battalion is dispatched to carry out the mission alone, it will suffer a disadvantage if it does not have heavy weapons when encountering a tougher enemy.

So now the machine gun platoons and artillery platoons of the five infantry battalions of the Independent Regiment are fully equipped. What is missing is the loss of personnel due to the war. In the past, there were many people but few weapons, but now there are many weapons and few weapons.

After the healed lightly wounded returned to the team, each battalion had less than 400 personnel, which was far from Li Yong's original request. This is why Li Yong asked the soldiers to capture more prisoners every time the battle was about to end. .

The three infantry battalions are fully equipped with dozens of heavy machine guns and mortars. These families are bought by the soldiers of the independent regiment with their own blood and lives. They have not won a few battles. It is a must to own such weapons. Impossible, don't even think about it.

From the Red Army to the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army and the People's Liberation Army, most of the weapons and equipment of the troops were captured. Such an army is vigorous enough from any angle.

Seeing that the fleeing soldiers of the security regiment of Fufeng County were within 100 meters of the soldiers' ambush position, the commander Li Jiangguo ordered the troops to open fire.

The battalion commanders are all at the same level, but when it is critical or necessary, they are still the same size. This is a rule or tradition in the army. For example, if all regiment commanders are killed in a battle, The replacement personnel are the first battalion commander.

This time the independent regiment dispatched three battalions to fight an ambush, and the commander leading the team must be Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, unless otherwise appointed by the superior.

Dozens of heavy machine guns and nearly [-] light machine guns suddenly burst out with powerful firepower. When several heavy machine guns fired in salvo, it could be heard that the machine guns were firing, but when dozens of heavy machine guns fired together, it The sound effect formed was like an explosion. Only hearing the "boom" from the ambush position of the three infantry battalions made people's ears buzz.

The dense bullet screen turned this piece of random graveyard into hell. The blood sprayed from the bullets hit the human body and stained the withered grass and leaves on the ground. Falling down, human beings are advanced animals that live in groups, and when faced with danger, they have an instinctive desire to come together, but now this desire has caused even greater casualties.

The light and heavy machine guns and mortars of the Independent Regiment gathered together to greet the crowd, and the bullets and shells fell like a storm. Under such intensive firepower, life was too fragile.

The smarter soldiers lay on the spot behind the grave and some simple concealments, but the grave was flattened by machine gun fire within a few seconds, and the bullets "puff puff" passed through the raised dust , and then kill the people lying behind, the intensive firepower of heavy machine guns can knock down the brick wall, not to mention the small graves with not much soil.

The soldiers of the Independent Regiment did not have the concept of conserving bullets like that of the old Eighth Route Army. The most important thing is to eliminate the enemy, whether it is bullets or not. Combining long and short bursts, holding the trigger and doing it non-stop, shooting is still shooting.

As long as people in the firepower net are hit by more than one bullet, they will be hit by more than a dozen bullets as long as their bodies tremble. It's impossible, the dead can't die anymore, and it's useless to eat the elixir of Tieguai Li.

The soldiers of the security regiment who were in the firepower network of the three infantry battalions of the Independence Regiment knew what firepower is at this moment. The person who was shot danced and shook for a while, and then fell down with bullet holes all over his body, and blood sprayed from the holes "嗤嗤" sprayed out.

No matter what, the head of the security regiment has been the head of the group for several years. Although he doesn't understand the war, he still has a heart.

The moment the heavy machine gun opened fire, he knew there was an ambush. He was surrounded by the Eighth Route Army and wanted to jump out of the car to escape, but his jeep target was too obvious. Six or seven hundred people were running around a car. obvious?Soldiers from several artillery platoons had already stared at him.

As soon as he opened the door of the car, before he jumped out, dozens of mortar shells came with sharp screams. After a series of tests in the war, the experience of the soldiers of the independent regiment gradually increased, and the artillery fire was also hit. More and more accurately, there were more than a dozen shells that fell within five meters around the jeep, and two of them hit the roof of the jeep directly, and then there was a violent explosion.

In the explosion of the cannonball, the head of the group went to the sky with his jeep, and then turned back into a pile of waste iron, parts and minced meat and fell down. Before he died, the head of the group probably regretted being surrounded by people. What a good thing, if you run alone, you might not die.

The soldiers of these security regiments have seen this kind of formation before, and they were even more out of their wits when they saw the head of the regiment was blown into the sky, crying: "Master of the Eighth Route Army, master of the Eighth Route Army, stop fighting, we surrender, we surrender." But On the battlefield where the guns are loud, the cries of people are so small that they can be ignored.

The violent shooting lasted for a full 5 minutes, Li Jiangguo shouted, stop.Then he ordered the troops to charge, and the soldiers on the ground jumped up violently. Less than 100 meters away, the troops rushed up in the blink of an eye.

The number of the three infantry battalions exceeded 1000, which was due to the decrease in personnel after the battle at the fork, but just like this, the number of people who shot just now was less than 300, and most of the soldiers in the independent regiment were equipped with submachine guns. Submachine guns are not as effective as modern automatic rifles, and they are not accurate at a distance.

At a distance of a hundred meters like just now, it is difficult for a submachine gun to be accurate. Therefore, all the fire is light and heavy machine guns and mortars. Most of the soldiers are just watching the fun, but the more they watch, the more depressed they become. Why are they depressed? ?The reason is very simple. The guys from the Kuomintang Security Corps couldn't help beating them up. They were knocked down in piles of heavy machine guns and mortars. Let alone fighting back, they couldn't do any tactical moves. Nothing to do with us.

Now that the heavy machine guns and mortars have stopped firing, the commander ordered the troops to attack again. The soldiers all rushed up, and some even shouted to each other: "Hurry up and see if there are any alive. This guy won without firing a single shot, what do you call this a war?"

When the soldiers rushed to the vicinity of the ambushed security group, they all stared wide-eyed. They saw dead bodies lying all over the place, not to mention living people, and it was difficult to find even a complete body. In a matter of minutes, even the guns and the people were all smashed to pieces by the fierce firepower.

While the soldiers were rummaging around, Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, Ma Quanyou, the commander of the second battalion, and Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion, also rushed up with the soldiers. So? Are there any prisoners? How many were caught alive?"

The soldiers who were asked all answered angrily: "There is a bullshit prisoner, can you take a good look at it, what kind of prisoner is this, I didn't even find a whole one, what kind of commander are you, please hurry up!" Give a cease-fire order, we may shoot a few shots to catch the prisoners, this is good, they all were killed."

The soldiers' complaints made Ma Quanyou, Ma Changsheng and others laugh out loud. Li Jiangguo scratched his head and ignored the soldiers' complaints. He picked up a rifle from the ground and searched for it with the barrel. He was still muttering: "Can I be blamed for this? I looked at my watch, and I stopped after 5 minutes of working. It has nothing to do with me who made them so irresistible and unable to catch prisoners. "

Just as they were rummaging around to see if there were any jobs left, another group of people rushed out from the north gate. The soldiers took a closer look at the armored car and knew that there was still No need to ask, this is the arrival of Wei Gang's machine gun battalion.

Dozens of cars drove over suddenly, each with a heavy machine gun and ten soldiers, and the barrels of the heavy machine guns were still spinning around.

When Li Jiangguo saw the situation, he shouted: "Wei Gang is too flirtatious. Look at him, this guy is as good as Hu Zongnan's own father."

While talking, the car drove up, and Wei Gang jumped out of the car and asked, "How is it? How much did the security team run away? The head of the team ordered our battalion to flank you back and forth, capture as many prisoners as possible, and try not to let a single one go." , all wiped out."

The soldiers of several infantry battalions left when they heard Wei Gang's words, and even Ma Quanyou and Ma Changsheng left, leaving only Li Jiangguo to stand up. an egg.

Lao Li looked back, saw that everyone had left, and replied a little embarrassedly: "Why are you attacking back and forth, you look down, let us do it, there is no work, and I didn't do it if I wanted to capture a few prisoners Now, I really want to catch a few to get some information, and now it's all over."

Wei Gang came out in a hurry, and he couldn't see well in the modified car. This time he took a closer look at the bottom of his feet, and this old Balu who had fought for many years was also shocked: "My God, Li Jiangguo, you kid is too ruthless, you don't even have a complete one, it's too much."

Li Jiangguo: "I didn't think of it like this, and it wasn't intentional. Didn't I stop it for a while? One prisoner was not caught. It's my fault. I'll go back and ask the head of the group to criticize."

Wei Gang: "Li Jiangguo, just talk, I don't know what's going on in your mind? Why do you ask for criticism from the head of the regiment? Can he criticize you with the temper of our head? If you have the ability, you can ask the political commissar for criticism. Dare to ask for criticism? Dare to go? Well? Dare to go?


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